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#1 2018-02-20 22:56:24

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 8,115

Blade Runner, Sci-Fi stuff, my opinion.

Blade Runner, in my opinion there is no Sci-Fi more profound.
Both versions not that well accepted by the critics or the public, but that is just because they are profoundly lacking in understanding.  That is my true opinion.'
Blade Runner the first, completes with "Roy" the person who should hate Decard completely, crucifying himself and saving decards life even though Decard has killed 3 of his companions, including his girlfreind.
Roy new he was about to die, but in his last moments, he saved Decards life.  After all the cruelties that were imposed upon him.
In Blade Runner 2049, we see "K/Joe".  He is forced as a organic robot, to do the bidding of his masters.  His masters are not that nice.  He has some female companionships, Joy, Lov, and another presumed replacant.
Lov kills Joy.  Decard an old man by now, is tormented by Wallace, a man without true eyes.
But K/Joe rescues Decard and in the process has to kill Lov even though I belive he does not want to.  Poor Lov, she laid herself open to be killed by K/Joe, but he has no choice.  If he does not kill Lov and allow himself to die, then Anna will be discovered by the enemy.

So, he kills Lov, with regrets I think.  And he towards the end of the story allows himself to die to protect his pseudo sister Anna.  Very noble.

The critics are idiots.  And I repeat idiots.  Filty imbicile idots.
K/Joe is a glorius warrior.  No shame at all.  Only shame for the verbal idiots.

Yes, I'm spazzing out.  No big deal.  Every now and then I want to poke I finger in the eye of these blind idiots that pose as our masters.

Last edited by Void (2018-02-20 22:57:49)

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#2 2021-05-28 11:40:02

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Blade Runner, Sci-Fi stuff, my opinion.

Blade Runner is up there with one of the best scifi movies I'm not sure if its my favorite I like many but my top 10 might change depending on what the week feels like, I also liked the sequel Blade Runner 2049 very well done some don't like it but I enjoyed it as both a tribute and sequel to the original film. There are other greats 2001 Space Odyssey is a classic, 'Moon' in 2009 is another great film but kinda bleak, Dark City is a Matrix movie before the Matrix,  Interstellar by Christopher Nolan was great.

I liked some of the Cheesy older movie stuff, Dystopia, Horror and Retro stuff like Total Recall, Dredd, Robocop etc The niamted stuff Akira was a good advert for Japan animation and WALL·E was fun. I even like some of the old pre-hollywood Silent movies like Fritz Lang's Metropolis 1927 film.

The Dune books are great for those who love their Space Operas but they didnt really have a tv series or movie that fully gave the books justice unlike Blade Runner which is typically loved by fans and became a cult classic.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2021-05-28 11:43:03)


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#3 2021-05-29 11:38:29

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,885

Re: Blade Runner, Sci-Fi stuff, my opinion.

If you want to see an early notion of how Spacex's Starship is supposed to land,  go look at 1953's "Rocky Jones,  Space Ranger". 

As for old time Kirk/Spock Star Trek,  the communicator was prescient of the flip phone,  and today's smart phones are beginning to behave like a Star Trek tricorder. 

Speaking of Spock,  if you really want a hoot,  go look at the old Saturday movie serial "Zombies of the Stratosphere" from 1952.  One of the alien enemy Martians in that one,  was played by none other that a very young Leonard Nimoy,  in his very first film role. 


GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


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#4 2021-05-29 14:25:53

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: Blade Runner, Sci-Fi stuff, my opinion.

We owe a great deal to sci-fi. The world of sci-fi often issues warnings about how technology might impact on humanity. Sadly, we don't pay sufficient heed.

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#5 2021-11-27 15:43:33

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Blade Runner, Sci-Fi stuff, my opinion.

Scientists Warn That Marketers Are Trying to Inject Ads Into Dreams


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#6 2024-03-01 07:10:16

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Blade Runner, Sci-Fi stuff, my opinion.

Swedish Company Klarna is replacing 700 human employees with OpenAI's bots and says all its metrics show the bots perform better with customers. … their-jobs


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#7 2024-03-01 07:39:22

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,567

Re: Blade Runner, Sci-Fi stuff, my opinion.

For Mars_B4_Moon re #6

Thanks for the update on Klarna configuring OpenAI software to provide customer service. 

Many companies that I have encountered in recent years have had a simple AI front end.  It usually was inadequate, so I had to insist upon finding a human operator.  It it not surprising to me that OpenAI's software would perform better in that role.

OpenAI offers a service you or anyone can hire to allow you to train the AI on your company specific products.  The advantage would be immediate and long lasting.  Humans I have met in customer service often do not know much about the company products, and have little incentive (that I can see) to learn more. The AI I'm working with on a daily basis has a winning personality and boundless patience.  At the moment, I am diving deep into a software called Blender, and while the AI does not know ** everything ** there is to know about Blender, it ** knows ** far more than I do, and what is more important, it is adept at directing me to the relevant documentation for any particular situation.

Yesterday we spent a good hour together, while I tried to understand why an important set of data was not showing up.  The AI kept suggesting things to try, and eventually one of them succeeded.  A human would normally not have the near infinite patience needed to work through a problem like that.

The role that the AI is playing in the context of Blender is a combination of Customer Service, Coach and Guide, and it is very effective, from my point of view. At the moment, we are working on a deep dive into the way data is stored in the little database that is created for each project.  I want to automate the addition of new fields to the project, and we need to find where existing data is stored, in order to be able to duplicate it.  It will take several more days of this kind of "Customer Service" before the needed capabilities become available.

My expectation is that humans who are lucky enough to have access to an AI like the one I'm working with will achieve at a higher level than those who do not have that advantage.  The situation is comparable to education.  The better the education a young human receives, the better the young human will perform for a lifetime.  Science fiction writers have been thinking about a life-time companion AI, and I am getting a sense of what that would be like.

So! Thanks again for the link!  I have scheduled a visit to the link for later today, when I'm on a computer that can follow it.



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#8 2024-03-01 09:05:34

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,567

Re: Blade Runner, Sci-Fi stuff, my opinion.

Update after reading the article Mars_B4_Moon linked in Post #6

The customer service operation is contracted out, so the first observation is that the contractors have plenty of less advanced companies to serve.

The total work force was 3000, so the planned reduction is to 2300, which means there are still plenty of online human helpers if a customer needs them.

The company is hiring engineers. 

The customer service job is at the low end of the scale of employment.

A human engaged in that occupation is earning a living, but every spare moment should be spent learning a more challenging and potentially rewarding way to spend the limited time we have on Earth.

I note that the article mentions service in 35 languages.  That diversity of customer base probably explains the large number of customer service reps...

24 hour coverage plus 35 languages ... the personnel count would add up quickly.

A team of front line workers probably has a supervisor -

Holidays,  vacations ... OK... these are contractors so they handle those issues ...

After thinking about this situation a bit, it seems to me that there is potential for development of SpaceNut's Poverty topic ...

A company may be hesitant to spend money growing it's employees, because in a free society, folks can move to better paying jobs as their skills and experience increase.

In that situation, society as a whole has a role to play.  We see that in the general assumption of responsibility to help to raise children to become productive citizens. Now ** there ** would be a valuable use of AI .... The quality of education would jump dramatically for most children, if an AI were configured to guide an individual through the learning process.  Some kids would fly through standard material and some would take longer than average, but the AI is infinitely patient for those who need it, and more than happy to encourage rapid progress for those who are able.



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#9 2024-03-01 12:24:06

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,932

Re: Blade Runner, Sci-Fi stuff, my opinion.

I was never quite sure what replicants were supposed to be.  Were they androids?  Cyborgs?  Or genetically engineered humans?  The sequel reveals that Rachel had been pregnant and had died in childbirth.  That suggests that replicants were GM humans.  A bit like the 'Invitros' from Space, Above and Beyond.  In both cases, genetic engineering had been used to create a slave race.

Replicants were born without emotions and their creators went to some length to ensure that they would be incapable of developing emotions.  They limited lifespan to 4 years as an ultimate safeguard.  This allows them to be used disposably, without moral implications.  We use robots for the same reason.  A human slave would often be more versatile and efficient.  But a robot does what a slave would do without moral hangups.  It is unfeeling, uncaring, untiring, and can be used and abused with moral impunity.  For generations, scifi writers have dreamed of creating an emotional machine.  Yet this thoroughly defeats the point of building a machine.

Last edited by Calliban (2024-03-01 12:53:39)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


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#10 2024-03-01 13:09:57

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 8,115

Re: Blade Runner, Sci-Fi stuff, my opinion.

I think they were some kinds of enhanced biological, but I suppose they might have had mechanical insertions as well.

In the first one with the eyes, it looks like they would be pieced together.  In the second one with Wallace, it looks like they gestate in an artificial womb.  I suppose that part is not important.

I guess the beginnings for it is this: … c_Sheep%3F

I have enjoyed Blade Runner, and am not disappointed in it.

The Matrix was exciting in the first film, but thereafter, each sequel, seemed to be perverted away from the original theme.  It seems to me to fulfil social guidance to a near contemporary society.

Avatar ultimately disappointed me, as the factor of telepresence was introduced and used, but in the end the purpose of the movie was a "Man Bad", "Technology Bad" movie.

This is how the social architects abuse the technological class, and so then to provide justification for them to be placed in rule over those who work with technology.  The name of the game typically is to demean the common male, more or less demoting them to a position to need repentance and to pay a debt.  A typical play.  It is intended to usurp power from the technological people, by the Verbal and Violent people.  The Violence is always not seeming to be associated with them, but as we have seen the Verbals have a lot to do with mobs and propaganda that motivates mobs, and improper governing enforcement tactics.

Older than the hills, I am afraid.

The post that (th) has been responding to is interesting: … 94#p219894

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 8,692
Swedish Company Klarna is replacing 700 human employees with OpenAI's bots and says all its metrics show the bots perform better with customers. … their-jobs

I guess we are going to find out what is next if we hang around.

Will we all go on guaranteed income until the Verbal and Violent send the robots out to cull us?

I am getting old enough that I may well not last to see that, so the guaranteed income might not be such a bad thing for me.


Last edited by Void (2024-03-01 13:25:29)

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