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#401 2020-01-27 20:37:12

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: South of the Border Politics


Who could've guessed that it's easier to prevent them from coming into the country to begin with?

Also, since space exploration missions typically happen many years later than we want them to, does that mean we just give up?


#402 2020-01-27 20:51:43

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,302

Re: South of the Border Politics

Its been not just 1 decade but at least 5 in which little has changed to not make it attractive to come here. We do not have that issue on the northern border as its the same on both sides for conditions. When we make the southern border such that there is little difference for being able to live on either side of it then the going illegally will stop.


#403 2020-01-29 22:12:15

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,302

Re: South of the Border Politics

What good will a fence do? Not much as Record-long drug-smuggling tunnel found from Tijuana Mexico to San Diego

The tunnel originates in Tijuana, Mexico, near the Otay Mesa Port of Entry and extends a total of 4,309 feet long — more than three-quarters of a mile.The next longest tunnel in the U.S., discovered in San Diego in 2014, was 2,966 feet long.

At least they finally found it.


#404 2020-01-30 03:24:59

From: Ceres
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,848

Re: South of the Border Politics

Regular scans with ground penetrating radar? The fence won't be unmanned. It would be pointless to build it and then not have regular patrols of border security.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#405 2020-01-30 17:56:07

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,302

Re: South of the Border Politics

I think a wall needs to stand up right at least... Part of U.S. border wall in California falls over into Mexico
According to the National Weather Service, wind gusts reached up 30 miles per hour around the time that it fell...


#406 2020-02-08 10:46:50

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,302

Re: South of the Border Politics

So how would you fell of this occuring to your loved ones final resting place?
Arizona national monument, home to sacred Native American burial sites, is being blown up for the border wall
Blasting away through a

The beautiful trees of the south

Construction crews in southern Arizona have started blasting hills at Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument to clear space for a new border wall system.


#407 2020-02-08 19:48:54

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,302

Re: South of the Border Politics

Judge permanently blocks another Trump immigration policy

Trump administration immigration policy: a move to make it harder for foreigners to remain in the U.S. after their legal status runs out. U.S. District Court Judge Loretta Biggs said the 2018 action by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service ran afoul of federal law. The policy in dispute involves how immigration officials calculate the duration of a foreigner's "unlawful presence" in the U.S.. Several American college presidents sued over the change, arguing that it could jeopardize more than one million foreign students, scholars, and others who sometimes lose their legal status when switching schools or for other reasons. Under the policy shift, immigration officials would have started the clock sooner on some individuals, creating potential roadblocks if they sought certain forms of relief in court.

Trying to change the Dreamers status that are here to clear the way to deporting them....

"Judge Biggs' decision ... represents a vindication of higher education institutions' contention that our government should not inflict tremendous consequences, including being barred from the United States, for minor, innocent, or administrative errors," said Miriam Feldblum of the Presidents' Alliance on Higher Education Immigration. "Instead of raising arbitrary and unnecessary barriers, the United States should welcome the talent, diversity, and contributions that international students bring to our campuses, communities, and country."

Judge is seeing that education of the poor which will include more then the illegals as it will impact all of america of non white race...


#408 2020-02-13 18:28:15

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,302

Re: South of the Border Politics

Trump wants to take from the military budget again to build wall...continuing down the road of illegal use...Trump first redirected money for the wall on the U.S.-Mexico border in 2019, with $6.1 billion shifted to go to it last year. and now wants more
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to ask federal court to block Trump's border wall funding transfers


#409 2020-02-14 08:57:38

From: Ceres
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,848

Re: South of the Border Politics

I'm not seeing how this is a civil liberties issue?

Use what is abundant and build to last


#410 2020-02-14 09:16:24

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,552

Re: South of the Border Politics

Terraformer wrote:

I'm not seeing how this is a civil liberties issue?

Neither do I.  But this definitely is a civil liberties issue. … peech-dies

I hope that the US never allows Globalists and Neo-liberalists to cheat it out of the 1st Amendment.  In my opinion, the greatest thing the US has ever produced is its constitution and bill of rights.  It is pretty much unique in the world and was written by some of the greatest men in history, who had first hand experience of living under despotic rule.

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#411 2020-02-15 18:28:25

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,302

Re: South of the Border Politics

New ICE crackdown in sanctuary cities sparks backlash
Can you say racial profiling, which is illegal to do....The reason for a place of like kind is so they can adapt to the culture of the US and not be a target for hate. It does not mean that you can not be charged for a crime if you are in the act of a crime but not based on just the sound of the language or color of the skin...


#412 2020-02-15 18:53:54

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: South of the Border Politics


People breaking our immigration laws are involved in the act of committing a crime and there's nothing unique about our immigration laws when compared to the rest of the world's governments.  At present, most of these illegal aliens happen to come from south of our border.  Whether or not they happen to share the same skin color or not is irrelevant.  Your argument is akin to calling our Police racist because they note that the person who was suspected of committing the crime was white or black.  They're merely issuing a physical description of their suspect to aid in apprehension and they are, in point of fact, only enforcing existing laws as they have been ordered to do.

Do you think I'd want tens of millions of people from Europe coming here just because we happen to share the same skin color?

I want people to come here because they've bought into our way of life and intend to work towards a common purpose, not because some political party or their lackeys promised them free stuff for showing up on our doorstep.

You know, or should know by now, that I'm an imperialist and I'm keen to fill out our ranks.  As such, I welcome everyone who wants to come here to extend the reach of our empire.  All I ask is that they share our values and come with the intention of upholding the values of our empire.  If that means we have to import the entire population of Nigeria and nobody else to get good Americans, then so be it.


#413 2020-02-16 19:46:24

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,302

Re: South of the Border Politics

I see that not learning to speak english or what is referenced as American is a problem for those here legally or not...
It seems that trusting others to keep the words said in confidentiality for medical care seems to not mean that at all Trust and consequences


#414 2020-02-17 21:21:40

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,302

Re: South of the Border Politics

Seperated at the border was found to be illegal and orders were given to return children to parents and yet They were one of the first families separated at the border. Two and a half years later, they’re still apart.


#415 2020-02-18 21:49:36

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,302

Re: South of the Border Politics

Top Democrats demand answers on DHS plans to deploy elite agents to sanctuary cities Of course the Democrats want document s relating to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) regarding plans to send elite law enforcement units typically assigned to the southern border to take part in arrest operations in sanctuary cities across the country.

It was just last year that Trump administration's proposal to release detained immigrants into sanctuary cities,

"The committees have serious concerns over the utility of engaging these highly militarized units, which were never intended for routine immigration enforcement activities, in densely populated metropolitan areas," "Tactics such as these, which appear to be politically motivated and not grounded in national security, are unacceptable and do nothing more than punish residents and instill fear in communities,"

They feared there homelands secret police and this is no better...


#416 2020-02-19 05:26:05

From: Ceres
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,848

Re: South of the Border Politics

Well, maybe the local police should step up and do the job instead.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#417 2020-02-19 17:43:17

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,302

Re: South of the Border Politics

There are just as many that have come here legally in the targeted area as those that did not and ICE is treating them all the same does not sell very well for just capturing those that came illegally.

If they are comitting a real crime and should find that the documentation is not legal or is fraudulent then they should be deported as they can no long claim assylum. They are verifing identification and if none is given then its investigation that leads to the illegal action and not a profiling as is being done by ICE.

The police were never told to catch and release.....only not to profile and target for what might be...

Many were granted amnesty but it had conditions of which daca was followed and others were not. If you did not register as being here thats strike 2 for those here without correct documentation.


#418 2020-02-19 17:56:18

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: South of the Border Politics

Haven't we got enough American politics already on this site supposedly about Mars and its colonisation?

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#419 2020-02-19 19:46:57

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,302

Re: South of the Border Politics

The attack is Trump's war on sanctuary cities is about more than politics
In the words of Homer Simpson, Duh.... with those that were granted amnesty of the illegal entrance that charge of violation can not be claimed as that "Double Jeopardy" but a failure to register could if they have not done so....

quiet edit
Mulvaney says U.S. is ‘desperate’ for more legal immigrants

A double problem as they get paid by far less and now they want replacements that are working for less....Standing by the people that were hear and were not causing any problems should have been the direction and with the census rather than singling them out simply register those that are not in the data base and give them paper to get on the correct path to stay.


#420 2020-02-19 19:50:37

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: South of the Border Politics

Most people around the world coming to this site expecting to learn about and discuss matters relating to Mars will be puzzled by this obsession with American politics, of interest mostly to Americans.

Create one thread for ALL politics if you like, but don't let politics ruin this site.

SpaceNut wrote:

The attack is Trump's war on sanctuary cities is about more than politics
In the words of Homer Simpson, Duh.... with those that were granted amnesty of the illegal entrance that charge of violation can not be claimed as that "Double Jeopardy" but a failure to register could if they have not done so....

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#421 2020-02-23 15:48:54

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,302

Re: South of the Border Politics

Seems we are not immune to corruption including Drug Enforcement Administration agent who they say has been living a high-flying lifestyle while secretly laundering money for the Colombian drug cartel

All of which is that we are spending money on things that are not working to stop its flow accross the border and that money will not be going towards space but instead towards the wall which is being defeated.

That said that we want the money to go towards space flight for man...specifically towards the settlement of the moon and mars and onward from there.

The regulations for the locations along the wall are being preempted and disreguarded to the level of disgust..blasting areas of burial  Native American leader denounces destruction of sacred sites for border wall construction

The Tohono O’odham Nation’s tribal leader delivered emotional testimony Wednesday likening construction of President Donald Trump ’s  border wall through Arizona’s Indigenous cultural and burial sites to the desecration of Arlington National Cemetery.

Not surprised that Judge rules Cuccinelli appointment to top immigration post was unlawful, voiding some asylum orders


#422 2020-03-29 11:38:39

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,302

Re: South of the Border Politics

Reply for robotics topic... It would be nice if we did create jobs that are not based on underpaying for the value as essential for all mankind but that is not how some think. Some still are corrupt in that salve labor, use of illegals, gang mentality are employeed that make this still a topic still after nearly 150 years even still in the USA.

For that reason the grass is always green when the amounts that one can earn in a nation versus the others are so gravely greater such that the risk is worth the undue chances of death to just get there to be in that work senerio.

The U.S. did do lots of outsourcing in the 80's to which high tech companies where trying to lower costs for materials to wages via contracting for the work that would make for efficiency of change but quality suffered in that you get what you pay for.

In light of the corona virus many are learning that essential means service jobs of all type....these are amoung the lowest of paid workers in the US of which they are are employeed mostly as part timers to keep wage costs, benefits and even social security payments from the employer low. In comparison to the other side of the border these wages are still high for them and worth that risk.


#423 2020-04-04 13:00:36

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,302

Re: South of the Border Politics

At it again to change immigration law once more using the virus as an excuse...

Facing coronavirus pandemic, Trump suspends immigration laws and showcases vision for locked-down border

In a time when we are needing able bodies for food planting and soon harvesting for the winter crops which will make the food costs unaffordable even if it gets to market. As there are no low paid people to take advantage of which is part of that slave labor mentality..

Food supply worries farmers in US as coronavirus disrupts their work


#424 2020-04-04 13:27:34

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: South of the Border Politics


I'm sure the Mexicans would just love to have our infection rate with their health care system, too.

Does this kind of thing really matter at all to you?

If so, please explain how.


#425 2020-04-04 15:37:22

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,302

Re: South of the Border Politics

Legal crossings would be monitored same as always and would be subject to health quarantine if found to be infected as a good neighbor to the north should do for either direction of travel. Harvestings take several weeks to get done on the large farms and in light of food is going to spoil before it gets picked if the numbers are not there to process it.

“It’s the 1800s again, the cavalry is coming in and they’re going to set up their fort, whether it’s justified or not,” as the border wall and pipeline are exempt from stay-at-home restrictions intended to reduce the virus's spread.

This virus knows no borders in its spread.

Here are the numbers for the south of the border cases which reported the first 2 back at the end of Feb. They had travelled to Bergamo and stayed in Italy for a week in mid-February:
Mexico cases Updated Apr 4 at 5:23 PM local
Confirmed 1,688 +178 Deaths 60 +10 Recovered 634 … _in_Mexico


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