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#426 2020-08-18 11:17:46

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling


Do you Democrats like paying to prop up government institutions that don't work?  If so, why?

The USPS hasn't been solvent since former President Obama took office.  President Trump isn't interested in lighting money on fire to "prove" that statism works when it's so painfully obvious that it doesn't.  Unfortunately, Democrats are unable to admit when something clearly isn't working.  They can't even tell themselves the truth because it flies in the face of their own narratives.  Democrats want to travel back in time to an era in American history where social security and the USPS and other programs weren't proven failures, but this is 2020 and those programs clearly don't work, not even for the people they're purported to help or protect.  I think Democrats actually believe that everyone else is supposed to pay for their bad ideas into perpetuity.

Prime Example:

Worker to retiree ratio in 1950 when Social Security was originally implemented: 10 workers per retiree

Worker to retiree ratio in 2020: 1 worker per 3 retirees

These Democrat wealth redistribution schemes only work if the population of workers continually increases, meaning enough Peters to rob to pay the Pauls of this country.  Democrats are the ones pushing their "sustainability" ideas, yet whenever those ideas run afoul of their party ideology, they religiously ignore the results.  This scheme either consumes an increasing quantity of wealth from a decreasing number of workers to account for the fact that the situation in the 2020s is reversed from the situation in the 1950s, or maybe somewhere along the way we have to admit that government programs aren't the answer to every problem in life and allow workers to keep their own money and decide what to invest it in for retirement because Democrats are utterly clueless about how to handle money.


#427 2020-08-18 17:31:40

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

Oh trying to run it like a business that it was not done for since inception.
USPS Unfunded Liabilities and Debt as a Percentage of USPS Revenue, Fiscal Years 2007 through 2018


USPS has lost $69 billion over the past 11 fiscal years—including $3.9 billion in fiscal year 2018 and Mail volume is down 31 percent since 2007. Diversification of what is shipped by them is the issue as the rates were not correct.

Notice discounted pricing for commercial which will cause the increasing of costs to ship which are not balanced against what gets charged for the service. … %20mailing.

Seems like they can not do a budget and analyze what it costs them to mail an item correctly...


#428 2020-08-19 00:26:17

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling


Going back to Dr. Zubrin's statement that the purpose of spending money is to do great things, rather than doing something in order to spend money, how is that concept not equally applicable to the USPS?

If commercial carriers provide the same service as government carriers for less money, what's the point of dumping tens of billions of dollars into a government parcel service that can't pay for itself?

The federal government already has its own independent parcel service to ship things like ventilators or military aircraft engines or similar national defense related parcels between the various government contractors and government facilities, so there's no argument to be made about not being able to ship items critical to our government for lack of a commercial carrier.  I don't care if American tax payers have to continue to pay to maintain that capability, but when the USPS can't figure out what to charge or has such poor service that everybody avoids interacting with them like the plague, then why continue throwing good money after bad?

Here's a list of the Top 100 largest parcel services in the US:

2018 Essential Financial and Operating Information for the 100 largest For-Hire Carriers in North America

How many different major US corporations involved in logistics are required for Americans to confidently say that we have parcel services adequately covered?

Most of these corporations would have to compete for your business, which means they have to do a better job for less money.  They have an economic incentive to provide better service to their customers than their competitors in order to increase their market share.  True competition lowers costs in nearly all cases.


#429 2020-08-28 15:34:06

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

President Donald Trump is a serial liar and he serially lied during his speech accepting the Republican nomination.  Fact check: Trump makes more than 20 false or misleading claims in accepting presidential nomination

At a minimum misleading


#430 2020-08-28 16:49:17

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling


Anything that President Trump says or does is lying or misleading in the minds of Democrats, especially in light of the fact that President Trump is succeeding where Democrats and Republicans have utterly failed our country.  The Democrats have no policy points they're willing to debate, nor any other meaningful contributions to make to civilized society as of late, therefore the rest of us are continuing with an alternative that doesn't involve burning down our own country over media lies about racism.

I stopped reading the partisan brain drivel you linked to from the Communist News Network after their very first "fact check" failed to address the technical validity of President Trump's claim about COVID testing.  President Trump is technically correct, which is the best kind of "correct", not subject to the beliefs / opinions / feelings of people who don't like him for their own personal reasons.  The rebuttal immediately launched into an OPINION about the effectiveness, or lack thereof, of the US COVID-19 testing program.  The opinion of the editor has bean dip / bupkis / zero / zilch / nada to do with President Trump's actual claim.  The personal opinions / beliefs of a partisan political organization masquerading as "news media" does not count as a "fact check".  Instead, it's "the facts according to Democrats desperate for their party to regain the political power that was so rightfully taken from them by the people for their utter lack of useful policy making".

In one quarter, our stock market bounced back from the complete shut down during the prior quarter.  As of this week, the stock market has erased all losses associated with the COVID-19 shutdown.  For people who are dependent upon the stock market for their retirement, this is great news.

To the rest of my fellow Americans,

Why waste your time with Democrat political opinions of President Trump?

I can break that down for everyone in a single sentence:
The Democrats stand for the opposite of whatever President Trump stands for.

If President Trump claims we need sanitization or treatment of raw sewage, then Democrats think you should go swimming in it.

Why, you might ask?...  Orange Man Baaaaad!

I just summed up the Democrats' entire policy position.  It's an utterly meaningless and childish campaign slogan that says nothing at all about how they're going to do any better than President Trump has done.  They know they don't have a candidate, same as last time, so that's what they're stuck with.  Bernie Sanders said more about what the Democrats want to do, if their candidate is elected President, than former VP Biden ever did.  That should make you wonder a little if you care at all about which direction this country is headed.

Former VP Biden can probably tell you all about Corn Pop and lying dog faced pony soldiers, but his brain has melted, so he can't remember other unimportant details, such as what office he's running for (either the Senate or the Presidency, depending on what day it is), who he's married to (either himself or his sister, according to him), who he is (maybe the "other Joe Biden"?), who he has to beat to win the election (apparently, he thinks Joe Biden will beat Joe Biden, and he's probably not wrong about that), nor who he's talking to (even when the name of the person is printed on their shirt and on the teleprompter).  This is what happens when you suffer from Dementia, a degenerative brain disease.


#431 2020-08-28 19:41:02

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

Its boiling down again to whom is the least evil for president...
Exclusive: Most U.S. states reject Trump administration's new COVID-19 testing guidance

Its not about the tested versus untested, or about the number of assymtomatic to those have it and get over it or for those that get hospitalized let alone all the Amercans that are dieing. It is numbers for the value of life or its risk that matter as that is priceless to all and not valueless as others whom spout numbers want you to believe.


#432 2020-08-28 22:11:28

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling


Democrats can't be bothered with that icky math or silly number thingies.  It's all about their feelings.  For people who claim to value life, it's very odd that you can't explain why your media incite people to burn, loot, and murder.


#433 2020-08-29 17:37:06

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

Since no one is asked what party these criminals are associated with, then its safe to say they are neither and are both.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence has informed Senate and House intelligence committees that it will no longer brief Congress on foreign efforts to interfere in the November election, according to congressional Democrats.

Thats so you are not caught tampering....


#434 2020-08-29 19:08:53

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling


I guess you think you can support criminals and claim innocence, but that's not how it works.  The antifa and blm thugs are socialists or communists or anarchists.  They sure as hell aren't people who voted for Republicans or President Trump.  So, if Republicans and President Trump get blamed for all far right wing criminals, then it's only fair that Democrats are blamed for all far left wing criminals.  Since far left media was cheerleading the race riots and defunding the Police and falsely claiming that rioters who were burning and looting were "protesting", I think we can safely assume that they're associated with the Democrats.

Thanks, man, I needed a good laugh.


#435 2020-08-30 17:31:36

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

What do you call it when a Trump supporter shots protesters?

President Donald Trump of trying to inflame racial tensions to benefit his campaign as he praised supporters who clashed with protesters in Portland, Oregon 'Fanning the flames' of hate. When he says that he is a law and order president rather than Trump unleashes barrage of tweets in response to Portland violence, says ‘big backlash’ to protests ‘cannot be unexpected’ while Biden condemns violence in Portland and calls on Trump to do the same.

For 90 consecutive nights, protesters in Portland have denounced police brutality and racial injustice spurred by the killing of George Floyd in May. You would think that someone get the message...


#436 2020-08-30 19:37:19

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,072

Re: Election Meddling

For SpaceNut re #435

It might seem reasonable to suppose that a Trump supporter armed with multiple weapons would have fired the shot that lead to the death.

However, the person who hit the pavement was (apparently) wearing a pro-Trump hat.  The hat was (reportedly) for a right wing group.

Also ... From sketchy reports ... it appears that the death occurred after the bulk of the right wing extremists had departed the scene.

My suggestion (for what it's worth) is for everyone to wait for more official reports.



#437 2020-08-31 04:23:46

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling


Alright, then.  Q & A time.  Let's provide some plain and simple answers to intellectually dishonest questions seeking vindication for a morally bankrupt ideology that encourages highly destructive criminal behavior masquerading as protesting against racism.

Q: Is a "peaceful protester" someone who loots stores, burns homes / businesses / vehicles to the ground or threatens and beats up or kills the elderly, women, and children?

A: Trump supporters say there's nothing peaceful about looters, arsonists, and roving bands of street thugs who assault and kill random people who just happen to live somewhere near where local Police may or may not have done anything wrong or wear a hat with a slogan that people from the opposing political party don't like, or especially people who start riots in entirely different cities or foreign countries over something that never happened there.  Maybe we can't all just get along, and I'm fine with that, but we don't have to turn our communities into war zones because some career criminal who lived there was shot by the Police or we had our precious little feelings hurt by whomever did or didn't get elected.

A2: I call the people who defend their home or their business, or their right to exist in many cases, ordinary everyday American citizens who are completely fed up with being butchered or having everything they worked for destroyed in service to your party's morally bankrupt political ideology that supports violent street thugs and anarchists running amok in our streets because the politicians who people like you vote into office are such evil nihilist clowns that they would rather watch the city they live in burn than admit that the extremists in their party have run their political party off the rails.

Q: Should we "defund the Police", as so many of our Democrat nihilists have suggested we do?

A: Only if you want the most violent and ignorant clowns in America running loose in our streets with weapons, attacking each other and hurting random citizens who are unfortunate enough to get caught between them.

A2: There's nothing you can say that will make me believe that the street thugs who burned entire car lots full of cars that people use to get to work everyday give a crap about anyone else but themselves (and if we're honest they don't even care about themselves, either).  They don't care about you, either, BTW, even if both of you tend to vote for the same sorts of politicians.  Why it is that you carry water for common street thugs is completely beyond my comprehension.

A3: Thus far, your "peaceful protesters" have peacefully looted stores, peacefully burned homes and businesses to the ground that had nothing whatsoever to do with the Police, peacefully beaten people to death, and peacefully assaulted and threatened to kill people who were walking down the street.  You Democrats keep using that word "peaceful" or "mostly peaceful" to describe activities that are anything but.  I don't think that word means what you think it means.

A4: Here's your "mostly peaceful protesters" doing what they do best (peacefully looting, peacefully burning businesses to the ground, peacefully vandalizing property, and peacefully beating up passersby or people trying to defend what they've worked their entire lives to build):

Kenosha Wisconsin Footage The Media Doesn't Want You To See (Compilation)

Kenosha resident drives through the aftermath of the riots

Riot Aftermath Day 3 - Kenosha, Wis

A5: I can keep posting these videos every time you use the word "peaceful" to describe these rioters / looters / arsonists.  I can start posting links to the criminal records of the convicted felons that the Police shot for resisting arrest and the videos of them resisting arrest.  However, I think having to respond that way to every idiotic and cartoonish media mischaracterization of the Police is a bit asinine, as is your entire line of argumentation seeking to excuse the grotesque criminal behavior of the people the Police have to deal with every day.

Speaking of "getting the message", all the cities where this "anarchy in the streets" nonsense is happening are run by Democrats and have been run by Democrats for many years.  Who are you trying to deliver your message to?  It sure as hell isn't the Republican Party since they have no political power there.  The Police in those cities are exclusively controlled by their Democrat mayors.  You're "peacefully protesting" (what a joke) against your own political party (by destroying what little poor or middle class people have managed to scrape together) because there's no other political party in charge there.  What do you expect to accomplish?  If you don't like your political leadership, then get off your rear end and vote.  Stop incessantly whining about the problems that your own party's lack of leadership has caused.  Have you "gotten the message" yet?  These clowns you like to vote for do not care about you, at all, and they never will.

Parting Thoughts:

1. Protesters aren't protesting anyone or anything related to our government, no matter who is in charge, by attacking random civilians and burning their homes or businesses or vehicles to the ground, never mind assaulting them over a difference of opinion.  Such behavior is a form of domestic terrorism, plain and simple.

2. Criminals get shot by the Police because we have laws (no Police Officer I've ever met gave a damn about what the person they were chasing looked like), even if some people think they're so special that the law doesn't apply to them, if there are laws then there is such a thing as authority to enforce those laws, and the Police have that authority.  It doesn't matter if you agree with them having that authority or not, because if you don't have Police then you have survival of the fittest (anarchism and vigilante justice).

3. Anyone who can't come up with a logical argument to explain why rioters are attacking random people should abandon their ideological dogma, irrespective of their political beliefs about the rioters, and find a better ideological position to defend that better suits their actual beliefs.  These rioters personify the antithesis of peaceful protesters, yet you seem to be trying to convince me or others that they're protesting racism.  White kids smashing car windows with baseball bats surely don't care about black lives.


#438 2020-08-31 06:44:52

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,072

Re: Election Meddling

For kbd512 and SpaceNut re ongoing conversation about population management ...

The United States seems (to me at least) to be showing signs of the 400 years of carefully nurtured hatred bubbling up in disrespect for others.

The hatred we are seeing today did not happen by accident.  It has been inculcated deliberately into the minds of children over hundreds of years.

The Broadway Musical South Pacific made that point with a song about the phenomenon.

Recently I caught a lecture about the systematic looting of a part of the US population by another part of the population, over not just decades, but over centuries, and continuing to this very day.

It seems to me obvious that the behavior described will lead inevitably to an equal and opposite reaction. 

The hatred trained into millions of minds is not going away any time soon.

The US is in for a rough ride.



#439 2020-08-31 10:22:04

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling


A bunch of white kids with tie-dye hair smashing car windows in a mostly black neighborhood, along with a handful of black kids who are either fellow common street criminals or fellow anarchists, is not the result of "carefully nurtured hatred".  I've never seen so many white kids "showing that they care about black people" by utterly destroying the community that those black people live in.  They seem to think their community is some kind of "real life Grand Theft Auto".  The name of that idiotic computer game keeps popping up over and over again in the comments about the videos and in the videos themselves, as if the morons involved think real life is some kind of video game.  They're a bunch of socialist / communist / anarchist LARPers (Live-Action Role-Players).  Nobody alive today, certainly none of the miscreants who have done billions of dollars worth of property damage to our cities and towns across America and killed about 40 or 50 people in the process, was a slave or owned a slave, and the notion that every black man shot by a white man.  Nothing is owed to them except a judge and DA with the backbone to enforce our laws, a jury who is sick of having everything they've worked for annihilated by nihilists, instead of kowtowing to the very worst excuses for human beings our society has produced, to send them to prison for 10 years to life, dependent upon how heinous their crimes were.

The mob in Kenosha was clearly upset at that kid, Kyle Rittenhouse, for putting out their dumpster fire with a fire extinguisher instead of allowing them to set a gas station on fire, potentially killing everyone there, to include the abject morons who were about to blow themselves into the middle of next week while standing right next to it during their ill-advised stunt, so they chased him until he fell, then tried to cave his skull in with their fists and a skate board, wherein those three evil clowns were shot.  That's what happens, and rightly so, when you're so much of a total moron that you chase someone holding an AR-15.  Those tools so richly deserved their Darwin Awards.  The community should be giving that kid a medal for doing what our Police and Justice System failed to do.  In any event, those three completely unacceptable excuses for human beings that Kyle planted were all convicted felons who were convicted of multiple violent crimes.  Off the top of my head, one was convicted of sexual assault, the next of strangulation and other abuses of his girlfriend or wife, and the other for armed robbery (I think this was the idiot who ran up to Kyle with his pistol in his hand and then pretended to surrender while his fellow moron took a swing at Kyle's head with his skateboard, missed, and struck his shoulder instead; this particular street thug was prohibited by law from possessing a firearm since he was a convicted felon, yet he had one anyway, more or less proving why law abiding citizens need guns to protect themselves from the murderous street thugs that the worthless Democrat mayors and governors refuse to protect them from).

No matter what the morons and criminals of our society believe, it's the duty of the Mayor and the Governor to work with the Police / State Guard / National Guard to protect their cities from rioting violent street criminals.  Since these Democrat mayors and governors have told the Police to stand down and have refused assistance from President Trump to quell the riots in their cities, they're every bit as responsible for the deaths of their citizens and the destruction of their property as any of these rioters are.

As long as we have Democrat politicians won't do their jobs whenever it runs afoul of their political beliefs about totalitarian statism / socialism / communism / inevitable anarchy, this nonsense will continue.  Rather than protest, why not vote the people out of office who control the Police and replace them with people who might actually care about other people.  That pretty much rules out most Democrats from the word "go", but it is what it is.

BTW, since I have a pair of eyes and ears, I don't need to spend any money on Broadway musicals to determine that Democrats teach people to hate other people.  They make their beliefs crystal clear through their statements and actions.  It's so obvious now that only people who cheerlead this kind of disgusting thuggery could possibly miss it.  We're only in for a rough ride if we refuse to act to send these evil clowns packing.  Remove all of their political power by voting them out and watch how fast things change.


#440 2020-08-31 23:23:21

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,363

Re: Election Meddling

I suppose it is all well and good none of us live in an environment with an airlock.

The hatred in these posts is telling. The binary black and white positioning leaving no room for consideration, just more polarization is telling. Win at all costs nature of the debate leads only to a Pyrrhic victory, recriminations, and nothing learned by no one.

I often imagine what this type of situation would like on Mars. How elastic is security and liberty when one disenfranchised soul can doom thousands with a hammer or a push of a button? What does tolerance and compassion look like when everyone lives under equal amounts of mutually assured destruction in the event a minority is persecuted? But I digress.

I think the conversation was around the legitimacy of a 17 year old, from out of town, shooting some other people in the streets, right? He was practically forced to go and kill those people. Vigilante justice. Yep. This is the America we want. Right?


#441 2020-09-01 11:08:31

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling


Actual protesters who protest government overreach or criminality are people I support because I believe in free speech and the right to redress of grievances.  I don't support "protesting the government" by smashing the windows of the local Wendy's or gas station, taking the money in the cash register drawer, and burning the building to the ground.  That's not free speech, nor is it any form of protest against the government.  It's vandalism, looting, and arson.  A "mostly peaceful protest" doesn't end with hundreds of millions of dollars of property damage or murders, either.  Maybe you can't tell the difference, but I can.

I don't want 17 year olds running around in our streets with rifles, either, but the people who criminal supporters tend to vote for, utterly worthless Democrat politicians who kowtow to criminal street thugs for political brownie points with the extremists who have taken over their political party, told the Police to stand down instead of protecting the people and their property from roving bands of criminal street thugs, many of whom were not living in Kenosha.  The mayor is the local head of the executive branch and has discretion regarding law enforcement activities.  As a result, we had another little taste of anarchy and vigilantism.  People are going to defend their lives and property, with or without Police presence, so people like you should decide whether or not you want law enforcement officers performing that work or random civilians who are decidedly less capable of doing that work, and vote accordingly.

I agree that it's all well and good that people with more emotion than reason don't live in pressurized environments.  They tend to be prone to knee-jerk reactions to events that they had no part of, such as the many justifiable Police arrests or shootings that our "mostly peaceful protesters" / rioters were never involved in.  Whether or not people learn anything after re-posting or re-hashing obvious lies spread by our politically-motivated media, people who cheerlead wanton death and destruction in service to their political beliefs, is entirely up to them.  I'm guessing they never will, but that won't stop me from responding to them so that other people know that there are "belief reflection limits" to their echo chamber.  The question "Can't we all just get along?" has been answered again and again and again.  How many repeats of the same answer do you require?  You may not like the answer, and I don't either, but you already know the answer to your own question.

I tend to approach these kinds of debates with facts rather than feelings.  You're welcome to do the same, or to let your emotions run wild.  I know people here are deeply committed to their political / religious dogma and that they choose "truth over facts" (or comical absurdity over ugly reality), or at least the truth as it agrees with their political ideology.  Unfortunately for them, the facts won't change to suit anyone's dogma.  The criminals who attacked Kyle Rittenhouse were all convicted felons who previously committed and were sentenced to jail or prison for violent crimes.  A former Police Officer posted their rap sheets online and posted links to the relevant government criminal records websites.  The people Kyle shot were all stunningly beautiful examples of humanity (one was sentenced for sexual assault, the other strangled and beat up his domestic partner, and the other was a burglar and felon in possession of a firearm; people I'm sure everyone would just love to invite into their homes, right?).  That police officer does blow-by-blow reactions / narrations on videotaped crimes in progress.  He also correctly noted that Kyle was a minor in possession of a firearm, but apparently a 17 year old is allowed to possess a rifle in the state of Wisconsin, at least according to the verbiage of the laws I've read.  You may disagree with that law as much as you wish, but it says what it says.

1. The 17 year old (Kyle Rittenhouse) was NOT from out of town.  He lived there in Kenosha, just minutes away from where the rioting was happening.  The media either lied about that or didn't bother to ask the question and just posted their political beliefs about Kyle, because the facts didn't suit their narrative.  Either way, there was no truth to that statement, nor your parroting of that false statement.  Many of the rioters who were arrested there, and in Portland and other cities across America, were, in point of fact, not residing in the state they committed their crimes in.

2. Kyle was asked by the business owner of the business he was standing in front of to help protect it from vandals / looters / arsonists after the two other businesses he owned were looted and burned to the ground during the previous two nights of rioting in Kenosha.  Since that was all he had left, he asked for help defending his business.  That business was still standing after the third night of riots in Kenosha, so there must be a point to having a dozen men with rifles outside.

3. The thuggish little ring leader (the guy in the pink shirt, a convicted felon who was imprisoned for sexual assault) was upset over the fact that Kyle took a fire extinguisher and put out the dumpster fire that he and his fellow criminal morons tried to run into the gas station / car repair shop with several dozen other people standing there.  This is the moron who was caught on tape threatening the men with guns and telling them to shoot him.  Moments later, his request was granted.

4. As a result of being upset about Kyle extinguishing their dumpster fire, they chased him, threatened to kill him, and took shots at him (the other little thug with the pistol that he was prohibited by law from possessing).  After being chased and assaulted and shot at by the thugs with "Mr Shoot Me" (pink shirt sex offender / ring leader), that criminal had his request fulfilled by Kyle.

5. Kyle then stopped running away to render first aid to "Mr Shoot Me" and to call the Police and an Ambulance.  While trying to render first aid, the rest of the mob containing the other two criminals chased him down the street, hit him in the back of the head, he fell, and the other two criminal clowns were shot in the process of trying to take his rifle and beat him in the head some more.  One person kicked him while he was on the ground and the other hit him in the back of the head with his skateboard.  Both were shot after the criminal assaults and one of them died.

6. The convicted criminal with the pistol wasn't charged for discharging his weapon at Kyle first, which is what started all the subsequent shooting by Kyle after subsequent assaults were committed against him, but he posted online on FaceBook that "his only regret was that he didn't empty his clip into Kyle's head".  Maybe your political ideology allows you to "misinterpret" what that "mostly peaceful protester" meant when he said that about Kyle, but mine doesn't.

As a result of this communist / anarchist lunacy supported by our Democrat Party and their media lackeys who cheerlead wanton death and destruction (anything for ratings, I guess), there are 10 million brand new gun owners in America.  I know that that's the exact opposite of what you claim you want.  Since the leftists clearly aren't going to "take what they want" (everything you own and your life, apparently) by force, maybe you'd prefer we return to some modicum of civility?  I know I would.

Casual readers can easily tell who came to this debate prepared with videotaped facts (links already provided in Post #437) about what happened and who came with their political / religious belief-based opinions, can't they?

That's the real problem, isn't it?

A bunch of white kids going to other states and chanting "black lives matter" while looting and smashing in the windows of stores owned by hispanic or black people doesn't agree very well with the regressive leftist narrative, does it?

Any person, irrespective of petty physical differences, who truly cares about black people will stop making excuses for violent criminals that the Police are forced to deal with by duty and law, stop participating in criminal activities like mob violence, and stop supporting government programs that encourage the economic and social destruction of the nuclear black family and replacement of black men of good character with "free money" from Uncle Sugar Daddy to support black women and children.  Those women will instantly become far more selective about who they choose to sleep with when no money will be forthcoming from Uncle Sugar Daddy and men who would otherwise choose to behave like overgrown children will either be forced to behave like civilized adults who can be trusted to make good decisions, or find themselves alone and ostracized from the rest of American society, as they should be.  Furthermore, we will cease to economically support the glorification or cheerleading of violence in media and video games, thus bankrupting the cretins who profit from such grotesque activities.

Anyway, the narrative is falling apart because religiously held political beliefs are being exposed to fact-based reality that's completely incongruent with the teachings of the religion.  I'm not here to convince people that their political religion is morally bankrupt.  They come to that conclusion all on their own after, and only after, sadly, they get attacked by the very people they claim to support.  You can get most people to believe "the big lie", but not everyone.

The entire notion of "victory", of any variety, is laughable at this point.  All Americans ultimately lose whenever the most violent and destructive amongst us are allowed to run amok in our streets.  Tax payers like myself will ultimately be forced to pay for this crapola, not the criminals burning down the buildings.  As of right now, politicians who belong to the Democrat Party are allowing that to happen in cities they're responsible for protecting and politicians from the Republican Party are fighting against the anarchy, albeit without much success.

I have a question for you, though.  If the roles that the political parties were playing in this nonsense were reversed, which political party do you think I'd support?  Here's a hint.  I don't have any favorite politicians or political parties.  Irrespective of what they say, they either implement policies I agree with, such as maintaining law and order, or they don't.


#442 2020-09-01 20:23:46

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,356

Re: Election Meddling

Per post #438:
If you are interested you may query for videos about the following:
1) "The Fourth Turning" (Which it seems we are in now).
2) Peter Zeihan
3) George Friedman
#1 is about a four generation sequence the re-occurs through history for some cultures.  At this time for the USA in particular, but likely impinging on your own.
In that theory we are in a ~20 year winter.  What should follow will be rebirth.  We may be about 1/2 way through our winter.
I would not atribute so much to the theory, except that by my own means I found time cycles, some of which match theirs.  They have 80-100 years for the four seasons to finish a sequence.  I had 85 years.
They have 20 year subparts, I believe they call seculums.  I had found 20 year sub cycles.  I think that threre are some tricks they don't know about.  But I will not tell.
#2 Peter Zeihan and #3 George Friedman do their calculations on certain data.  They don't particularly talk time cycles to a great degree, but have studied historic periods.   They may indicate that this "Winter" was expected.
So, a period of turmoil.  I will not go political on this, not too much.
However, from what I have read, there will be two qualities that the Millenials will install when they take over.  Respect for autority, and the expectation of reduction of inequality.  Possibly financial.
That is what the WWII or GI generation did.
If you want the four archtypes:
1) Hero's............GI generation.
2) Artists............Woody Allen as an example.
3) Boomers........Me amoung others.
4) Xers..........???
1) Millenials (See Hero's)
2) (Just getting out of the crib and childhood)

For a truly horrible war, Choose the Boomers, or the archtype four slots previous.  The most viscious types of war.  Thankfully, that was not fulfilled on a worldwide basis.
So, for this winter, there will be turmoil.  But as I once pointed out to you before, don't take the history of America out of the historical context of what was happening virtually everywhere else in the world, more or less.  How this all sorts out, is not so much predetermined, I think, but Millenials will not like people who are not team players all that much.  And they also like personal security.  So, with their desire for authority and that, I think it may be possible that some people who continue to get out of line will not do all that well under their rule.
But that edges somewhat towards pre-Judgement, which I want to avoid, as there are so many moving parts, that I, at least cannot make a prediction beyond the bounds that hold the whole process in containment.
I do recommend that you do some video research to understand Americans.
George Friedman has said a couple of things.  Washington DC is like Europe.  The rest of America is not.  New York is where most Europeans go to see America, but New York City is not like the rest of America.

Last edited by Void (2020-09-01 20:31:48)



#444 2020-09-02 21:07:51

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling


Well, President Trump was a Democrat up until the past election cycle.  Maybe he's just taking a page from the Democrat's playbook of dirty tricks.  I find it funny that Democrats have no problem ignoring the rules whenever it suits their agenda, but cry foul whenever someone else does what they do.  Rules for thee, but not for me.  We've had dead people voting for Democrats, the entire Dallas Cowboys lineup voting for some Democrat in California, illegal aliens posting on FaceBook about how proud they were to vote for Hillary Clinton, more people voting for Democrats than were living in a county at the time, zero votes for a Republican in a majority Republican county where people snapped photos of themselves with their "I voted" sticker, and so on.  Your party decided it didn't want to follow the rules after the last election, so here we are.


#446 2020-09-08 19:20:38

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

A week after President Trump suggested that voters in North Carolina should cast two ballots — one by mail and another at the polls — the authorities in Georgia are threatening criminal action against 1,000 Georgia voters who did just that.

“We will prosecute,” said Mr. Raffensperger, a Republican, noting that double voting in Georgia, considered a serious felony, carries a penalty of one to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $100,000. While calling attention to the double votes could add fuel to Mr. Trump’s unfounded claim that mail voting opens the door to fraud, Mr. Raffensperger noted that double voting hadn’t changed the outcome of any races.

No you can not use the Trump defense for knowingly committing a crime...


#447 2020-09-09 17:37:22

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,072

Re: Election Meddling

This is for SpaceNut ....

It features a New Hampshire making news in an election context ... It doesn't qualify as "meddling" exactly, but for normally staid New Hampshire, it is news ... … 40876.html



#448 2020-09-09 20:55:23

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

Surprise, surprise where all the grins on the faces that were in view...Thats one way to cast a ballot in person....

Of course we can not say this around Trump Whistleblower says top DHS officials tried to stifle intel reports on Russian interference as he does not think that its Russia....

Then again Mail in ballots need to be rejected due to signature not being made by you.. Texas’ system for verifying signatures on mail-in ballots is unconstitutional, a judge ruled … ted_States


#449 2020-09-20 18:04:24

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

Trump supporters staged a rally at a Virginia polling center during early voting, intimidating voters, election officials say

If you are not a pollster, a reporter or a voter waiting to vote then there is no need for you to be there.

Georgia's Fulton County works to avoid another vote debacle

Twice delayed because of the coronavirus pandemic, Georgia’s primary election earlier this year was marred by dysfunction: Hourslong wait times at polling places. Absentee ballots that never arrived. Votes cast after midnight.


#450 2020-09-21 09:34:03

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: Election Meddling


Does that mean that we don't need the Black Panthers showing up at the polling stations here in Houston, either?


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