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#1 2022-05-27 12:10:52

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,846

DERF Postings

DERF was an active member of NewMars ca 2004

Here is a post that ** almost ** reached the size limit of 10,000 characters.

It seems (to me at least) worth bringing back into view in 2022, because it described raising seedlings in a hot, humid mine far below the surface of the Earth, before they are transplanted into beds where sunlight is available.

The seedlings don't need sunlight to germinate, but they (apparently) appreciate hot, humid surroundings. … 362#p53362

Here is a bit more about DERF...

Registered: 2004-05-25 (
Last post: 2004-10-25 23:30:43
Last visit: 1969-12-31 20:00:00
Posts: 39 - Show all topics - Show all posts - Show all subscriptions

The "last visit" field is a curiosity ... I would have expected 2004-10-25

In any case, I am hoping someone will follow up with an update on the seedlings on the Sudbury mine property.

it sure does ** seem ** (to me at least) pertinent to the Mars venture, to consider growing seedlings in a hot, humid cavern under the surface of Mars.

The distance of that underground location remains to be determined.  On Earth I gather it is not all that far down.



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#2 2022-05-27 13:30:33

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: DERF Postings

That was early in my membership of just 3 months in 2004, wow time has flown by


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