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#51 2020-06-06 19:30:12

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,971

Re: The Italy China connection to Corona Virus


Do you really think Mother Nature gives a damn about anybody's skin color?  COVID-19 kills people with immune systems that are susceptible to influenza-like viruses.  Why do so many people here have such an unhealthy fascination with skin color?  Is that something that ever improved humanity?  Is at least acting like you're British more important than what you look like?


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#52 2020-06-07 05:40:30

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,909

Re: The Italy China connection to Corona Virus


Mother Nature very much gives a damn about people's skin colour, which is why she gave people in sunny climates dark skin and people in not so sunny climates light skin.

I wouldn't say it's "restoring the balance", but there are things you have to watch for if you live in an environment you're not adapted to.

On the other hand, I'm slipping back into the mood where I think it would be good if everyone - black, white, gay, straight, whatever - would just come together as one and die.

Use what is abundant and build to last


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#53 2020-06-07 17:25:31

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,971

Re: The Italy China connection to Corona Virus


Well, I'm not interested in seeing anyone suffer or die needlessly over personal prejudices against people they've never met or perceptions about other people that have little to do with reality.  I'm a pro-humanist, not an anti-humanist.  Everything that Dr. Zubrin warned everyone about, regarding "merchants of despair", I wholeheartedly concur with.  In life, I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and then let their actions paint the picture of where the rest of us fit in, in the grand scheme of their beliefs about others.  There's enough fear and anger in humanity to ruin all of us.  I can think of no good reason to ever add to it.  Is it more important to hate or to be fearful of people who don't look like you do, or is it more important that as many of us survive as we can keep alive, for as long as we can manage to do that?  Real change is very hard, but there's no way for that to begin until we start by acknowledging real problems.  The fundamental problem I see points right back to fear and anger, whether rational in some way or otherwise.


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#54 2020-06-08 02:24:56

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,909

Re: The Italy China connection to Corona Virus


The issue here is that you are American, and unlike Europe, the vast majority of Americans are not indigenous to their country. There is nothing wrong with indigenous people's wanting to preserve their culture and remain a majority in their own homelands. That has nothing to do with skin colour (except incidentally), and everything to do with ancestry and culture.

America is a culturally nationalist country, so its fundamentally different, being able *in the past* to sustain far higher rates of immigration than ethnic states.

Use what is abundant and build to last


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#55 2020-06-08 05:50:45

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,971

Re: The Italy China connection to Corona Virus


Being British, much like being American, is in your soul.  When you don't know how to be anything but American, you're an American.  My wife wasn't born here, but she has no desire to go back to Vietnam.  Given what the communists did to her family, I don't blame her.  She'll always be from Vietnam, but she also made the conscious decision to be an American.  Her world starts and ends with America.  That's all I can ask from any immigrant.  Decide who you want to be and own it.  I can't make a person be American simply because they share my ethnicity.  That's not how it works and I think you already know that.


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#56 2020-06-09 03:30:54

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,909

Re: The Italy China connection to Corona Virus


Again, being English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish, or Cornish is about *ethnicity*, not about culture. Ethnicity, as the Greeks taught us, is about shared kinship and shared culture. That;s how it works and I would hope you already knew that.

You might live in America, but that doesn't make you Native American. The same goes for immigrants and their descendants in Britain, whatever race they are, unless they have intermarried into the indigenous population.

America is a country dominated by non-indigenous populations. Even after Blair opened the gates, Britain isn't, yet.

Use what is abundant and build to last


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#57 2020-06-13 12:48:14

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,945

Re: The Italy China connection to Corona Virus

This link may give background to the next link: … e-support/

Mostly I am interested in the Peter Zeihan video, and the Steve Bannon video.
There is some reason to believe that China may have purposely protected its own populations, but let it spread to the rest of the world.

Here is a claim by Europe that Russia and China are purposely spreading disinformation about Coronavirus in the west: … a-53762806

I would hope that the disruption to the "West" from the Coronavirus was not completely intentional.

But I have seen claims that the riot/protests, were planned by high powers long ago.  They just needed a spark.  We drew the short straw.
Some good could come from it, perhaps improved policing.

Slimy pigs sponsoring the fires.  Not necessarily all from overseas.

And there are rumors that $20.00 bills counterfeit are coming from overseas, from guess who.

And then there is a certain modification of rules about a territory which was supposed to have a full 50 years.  The disruption to our societies and the coincidences are rather convenient.

These things certainly do not signify cooperation and friendship.


Last edited by Void (2020-06-13 12:56:03)

End smile


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#58 2020-06-13 13:37:16

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,945

Re: The Italy China connection to Corona Virus

And then my computer locked up, and I had to disconnect, and wait it out.  It recovered.

End smile


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#59 2021-11-28 13:02:40

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: The Italy China connection to Corona Virus

WHO to debate dangerous South Africa coronavirus variant with ‘many mutations’ … irus-vari/

Coronavirus: Omicron variant may already be in the US, Anthony Fauci says … eady-be-us

COVID-19 Has Killed More Americans This Year, Under Biden, Than In 2020, Under Trump … der-trump/

Belgium confirms first case of new coronavirus variant … s-variant/

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2021-11-28 13:04:21)


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#60 2021-11-28 17:29:54

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: The Italy China connection to Corona Virus

Even thou Biden has had a vaccine the levels of getting into people has been slow and its only lessening the vaccinated level to drop in the death rates of the infected otherwise it is un-vaccinated that both have seen die.


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#61 2021-11-28 17:43:33

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: The Italy China connection to Corona Virus

It certainly is a factor. I was shocked to find that diabetes rates in Pakistan are something like 12 times the rate in the UK (you kind of accept the propaganda that diabetes is a disease of countries with advanced economies - clearly that's part of the story but not the whole story) and of course diabetes is a prime risk factor for Covid.  West Africans and Somalis also have much higher diabetes rates. Diabetes treatment consumes something like 11% of the NHS budget. Increased diabetes prevalence has never to my knowledge been included in cost-benefit analyses of migration to the UK - for obvious reasons it would seem!

Calliban wrote:

Britain's high Corona virus mortality rate likely has much to do with the fact that it is chock full of black people.  Thanks to mass immigration, around a third of England's population are now non-white and the proportion is going up every year.  In the foggy, high latitude UK climate, they are vitamin D deprived.  Ethnic 'minorities' are 2.5 times more likely to die from the disease than native English people.  Mother nature is restoring the balance.

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#62 2021-11-28 17:45:10

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: The Italy China connection to Corona Virus

Sheep-think. Wake up.

SpaceNut wrote:

Even thou Biden has had a vaccine the levels of getting into people has been slow and its only lessening the vaccinated level to drop in the death rates of the infected otherwise it is un-vaccinated that both have seen die.

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


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#63 2021-11-28 19:11:27

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: The Italy China connection to Corona Virus

Spoken in true Trumpism....if said three times it must be true....

Trump saw covid-19 A and before he left office next to no one had a vaccine after fighting for 10 months, with a death toll that reached 400,000 and a nation with those that 13,000,000 survive the infection with huge population with no immunity only to see the covid-19 D come barreling in under Biden with its attempt to roll out the vaccines developed under Trump having 300,000 deaths that even his people do not want in greater numbers than democrats. At this point 'Trump counties' had over 3 times more COVID deaths than 'Biden counties' in October of 2021.



Daily new case comparison


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#64 2021-11-30 09:52:44

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: The Italy China connection to Corona Virus

Mortality Rates

Some vaccine might be better than others, it is not a perfect system, there have been some problems.
Blood clotting and Bell’s palsy have been reported after some vaccine

I guess in positive news you could say 39 Million Americans have recovered from Covid

Biden Deaths from Covid … h-tracker/

366,470 Americans have died from COVID-19 since President Joe Biden took office.

Others complain that harsh lockdowns are costing jobs and the economy is suffering
Australia will send the military?
3 burned bodies found in Solomon Islands following days of violent protests … 49885.html

It appears Drug Abuse, Crime, Alcoholism, Domestic Violence also seems to have increased

Canada's homicides at highest point since 1991: StatCan … -1.5681347

Drug overdose deaths top 100,000 annually for first time, CDC says … C3CXYGZG4/

Why AstraZeneca-Oxford potential COVID vaccine works better in low dose … 52771.html

Worldwide numbers

USA Cases 49,077,695
India 34,572,523
Brazil 22,076,863 

Fauci says omicron variant could be ‘red flag,’ urges COVID-19 boosters for all … rs-for-all

Death per Million … habitants/
deaths worldwide per one million

US set to pass 800,000 COVID-19 deaths by late December … e-december

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2021-12-04 05:49:44)


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#65 2021-11-30 12:00:15

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,834

Re: The Italy China connection to Corona Virus

Since January 2020, plenty of cost-benefit analyses have been published on Coronavirus control measures, that find that large-scale social restrictions and other control measures are grossly disproportionate reactions when gauged against real risk.  Here are just two:
https://croakingcassandra.files.wordpre … t-2020.pdf … t-Analysis

These are scientific studies.  The fact that leaders chose to ignore them and continue to do so, suggests that these things are being done for other reasons.  In the UK and Europe, vaccination is being used to implement identity schemes designed to track individual movements.  It has also been used to accelerate transition to a cashless economy, that would make all transactions tracable.

Coronavirus is used to generate the fear necessary to manufacture consent for things people would never normally agree to.  Create a big enough bogeyman and people will unquestionably accept anything you do, so long as it even vaguely appears to be helping.  This is how liberty ends.  Create fear over some exaggerated hazard and then use that fear to enslave people.  It has been done often enough now, in enough places throughout history, that you would think people might have cottoned on by now.  Apparently not.

Last edited by Calliban (2021-11-30 12:12:59)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


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#66 2021-11-30 12:34:15

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,945

Re: The Italy China connection to Corona Virus

Well, it seems strange to me that the discoverer of the new variant from South Africa has indicated that so far the symptoms are minor, but I read that Dr. Fauchi  has said that it must be stopped "At all costs".

I think that that is premature, and if the variant is as infectious, as indicated, futile.


End smile


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#67 2021-11-30 19:20:38

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: The Italy China connection to Corona Virus

Courts have blocked the health care mandate to be vacinated. … g-covid-19

WHO estimates that between 80 000 and 180 000 health and care workers could have died from COVID-19 in the period between January 2020 to May 2021, converging to a medium scenario of 115 500 deaths … s-database

Deaths by occupation
Healthcare support
Medical first responder
Admin/ Admin support
Diagnosing clinician
Healthcare technologist
Community or social worker
Security personnel
Culinary/food services

so just how many variants are there to date...




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#68 2022-05-05 10:35:29

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: The Italy China connection to Corona Virus

Looking towards tourism season, Italy, Greece end many Covid rules … ovid-rules
Korean scientists develop world’s 1st photothermal filters that kill coronavirus … oronavirus


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