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#126 2022-01-06 12:20:53

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,771

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’

1. Vaccines are not as terrible as the anti-vaxxers make them out to be, despite their problems, which are quite real, but nowhere near as awful and destructive as they've been portrayed as.  There is no such thing as a drug without unwanted side-effects.  In every medicine, there's a little poison.  A certain percentage of the human population would die if you injected them with straight saline solution.  However, vastly more people die of dehydration without having saline solution IVs administered to them, than die from adverse reactions from being injected with said solution.  That's why we continue to administer saline solution to people who are dehydrated or have lost a lot of blood, knowing full well that perhaps 1 in a million or 1 in 10 million will have an unwanted and severe reaction.  The real question is whether or not vaccines and saline drips work for the overwhelming majority of patients / recipients, and I think the data show that the answer to that question is an unmistakable straight-up "YES!", full stop.

2. Vaccines are not as good of a solution, certainly not as a "single solution" that does not include treatment, as pro-vaxxers make them out to be.  The actual efficacy of these COVID vaccines, even after multiple doses have been administered, is now far below what it was against the original strain of COVID.  Viruses constantly evolve and mutate, so a vaccine that may have provided near total immunity against the original strain of a virus may and frequently does do comparatively little against new / mutated variants.  That is precisely why there's a new / slightly altered Influenza vaccine administered every year.  The new / mutated virus doesn't care if your vaccine provides protection against last year's variant.  It's a constant arms race, and if you can't keep up with the rate of change that a virus is capable of exhibiting, then your vaccination campaign becomes ineffective.

3. Vaccines are only a single aspect of modern medicine.  They are not a be-all end-all solution.  Even so, the "ounce of prevention" that vaccination provides is still worth the "pound of cure" that effective treatment requires.  The other two important aspects of medicine include disease treatment and other forms of resistance to disease, such as leading a healthy lifestyle that effectively makes you "harder to kill".  CDC's own statistics about COVID mortality show that at least 60% of our so-called "young and healthy people" who died from COVID were also categorized as "morbidly obese".  Someone who is morbidly obese is NOT healthy, even if no other chronic health problems have manifested themselves in a way serious enough to require specific treatment.  Moreover, many if not most risk factors or co-morbidities are not identified by medicine until symptoms of that co-morbidity manifest themselves as other health problems.  Far too little emphasis has been placed upon general health and effective treatment prior to serious illness, hospitalization, and death.

4. It should be understood and accepted that the data we do have is invariably riddled with inaccuracies and numbers alone can never provide a complete picture of what happened, let alone how it happened.  We can try to do our utmost to account for that, but no solution will be accepted by a certain subset of those analyzing the data, and there is always room for improvements.  That does not make the use of basic math and statistics pointless for analysis and identification of key takeaways.  In other words, exceptions do not disprove the general rule.  Correlation will never definitively prove causation, but if 60%+ of the people who die have at least one other preexisting medical condition or risk factor like obesity, then it's a pretty safe bet that the disproportionate death toll amongst that group is not some kind of cosmic coincidence.  Could there be other "missing factors" that we're not taking into account?  Absolutely.  That possibility can never be discounted.

5. No plan will ever be perfect, nor will it please everyone equally at the same time.  Leaders routinely make decisions with limited data and less than perfect understanding of the exact situation they find themselves in, because failing to act is still a course of action, and one that can be even more devastating than a poorly conceived or executed plan.  This is somewhat like blaming Roosevelt for not "simply" dumping all available resources into making the atomic bombs, then dropping 1 to 2 bombs on Germany and Japan to end the wars.  To begin with, nobody had ever built an atomic bomb before, not even the people who built it were 100% sure that it would work the way they thought it would, and in the interim our enemies were busy killing people like it was going out of style.  If the bomb hadn't worked or they were permitted to totally overrun all of our allies before we designed, developed, built, and dropped the bombs, then what?  Oops, we focused on the wrong priority, so even though we "technically won", nobody was left after we did?  That's not a very good plan.  War has always been a series of desperate competing priorities and compromises made with bad information or assumptions about the current situation, so there will never be any "perfect outcomes".  The exact same type of situation is at play here.  Should we consider reshuffling our priorities and devoting more resources to treatments?  Well, I think it's worthy of consideration, but those in power appear too stubborn to admit when something isn't working very well, so the high casualty rates will continue until some "new thinking" is brought in and acted upon.

Is it even possible to see how fear, misinformation- whether through lack of knowledge or a willful act, personal bad experiences, and people offering false / oversimplified solutions, which is nearly always done out of ignorance, are collectively ruining our lives and sanity?

The only power you truly have, the one thing that can never be taken away from you without your decision to willfully surrender it, is the power that your mind has to interpret events for itself and to weigh the relative merits of different solutions to perceived problems.


#127 2022-01-06 15:16:21

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,771

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’

Apparently, Whoopi Goldberg has now tested positive for COVID, the Omicron variant, despite having her initial vaccine and 2 booster vaccines.

What does that mean?

You can take all the vaccines and boosters you want, and we certainly took ours, but if the vaccine is not designed to defend against the current variant of the virus in widespread circulation, then people are going to get COVID.

The vaccines DO NOT prevent the spread of COVID.

The vaccines DO NOT prevent someone from contracting COVID.

The vaccines DO prevent serious long term injury / hospitalization / death for MOST, NOT ALL of the people who take them.

There are no 100% effective solutions in medicine.  Any assertion to the contrary is false and misinformation, no matter who asserts it.  Any honest medical doctor or scientist will tell you the same thing.  When disease avoidance (wearing masks, washing hands, social distancing) and disease prevention (vaccination) fails, then we move on to disease treatment (monoclonal antibodies) and advanced life support (pure O2, ventilators, IVs).  After we do all that, a small percentage of those infected with the virus will still die, despite every effort made to save them.  Nobody wants to hear that eventually something will kill them, but again, any medical doctor who is completely honest will admit to that unfortunate fact of life.  We are mortal beings and one day everyone who was born will also die.


#128 2022-01-06 18:41:51

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’

Calliban I think is onto the reason as why as it costs quite a bit for television, radio and more as the digital age of these have made the cost go out of possibility for many to have. Its that lack of quality information that is the issue.


#129 2022-01-06 22:43:23

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’ … 31685.html
Pfizer, BioNTech to develop shingles shot, after COVID-19 vaccine success

The FDA earlier this week cut the interval to get a booster dose of Pfizer and BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, based on mRNA technology like Moderna's, to five months from six.


#130 2022-01-07 19:21:58

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’

Sorry that I am not up to my usual self as I cam back to work after a few weeks off for the end of year and found out that several of the coworkers had the covid, strep throat, bronchitis and some were back to work while others said nothing and still showed sick up only to get others sick.
Tuesday  started to come down with a nasal drip and irritation cough that after a day grew to having a low grade fever less than 100 F with it still in the sinus and ears plus upper bronchial. Still coughing but the low grade temp is gone. Still with stuffy nasal and somewhat tired after working.
At least I do not feel that its getting worse and have no other flu like symptoms.
That said when I google for bronchitis


Following are the major causes of developing bronchitis:

    Viral infections
    Environmental factors like air pollution, chemical fumes
    Bacterial infection


The requirement has faced numerous court challenges and was upheld last month by a three-judge panel with the U.S. Court of Appeals. Legal Challenges to the OSHA ETS and CMS Vaccine Mandate

all members are now sick in the household coughing, some with chills but so far so good.
Its now a waiting game..


#131 2022-01-08 20:34:09

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’


French, British and Russias also have bad numbers 14,333,794 and 11,815,121 and Russians are 10,634,603 cases

Brazil reports 27,267 cases of coronavirus in 24 hours, 129 COVID-19 deaths … 022-01-05/

India's Modi braces for tough local elections amid coronavirus surge … irus-surge

Peru raises COVID-19 alert, tightens curbs amid Omicron wave … virus-peru

Border authorities have the highest rates of COVID-19 in Texas and California … alifornia/

Coronavirus: Texas teacher accused of keeping son in trunk at test site … LO7WCKUCA/

A Texas teacher is accused of keeping her 13-year-old son in the trunk of her vehicle at a COVID-19 drive-thru testing site because she did not want to be exposed to him, authorities said. … wsrc%5Etfw
A warrant was issued for the arrest of Cy-Falls teacher, Sarah Beam, after the district says police were alerted of a child in the trunk of her car at a drive-thru testing site earlier this week.

California Becomes First State to Record 5M COVID Cases, With Texas, Florida Next Highest … st-1663779

Italy starts mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for over 50s, amid COVID protests across Europe … -c-5234443

421,682 Americans have died from COVID-19 since President Joe Biden took office. He promised the American people he would "shut down the virus." (Fact check: He has not.) … h-tracker/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-01-08 20:49:39)


#132 2022-01-09 17:48:05

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’

So where is the big news for this as the US should be already producing it for trails at a minimum.
A Texas team comes up with a COVID vaccine that could be a global game changer

The vaccine is called CORBEVAX. It uses old but proven vaccine technology and can be manufactured far more easily than most, if not all, of the COVID-19 vaccines in use today.

intellectual property of this vaccine will be available to everybody

so big pharma will get less money... so what...

The team had been at work when a strain of coronavirus known as SARS broke out in 2003, whereby it involves using proteins from a virus or bacterium that can induce an immune response but not cause disease.

So its similar to current vaccines....

Clinical trials showed they were right to be confident CORBEVAX would work. An unpublished study conducted in India involving 3,000 volunteers found the vaccine to be 90% effective in preventing disease cause by the original COVID-19 virus strain and 80% against the delta variant. It's still being tested against omicron.

So we are still in prevention mode which means we need to speed up making sure the protein bits are correct for each new flavor of virus that comes along...


#133 2022-01-10 21:27:51

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’

The fact that Health care workers are panicked as desperate hospitals ask infected staff to return
asymptomatic or even symptomatic staff is the only way they can keep their doors open amid a spike in hospitalizations.

Should be a real problem....


#134 2022-01-11 14:35:34

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,771

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’

Project Veritas has received a report from the Inspector General of the US Department of Defense, written by a former DARPA fellow, Major Joseph Murphy of the US Marine Corps.  The document states that EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in 2018, requesting funding for a "Gain of Function" experiment on bat-borne coronaviruses, for purposes of creating a vaccine against such viruses.  EcoHealth Alliance documents related to the project were leaked onto the internet a couple of months back, but had no independent source of verification, until now.  DARPA rejected the project on grounds that it would both violate the existing moratorium on "Gain of Function" research, and that the risks were not deemed worth the potential benefits of having such a vaccine.  The details of the project work include serial passage of the virus for study and the insertion of proteolytic cleavage sites into the corona virus, for purposes of interacting with the furin enzyme present in human cells.  Given this latest revelation, the evidence that the source of the SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 "novel bat corona virus" continues to pile up, while there remains little to no evidence for a zoonotic origin, beyond a plausible assertion that such an origin is the most common / probable explanation, which is generally true.  President of EcoHealth Alliance, Peter Daszak, has not disputed the authenticity of the documents, but has also refused to address them when directly questioned about whether or not the project was subsequently undertaken after DARPA rejected it.

Even if this is totally unrelated to what actually happened with regards to COVID-19, which seems improbable at this point, isn't it good to know that scientists all over the world want to use or actually have used government funding and research labs to monkey with corona viruses in a way that can both infect and kill humans, in order to develop vaccines against them?  When Dr Mengele is running your virology department, don't be too surprised if a lot of your people end up dead.  Follow the science- right off a cliff like a deaf, dumb, and blind lemming.  Satisfy that child-like curiosity while toying with nuclear weapons while you're at it.  What could possibly go wrong?  Do you really need a list (because it's going to be fairly lengthy)?

In short, at this point the most probable explanation for SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19, is that Wuhan Institute of Virology, which received grant money from the US for "Gain of Function" research into development of vaccines against bat corona viruses, accidentally allowed the virus to escape from the lab, likely a result of the bad biosafety practices that the Chinese government had previously cited said lab for, in relation to prior incidents where pathogens and lab animals kept there either accidentally escaped (the pathogens themselves) or were intentionally released (lab animals sold to the local market by lab staff for extra money) due to poor biosafety practices.

This latest revelation runs directly counter to the numerous lies told by the Chinese communist party, Wuhan Institute of Virology staff, the World Health Organization, various Democrat infotainment sources masquerading as "news", and certain members of the Trump and now Biden administration, namely Dr Fauci and other CDC or NIH personnel.

Project Veritas - Major Jospeh Murphy Correspondence with Unspecified Government Officials

In the documentation, SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 is described as an American-created bat corona virus, in conjunction with the NIH, Wuhan Institute of Virology, and EcoHealth Alliance.  As much as I may dislike the idea, that would then mean there's some truth to the communist Chinese government's assertion that we (America) created it.

On top of that, Congressional Republicans have just released Dr Fauci's E-mail documents today which seem to indicate that Dr Fauci intentionally mislead people about NIH's involvement in "Gain of Function" research, the probability that the virus originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and that he helped EcoHealth Alliance side-step the US moratorium on "Gain of Function" research, meaning take their research project to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China to skirt around the laws that the US government had imposed on such research.

I don't personally know of anyone who can lie more overtly than Dr Fauci, who literally has his E-mails held up to his face, where he's calling what they did in Wuhan "Gain of Function" research, and then testifying before Congress that it's NOT "Gain of Function" research.



#135 2022-01-15 17:14:18

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’

If you get COVID-19, your symptoms may be mild. If so you can recover at home as you would from the flu.

If your symptoms are serious, such as trouble breathing, chest pain, or bluish lips or face, see a doctor. The doctor may recommend an antiviral drug or monoclonal antibody treatment.

Monoclonal antibodies are being used successfully to treat high-risk COVID-19 patients.

Remdesivir is an antiviral drug approved for COVID-19 treatment. … t-covid-19
WHO recommends two new drugs to treat COVID-19

This story reflect perfectly into what my parents just went through.
My triple-vaxxed, 85-year-old mother caught COVID. Medical triage made her doctor useless.

Not to mention how medical care has gone to the birds....


#136 2022-01-16 12:22:26

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’

Fairly detailed article on How the immune system targets viruses and shapes viral evolution.

The adaptive response can also be broken into categories. In terms of the relevant immune responses, we care most about those mediated by antibody-producing B cells. For now, we'll focus on antibodies.

Antibodies are large (in molecular terms) assemblies of four proteins. Most of the proteins are the same in all antibodies, which allows immune cells to interact with them. But each of the four proteins has a variable region that is different in every B cell produced. Many of the variable regions are useless, and others recognize the body's own proteins and get eliminated. But by chance, some antibodies have variable regions that recognize a segment of a protein made by a pathogen.

Mutations in the epitopes that are recognized by anti-spike antibodies have the potential to eliminate their interactions. This can provide an evolutionary pressure that selects for changes specifically in these epitopes. If, because of past infection or vaccination, most people in a population have antibodies that recognize a specific epitope, then a change that alters the epitope and limits that recognition can allow the mutant virus to infect the population.

The other major part of adaptive immunity, the T cell, uses a completely different mechanism for identifying pathogens. We know a lot less about the T cell response to SARS-CoV-2, but we'll come back to that later.

Instead of just recognizing only the proteins that are exposed to the blood stream, T cells can potentially recognize every protein made by a cell. That's because cells chop up a small number of the proteins they make and display some of the fragments on their surface. T cells are able to recognize when any of these fragments are unusual, either because the cell has picked up mutations that alter its proteins or because some of the proteins it is making are encoded by a pathogen.

There are several types of T cells that perform different specialized functions. The two major contributors to the immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are what are called helper and killer T cells. When helper T cells recognize a cell that is producing unusual proteins, it starts making lots of signaling molecules that activate other immune cells, including antibody-producing cells.

Killer T cells, by contrast, do exactly what their name implies. When they recognize a cell producing unusual proteins, they kill it. This keeps the cell from producing further pathogens, so it can limit the spread of infections after they start.

A key feature of T cell immunity is that it's much harder for viruses to evolve a way to escape it. Rather than being focused on just the few proteins that are on the surface of a virus, T cells can potentially recognize any protein the virus encodes. So instead of having mutations in just a few key epitopes, evading T cell immunity requires mutations scattered throughout the entire viral genome. It appears that, despite the many mutations in the spike protein of the omicron variant, omicron is still easily recognized by T cells.

That explains the fact that the pharma companies thing that the current vaccine works on all variety of the virus and why they thing the omicron does not need another special vaccines.


#137 2022-01-16 20:12:34

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’ … 45813.html

coronavirus had jumped from camels to humans in the Middle East, killing 1 out of every 3 people infected

sick with a fever and a cough in fall 2013 after a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia.


#138 2022-01-17 14:36:27

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,771

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’

COVID-19: Democratic Voters Support Harsh Measures Against Unvaccinated

From the poll:

Forty-five percent (45%) of Democrats would favor governments requiring citizens to temporarily live in designated facilities or locations if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Such a policy would be opposed by a strong majority (71%) of all voters, with 78% of Republicans and 64% of unaffiliated voters saying they would Strongly Oppose putting the unvaccinated in "designated facilities."
How far are Democrats willing to go in punishing the unvaccinated? Twenty-nine percent (29%) of Democratic voters would support temporarily removing parents’ custody of their children if parents refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine. That’s much more than twice the level of support in the rest of the electorate – seven percent (7%) of Republicans and 11% of unaffiliated voters – for such a policy.
President Biden’s strongest supporters are most likely to endorse the harshest punishments against those who won’t get the COVID-19 vaccine. Among voters who have a Very Favorable impression of Biden, 51% are in favor of government putting the unvaccinated in "designated facilities," and 54% favor imposing fines or prison sentences on vaccine critics. By contrast, among voters who have a Very Unfavorable view of Biden, 95% are against “designated facilities” for the unvaccinated and 93% are against criminal punishment for vaccine critics.

I'm sure Hitler would be proud of these people.

History never precisely repeats itself, but it sure does seem to rhyme.


#139 2022-01-17 14:45:13

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’

Website says

Rasmussen Reports is a nonpartisan electronic media company specializing in the collection, publication and distribution of public opinion polling information.

Straight from a NJ address from the contact page.

So its total made up BS that is not what anyone has actually called for....

I would rather believe in Will COVID-19 end soon? It will look different after omicron, Bill Gates says

Most of the severe cases will be unvaccinated people. Once Omicron goes through a country then the rest of the year should see far fewer cases so Covid can be treated more like seasonal flu

In less than a month the d variant has changed to the omicron for the north east of which I can confirm this to be true.

So the question is getting on top of the next cycle so as to treat it correctly rather than waving the flag and saying that the vaccines will work. Lets for one know this to be true rather than an after the fact attempt to slow a death rate and hospitalization.


#140 2022-01-17 15:15:56

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,771

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’


A New Jersey address means a poll is BS?

If it was a New York address, does that make the polling results more or less BS, than if it had a New Jersey address?


What if the address was in California?

Last edited by kbd512 (2022-01-17 15:19:02)


#141 2022-01-17 15:39:43

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’

I would not call any of them credible with the bias that is coming from each its when you check the story line and you find the same information across all of the biases that you know its got some truth to it.

Story line of Isreal 4th booster not showing being effective for the omnicron covid variant.

Or how about the sudden mask type shift due to the fact that omnicron is more air borne requiring a tighter fit and batter materials than a 1 layer cloth that is lose fitting.

Remember back when we were the United states that followed the laws as written regardless of party... I do...

The fact that part of the lawsuits over the OSHA mandate indicates that the DHHS should have been the ones to send out such a ruling of law as they do control the rights to make sure people get vaccines against disease.


#142 2022-01-17 16:25:08

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,771

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’


What bias was there?

They asked Democrats and Republicans and Independents what they wanted done to the unvaccinated, and nearly half of the Democrats polled stated that they wanted to put the unvaccinated into "detainment camps".  They wanted to fine or imprison anyone who questioned the vaccine mandates.  They had about the same response for house arrest for anyone who was unvaccinated.  That seems pretty clear to me.


#143 2022-01-17 18:04:13

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’

First the mandate said nothing about interment, detainment camps or jailing only get a shot or test weekly.

That makes all pointed response question bs as the details for question break down does not show whom were asked what question.

While 78% of Democratic voters support the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate plan, only 22% of Republicans and 41% of voters not affiliated with either major party support the vaccine mandate.

100% does not equal this quote...

So google articles on "poll what should we do with the unvaccinated". … unges-poll … shots.html … covid.html … wear-masks


#144 2022-01-17 20:30:42

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’

Here is something that I surmised was true since the cruise ship of 2020 after infections showed up long after 2 weeks at sea.

Some COVID patients still infectious after more than 2 months, study warns and that the new 5 day is never going to change things other than to get people back to work mostly at infecting others.

University of Exeter in England report that 13 percent of patients are still infectious and show clinically-relevant levels of the virus after 10 days of quarantine. In the most extreme of these cases, individuals were still carrying the virus for 68 days.

There is nothing "clinically remarkable" about the people who remain with high levels of the virus, according to the study

tested positive on standard PCRs to determine whether the virus was still active.

So the asymptomatic as well as those that feel better are still contagious....and the only way to know is via testing.


#145 2022-01-17 21:13:23

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,771

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’


Not one word in the polling question was about "what the administration actually supports".  The questions were clearly about what likely voters favored as responses to COVID.

The questions were as follows:

Do you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable impression of Dr. Anthony Fauci?

Do you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose President Biden’s plan to impose a COVID-19 vaccine mandate on the employees of large companies and government agencies?

Would you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose a proposal for federal or state governments to fine Americans who choose not to get a COVID-19 vaccine?

Would you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose a proposal to limit the spread of the coronavirus by having federal or state governments require that citizens remain confined to their homes at all times, except for emergencies, if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine?

Would you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose a proposal to limit the spread of the coronavirus by having federal or state governments require that citizens temporarily live in designated facilities or locations if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine?

Would you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose a proposal for federal or state governments to fine or imprison individuals who publicly question the efficacy of the existing COVID-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications?

Would you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose a proposal for federal or state governments to require unvaccinated citizens to use a smart phone app or wearable device that tracks unvaccinated people to ensure that they are quarantined or socially distancing from others?

Would you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose a proposal to temporarily remove parents’ custody of their children if parents refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine?

NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence

Here is the source for the wording of the questions in the poll:

Survey of 1,016 Likely Voters by Rasmussen Reports, LLC - January 5th, 2022

Those were the questions that those who were polled responded to.  It was never a question about what the Biden administration is presently doing or supports doing.  It was a series of questions about what those who were polled would do, given the opportunity to do what they thought should be done.  You're free to ignore what your fellow votes actually think and call their responses "BS", but this is them straight up telling you what they would do, if they were given power.  Maybe, just maybe, you should pay attention to what they're saying and stop dismissing them out of hand.


#146 2022-01-19 20:45:33

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’

How much more data do you vaxomaniacs need to see before you accept you were completely, entirely WRONG?

Here's the latest data from France, one of the most vaxed countries on Earth with strict social distancing laws, and a rigorous vax passport system (that denies your fellow human beings who are unvaccinated any sort of social life). And yet - they have over 464.000 cases in ONE DAY! That's a huge, huge figure!!! UK hasn't gone over 150,000 and we test way more than France. … ovid-cases

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#147 2022-01-19 20:57:35

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’

The omincron variant does not care if you got a vaccine or not. It is very infectious and even the best of masks barely slow its progress. I did get it on the 3 or 4th of the month with the scratchy throat and low grade fever, some bronchial cough but while the cough is occasional due to the cold wind the lungs are clear now. It did pass to every member of the household with in a day or two. It did not force me to take any time off from work. I am with 2 moderma shots and did not have a booster and they are all without any at all. All are fine as well.

This is a case of the variants are not all equal with how to treat or prevent and a 1 size fits all vaccine is stupid....


#148 2022-01-20 14:49:25

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,771

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’

Today the United Kingdom has officially dropped all government mandates regarding vaccines, social distancing, and quarantining, because it's simply not working for them and their government has decided to admit to the fact that there is no level of dictatorial government response that will ever "control" the spread of COVID.  If the communists in China made it seem as if they did a better job, then the most likely explanation is that they're lying and covering up the true toll it took on society- just as they lied about where the virus came from and the fact that it was both transmissible between humans and already on the loose by the time anyone else sat up and took notice.

The United States federal government also needs to accept reality- there is no stopping COVID.  Unfortunately for us, our government is run by a dementia patient and a bipolar patient.  The dementia patient doesn't know what planet he's on half the time and the bipolar patient doesn't recognize her illness because nobody who is mentally ill ever does.  The rest of the free world will follow suit if the US abandons this authoritarian clown show and all trespasses will be forgiven if everyone snaps back to reality, goes back to work, and we get the economy and supply chain back on track.

All the authoritarian edicts in the world could not and did not stop COVID.  The only measurable effect those moronic policies had was to wreck the global economy, to decimate entire industries, and to further traumatize mentally ill people who were already suffering to begin with.  Those in government temporarily averted unwanted attention away from their string of unmitigated failures while they continued to rob us blind.  All of the real problems we, as humans, must deal with are still there and arguably worse today than they were before the pandemic.

It's time to stop cowering in fear over something you have no control over- the indisputable fact that we're all mortal and something will eventually kill every single one of us, and the name we give to whatever kills us will not change the general proces (you're born, you live for awhile, and then something or someone kills you).  We must go back to work, stop blaming our neighbors for our own problems, live our lives as we see fit, and maybe have a better appreciation for how fleeting and fragile life truly is.  Hopefully we'll do a better job next time, but I seriously doubt we will.

Now that this nonsense is over, let's address some real problems.  In 2016, 65 million people died from all manner of things that were not COVID.  If we were concerned about total numbers or merely improving our quality of life, then we might want to figure out what was killing all of those people before spending public money to create designer viruses that kill a few more million people on top of that, under the guise of preventing deaths.


#149 2022-01-27 20:41:18

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’


#150 2022-01-28 01:13:55

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: CDC director warns of a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’

So we accept science on colonization of mars, but reject science on a disease that is transmutable.

You are fuc*king idiots.  Morons look at relevant data and say it doesn't apply. You are a moron.

You are gibberish KBD. you are sad. WTF is wrong with you? louis is in your camp. Do you understand what that implies? Politics has been inserted into what should be a scientific argument, but here we are with scientific leaning folks who make the poor mistake of playing politics. You are better than this, KBD (louis is probably not). Be better..


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