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The Collapse of Rational thinking and post 90s JoeRogan culture.
I thought if I just ignored this 'culture' it might just go newmars search 'Flat Earth' returns a few hits but it mostly leads to debate on Politics, God, Reality, Alien, Creation ...nothing direct on the 'Flat Earther' people or psychological mindset.
My experience with watching Flat Earth idiots
and Should 'Flat Earthers' be allowed on Mars?
I honestly don't know how to explain the growth of this 'Flat Earth' movement, maybe its the fact we seem to be going culturally backwards at times. Perhaps it does not help with the perception America landed on the Moon a long time back but could not return in 50 years. Maybe it is the poor use of English in mobile cell phones, maybe its the failed common core math in the education system, maybe its the stupid MTV videos and drugs and pornography and booze and addictive video games and pot that finally rots peoples minds. Or maybe culturally the West is finally starting to regress de-evolve. I kind of know some of the 'artist' right and left I've done photography sometimes mixing or audio engineering, printed some art adverts, done editing for music track so these types people I do meet and crazed truther cultures are not always alien to me. A lot of them believe in UFOs, a lot of them would listen to people like maybe 'David Icke' or 'Joe Rogan'. The Flat-Earther a person who truly sounds like something from the 1500s maybe older times and even more ridiculous times, however it is an almost everyday person believes that the earth is flat like a piece of paper. I come across the Flat Earth thing in fringe twitter feeds first and even today I have no idea what to make of 'Flat Earth' group or movement other than to think its some bizarre political movement cult. Personally I do follow political and historical opinions, I have posted politics and have posted political stuff here, in newmars on news I read sources from left and right, maybe a feed on twitter or maybe something from a war in Liveleak before it went down or I see breaking vids in Ukraine on 'funker530' I will watch both Liberal-Leftwing and Republican-Conservative sources but then maybe my own conclusion without the buzz words and sound bites.
People from the Libertarian Left who are Flat Earthers seem to be either pot heads and part of the whole Anti-Bush movement, they don't trust the government, think the War in Iraq was a lie...but somewhere along the line they joined 'Flat Earth' cult. From the Rightside I see a whole bunch of people fearful of Obama years, the Admin was going to take their rights, they also believe in conspiracy and do not trust the government, the Conservative Right Loons who believe in Flat Earth seem to be Anti-NASA and have this weird religion element to their beliefs, for example quote some stupid thing from Bible which 'describes a firmament that separates the flat Earth from the Heavens'. Within the 'Truther Movement' itself there might be a political civil war if Flat Earth should be accepted.
For example take this heated blog
This is going to be a long article.Please take your time and read it. … -earthers/
Yesterday, on Facebook, a certain post prompted hundreds of comments, from a lot of people.Bellow, you can see the post in question.
He mentions 'Psyops' most 'truthers' believe in Psy-Ops or psychological operation, where the tv or facebook sends people special hidden messages or I'm not sure maybe the CIA or MI6 or 'Davos' or US army or they believe 'SpaceLizards' literally hire people for this position and some of the work includes keyboard push propaganda that Earth is Round or Push Propaganda Earth is Flat? I have no doubts propaganda does truly exist, governments do lie, Cyberwarfare is real but to say 'Flat Earth' is part of some vast government conspiracy seems like a stretch to me. Occam’s razor let's start ‘shaving off’ unlikely explanations, maybe stoned potheads watching online videos believe in Flat Earth because they are simply stoned pot heads.
What is a 'Truther',a truther is person who doubts official narrative on almost everything, its not Atomic-Veteran events were cruel or that Vietnam was wrong or Iraq was a lie, its Everything Is Wrong! They generally reject every thing, all accepted account of an event is fake not just the JFK Assassination, all are believing that an official conspiracy exists to conceal the true explanation; absurd conspiracy theories blaming the US Government or illuminati Holy-Grail bloodlines or Space Lizards for every problem in the universe. The truther is drawn and lured by the absurd, and other conspiracy theory, the Western civilisation always had truthers, anti-government people but the truther-ism movement went into full on acceleration during 'The 9/11 truth Movement', some believe a One-World-Currency Nesara NAFTA Fema camp thing is coming, others think George Bush jnr was 'Satanic' or Barack Obama's wife is not a wife but a transexual. I'm not sure if the Doomsday radio preacher style guy Alex Jones is a 'Flat Earther' but he had guys on his show that pushed Flat Earth, he is also an alt-medical self healing nutritional supplement salesman, plays radio shock-jock part and self-proclaimed "performance artist" Alex Jones has also been Subpoena'ed by Pelosi for the Rio at the US Capitol and sue by others for pushing quackery, lies and charlatan nonsense. Alex Jones infowars initially supported 'QAnon' online religion cult, however later Jones denounced believers of the QAnon conspiracy theory who were under control of another rival entity / conspiracy? As dumb and stupid as truther movement sounds it sometimes does have some slightly interesting political point and is part of America's open discourse and free speech and open debate.
Some of the Flat Earthers I see online in long vid are very scientific almost rational people these gamer kids they will do complex measurements with Light and GPS and measuring sticks down to fractions of an inch and millimeters, set up experiments with lasers just to prove 'Earth Is Flat'. There are hours long videos on the internet of people doing these experiments claimb mountains and go on flats with camera and look into the distant horizon, however when they conclude their study experiment it shows Earth is infact 'Round' and on video these young guys have this beaten disappointing look on their faces. These people I find most difficult to understand, they are good at math and logic but it seems there is something wrong with them, maybe cultish or a case of Asperger’s and severe Autism.
One of the biggest pushers of Flat Earth was Joe Rogan’s videos and Joe Rogan radio podcast, Joe Rogan has far more viewers than CNN or BBC or almost any big tv network. While Joe Rogan can come off as an idiot his ability to connect with an audience should not be under estimated, he apparently 'won' a debate on Flat Earth vs Philip Cary Plait also known as The Bad Astronomer, Joe Rogan simply confused and bamboozled him with random internet nonsense regarding shadows and NASA coverups and photoshops of Moon Landings. Rogan is a huge platform, politicans go on his show, media music celebs, the number of people who listen to Joe Rogan's podcasts and vids sometimes have about 11 million viewers per episode, industrial people like Musk will go on his show. As stupid as Joe Rogan sounds he is smart in his own way he has guile and very quick wit, he did stand up comedy, experience with martial arts UFC MMA, hosted and presented film and tv shows, then I bleieve after sports injury he began to self medicate including taking psychedelics, which gave him 'mind-expanding revelations'. One of the biggest pushers of Flat Earth on his show was a guy Eddie Bravo, this martial artist Edgar Bravo né Cano; also started to self medicate with sports injury, while rolling around on the ground with other sweaty men he found himself getting stoned and became a strong proponent of cannabis, attributing it with helping his creativity in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Before '911 was an inside job' or before Dan Brown's DaVinci Code or before Q-Anon you had guys like Eddie Bravo pushing every kind of conspiracy nonsense that could ever exist, he is a believer in many conspiracy theories. You are talking about a sizeable percentage of the US population now exposed to this Flat Earth nonsense and joinging the Flat Earth Cult.
I have come to the conclusion that Flat Earthers have some sort of mental condition where they could easily join a 'Cult' some of them seem to be very Eastern Esoteric Yoga people who believe we are all in a VR simulation like the Matrix or that Total Recall movie with Schwarzenegger or they drug addicts or are former addicts of some substance and are not fully connected with reality.
Flat Earthers reveal just how insane they are … -insanity/
at conference in England
The really special thing about Flat Earth believers is that they think everyone else is insane, even other Flat Earthers who don’t believe exactly what they themselves believe. For example, there’s a subset of the Flat Earth community that believes that the Earth is flat and that it is surrounded by a wall of ice that we know as Antarctica. Others, meanwhile, think that there’s water right up to the edge, but that a massive dome covers the entire flat planet like a roof, keeping everything nice and tidy inside.
I used to laugh at stuff like this
...however with the growth of Flat-Earth into the Tens of Millions I now just shake my head.
'How the Internet Caused Explosive Growth in the Flat Earth Theory'
This article is part of the problem. I'm about to talk about Flat Earthers, which is exactly what they want.
BBC chief would give flat Earther more time if more believed conspiracy … onspiracy/
A BBC chief has said the broadcaster would give more airtime to flat Earthers if there were more of them about.
Jordan said: "Flat-Earthers are not going to get as much space as people who believe the Earth is round, but very occasionally it might be appropriate to interview a flat-Earther. And if a lot of people believed in flat Earth we’d need to address it more.
"It’s critical to the BBC that we represent all points of view and give them due weight."
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-05-26 08:19:31)
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When I first heard about this Flat Earth thing, I assumed that it must be a joke, or maybe some kind of satire. But apparently there are people that really do believe in this stuff. I wonder if they also believe that the Earth sits on four pillars supported off the back of a giant turtle?
How these people are able to rationalise the idea of a flat Earth, I have no idea. I think it proves how impervious to logic many human beings are. Beliefs are founded on deep seated emotional prejudices. Once the idea is established as part of the inner mythology of these people, their rational minds look for ways of rationalising the predetermined truth, rather than testing the idea. The Flat Earth movement demonstrates the failure of the human mind to adhere to scientific method. It reveals it to be an emotionally driven construct. Flat Earth is useful in its own way, because it exposes a flaw in human consciousness. That people are capable of reaching to such an extent to justify such an obviously flawed belief, rather than challenging the belief itself, which has become sacrosanct to them. Flat Earth is the most obviously obsurd example. But the same way of thinking is endemic to all human beings to either a greater or lesser extent. Throughout history, people have been oppressed and even murdered, because they failed to buy in to ideologies that other people had elevated to the status of religions. There are probably some deep seated evolutionary reasons why human beings behave in this way. But to an outsider, it always looks ridiculous and crazy.
Last edited by Calliban (2022-05-26 07:57:22)
"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."
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For Mars_B4_Moon and Calliban ....
Thanks for taking up this important topic.
Human beings have evolved powerful computing engines organized as neural networks.
For as far back as records exist, human beings have been ingesting misinformation into those neural networks along with valid information.
The pace of ingestion has increased dramatically in recent times, but your topic (as I understand it) is intended to focus upon the growth of misinformation, and the integration of that misinformation into the mental maps inside human neural networks.
If a human fails to critically examine information presented from the outside world, before taking it into the brain, then that misinformation becomes as strong as good information when it is accessed. Inside the brain, (as i experience it) there are no tags for misinformation. It is purely a matter of how items of information are filed that determines how they are delivered to consciousness when needed.
It seems to me that the ability to evaluate the quality of information is not a strong suit of many humans. I am hoping your topic here will evolve to consider the consequences of intake of misinformation by human neural networks, over the centuries, and particularly today, when a flood is as close as the nearest Smartphone.
Update later: Critical Thinking is an expression given currency by some. Critical Data Storage seems a logical corrolary.
In Computer Science, the expression is: "Garbage In, Garbage Out"
It seems to me (as I survey the scene in 2022) that a lot of humans never learned how to differentiate between garbage information and at least reasonable information. As a result, millions (if not billions) of neural networks are (or appear to be) stuffed to the gills with garbage.
Update later: A complication is that humans have the ability to generate, and to ** propagate ** their ** own ** garbage information.
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I think you hit the nail on the head. The emotional / irrational part of the human brain reliably overrides the rational part, such that the rational part attempts to justify what the emotional part wants to believe is true. All evidence or lack thereof is contorted or ignored to reinforce the validity of the belief system. I think it's a coping mechanism of some kind that attempts to reduce a lack of understanding of a complex phenomenon to something that the person who holds the belief can understand.
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Conspiracy Theories are wrong, CERN LHC is not a portal to Hell … l-to-hell/
People believe in some devil Cthulhu creature,
they think Cern is an Occult Voodoo Hoodoo thing a Twilight Zone or Hellboy monster portal or in Sam Neill's Event Horizon Horror Scifi movie?
Fact check: Scientists at CERN are not opening a 'portal to hell' … 0094679002
The claim: Scientists at CERN are communicating with demonic entities and opening a portal to hell
insane news from Nigeria says they will stargate to some devil planet … ells-gate/
The origin of paranoia viral news
CERN ritual hoax
A CERN spokesperson stated that the video was a prank and that no one was actually harmed. The mock ritual was performed without any official permission. CERN stated that it "doesn't tolerate this kind of spoof" and that it can "give rise to misunderstandings about the scientific nature of our work".
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A prominent scientist posted an image of a distant star he said was taken by the Webb telescope. It was actually a slice of chorizo.
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The hoak live on for the lunar landings as well.
Flat Earthers: What They Believe and Why
Then you have the ship that crashed trying to prove it
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Will Mars have paranoid radio doomsday shock jocks?
Flat-Earther's quest not on the horizon … 327168.php
A self-proclaimed flat-Earther recently failed in his latest attempt to expose what he says is a giant lie about the Earth.
Flat-Earthers firmly believe the Earth is flat like a disc and that all of the information in science and physics books is a hoax and that textbook publishers are crooks. Judging by what colleges charge students for book rental I believe the part about the textbook publishers.
Flat-Earthers generally do not believe in gravity and think Isaac Newton’s 3 laws of gravity are unconstitutional and should be repealed.
and Alex Jones made the news again
How to describe Alex Jones for someone who has never heard a broadcast, never watched an online video, all I can say is most people seem to 'experience' Alex Jones for the first time and the word that is often used to describe him is simply 'crazy'.
its probably incorrect to start calling infowars 'Alex Jones' a Flat Earther, if he is a Flat Earther he is not just a Flat Earth guy. He leads many cnspiracy but has also often been blamed for starting a conspiracy he is not truly a part of, he is not leading the 'Q-Anon' movement either but did talk about QAnon on his show, he does link to it but maybe its wrong to blame him for all conspiracies. There were big conspiracy guys before Alex Jones, however AlexJones infowars takes the paranoid up to another level. There always has been conspiracy paranoid talk before Alex Jones, a preacher handing out doomsday fear porn leaflets preaching the end times. In every city you have a preacher conspiracy guy talk about spiritualism corruption and morality, 'The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail books', talk about British Royals, talk about Communist infiltration of America or Banker Jewish Rothschild family or the Vatican or how America was going to be invaded by immigration or the Dollar getting attacked by the Yen or people putting poison in the food and water, conspiracy about the Vatican, the JFK assassination, UFO alien religion or old money elites or New Communist Marxist movement or Messages in the Tv. There was always a crazy conspiracy or a book sold somewhere but today Alex Jones is where a lot of conspiracies meet, he one of the big ones, he is the channel where many of modern conspiracy rivers flow together into one big radio show website.
Alex Jones’ 5 most disturbing and ridiculous conspiracy theories … ories.html
The rational wiki entry
Alexander Emerick Jones (1974–imminent FEMA takeover) is a "despicable, pustule of a man…" nutritional supplement salesman who moonlights as a psychotic radio shock-jock and a legally certified self-proclaimed "performance artist". His specialty is making up conspiracy theories to amuse his audience (that or he's either the world's best parodist or a con artist who pretends to be a conspiracy theorist so he can sell overpriced junk to actual conspiracy theorists), and is the world's most powerful conspiracy pusher, with his shows drawing millions of views daily weekly. Just about the only conspiracy theories he doesn't push are the ones founded in Bigotry, Creationism, or wherever the Hell Flat Earthery comes from. Any time anything interesting happens anywhere on Earth, there's a 100% chance Jones has found "proof" it is either (1) a false flag operation by the New World Order or (2) a "massive coverup operation" run by the New World Order. No exceptions. Seriously, the guy can't stub his toe without blaming a shadowy cabal of furniture manufacturers. You would think the white coats would have taken him away in a straightjacket by now New World Order would've eliminated this widely-known bearer of all their secrets, but nope. For some reason they see fit to let him continue.
The fake-news website Infowars is Jones' Internet home; even the advertisements link to more conspiracy theories. The site is quite popular, with an Alexa ranking of 4200 as of July 2018. Much like NaturalNews, citing Infowars in an argument usually means you are completely wrong, or you may be so divorced from reality that your view is literally beyond wrong, yet everyone on YouTube does it.
The site appears to push anti-science and apocalyptic views. For example, it once claimed the number of volcanoes erupting was massively above average, the planet was becoming less "stable", and much of the world had entered into a time of immense earthquakes and scientists don't know why. (All this despite that no such increase occurred.
Alexander Emmerick "Alex" "Dow" Jones is just so way out we suspect he may be a Paranoid Schizophrenic. He's mostly known as a libertarian conservative (though he acts just like a Republican and not a Libertarian) and very err American radio talk show host and conspiracy theorist. He also does far-out-there documentaries such as the paranoia-filled "The Obama Deception: The Mask Comes Off." which was released in 2009. While he's wrong to be a birther, not for racist reasons but usual paranoid schizophrenia, he's definitely anti-Bush, and has also been a conspiracy insider for former Governor Jesse Ventura for "Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura." Best known for shouting uncontrollably to where even Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh both forget what they're fussing about.
Jones believes that 9/11, the Sandy Hook shootings, the Moon landing, and the Oklahoma City Bombing were all performed by the government all so a New World Order could be formed with the big businesses in charge.
Showing more of his stupidity when he was talking Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden he accidentally pronounced his last name way-day when really he should have said why-den.
On January 7, 2013, Alex decided to throw a hissy fit on the Piers Morgan Show when he thought Piers was trying to get rid of all guns. Alex would not shut the f**k up for more than three seconds at a time when Piers was trying to calmly debunk him.
The crazed-pig apparently believes that Sesame Street is trying to give kids autism, by sending a message to get their kids vaccinated. Alex also believes that Julia, the newest muppet (and the first on the autistic spectrum), is used as a "brainwashing scam" on pre-schoolers and their parents. More specifically, he criticizes Elmo on "not finding out why Julia is brain damaged".
The conservapedia entry
Alexander Emerick “Alex” Jones (born February 11, 1974, age 48) is an American paleoconservative/libertarian radio host, documentary filmmaker, video blogger and podcaster. His show, The Alex Jones Show, is a part of his larger projects, Infowars and Prison Planet, which usually deal with governmental Nanny state failures, the existence of a coming police state, constitutionalism and government conspiracies. He is outspokenly pro-life and has gone to many anti-Planned Parenthood protests.
He has also appeared several times as a guest on Coast to Coast AM.
On August 6, 2018, Jones was "unpersoned" when the monopoly controlled tech companies colluded to delete all of his content and ban him from their platforms. Commentator Mark Dice referred to it as "the digital equivalent of book burning." The move was widely interpreted by First Amendment activists as a threat by liberal censors against the free exchange of ideas among conservatives.
On October 21, 2021, Jones accurately predicted that globalists would foment an international crisis for war in February 2022
You can decide yourself what the heck Alex Jones is and what agenda he is selling and in a ways I personally find all these different entry from conservapedia, rationalwiki and the fandom entry to all have a level of truth to them,
he is a despicable radio shock-jock
he is Anti-Science, he believes real life events were 'Faked' by the 'New World Order'.
he was also 'Attacked' in a ways by BigTech who wanted to ban him
Alex Jones ordered to pay Sandy Hook parents more than $45M in punitive damages
Steve Bannon Calls Alex Jones One of the Greatest Political ‘Thinkers’ Since the ‘Revolutionary Generation’ … 38988.html
Alex Jones: Five revealing moments from Sandy Hook trial
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones to pay $4.1 mn in Sandy Hook damages … ok-damages
Alex Jones trial: Infowars host must pay Sandy Hook victim Jesse Lewis' family $4 million … -4-million
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-08-07 05:11:20)
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Joe won a debate vs Phil they say.
Maybe he didn't really want to debate the math or science, he was just there to win, go political and to wind up Plait? Joe Rogan once again got into trouble for podcast specifically to Corona virus cures and Covid views
Flat Earthers: Harmless eccentricity or dangerous anti-science cult? … 61554.html
I watched hundreds of flat-Earth videos to learn how conspiracy theories spread – and what it could mean for fighting disinformation … n/1015303/
Penn Fraser Jillette American magician, actor, musician, inventor, television presenter
Joe Revisits the Phil Plait Moon Landing Debate w/Penn Jillette
Kathy Griffin Worries Joe Rogan More Dangerous to America Than Trump … mp-1730388
‘Uncanny!’ Joe Rogan notices familial resemblance between Justin Trudeau and late communist dictator … r-1271589/
Flat-earthers stuck in a rut over Suez Canal’s lack of locks … -of-locks/
on the subject of media and culture of drugs?
Has Rogan helped push degeneracy, hedonism and drug culture across America?
What is DMT & Why Does Joe Rogan Discuss It?
Using DMT could create several health risks, including a serotonin overdose, increased heart rate, loss of muscle control, dizziness, nausea
and back to Phil's science blogs
Phil Plait he once ran a 'bad astronomy' board, it later became a combo of the universe today board sometinmes you can find old dead links in newmars debates but it has now been replaced by cosmoquest, Phil is still active, he does guest spots on tv shows, interacts with social media online … 3584732160
You also has a youtube which he uses about once every 1-2 months
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-08-10 12:32:22)
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Flat Earthers are only the most absurd example of anti-science fanatics. They are useful idiots, because they provide a pure example of the ability of human beings to continue to believe in dogma, even after it has been buried far beyond any reasonable doubt. There are just so many holes in the idea of a flat Earth, that it is easy to think it must be some kind of joke. But it is actually serious for some people. There are people that think the moon landings were a hoax; that the Earth was created in six days some four millenia ago; that evolution is bunk and humans were effectively made, fully formed, by god some four thousand years ago. These people will never be persuaded by any amount of evidence, because for them the idea is sacrosanct. They have latched onto it and need it for emotional security, for the basis of a community, etc. This is how stupid human beings are. They will often fight to the death to defend an indefensible idea.
Last edited by Calliban (2022-08-10 09:23:18)
"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."
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Proud Boys Founder Gavin McInnes Interrupted Mid-Show, Sparks Theories … ed-1737389
Zuckerberg is speaking to the audience of Flat Earthers?
Joe Rogan podcast - live: Zuckerberg stirs controversy discussing ‘perfect’ bots, Hunter Biden and Metaverse … 35436.html
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-08-28 06:11:09)
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NBA: Shaquille O'Neal reveals why he thinks the earth is flat … -flat.html
'How many believe we went to the moon, but manufactured most images?' … 103984215/
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How do you convince a flat-earther that our planet is really round … round.html
A Fairhaven man was first to sail solo around the world. What happened next is a mystery … 08044.html
So coming across the Flat Earth feed I found
Flat Earth Lunacy which might be Anti-FlatEarth … ocate-fail
Falt Earth Bible which is Pro-FlatEarth?
what shocked me more than how bad these websites were laid out was the ammount of Flat Earth trash, dozens and dozens of films and online videos produced each day.
Flat Earthers are only the most absurd example of anti-science fanatics. They are useful idiots, because they provide a pure example of the ability of human beings to continue to believe in dogma, even after it has been buried far beyond any reasonable doubt. There are just so many holes in the idea of a flat Earth, that it is easy to think it must be some kind of joke. But it is actually serious for some people.
One of them might have killed himself?
Then you have the ship that crashed trying to prove it
So that is the idiot dead guy Mike Hughes?
Mike Hughes, a daredevil and flat-Earth conspiracy theorist, used a homebuilt crewed-rocket in an attempt to see for himself if the Earth is flat on 24 March 2018. His rocket made of scrap metal was estimated to cost $20,000, and using a mobile home as a custom launchpad managed to climb 1,875 feet (572 m) with Hughes inside and ended with a hard landing but with parachutes successfully deploying. The amateur rocketeer was not seriously injured and remained firm in his flat Earth beliefs. He claimed that real evidence will come with "larger rockets". Hughes was killed in an accident on 22 February 2020 while piloting a flight of his steam-powered rocket in a further attempt to prove the Earth was flat. The accident was caused by an early deployment and separation of the return parachute on the vehicle. The rocket impacted after falling from an altitude of several hundred feet. Hughes was killed instantly. … h-is-flat/
There is even a movie about them.
Behind the Curve is a 2018 documentary film about flat Earth believers in the United States.
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-09-14 11:31:34)
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Another Flat Earther, this time its a tone deaf non musical Rapper?
B.o.B Denies Being Anti-Semitic, Revisits Flat-Earth Claims & Cancel Culture
It is said Bobby Ray Simmons Jr. played the trumpet in his school band from elementary school through high school, his parents wanted him to continue his education, B.o.B however decided in sixth grade that he wanted to pursue a music he could hear music or quit because he was tone deaf?
Then he got his first keyboard and pressed the 'rhythm on' button to make beats on it. … l-culture/
“Airplanes” rapper B.o.B is brushing off student protestors upset some of his past lyrics are being construed as anti-semitic.
Members of the University of Central Florida Jewish community have called for a boycott of his upcoming August 25 tour appearance for their Welcome Week … citing his 2016 flat-earther, Neil deGrasse Tyson-dissing track “Flatline” for its olive branch extended towards Holocaust denier David Irving.
Bobby Ray tells TMZ Hip Hop he doesn’t have any issues with any colors or creeds, and the show will go on as planned this week.
B.o.B says that particular time period was a weird one for him — but he learned a lot through massive book consumption and traveling the globe.
He even considers himself a cancel culture survivor … having taken lumps on social media for his deep philosophical dives.
The enigmatic rapper just released a 12-song album titled “Better Than Drugs” … but says he’ll clarify his past flat-earthing and other conspiracy theories on a new song called “TED Talk” to be released on another project in the near future.
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-09-23 09:46:05)
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This guy obviously feels that his role in life is to be anti conventional wisdom. What he doesn't seem to realise is that what is real isn't arbitrary. The nature of the Earth and human history doesn't change simply because you have decided to imagine it differently.
I don't know how anyone can turn a blind eye to WW2 German war crimes. These people decimated Eastern Europe and killed tens of millions of civilians, either directly, or by depriving them of the things they needed to stay alive. German concentration camps were starvation camps where people were worked to death. You don't need to believe they were, there is moving footage showing the truth for all to see. These were places where people were sent to die. Whether hydrogen cyanide gas was used to hurry the process along is besides the point. Nor is this sort of shit unique to what Germany did to the Jewish people. The Jews are simply the most powerful victims and happen to control western media. So you hear more about their mistreatment. The British committed similar atrocities against the Afrikaaners in South Africa. The Germans killed well over 10 million Russian civilians during their advance to Moscow. The British bombing of Dresden was an atrocity on the same scale as the Jewish Holocaust. It just happened to be carried out against civilians that most of the Western World had labelled as enemies. The US bombing of Japanese cities was an attrocity comitted against civilian populations. The Armenian holocaust was an atrocity that the Turks never paid for. The Turkish atrocities against the Kurds are something that few people in the west give a crap about. The Chinese atrocities against Tibetans and Uiygers are being highlighted in the West, only because they are politically useful in our trade disputes against the Chinese. The Jewish atrocities against Palestinians, many of whom are Christians, has received very little criticism in the west, mostly because British and American government and media are owned by zionist Jews. The US has anti-boycott laws specifically designed to prevent corporate groups from punishing the Jewish state for what it did to a civilian population that happened to stand in its way. That tells you a lot about who really runs the US from behind the scenes. The US is a largely European nation and can lay claim to many of mankind's highest achievements. But it was founded through conquest of the previously dominant asiatic population. The way those people were treated would be considered a holocaust by todays standards. How the native americans treated white settlers was even more brutal. But they were on the losing side, so it is more fashionable to feel sorry for them.
Human history is ugly. One nation's success if usually the result of the slaughter of others. Human evolution is a brutal business. No point in denying it. The Earth is a slightly prolate spheroid. It cannot possibly be any other shape, because the crust cannot sustain the shear stresses than would be imposed by gravity if it were any other shape. This isn't a matter of opinion, it is a matter of fact. Physics tells us it cannot be any other way. Deciding to believe differently won't change this fact. Interestingly, there are asteroids that are kind of flattish. This happens because their bulk strength is sufficient to prevent their collapse to a spherical geometry under gravity. That isn't a matter of opinion either. We have photographs of them that proves this fact.
Last edited by Calliban (2022-09-23 10:27:43)
"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."
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Sportsball experts
Another one, I blame drugs, he's unsure if his basketball is round or flat but he's sure Planet Earth is flat?
Kyrie Irving's Long, Complicated History of Conspiracies
Irving not only believes the Earth is flat but that the jury is still out on what dinosaurs actually looked like. … es-1743858
He said during a 2017 interview that experts "find one bone and they make up 98 percent of it digitally" to create "pictures of what they think [dinosaurs] should look like."
Is this Scientologist, Grey Lizard Grays, creationist territory?
I remember before people making 'Jesus' look like the 'Raptor' from Jurrasic Park and always thought it a silly 4chan dumb meme but now I'm not so sure anymore
Irving revealed during a podcast in the same year that he believes Earth isn't round.
"The Earth is flat," he said, according to ESPN. "The Earth is flat ... It's right in front of our faces."
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Rogan Became a Weaponized Fool??
Not sure
A political woman tries to debunk Joe Rogan
Here is why Rogan is not always wrong, even in his own stoned kinda way he can stumble into moments of common sense
a highly followed channel called Illuminati or 'Naughty'? talks about podcast industry, Blair Zoń? interweb infighting drama ? … 1541550698 she is a part of the collaboration channel Sad Milk. She used to call out stealth marketing, I guess what you might call product placement, advertised commercial consumer brands that for no reason start showing up almost as adverts in a fictional movie and calling out the people who shill products/services for an MLM and get a cut, Multi Level Marketing (MLM).... Iilluminaughtii as a channel perhaps had its use.
So now she covers the Joe Rogan, Mark Zuckerberg, Hunter Biden laptop scandal?
Rogan is not always wrong because maybe called out the Dude who started wearing a dress and beating the crap out of women.
Unfortunate politics wrecks the video the channel Illuminati or naughty also brings up points against Rogan because of a Mixed Martial Arts fighter who admits 'she' was born male Fallon Fox, Transgender MMA Fighter who Broke the Skull of Her Opponent, I fast forwarded through most of the tranny thing as I think there is just something wrong with this whole obsession, I think it is especially criminal and perverted to push this weirdness anywhere near kids or make big dudes fight women in combat sports. There is also a guy Oz is in the and a bunch of people who call themselves the Milk Men. He identifies as pansexual and there were also a bunch of gamers, tv watchers and you tube people who made reaction face videos called 'Sad Milk' or 'Streamed Milk'.
Iilluminaughtii a weird tube social media channel, Oz Media so She is of course part of that gay homosexual pride thing and openly bisexual which might be why she's try to paint Rogan as some alt-right Nazi but he's actually a Sanders voter.
She doesn't really touch the drug culture thing so I'm not sure she understands the Dreamy Gullibility people stoned have with the drug having an influence on people's thinking and personality, also mentions the Canadian podcaster news guy Gavin McInnes.
She calls Musk 'Not The Best Person'
Maybe she's an authoritarian and one of Elon's free speech tweets offended her?
Another thing she might not notice is that maybe the Rogan type may have criticized Lockdowns because their own personal issues, many Rogan people when not stoned out of their minds with some sleep cheech and chong monkey grin on their face then are already inside their own cell of lockdown paranoia. More Lockdown would give these types even less freedoms than they already had as weed started eat their minds and to restrict their own life, as Rogan's type of people or himself can be a paranoid isolationist, pothead or weed people can have a change of mindset and move into a state of hermit life or acute social withdrawal. I think maybe she kinda missed the point on criticism of Lockdowns as Crona, it was not the ancient Plague nor was it the Black Death, she then ironically finishes the vid with advertisements and products to sell.
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-09-26 12:22:09)
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Anti-science beliefs can be a vicious circle … 00399.html
There appears to be, at least for some topics, an inverse relationship between how much a person knows and how confident they feel in their knowledge.
That is, on average, the less you know, the more you think you know—with the qualification that this rule doesn’t seem to apply to every controversy in science, just a lot of them.
Putin knows how to win Ukraine??
Clothes of Tsar Dictator Emperor Putin?
Anti-war journalist who faced ten years in jail for TV protest Escapes and goes on run
Russian journalist who bravely shared anti-war message escapes house arrest. Marina Ovsyannikova became internationally known after protesting against the Russian military action. … d-28144503
Geraldo Rivera Slams Ted Cruz As 'Flat-Earther' For Preposterous Claim Trump Won Election … 02986.html
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-10-03 23:57:15)
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The FFS Show 39: Why do people believe in flat earth theory? … th-theory/
Ali is joined by Ferret journalist Jamie Mann for episode 39 of the FFS Show.
This week we look at flat earth theory. Ali interviews marketing expert Dr Carlos Diaz Ruiz from Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki.
He explains how promoters of the flat earth conspiracy use marketing techniques to spread the theory, and how such techniques are present in other grand conspiracies such as QAnon.
I think people are attracted to guys like Rogan because Western Media seems so sterile and plastic and fake now, but not as bad as Russian propaganda.
The thing about Joe Rogan is he's not always wrong, he will almost have any wacko person on his show both good and bad, Musk has been there for example, Brian Cox another guest, musicians and writers, Billy Corgan rockstar from Smashing Pumpkins he talks about life inside music the environment and gives insight into how the music industry and how industry has changed. Joe Rogan show will have lots of different people on the show and the disgraced steroid doper cyclist Lance Armstrong, people from military Jocko Willink he has actors, sports stars, comedians,fringe science guys who are not pier reviewed 'Randall Carlson' for example but with every good radio show or video or podcast you will also get lots of nonsense, a lot of them take alcohol and drugs while on air. Maybe because of sports injury he constantly pushes different nutritional health or alt-medical ideas.
Rogan has been trending in the news again recently
'Dave Smith Breaks Down the Reasons Russia Invaded Ukraine' … raine.html
'Ukraine Army rep calls out JRE guest Dave Smith on the bulls**t he spread when on the show'
I'm not sure Rogan has an answer to any complex world politics other than everyone smoking weed, taking acid or mushrooms or getting into the whole stoner bro' culture and asking if he tried DMT?
FBI Responds to Mark Zuckerberg's Claims on 'The Joe Rogan Experience' … 24947.html
There were many Alternate or mixed theories in the ancient world but why are some which were clearly wrong still surviving today, is it the drugs?
This ellipsoid or Spherical Earth or Earth's curvature refers to the approximation of figure of the Earth as a sphere. The earliest documented mention of the concept dates from around the 5th century BC, when it appears in the writings of Greek philosophers
Hermannus Contractus (1013–1054) was among the earliest Christian scholars to estimate the circumference of Earth with Eratosthenes' method. St. Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274), the most widely taught theologian of the Middle Ages, believed in a spherical Earth and took for granted that his readers also knew the Earth is round.
The influential theologian and philosopher Saint Augustine, one of the four Great Church Fathers of the Western Church, similarly objected to the "fable" of antipodes
But as to the fable that there are Antipodes, that is to say, men on the opposite side of the Earth, where the sun rises when it sets to us, men who walk with their feet opposite ours that is on no ground credible. And, indeed, it is not affirmed that this has been learned by historical knowledge, but by scientific conjecture, on the ground that the Earth is suspended within the concavity of the sky, and that it has as much room on the one side of it as on the other: hence they say that the part that is beneath must also be inhabited. But they do not remark that, although it be supposed or scientifically demonstrated that the world is of a round and spherical form, yet it does not follow that the other side of the Earth is bare of water; nor even, though it be bare, does it immediately follow that it is peopled. For Scripture, which proves the truth of its historical statements by the accomplishment of its prophecies, gives no false information; and it is too absurd to say, that some men might have taken ship and traversed the whole wide ocean, and crossed from this side of the world to the other, and that thus even the inhabitants of that distant region are descended from that one first man.
The Vedic old Hindu Indian texts depict the cosmos in many ways. One of the earliest Indian cosmological texts picture the Earth as one of a stack of flat disks.
A spherical terrestrial globe was introduced to Yuan-era Khanbaliq (i.e. Beijing) in 1267 by the Persian astronomer Jamal ad-Din, but it is not known to have made an impact on the traditional Chinese conception of the shape of the Earth. As late as 1595, an early Jesuit missionary to China, Matteo Ricci, recorded that the Ming-dynasty Chinese say: "The Earth is flat and square, and the sky is a round canopy; they did not succeed in conceiving the possibility of the antipodes." In the 17th century, the idea of a spherical Earth spread in China due to the influence of the Jesuits, who held high positions as astronomers at the imperial court. Matteo Ricci, in collaboration with Chinese cartographers and translator Li Zhizao, published the Kunyu Wanguo Quantu in 1602, the first Chinese world map based on European discoveries. … tulip-map/
Portuguese navigation down and around the coast of Africa in the latter half of the 1400s gave wide-scale observational evidence for Earth's sphericity. In these explorations, the Sun position moved more northward the further south the explorers travelled. Its position directly overhead at noon gave evidence for crossing the equator. These apparent solar motions in detail were more consistent with north–south curvature and a distant Sun, than with any flat-Earth explanation.
I rarely if ever link to reddit although it sells itself as the front page of the net it is dying and I think it is a zombie culture degenerate site, there are lots of Reddit Users that promote Vices, drug and alcohol use, the degenerate swinging bug chaser lifestyle, weirdos in control inside mod and admin teams, not all of reddit is bad sometimes there is a open chat or debate and inside reddits own leftist and rightist cults some will Reveal What Made Flat-Earthers Change Their Minds ...However reddit has done A LOT to promote conspiracy such as flat earth.
20 Reddit Users Reveal What Made Former Flat-Earthers Change Their Minds … eir-minds/
Conspiracy theories are probably as old as the world itself. Chances are that you've probably heard some of them too―for example, of 9/11 being an inside job, or Jews ruling the world, or vaccines causing autism, etc. Psychologists say that in uncertain times or after experiencing certain traumas, a person can be more prone to believing in conspiracy theories. But as with everything in life, it's way more complicated than that.
So when one Redditor asked a question Former flat-earthers, what made you realize the earth is, in fact, not flat?, the thread was bound to go viral. Although only a handful of former flat-earthers came forward, it's still interesting to see what made them change their minds. Or, what made them believe in conspiracy theories in the first place. So scroll below to read the answers from 20 people and share in the comment section whether * you * (or your loved one) have ever found yourself deep down of the rabbit hole of conspiracies.
This Flat Earth nonsense or fake flat Earth model pushed is an old voodoo archaic and scientifically disproven conception of Earth's shape as a plane,a flat page or disk.
for now the people who believe Earth is spherical seem to be winning their meme war?
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-10-10 06:08:57)
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Connecticut court rules Alex Jones owes Sandy Hook victims over $1 billion. … 6111781888
Alex Jones ordered to pay $965 million for Sandy Hook lies … f0e3e1c08f
'The Flat Earth Conspiracy Theory' … 3099230719
Charles K. Johnson took over this absurd Flat Earth Society back in 1972 from his residence back in California. He’s actually the person who introduced an entire idea of there being an actual conspiracy behind this theory. Apparently he said that not only is the Earth actually flat but there’s an entire conspiracy that prevents you from knowing that.
With this statement he managed to attract people and got the society to almost 3000 members. This Flat Earth Society was revived with a website in 2004 by Daniel Shenton. These people went as far as inventing their own mathematics and astronomy.
This society started following the Zetetic method which primarily says that if you perceive something it is true. Hence if you perceive the Earth is flat this method deduces that it is flat.
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Half of Dutch public believe in one or more conspiracy theories … y-theories
Dutch far-right leader claims world is governed by 'evil reptiles'
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Maybe he took too many uppercuts, body slams and round house kicks to the head?
UFC fighter lays out his 'true' flat-earth theory, claims he can prove it … t-20221020
UFC fighter explains his flat-Earth theory and dismisses idea of gravity … h-28268241
The sun rotates around us, and I can prove that, I would love to debate you Joe Rogan because I'm tired of you Joe Rogan making fun of flat earthers!
Are flat-earthers being serious? … elief.html
Political silly season continues?
The sick degenerate sub r/Justice4Darrell has finally been banned from reddit, the users they agreed with his Anti-White and Anti Jewish rants, they did raps or did rapper stuff to support him and did not seem to care he was a criminal pedophile rapper killed who six, many innocents dead, 62 people hurt after he took his vehicle and mass murdered into crowd at Waukesha Christmas parade.
Most of the trail is online, he is clearly guilty but decided to defend himself going on this long rapper rants and interrupting the court, the whole show is almost like a mockery of the US justice system.
'Opinion: Conspiracy Theories Are Not Just Amusing Novelties' … s-14383225
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B.o.B talks about Flat Earth stuff to his audience, Bobby Ray Simmons Jr known professionally as B.o.B, is an American rapper. A more high IQ guy Lex Fridman an online social media science podcaster his career began at Google, working on machine learning. Fridman is a research scientist and lecturer at MIT.
Rapper B.o.B. Drops ‘Ted Talk’ Diss Aimed at His Flat-Earth Critics … h-critics/
The wacko 'Bart Sibrel' he used to follow Astronuats around and harass them, he was on 'The Daily Show'.
An American conspiracy theorist who has written, produced, and directed works in support of the false belief that the Apollo Moon landings were faked or CGI or staged? by NASA some Hollywood studios and or the CIA, a clip went of Buzz Aldrin almost knocking him out with a punch outside the Luxe Hotel in Beverly Hills, the interaction resulted in Aldrin punching Sibrel. … on-the-way
Alex Jones seeks new trial after $1B Sandy Hook verdict … t-91913337
Joe Rogan announces UK date … es_uk_date
Kanye West assails Jews, abortion in new interview with Lex Fridman … 22111.html
Common Moon landing denial theories, including Sibrel's and others, have been repeatedly debunked … piracists/
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-10-27 10:20:49)
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A Private spaceflight Participant 'Richard Garriott' did a trick in space on Live Tv feed, this trick was since edited and used by the Flat Earth cultists.
So I found a source of a lot of Flat Earth confusion and it comes from conspiracy people or maybe deceptive troll people sharing a clip of Richard Garriott, an American video game developer, entrepreneur and private tourist / astronaut, he is an amateur magician and also had an interest in studying stage magic tricks and is an avid study of magician work, the Magic Magician's Invisible Thread Reel? He seems to have done a magic trick with wire or elastic or string and the video has been edited and shared and become part of the 'Flat-Earth Debate'.
Here he is debating a Flat Earther, the guy he debates 'Andy' seems around like a kid and seems to have trouble with listening and comprehension, doesn't 'believe in' the Apollo landings, he also thinks there is no such thing as satellites and believes they are high up balloons.
Garriott, is the son of NASA astronaut Owen Garriott is the creator of the Ultima video game series sold over 2 + million copies
Flat Earth beliefs seem to be results of cults or drugs or political persuasion or are pseudoscience. The Flat Earther debating in the video also believes there are no Poles but its all a strange Ice Wall model of Flat Earth a thick mass of floating ice that is attached to lands? proposing the a flat disc centred at the North Pole and bounded along its southern edge by walls of ice like on a 2-d pop up map?
I switched off after a while because the Flat Earther almost gave me a headache, he also maybe thinks Earth is a Truman Show or matrix hologram illusion 'Projector'?
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Rogan opens anti-cancel culture comedy club: ‘You can’t fire me from my own club’ … -club-dxus
Why Flat Earthers Can't Be Argued With, And Why They Are Unable To Answer Logical Questions Due To Illiteracy … nswer.html
Yes, modern flat earth movements are essentially cults.
Joe Rogan’s Wild Prediction About the Future: ‘Going to Be Less Human’ … ead-minds/
What is the flat Earth theory, and how does it differ from the widely accepted scientific understanding of the shape of the Earth? … -the-Earth
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-03-19 10:15:12)
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