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#1 2021-07-22 21:07:02

Registered: 2017-09-20
Posts: 357

99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

99% of  U.S. COVID deaths are now of unvaccinated people.

More than 97% of hospitalizations from COVID right now are of unvaccinated people … d=msedgntp

Who needs facts?   Damn those fact based doctors and science geeks!  Our leader Trump and his incredibly bright followers knows lots of stuff stuff!

Last edited by EdwardHeisler (2021-07-23 07:42:56)


#2 2021-07-22 23:56:55

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,692

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#3 2021-07-23 07:46:07

Registered: 2017-09-20
Posts: 357

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

Alabama governor says ‘it’s time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks’ as pandemic worsens … d=msedgntp

Why fully vaccinated people get breakthrough COVID infections … d=msedgntp

‘Not Out of the Woods’: C.D.C. Issues Warning to the Unvaccinated … d=msedgntp

Last edited by EdwardHeisler (2021-07-23 07:57:59)


#4 2021-07-23 17:36:21

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

The news of states with a low vaccination with a sudden uptick of covid cases gets blurred with the breakthrough or reinfection cases blurring the lines such that it comes off as if the vaccines are not working...
What is not working is testing to tell if you are a carrier of the virus let alone identifying the strain you might have.


#5 2021-07-23 17:42:49

Registered: 2017-09-20
Posts: 357

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people


#6 2021-07-23 19:24:58

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,756

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people


Regarding the article you posted from Post #5 (The Atlantic's "Vaccinated America Has Had Enough", by David Frum), let's review some of his politically-motivated ideological opinions:

But there’s no getting around the truth that some considerable number of the unvaccinated are also behaving willfully and spitefully.

What evidence does David Frum have to back up that assertion?

I saw no citation listed anywhere for that statement, so I'm assuming he has none.  Assertions like that should be backed up with iron clad evidence.  If he has no evidence, then that kind of inflammatory rhetoric is nothing more than a L-I-E by any other name.

That does sound an awful lot like partisan ideological and/or politically-motivated drivel to me.  I sat through four long years of it, so I know what it sounds like when I hear it.  I have no doubt that he believes in at least some of what he writes, but that doesn't make it the slightest bit true.

Yes, they have been deceived and manipulated by garbage TV, toxic Facebook content, and craven or crazy politicians. But these are the same people who keep talking about “personal responsibility.”

Since David Frum seems to be claiming that toxic media content has caused people to ignore public health warnings, maybe he should take a good hard look in the mirror when making such claims, because he's clearly part of the problem.

Does David Frum recall the parade of idiots from the Democrat Party claiming that they wouldn't trust the vaccines merely because it was developed while former President Trump was President?

I certainly do.  I watched them making those moronic claims on national television during the 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidate debates.  The head idiot making such statements was none other than former Senator Kamala Harris.  She's the Vice President now, and now we're having problems with people taking their vaccines.  Go figure.  I guess she should've thought about how people would interpret her statements before she made them, but since she lacks a filter between her brain and mouth in the same way that former President Trump does, it's a better than average bet that some people actually listened to her.  Too bad for both them and us that she couldn't keep her trap shut about matters that she obviously knows nothing about.  This, of course, was shortly before she made a public spectacle of herself taking the vaccine on national television, because while she'll lie her rear end off for political effect to get more votes, she's still not dumb enough to expose herself to a lethal virus by not taking her vaccine.

Do you think it's possible that a bunch of Democrats and Republicans couldn't determine what she was actually lying about and what was being stated for purely partisan political effect?

I certainly do.

Can you remember back far enough to Pelosi and other Democrats claiming that lockdowns to prevent the spread of COVID were racist against Chinese people, and the lawsuit they filed against then President Trump to prevent him from protecting our citizens, and that we should all go out and "hug a Chinese person"?

That's yet another group of mental midgets interfering with the proper function of a duly elected government trying to prevent the spread of a lethal virus.

In the end, the unvaccinated person himself or herself has decided to inflict a preventable and unjustifiable harm upon family, friends, neighbors, community, country, and planet.

An unvaccinated person is inflicting "unjustifiable harm" upon the planet?

That type of utter nonsense is lacking any tenuous connection to objective reality.

The climate alarmists were overjoyed that people were dropping like flies, oil prices were negative, and CO2 emissions plummeted because nobody was going anywhere.  I guess you can’t please every faction of the Democrat Party at all times.

Beyond that, I also recall that around the time of the election how prominent leftist media personalities, psychologists, and celebrities were openly discussing putting Republicans in concentration camps and "bombing their cities to break their spirit“ (apparently the Democrat who tweeted that out and then repeated it on TV too stupid to know that there are a lot more Democrats than Republicans in almost any city in America), in much the same way that the nazis did.  I can post media clips of them doing that because not even YouTube has memory-holed those as of yet.

Can you even begin to fathom why instead of getting compliance all you're getting is Republicans telling Democrats to go pound sand?  The shoe is now on the other foot.  The chickens have come home to roost.  The cows are out to pasture- along with any other Animal Farm analogy that you can think of.  Spewing anger and hatred at people may be cathartic for the people doing it, but it will never bring about a harmonious society.

You don't get people to comply with what you want by threatening, harassing, intimidating, lying to people, or by insulting them.  You can't go on national television and constantly lie your rear end off the way Dr. Fauci does (no mask, one mask, two masks, three masks, back to one mask, then no mask again), and still expect the general public to believe a single word of what you have to say.


#7 2021-07-23 19:38:54

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

Then you can have just the opposite opinion stated in an article and it does not make that fact either.

As the unvaccinated have had enough just as much as the non-maskers ect....

So when you get covid you have conservative Nashville, Tennessee-based radio host Phil Valentine has repeatedly made posts on multiple social media platforms telling his fans that if they weren't at risk for Covid-19, they shouldn't get the vaccine. Short for he got covid and wants to retract the falsehood of previous statements.

Or maybe its not enough for the sudden rise to go on the offense to request that you get a vaccination... COVID-19 vaccinations rose 14% over the past week, White House officials said Friday, as the more contagious delta variant is quickly spreading in under-vaccinated areas

To get to a herd immunity we will need both the numbers of previous infected that have recovered plus the vaccinated to get the number of deaths to drop as well as the infection rates to slow....


#8 2021-07-23 21:29:21

Registered: 2017-09-20
Posts: 357

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

David Frum is not a leftist or liberal opponent of the Republican Party.  He is a long-time conservative Republican leader and former speech writer for President George W. Bush.  There clearly isn't much left of the Republican Party.  It's dead, buried and gone forever.


#9 2021-07-24 03:23:28

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,692

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

Some 60% of COVID hospital admissions in the UK are in double vaccinated people.  That pours cold water over what Edward Heisler posted at the start of this thread.

My wife and I both contracted COVID-19 back in March 2020.  It made us both ill, but we were over it within 2 weeks.  My wife had her first shot of Pfizer vaccine back in March this year.  She was seriously ill for over 2 months and still doesn't have her balance back.  I don't want the vaccine and won't be having it.  I am in no way convinced that it offers a positive benefit-cost, under the circumstances.  I am not afraid of the Corona virus.  It is one of many risks in life and I strongly believe that the response to this virus has been grossly out of proportion to real risk.  We have not had a pandemic.  Most of those that have died were older than average life expectancy.  Old people die.  That happens.  It is a fact of life.

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#10 2021-07-24 06:40:56

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

Normal medical care for vaccination would say that anyone whom has had the covid would have its own natural immunity and would not require you to get any form of vaccination.

Forced vaccination of those whom have had it is because your medical care is not willing to test to verify before giving a shot or are counting on those that are antivax to lie saying that they have had the virus to keep from being given a shot of a vaccine.

Sorry that your wife was forced to get a shot that was not needed and hope for some level of recovery from it.

That same problem is evident when the cdc indicates those that are not needing to wear a mask if you have been vaccinated and that those which have not still should yet they refuse to wear a mask to slow the spread....

My situation of were I work had the forced shot and had chosen to take the 2 shot Modera of which its time now for proof of did it do anything as the Covid D variant is now just starting to come around. Even though my choice was correct to get them since my brother caught it while I was waiting for the second to be administered. He did survive but had quite a bit of damage to his health from it. He is on a slow path of recovery but its never going to be the same. His luck was that he listened to get a second opinion his brother that said do not wait to get to a different hospital after 3 or 4 days from the first calling it the FLU. He did get  remdesivir and lots of Diarrhea meds along with other symptomatic care while being placed into an ICU covid care area..then with follow up observation of condition telling him again to lay on his belly as oxygen sats were dropping even when on a cpap machine. He was finally released with Pneumonia spots with an Oxygen machine and has been slowly weaning off from its use going now on 2 months still needing it but not continuously.


#11 2021-07-24 07:04:57

Registered: 2017-09-20
Posts: 357

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

Calliban wrote:

Some 60% of COVID hospital admissions in the UK are in double vaccinated people.  That pours cold water over what Edward Heisler posted at the start of this thread.

We have not had a pandemic.  Most of those that have died were older than average life expectancy.  Old people die.  That happens.  It is a fact of life.

No credible medical links with documented facts have been provided in support  of your claims.


#12 2021-07-24 07:07:13

Registered: 2017-09-20
Posts: 357

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

For credible medical information on the Covid-19 pandemic visit the CDC website:


#13 2021-07-24 07:19:57

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

you medical link has no information for the uk percentage and does not change whom dies when we age....observational facts can and are a short term reference points until data is analyzed.


#14 2021-07-24 07:56:23

Registered: 2017-09-20
Posts: 357

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

The CDC is an USA institution.   Do you or Calliban have a UK medical link indicating that 60% of UK Covid-19 hospital admissions are for people who have had both shots of the Covid-19 Phizer or Moderna vaccines?   Perhaps this one?

Thanking you or Calliban in advance for the medical link.


#15 2021-07-24 08:00:56

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

The "Covid-19 Phizer or Moderna vaccines" are not the same so any results will not be given as accurately as if they were against the same virus.
Even when we had only 1 variant of the virus we knew of reinfections of those that had gotten covid but the data we need was not collected as it happened. No testing of immunity levels were or current is now being done whether we have had a shot or got it naturally.
The suggested number of those that are vaccinated in the UK versus whom is getting the newer variant is an observed number and not totally unreliable as numbers go until one does it accurately.

Health care CEO says people are dying unnecessarily as he tries to get through to the unvaccinated


#16 2021-07-24 11:04:57

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,756

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people


Of course you can.  There are liars devoted to every political party and ideology imaginable.

What makes Democrats think that the Republican Party is remarkably different than the Democrat Party, but especially what makes Democrats think that the Democrat Party is any better than the Republican Party?

The only difference for me is that I don't pretend that I'm better than anyone else while constantly blaming the other party for every conceivable problem produced by some part of humanity, especially if my own party is highly involved in causing the problem.  After Bush, who I did not vote for, you guys gave us Obama, and he continued all of the bad policies of the Bush era.  The absurd overspending on both domestic programs and foreign wars continued as if it was no big deal.  No lessons were learned at all.

That said, the person who is now Vice President stated on national television that she wouldn't trust a vaccine because it was developed while former President Trump was President.  That comment certainly didn't age well, did it?  If you're going to lie to the American public about something, then make sure it's not a matter of life and death.

I'm merely explaining that after you spend 4 solid years insulting the other party's people, accusing them of crimes without evidence, accusing them of racism while explicitly stating how much you hate white people because they're white (the very definition of racism), generally telling them how much you hate them and ostracizing them every way you can, and finally during the election telling them that you want to kill them and their children, then they're highly unlikely to do anything that you want them to do.  Simply consider that the next time the opportunity presents itself to determine who will represent the Democrats, because those are things that Democrat Party leadership have vigorously advocated for doing to their political opponents.  It's pure tribalism, plain and simple.

If former President Trump had said some of the same things that President Biden has said on national television over the past six months, we'd have a non-stop 24/7/365 news cycle feeding frenzy stating how stupid the President is.  As things are, those same media brats are falling all over themselves trying to explain away the fact that President Biden can barely formulate a coherent sentence on a good day.  He's great for 5 to 15 minutes tops, but then he's all over the map.

I would've voted for Tulsi just so Democrats would quit going berserk over the fact that a non-politician who's been a major Democrat Party donor his entire adult life until the 2016 election cycle, whereupon he switched parties to run for office (and won fair and square), managed to get the Republicans in line, and made every entrenched politician from both major political parties look stupid, not because he's ever been any kind of a genius, but because most of our elected officials that both parties have monetized into office are stupid and/or evil beyond belief.  Instead you guys torpedoed Tulsi's election campaign, called her every name in the book, claimed she was a "Russian asset" (with zero evidence ever provided to this very day), and generally did what the Democrat Party does to any genuinely decent human being who simply wants to serve their fellow Americans as best they know how.  Unlike former President Trump, who truly never stops fighting- win or lose, Tulsi simply said adios to politics and that she'd seen enough.  She was truly the only person your party put on that stage that I'd ever vote for.

So...  Now that we've pitted brother against brother and infinitely sub-divided every person in the country into group identities of competing special interest groups, during the middle of a global pandemic that's well on its way to killing 4 million people, where do you think we can go from here?


#17 2021-07-24 11:37:08

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,756

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people


EdwardHeisler wrote:

David Frum is not a leftist or liberal opponent of the Republican Party.  He is a long-time conservative Republican leader and former speech writer for President George W. Bush.  There clearly isn't much left of the Republican Party.  It's dead, buried and gone forever.

MSNBC and The Atlantic don't publish conservative opinions, at all or ever.  David Frum sure as hell isn't a conservative or a Republican, either.  He believes in abortion, gun control, perpetual victimhood, blaming white people for every problem that has ever happened since the dawn of time, and the list goes on.  There's nothing conservative about him.  He detests former President Trump and that's why CNN / MSNBC / The Atlantic, publishes his opinion pieces.  If David Frum praised one thing that he thought former President Trump did right, he'd be looking for work the very next day.

Remember when Pelosi said she was a "good little Catholic girl"... who apparently believes in abortion?

Calling yourself a Catholic doesn't make you what you choose to label yourself as.

Going to Church on Sunday doesn't make you a conservative / Republican or a liberal / Democrat.

I'm sure the Republicans will be thrilled to know their party is gone.  I guess that's why they picked up so many more seats in the House.  Every election cycle as who holds power flip-flops back and forth between meaningless choices, I see the side that won declare that the other side is dead, buried, and gone forever.  Then they lose the House / Senate / Presidency the very next election cycle.  It's getting rather silly at this point.


#18 2021-07-24 11:45:35

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

I can just hear Pelosi's trademark little snort-snigger after she says "I'm a good little Catholic girl"...I'm sure her Mafiosi father was a good little Catholic boy as well.

kbd512 wrote:


EdwardHeisler wrote:

David Frum is not a leftist or liberal opponent of the Republican Party.  He is a long-time conservative Republican leader and former speech writer for President George W. Bush.  There clearly isn't much left of the Republican Party.  It's dead, buried and gone forever.

MSNBC and The Atlantic don't publish conservative opinions, at all or ever.  David Frum sure as hell isn't a conservative or a Republican, either.  He believes in abortion, gun control, perpetual victimhood, blaming white people for every problem that has ever happened since the dawn of time, and the list goes on.  There's nothing conservative about him.  He detests former President Trump and that's why CNN / MSNBC / The Atlantic, publishes his opinion pieces.  If David Frum praised one thing that he thought former President Trump did right, he'd be looking for work the very next day.

Remember when Pelosi said she was a "good little Catholic girl"... who apparently believes in abortion?

Calling yourself a Catholic doesn't make you what you choose to label yourself as.

Going to Church on Sunday doesn't make you a conservative / Republican or a liberal / Democrat.

I'm sure the Republicans will be thrilled to know their party is gone.  I guess that's why they picked up so many more seats in the House.  Every election cycle as who holds power flip-flops back and forth between meaningless choices, I see the side that won declare that the other side is dead, buried, and gone forever.  Then they lose the House / Senate / Presidency the very next election cycle.  It's getting rather silly at this point.

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#19 2021-07-24 11:51:01

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

Presumably Mr Heisler accepts Dr Fauci and the NY Times as august authorities...

Even Fauci is now having to admit that the Israeli data shows the vaccine is a failure.

American data is lagging behind Israel's as the USA is well behind Israel on proportion vaccinated.

And let me pick up Mr Heisler on his use of "unvaccinated". The people who are "unvaccinated" according to him will include probably a majority who have had the vaccine but only one shot. They are not "fully vaccinated".

My take is that the virus was naturally abating this summer, as it did last summer, but the weakened immune systems of so many vaccinated people has given it new life.

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#20 2021-07-24 14:34:11

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,756

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people


Data from one country DOES NOT make vaccines a failure!  Vaccines work, but only when you use them.  The entire point of vaccinating everyone was to cut off COVID's host reservoir, so it didn't have time to mutate again and resume killing people.  Well, guess what?  Too late for that now!  There is no such thing as a 100% effective 100% safe silver bullet that you can fire backwards at an angle and still hit the target.  Medicine can't make anything like that, because even though I'm more genetically similar to a random man I've never met from Africa than a puppy is to its own mother, genetic variation ensures that no vaccine can EVER be 100% effective.

Here's something they won't tell you when you arrive in the hospital with a gunshot wound (but it's still true):

You can inject simple saline solution into some people and kill them.  The number of people that applies to is vanishingly small and 999,999 times out of 1,000,000 (it's actually way, way less than that, but go with the example), people die because they don't get the fluids pumped into them by an IV, but yeah, that one person out there would die if we injected them with replacement fluids following blood loss, so that must mean that we let the other 999,999 die because of that one person out there that we can't save.

We have vaccinated 159 million Americans.  5,492 were hospitalized with COVID afterwards and 791 of those died.  What we will never know is if they already had COVID-19 BEFORE they were fully vaccinated.

Can you guess why we would never know that?

Here's a tiny hint:
When my family went to get our COVID vaccines, nobody from the military bothered to test any of us for COVID first.

The number of deaths from anything but COVID, that are related to the vaccine, are vanishingly small.  Now that we know what those risk factors are, we've started testing for them and reviewing medical history.  That is a major reason why we DO NOT dispense medical advice on this forum, and instead tell people to TALK TO THEIR DOCTOR.  A doctor can order tests for the types of diseases or disorders that would disqualify someone from taking a COVID vaccine.

Now let's do a little math (yes, that icky stuff):

I use 400,000,000 as the total American population figure, which includes all the illegals (they're living here, so they count)

0.000004974842767 <- This is the fraction of Americans who died who were vaccinated.
0.0000019775 <- This is COVID vaccine deaths as a fraction of the total American population.
0.001525 <- This is the fraction of Americans who died who were not vaccinated.

0.001525 (unvaccinated COVID deaths) / 0.0000019775 (vaccine COVID deaths) = 771.175726927939317

771 * 792 (number of vaccinated people who died from COVID) = 610,632 <- Ta-Da! (we checked our work)











#21 2021-07-24 14:52:42

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,756

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

I have an idea!

Everybody here loves money, right?  Seriously though, who doesn't?

Even if we don't care about COVID deaths, let's talk about simple economics.

COVID wiped out 3.5% of Global GDP.

That's an entire year's worth of economic growth- GONE!

We lost 1 year's worth of GDP growth over this stupid virus.

Why in the hell would we ever consider giving up more money to it by allowing this little nasty to make a comeback?

We all want more money spent on either solar panels and wind turbines or nuclear reactors, dependent upon how much we like Watts of power output per dollar spent?

We all want more money for Mars exploration and colonization, don't we?


How are we supposed to get that if this virus mutates again and either starts wiping out younger people, or simply more and more of those rich elderly people who spend their money on end-of-life COVID care, rather than back into the economy (yachts, old cars, houses, money given to their heirs)?

No buying of things equals no economic growth equals no money for the other things we want- such as cleaner energy, space exploration, other medical science advances and health care, more food and clean drinking water.  All of that stuff comes from economic growth.  It doesn't come from government spending on virus treatment or magic pixie dust.  We're already in an economic rut, and we can't get out of it by spending money we don't have or spending money on things that doesn't create more money.


#22 2021-07-24 17:02:27

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

Here is another of those facts which comes under entitlements in that since its mostly the elderly which have died we now should have a surplus in the social security fund to keep it afloat longer than the last predicted.

Since we did not give an identifying letter to the first round and we now know we are  well past the letter L for the strains which are coming from other nations... we are in for a very long haul of people that will die unless we get some more road blocks in place to stop its spread and mutations.

If we do get that rise we will be asked once more to dawn our masks of which there will be push back for just a simple covering...

I still wear my mask even with the 2 shot Modera vaccines as its those that do not coughing that are spreaders of it plus other things by going out into the general public sick. Sure the chances are not a perfect 100% but I will take what I can to keep from getting very sick let alone ending up dead from a virus.

As far as giving due what was started under Trump we should be thankful that it was done at all...

We sense and test to find many mosquito born illnesses so why are we not doing the same to get information with random swaps to test for the variants and its spread.


#23 2021-07-24 18:22:46

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

All the countries that are highly vaccinated show the same pattern: Israel, Malta, Gibraltar, Seychelles and we can say UK as we are pretty highly vaccinated. So BS on "one country".

You're just talking "Big Pharma" about vaccinations. You aren't looking at the real data. Herd immunity begins around 60% according to orthodox science. Countries like Israel are well beyond that.

Respiratory viruses, left to themselves, become less not more virulent over time as any virologist will tell you.

We have never ever "vaccinated everyone" for anything. And yet vaccines have been held to have produced prodigious health benefits even though they were more 60-90%. But now because we don't have 100% vaccination for Covid you are wailing that's why it's not effective. Not credible.

The problem we have with the Covid vaccine(s) is that they are far less effective than lyingly advertised by Big Pharma.

kbd512 wrote:


Data from one country DOES NOT make vaccines a failure!  Vaccines work, but only when you use them.  The entire point of vaccinating everyone was to cut off COVID's host reservoir, so it didn't have time to mutate again and resume killing people.  Well, guess what?  Too late for that now!  There is no such thing as a 100% effective 100% safe silver bullet that you can fire backwards at an angle and still hit the target.  Medicine can't make anything like that, because even though I'm more genetically similar to a random man I've never met from Africa than a puppy is to its own mother, genetic variation ensures that no vaccine can EVER be 100% effective.

Here's something they won't tell you when you arrive in the hospital with a gunshot wound (but it's still true):

You can inject simple saline solution into some people and kill them.  The number of people that applies to is vanishingly small and 999,999 times out of 1,000,000 (it's actually way, way less than that, but go with the example), people die because they don't get the fluids pumped into them by an IV, but yeah, that one person out there would die if we injected them with replacement fluids following blood loss, so that must mean that we let the other 999,999 die because of that one person out there that we can't save.

We have vaccinated 159 million Americans.  5,492 were hospitalized with COVID afterwards and 791 of those died.  What we will never know is if they already had COVID-19 BEFORE they were fully vaccinated.

Can you guess why we would never know that?

Here's a tiny hint:
When my family went to get our COVID vaccines, nobody from the military bothered to test any of us for COVID first.

The number of deaths from anything but COVID, that are related to the vaccine, are vanishingly small.  Now that we know what those risk factors are, we've started testing for them and reviewing medical history.  That is a major reason why we DO NOT dispense medical advice on this forum, and instead tell people to TALK TO THEIR DOCTOR.  A doctor can order tests for the types of diseases or disorders that would disqualify someone from taking a COVID vaccine.

Now let's do a little math (yes, that icky stuff):

I use 400,000,000 as the total American population figure, which includes all the illegals (they're living here, so they count)

0.000004974842767 <- This is the fraction of Americans who died who were vaccinated.
0.0000019775 <- This is COVID vaccine deaths as a fraction of the total American population.
0.001525 <- This is the fraction of Americans who died who were not vaccinated.

0.001525 (unvaccinated COVID deaths) / 0.0000019775 (vaccine COVID deaths) = 771.175726927939317

771 * 792 (number of vaccinated people who died from COVID) = 610,632 <- Ta-Da! (we checked our work)










Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#24 2021-07-24 18:44:21

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,417

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

Michael Flynn Criticizes DeSantis, Hannity for Vaccine Push: 'They Know That They Have Influence'

If a vaccine is 70% effective and you gave it to all of the people 100% you still fall short of herd immunity as the variants are not tested with in that effectiveness and there is nothing to prove that all people will gain the same effectiveness value as claimed as the sample size was to small while in testing to see if it was safe to take.

Reinfection Rates among Patients who Previously Tested

Reinfection Rates among Patients who Previously Tested

The findings showed that 63 of the 9119 patients with severe COVID-19 infection contracted the virus a second time, with an average reinfection period of 116 days.

People with asthma were 90% more likely to have COVID-19 reinfection than those without asthma, and people who used tobacco or other nicotine products were 170% more likely to experience reinfection. During a second episode of COVID-19, people in the study were significantly less likely to develop complications like pneumonia, heart failure, or acute kidney injury


#25 2021-07-24 19:56:39

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: 99% of COVID deaths in the U.S. are now of unvaccinated people

Cut to the chase: it's all about our natural immunity. If you graft a vaccine on to someone with a vigorous immune system you may get some benefit if the person hasn't already been infected (remember, a large proportion have been infected and now have very good immunity). But if you vaccinate a 90 year old with a weak immune system, chances are you might kill them.

SpaceNut wrote:

Michael Flynn Criticizes DeSantis, Hannity for Vaccine Push: 'They Know That They Have Influence'

If a vaccine is 70% effective and you gave it to all of the people 100% you still fall short of herd immunity as the variants are not tested with in that effectiveness and there is nothing to prove that all people will gain the same effectiveness value as claimed as the sample size was to small while in testing to see if it was safe to take.

Reinfection Rates among Patients who Previously Tested

Reinfection Rates among Patients who Previously Tested

The findings showed that 63 of the 9119 patients with severe COVID-19 infection contracted the virus a second time, with an average reinfection period of 116 days.

People with asthma were 90% more likely to have COVID-19 reinfection than those without asthma, and people who used tobacco or other nicotine products were 170% more likely to experience reinfection. During a second episode of COVID-19, people in the study were significantly less likely to develop complications like pneumonia, heart failure, or acute kidney injury

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