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#1826 2020-11-17 23:54:16

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,761

Re: Politics

Donald Trump could have launched a revolution in Washington on 15th November, which would have rivaled that of 1776.  Instead, he rode off to play golf.  Excellent article here from Nick Griffin.  Trump is likely to be the last Republican president.  By 2024, demographic change will make it impossible for Republicans to win, as boomers die off and woke youngsters replace them.  Combined with that, a huge surge in non-white immigration and Biden amnesty.

Was it not Nero who fiddled whilst Rome burned?

The coming decades are going to be a very 'dark' time for America, both literally and figuratively.  Not a good time to be part of the dwindling white Middle class, who will be fleeced to pay for insane policies, whilst at the same time being discriminated against and generally abused by a state that views them with contempt.

Last edited by Calliban (2020-11-18 00:00:13)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#1827 2020-11-18 05:22:42

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,901

Re: Politics

Nick Griffin? The same Nick Griffin who tarred the debate about immigration in the UK with his talk about repatriations, allowing Labour to get away with opening the floodgates? Hmm.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#1828 2020-12-07 20:09:12

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Politics

Covid-19has slowed the travelof those that would if they could have In what's believed to be a first, no survivors or veterans of World War II attended the annual Pearl Harbor Day event in Hawaii due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

With some able to get by the feelings of that day while others can not Armando “Chick” Galella has lived 99 Decembers, but the one seared in his memory, the one that has come to define his life, came when he was just 20: when he witnessed the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. 
79 Decembers later, Pearl Harbor survivor's memories won't dim: 'I will never forgive and I will never forget'


#1830 2020-12-17 16:05:26

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,923

Re: Politics

Saw another post on Facebook, repost from AOC talking about healthcare. Could I repeat my little suggestion? Many supporters of Donald Trump seriously expected him to follow through on his election promise to make American healthcare more affordable. So everyone wants more affordable healthcare. My little suggestion is quite simple: adopt Canada's healthcare system as-is. No changes, no additions. AOC supports Bernie Sander's proposal, which goes way beyond what Canada has. I could repeat details if you want.


#1831 2020-12-25 18:49:09

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Politics

Some have labeled this internal terrorism but it smacks of demestic A parked recreational vehicle exploded in downtown Nashville, Tennessee, on Christmas morning, in what Nashville police believe was an "intentional act." but it seems Human remains found at site of Nashville RV explosion...

Nashville police officers were first called to a report of shots fired, police said. There was no evidence of shots fired, but "there were announcements coming" from an RV saying a potential bomb would detonate within 15 minutes, police said.

Officers were working to evacuate nearby buildings when, around 6:30 a.m., the RV exploded, blowing out the windows of nearby buildings.

Quite the blast

President Donald Trump, President-elect Joe Biden, acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf and acting Attorney General Jeff Rosen have been briefed on the incident.


#1832 2021-01-01 16:14:03

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Politics

The Congress just stood up to a Trump bill veto with the National defense authorization act has been passed to fund the military.


#1833 2021-01-01 18:31:15

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,038

Re: Politics

For SpaceNut re #1832

The topic is politics .... it's possible the fellow blowing himself up in his RV was motivated by politics ... so far there's been no reporting to that effect

I decided to post here because I caught a report in a news feed that indicated a forensics expert (with some street creds) indicated his first impression from studying video of the explosion is that it was a well designed gas mixture explosion.   In other words, if the expert is correct, the perp introduced a mixture of gas and oxidizer into his RV in a carefully regulated manner, and arranged for ignition to occur when conditions were optimum for maximum effect.

This is ** precisely ** what the IC topic is talking about. although the scale is smaller.

The expert forecast that investigators will discover evidence of trial runs to find the right conditions for optimum performance of the explosive device.



#1834 2021-01-01 20:36:30

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,790

Re: Politics


So far as we know, this guy was another luddite who was worried that 5G technology would scramble his brain, although he was apparently already blissfully unaware that his brain was already well done, since he committed suicide over some new cellular technology.  He warned everyone to leave the area and blew up an AT&T building that was implementing 5G.  I'm not a detective and don't play one on TV, but I don't have to be one to figure out what his target was.  If he wanted to kill a lot of people to make a political statement, there were plenty of other areas and ways that he could've killed a lot more people, yet he deliberately warned everyone to leave before detonating the bomb.  That said, he absolutely trashed that AT&T building and I think he did end up killing some people anyway.  I only wish that these people who want to kill themselves over whatever minor annoyance life has caused them would do it without taking anyone else with them.


#1835 2021-01-06 20:58:29

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,923

Re: Politics

Watching the news. Citizens storm the Capital. Should Canada prepare for massive numbers of refugees from the US?


#1836 2021-01-06 21:36:57

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Politics

They got inside the capital building with bombs being detonated after people were cleared, 13 arrests and 1 death from those that broke in through windows and doors ect.....

Some of the Republicans that were going to object for the states votes going to Biden but after the riots and break-in they have mostly changed there mind for those that had voiced objections.

Arizona was the first to be objected to and that has or is most likely to fail...of the swing states that went to Biden and not Trump.


#1837 2021-01-07 18:16:03

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: Politics

The fight is now on. I can't see the Republicans surviving this as a single party.  They must split   and a Patriots Party will be formed to continue  Trump's work, one more ideological tham he was. Trump's weakness was he saw everything in terms of negotiating deals and good guys or bad guys , people who could get things done or couldn't.  This allowed the Deep State snakes like Barr to feed him bullshit about progress on various key issues whilst also making appoitnment recommendations that would harm Trump.  It was a really big failure in Trump that he couldn't make it less personal and more about ideas.

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#1838 2021-01-08 22:04:33

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,743

Re: Politics

Louis,  you are quite wrong. 

Trump's weakness was that he is an utterly narcissistic sociopath,  if not a psychopath,  and there is a good case to be made for "psychopath".

His rabid followers,  so easily incited to violence,  are a "fearless leader" cult,   not unlike the German Nazi Party,  after Adolf Hitler became its leader.   And many other such throughout history.

If you want to understand what this "fearless leader" cult believes,  and why it is so dangerous,  a good place to start is the Wikipedia article on Qanon.

The risk to American democracy here is not yet over.  The next target for mob violence and attempted insurrection is the inauguration itself. And too many elected politicians either believe this bullshit,  or pander to constituents who believe it.   

Meanwhile,  I think it quite clear that Trump will go down in history as the worst president the US has ever had:  specifically for the treason (or near-treason) of attempting a coup to stay in power,  despite losing an election.  THAT is precisely what he did by inciting those rabid followers to attack the Capitol.  Little different from Hitler's attempted coup in 1923 known as "the beer hall putsch". 

The "trick" now is getting him out of office as rapidly as possible,  and then actually holding him accountable for his grievous misdeeds.  My recommendation is (1) prison,  and (2) finding some way to make him ineligible to hold federal office,  ever again,  for the rest of his life,  since a conviction does not preclude running for office. 

At the very least,  his hold on the Republican Party would be diminished.  We really do need two viable parties. 


Last edited by GW Johnson (2021-01-08 22:07:18)

GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


#1839 2021-01-09 00:44:58

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,790

Re: Politics


Months ago we were hearing from the Democrat-run media that mobs of people burning entire city blocks to the ground were "fiery, but mostly peaceful protests", looting was a good thing (they even wrote a book on it entitled, "In Defense of Looting"), and you even saw Democrat politicians joining in with the rioters hurling explosives at the Police.

The national socialist party, much like the socialist party, first silenced all dissenting voices, they de-humanized people they didn't like because they didn't subscribe to their ideology, then they restricted their freedom to travel, followed by ostracizing them from society, and finally, they started rounding people up to put them in concentration camps.

In a single post, you touched on the first three steps towards real nazism.

Some of your fellow Democrats have recommended skipping the first steps and going straight to concentration camps.

Do try not to become what you rage against.

The nazis and communists were just as convinced as you are that they were absolutely justified in everything they said and did.

Assuming you're as independent as you believe yourself to be, you'd do well to remember that after the radical left is done with us, they'll come for you as well.


#1840 2021-01-09 11:25:36

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Politics

How many guards were killed in that BLM activity?

Yes vandalism and breaking or burning are on equal terms for both activities and that they both need to have arrests for these activities.


#1841 2021-01-09 12:49:58

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,790

Re: Politics


Five of our Police Officers serving in Dallas, Texas, were murdered by our wonderful burn-loot-murder people in a single incident.  The blm people have also done multiple billions of dollars worth of damage to cities across America.

Some Trump supporters, one of them wearing a Chewbacca bikini, and a couple of blm people (only two of them, so far as I know), waltzed right into the Capitol building.  The Russians couldn't do it, the Iranians couldn't do it, and the Chinese couldn't.  A drag queen had more clout than our top three military adversaries.  We're spending 740 billion dollars on the military this year.  If you can't get over yourself long enough to laugh at that fact, then you have no sense of humor and no ability to escape your own three pound universe long enough to take stock of our predicament.  A man wearing a furry Star Wars themed bikini broke into (walked into) the Capitol building and took a selfie in Pelosi's chair.  Oh, the horror of that event.  How terrifying.  The terrifying actions of a madman!

A white woman was shot in the head by a black Police Officer, so all the virtue signaling about how white people are treated differently than black people really should stop, if only for a moment, to realize that the Police shoot people that they think are breaking the law, after they ignore orders to stop what they're doing.  It has nothing to do with skin color, social status, etc.  If they think you're a threat, then they'll kill you, simple as that.

Meanwhile, Pelosi called up the Pentagon and asked the military to stage a real coup against President Trump.  That went about as well as you might expect.

Both sides think they're justified in whatever they do, and at this point, both sides are WRONG!

Any conservatives who supported President Trump are being censored in social media or fired from their jobs.  Meanwhile, tweets praising Weger concentration camps in China are perfectly consistent with Twitter's policies.  Real dictators don't get censored, because they're the ones who censor other people.  At this point, nearly everything should be copacetic with your world view.  Democrats control the House, Senate, and Presidency, so now you can stop blaming Republicans for everything that your own political party is doing to you.  Keep paying attention as they screw you over in every way imaginable.

Lastly, please stop clutching at your pearls like some prudish old Queen of England.  Learn to embrace the absurdity of the inability of both sides to come to terms with their fundamental ideological disagreements.


#1842 2021-01-09 13:59:19

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,743

Re: Politics

From the images on the TV news services,  there is more violence associated with the far-right/alt-right than there is with the far-left.  That much is quite clear.  The more interesting question is: where is the organized threat coming from?  Organizations are always bigger threats than individuals.

There is no one organization called "Antifa" representing a leftist threat.  That claim is a conspiracy theory propagated by the far right.  "Antifa" is merely a label covering a varied group of leftist extremists,  who are (at this time) still totally unorganized. 

And there is no doubt some of these are terrorists,  and that some have committed violence. But they represent threats only as individuals,  not as the more serious threat presented by an actual organization.

As for the damage during the BLM protests,  there was a pattern to this,  not perfect,  but good enough to make a sound judgement.  The daytime events really were the mostly-peaceful events as claimed.  It was after dark that the violence and damage typically occurred.

While some extreme leftists are vandals and terrorists,  in my humble opinion they were far outnumbered by the criminal element simply wishing to take advantage of the chaos,  and using the cover of darkness,  as they usually do.  I thought I identified some far-right/alt-right "ringers" doing a false-flag operation,  but these were not anything dominant.

The contrast of that leftist threat with the threat from the far right could not be more dramatic.  The far right are organized,  with the source of their beliefs coming from the Qanon community online.  That organization shows in the planning and coordination that took place on-line leading up to the insurrection on the 6th. 

Even though now kicked off Twitter and Facebook (though too late to have any real impact),  they continue organizing on services such as Gab and Parler.  And youtube is full of their videos posted by many outlets.

Not every "rabid" Trump supporter is a Qanon "true believer",  but many are,  and virtually all of them make at least some of the same 4 debunked claims about reality that ultimately derive from Qanon. Those are:

1. That there is a stealthy cabal of evil child-trafficking Satanists who run everything,  called the "Deep State",  responsible for most or all the ills we see. It is composed primarily of Democrats,  Hollywood actors,  rich Jewish bankers,  and of late,  some "Republicans-in-name-only". 

In its more extreme forms,  this includes cannibalism and blood-drinking,  and murder of children.  This started early in 2017 on the 4chan message board /pol/,  whose logo then was, in part,  a Nazi swastika.  It moved to 8chan until its demise,  then 8kun and others,  and has since spread across much of the world from there.  This is an utter bullshit belief system,  make no mistake about that.   

The real "deep states" are twofold and unconnected,  not stealthy,  and long well-known to be a problem:  (1) a shifting balance of rich corporations competing and allying,  using their wealth to unfairly get what they want from the government at public expense,  and (2) the incredible inertia of a huge bureaucracy that is strangling itself in red tape,  and also strangling all who come near it.

2. Trump was the hero secretly fighting this "Deep State",  who was supposed to lead its overthrow by the US military,  establishing (surprise,  surprise!) a military-supported authoritarian government,  with mass arrests of "Deep State" figures (anyone not a rabid Trump supporter,  really),  their deportation to Guantanamo Bay for military tribunals,  and their mass executions.  That also began early in Trump's term. 

In its more extreme forms,  the executions have already secretly begun,  with notable supposed "Deep State" figures who died recently of natural causes claimed to have been secretly executed by lethal injection. Among those claimed executed:  John McCain,  and George H. W. Bush. 

What this really is,  is a "fearless leader" personality cult.  These are quite dangerous,  whether based in politics or religion,  or even both.  An example I often use is Hitler and the Nazi Party,  but there are many more such examples scattered throughout history.  Lenin and his Bolsheviks,  for another.

3. Starting shortly after the disease first appeared in the US,  SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 was claimed to be a hoax for increasing "Deep State" political control,  with the disease claimed to be really no worse than an ordinary influenza.  Infection rates and death rates were claimed to be inflated by medical entities,  paid to do so by the "Deep State" government. 

Correlary to this is the claim that wearing a mask to interrupt disease transmission is somehow unAmerican and a curtailment of liberty.  Dubious or even dangerous "cures" for the disease are touted by this community.  In the more extreme forms,  the vaccines are really a plot to micro-chip Americans,  and similar bullshit.

These falsehoods induce people to exhibit irresponsible behavior during a pandemic that may yet surpass that of the 1918 influenza debacle.  You see maskless people crowded elbow-to-elbow at Trump rallies and other Republican gatherings,  which is not surprising when you consider the estimates are that half to three quarters of Republicans are either Qanon "true believers",  or at least believe in some of the claims.  You simply do not see such behaviors widely displayed among the Democrats or independents.  And that illustrates the danger of that particular Qanon delusion.

4. Starting with Trump's election loss in November 2020,  the claim is that he really won,  but the election was stolen from him by massive fraud.  Evidence is always claimed to exist,  but none was apparently ever shown to a court of law,  because 60-some lawsuits about election fraud were dismissed or thrown out,  by judges appointed by Trump in many cases, precisely because of a lack of credible evidence!

However,  belief nearly always triumphs over fact,  especially when emotions run high.  It is this 4th claim that was the prime motivating factor for the insurrection mob that attacked the Capitol on the 6th.  They had been incited by Trump and his enablers ever since November about this,  so it was easy for Trump to send them off to attack with only a few words,  as we all saw in the live footage.

These people sincerely believed they were trying to save democracy,  but their actions were insurrection,  pure and simple.  Their belief about the election is sadly quite mistaken.  The election was not stolen,  it was in fact one of the most secure we have ever had.  But you cannot convince them of that. 

(end list of claims)

The Qanon "true believers" would make all 4 listed claims,  at least until very recently.  The venal Trump-enabling politicians would only mention claims 3 and 4,  and usually only claim 4 since November.  The "rabid" Trump supporters who were not "true believers" would usually only make claims 3 and 4.  Claim 4 drove the insurrection on the 6th.  But regardless of scope,  these claims derive from the Qanon community. And by the way,  some of the earliest postings on 4chan/pol/ were put there by Russian operatives,  according to the Wikipedia article about 4chan.  Surprise,  surprise,  again!

It is difficult in the extreme to make good decisions based upon bad data.  And bad data are exactly what those 4 Qanon claims are.  There are many dangerous extremist groups out there,  both left and right,  but the one now explicitly shown to be a clear and present danger to this country,  is the Qanon community,  whose claims have "infected" so many Americans with false beliefs.  The FBI did warn us about them,  as being a source of domestic terrorism.  And so they have proven to be.


Last edited by GW Johnson (2021-01-09 13:59:57)

GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


#1843 2021-01-09 14:22:56

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Politics

Sorry for both GW and Kbd512 for the

Five of our Police Officers serving in Dallas, Texas, were murdered by our wonderful burn-loot-murder people in a single incident.  The blm people have also done multiple billions of dollars worth of damage to cities across America.

Hopefully those that have committed the crimes have been captured, tried and sentenced and for those that have not a continued round up will happen for all of the criminal activity that has been done on both sides....

GW the social media and messaging have and are linked to all of the activities and while it was known that little was done as its protected by "Free Speech" and that is still part of the issues as even a threat was not taken to the next steps of protections against a possibility that some would commit the acts of violence.


#1844 2021-01-09 18:59:03

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,790

Re: Politics


The far left has done billions of dollars worth of property damage in cities across America.  Up to this point, the far right has done no such thing.  In point of fact, more people died in the antifa / blm riots than any riots fomented by the far right.  Any assertion to the contrary is utterly lacking for evidence.

As to your "Qanon" tirade, I think some the claims sound a bit fishy.  I have no idea where points #1 and #2 are coming from, point #3 (mandating the wearing of masks; the rest seems very far-fetched) seems to be related to the lack of constitutionality of any edicts that have no basis in law, and point #4 appears to be an inexplicable and statistically heretofore unobserved phenomenon.  There were "mass executions" of people rounded up and sent to Gitmo under President Trump?  Umm, what?

How many of these conspiracy theories have you been reading?

Where are you going to read them?

Are you that bored?

Anywho, those were some highly imaginative conspiracy theories, but wait until I blow your mind with my own conspiracy theories:

1. Yellow Poplar and White Pine may actually be stronger woods than Sitka Spruce for building wings and empennage with.

2. It may be possible to build a really nice single-seat pusher-prop type STOL / agricultural / light attack aircraft using a mid-engine WWII era Ford GAA tank motor with the radiator integrated into the tail.  This provides a very unobstructed view of the surrounding terrain since you're sitting forward of the wing, but the cockpit is a bit cramped, more akin to riding around in a F1 car.

3. The entire fuselage could be constructed using three large 6061-T6 machined billets, although I'd prefer a CFRP cockpit built for 26g impact survivability.  The wings could be GFRP-wrapped wood.  I know it works, but I still have a hard time trusting bonding to foams.

4. ARP studs and bolts are superior to AN hardware in some instances, but crazy expensive.

Apologies for not being able to work on your "Qanon" conspiracy theories, but as you can see, I'm a little too busy with my own.  I don't know what parts are valid, if any, but I do know that airplanes are fun and conspiracy theories generally aren't.  You far left guys were duped by the media into believing that President Trump was a Russian agent, so it doesn't surprise me that some of the far right guys believe nonsense like that.  I'm not wasting my time trying to validate or refute their claims.  If I'm not overly concerned with any of it, it's because I have a Democrat next-door neighbor who supplies me with plenty of Trump-related conspiracies of her own.

If you want to talk about the politics of light aircraft, then we can do that, but I'm done with the conspiracy theories, because they're not interesting at all.


#1845 2021-01-09 19:11:26

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Politics

1. I found interesting but having worked in a lumber mill it comes down to the number of cross grain knots in the wood that causes it to be appealing to the eye when stained versus wood strength over a long distance.

2 & 3 I have no base line of information

4. comes down to testing of the materials, purity of the desired content of the metals to the dimensions you wish....


#1846 2021-01-10 09:54:07

Registered: 2013-12-13
Posts: 665

Re: Politics

Hi to all,

Seeing the 6th January events from Italy I was very saddened to see a big democracy like US in this troubles.
During his four-year term, President Trump did something very well, like not starting wars, and something really bad, like the management of the epidemic (politicizing the use of the mask was the dumbest thing of all), but in his final days he really made a political suicide.

Likely, everyone of us, at least once in his/her life, suffered some kind of injustice or has been deprived of a deserved victory in a competition. But we all know this simple rule: no evidence = shut-up. So, even if the claims of electoral fraud were real - I know very little of American ballot system to express an opinion in this regard - having no evidence of fraud, President Trump would have been silent, followed the rules of democracy and accepted the loss to not inflict damage to the Country he has sworn to protect.

Instead, his behavior seems to me that of a six years old spoiled kid, whose parents used to always make him win, the first time he faces a real play: unable to cope with a loss, he flares up like a red dwarf star and flips the board over.

Last edited by Quaoar (2021-01-10 11:08:43)


#1847 2021-01-10 11:20:37

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,923

Re: Politics

So, Twitter suspended Trump's account. That's a violation of the First Amendment.


#1848 2021-01-10 11:28:37

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,923

Re: Politics

Nancy Pelosi wants to impeach Trump. Innauguration is 10 days away. That's stupid. She's just having a hissy fit.


#1849 2021-01-10 12:07:03

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,790

Re: Politics


No, not a violation of freedom of speech, merely proof that Twitter is a publisher of editorialized content, which means they shouldn't have a Section 230 exemption to protect them against libel law suits.


Regarding Nancy Pelosi, her personal hatred for President Trump doesn't allow her to make rational decisions.

Edit #2:

The ideological left doesn't believe in freedom of speech at all, never mind any other freedoms.  The ideological left does believe in the freedom to agree with them.  If you disagree with the ideological left, then your opinion must be silenced.  When you disagree with them, the ideological leftists want to erase every trace of your existence, because their ideology is so weak that it can't tolerate criticisms.

It's not had to understand why.  When young men and women are still learning how to think and formulating their beliefs, they're exposed to a single ideological and philosophical viewpoint, because the goal behind teaching the ideology is "indoctrination", not "education".

Last edited by kbd512 (2021-01-10 12:57:32)


#1850 2021-01-10 13:07:43

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,743

Re: Politics

The first amendment restricts the federal government (not state or local) from limiting "free speech".  That's the first problem with all the claims that Trump's free speech rights have been violated.

The second has to do with lies that cause risk or damage to other people.  It is illegal in every state in the union to yell "fire" in a theater where there is none,  and quite rightly so!  If you do,  you will be hauled off by the local police,  in every state in the union,  and quite rightly so. 

The third is that Twitter and Facebook are private commercial services,  nothing to do with any government at any level.  As long as they operate within the established rules for communication services,  they have the right to regulate whatever content they allow to be published!  Period!  And in view of the "fire-in-a-theater" risks of lies that incite riots (or worse),  it behooves them to stop someone from inciting public violence with their services.  What is so hard to understand about that?

Note that it is the local police,  not federal marshals,  that will arrest you if you yell "fire" in a theater when there is none.  That's in accord with the notion that the federal government cannot restrict what you say,  but local authorities can,  to protect lives and safety.  What is so hard to understand about that?

Better get used to that little fact about free speech.  It's been that way since before the founding of the Republic.  It was that way in the colonies,  too.  It's just a matter of common sense,  not some idiotic political principle to be exaggerated to the point of hurting others. 

It's that way with most of our freedoms.  My right to swing my fist stops BEFORE I strike you!.  And vice versa.  That's just plain common sense!  None of my rights,  or any of your rights,  are absolute!  ALL have common sense limits.

So,  whatever happened to everybody's common sense?  I do NOT see it in many of these discussions!  Instead I see extremism rearing its ugly head.  Repeatedly.


Last edited by GW Johnson (2021-01-10 13:08:05)

GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


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