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Official discussion forum of The Mars Society and

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#1 2020-01-13 10:57:57

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072


The interview on the Space Show coming up on Tuesday is about Titan:

2. SPECIAL TIME: Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2020: 6 PM PST (8 pm CST; 9 PM EST): We welcome JANELLE WELLONS of JPL to discuss future Titan settlement prosects and space mission instrument and related engineering topics.

Janelle Wellons graduated from the Massachusetts Institute Technology (MIT) with a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering in 2016 and now works at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, CA. At JPL, Janelle works as an instrument operations engineer on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, the earth-observing Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA), and previously on the Saturnian Cassini mission. Her job consists of creating the commands for and monitoring the health and safety of a variety of instruments. She also works in development, specifically for the ground data system and instrument operations concepts for the MAIA mission. Additionally, Janelle serves on an advisory board for, a company that creates project-based learning experiences designed for STEM education.  She is also a on the board for the Pasadena YWCA, heading the programs committee and developing STEAM activities for middle school aged girls. When she isn’t working you can find her scuba diving, playing video games, reading, enjoying the outdoors, and doing outreach work.

What caught my eye (for NewMars forum readers) is that (apparently) the interview will include consideration of creating a habitat of some kind for humans visiting Titan.  The problems to be solved seem (to me at least) reasonably close to those confronting Mars settlers.

For SpaceNut ... the speaker may be in a position to help to recruit participants in the Virtual Expedition topic.



#2 2020-01-13 18:18:08

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: TheSpaceShow

It may be possible to do much of this in a game mode or SIM game that allows for the choices to be made that effects out come.
As for new recruits that would be great to see other educated individuals that want to be arm chair scientists or engineers.


#3 2020-02-10 08:37:31

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: TheSpaceShow

Dr. Zubrin will return to The Space Show this week:

The Space Show Webinars Can Be Seen At
1 Monday, Feb. 10 , 2020; 7 PM PST (9 PM CST; 10 PM EST) No special programming today.

2. Tuesday, Feb. 11, 7-8:30 PM PDT (9-10:30 pm CDT; 10-11:30 PM EDT): DR. ROBERT ZUBRIN returns regarding his recent Mars articles and news.

3. Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2020, Pre-recorded Hotel Mars Program with John Batchelor. See Upcoming Show on The Space Show website for details.

The show may be heard live over the Internet, or later from the mp3 library.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2020-08-30 20:29:11)


#4 2020-02-10 19:14:24

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: TheSpaceShow

Hopefully I can let it play in the background as I work...other wise its waiting until the mp3 is ready.
Hoping for the lunar build mission using Falcon heavy rather than waiting...


#5 2020-02-11 22:45:31

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: TheSpaceShow

The Space Show featuring Dr. Zubrin just concluded.  Dr. Zubrin was in great form.  The program included several calls from regular Space Show participants.  At the conclusion, Dr. Zubrin announced a 1 million person Mars Colony design competition.  The book which came out of last year's 1000 person competition is now available in paperback or eBook.

For those NewMars forum readers who were unable to tune into the live broadcast, the mp3 file will be available in a few hours.

Edit#1: By a nice coincidence, the NewMars forum recently set up a topic for planning a Virtual Expedition to accompany the Mars 2020 lander on its planned journey to Mars in July of 2020.  The target population was 1,000,000 people, who would be organized in 10,000 virtual "ships" of 100 members, under the leadership of qualified individuals able to provide an interesting and educational experience for two years of the simulated flight.

There is plenty of time to arrange for at least ONE of these virtual "ships" to come into being by July of 2020.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2020-02-12 10:30:12)


#6 2020-02-12 13:25:15

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: TheSpaceShow

The rescue or safe haven is also part of that virtual planning of real hardware conditions that we might need back up for. Its that backup which puts mission and the limits beyond what we have and how we plan for long term goals. That is why we try to preload a site with unmanned cargo and equipment in preperation for manned missions. It lessons the need to send that equipment with men which brings the payloads back toward being something that we can do. So the more you can preload for future the better for mans mission success when they are started.

Did not see any links for the show on the page so did a search on Zubrin and got back


#7 2020-02-12 18:32:29

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: TheSpaceShow

For SpaceNut re #6

The show may not have been posted when you looked.

I have verified it is present and that it plays as an mp3.

The web site is fairly simple, considering all the services built into it.

Just scroll down from the top until you find the list of shows.

To play a show, select it and then active "play" (right arrow) in the audio playback display.



#8 2020-02-12 21:04:17

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: TheSpaceShow

The other website above is much older...

Found it here


#9 2020-03-04 20:45:34

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: TheSpaceShow

A recent Space Show included discussion of asteroid mining.

Since there is an active topic on asteroid mining, there may be forum readers who would be interested in this Internet radio program. … david-rich

The program is saved as an mp3 file.



#10 2020-05-04 09:02:29

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: TheSpaceShow

An upcoming Space Show may be of interest to one or two NewMars members.

5. Friday, May 8, 2020; 9:30-11 AM PDT; 11:30 AM-1 PM CDT; 12:30-2 PM EDT. We welcome back DR. DR. GEORGE SOWERS of the Colorado School of Mines Space Resoruce Dept. to discuss his latest work, space resource utilization and more.



#11 2020-06-22 11:47:42

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: TheSpaceShow

An upcoming Space Show may be of interest to one or two NewMars members:

Visit for additional detail
2. Tuesday, June 23, 16, 2020, 7 PM PDT (9 PM CDT; 10 PM EDT) We welcome back DR. JIM LOGAN to discuss .the 'successful spreading out of humanity into space - PERMANENTLY,' NOT "Exploration" per se - and the most feasible way(s) to establish the first viable toeholds in this "New World" given what we've learned (i.e. 'evidence-based' not fantasy-based) in almost 60 years of human spaceflight.



#12 2020-08-18 10:35:18

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: TheSpaceShow

An interview with Dr. Louis Friedman may be of interest to NewMars members:

From TheSpaceShow newsletter:

5. Friday, August 23 , 2020; 9:30-11 AM PDT; 11:30 AM-1 PM CDT; 12:30-2 PM EDT. .We welcome back Dr. LOU FRIEDMAN on his new book, "Planetary Adventures: From Moscow to Mars." Lou is the former head of The Planetary Society, now retired.

6. Sunday, August 23 2020 12-1:30 PM PDT, (3-4:30 PM EDT, 2-3:30 PM CDT): We welcome back DR. JASON REIMULLER to discuss EVA space suit testing, gravity offset, PMC-Turbo, STEM outreach competitions, chasing NLCs with the Canadian Air Force, plus more..



#13 2020-09-28 17:33:13

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: TheSpaceShow

Dr. Zubrin will be a guest in a Space Show this week!

Visit for additional detail
1. Monday, Sept. 28, 2020; 7 PM PDT (9 PM CDT; 10 PM EDT) No programming for today.
2. Tuesday, Sept. 29 2020, 7 PM PDT (9 PM CDT; 10 PM EDT) We welcome back DR. ROBERT ZUBRIN to discuss the virtual Mars Society 2020 conference and more.

3. Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2020; Hotel Mars TBA pre-recorded. See upcoming show menu on the home page for program details.



#14 2020-10-03 20:49:06

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: TheSpaceShow

Dr. Zubrin's latest interview on The Space Show is ready for download/play by all.

A future special guest is James Burk, who is the Webmaster for this forum.  Check The Space Show for scheduling details.

We welcomed Dr. Bob Zubrin back to the program for 95 minutes to discuss the upcoming Mars Society all virtual and free conference from Oct. 15-18, 2020 (see  In addition to discussing the conference, speakers, topics and the uniqueness of The Mars Society virtual conference program, Bob talked about Artemis, getting to the Moon, Mars, China and Mars, Starship, goals and more. That said, the first part of our discussion focused on the conference.

Bob suggested I have a guest on the show, James Burk, to discuss the particulars of their special software running their conference which is different from other virtual conferences.  The speakers are real time regardless of time zone. Those attending can participate and ask questions real time.  I followed up on Bob's suggestion and have added a special program for the coming week, Monday, Oct. 5 at 7 PM PDT.  While Bob did talk about the technology behind the conference and conference logistics, I will skip that part of the summary for the more detailed discussion with James Burk Monday evening.

Dr. David Livingston opened the program with a reminder that Mars is close to Earth right now, as we (Earth) pass under Mars.

The planet appeared close to the Moon last night.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2020-10-03 20:51:36)


#15 2020-10-05 17:39:10

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: TheSpaceShow

The Mars Society's James Burk will be appearing as a guest in tonight's Space Show ...

1. Monday, Oct. 5 2020; 7 PM PDT (9 PM CDT; 10 PM EDT) We welcome James Burk of The Mars Society to discuss the virtual Mars Society Conference program and technology for this year's event, Oct. 15.

If you miss the live broadcast, you can pick up the podcast later.  All broadcasts are archived.

The interview with Dr. Zubrin is available.  He is in his usual energetic form for this latest interview.



#16 2020-10-08 17:36:28

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: TheSpaceShow

The Space Show interview with James Burk is ready for listening or download.

Here is the text about the show from The Space Show web site:

Broadcast 3583 James Burk
Guest:  James Burk;  The Mars Society 2020 Virtual Conference, how it works, the software behind it, benefits and features.

Please direct all comments and questions regarding specific Space Show programs & guest(s) to the Space Show blog which is part of archived program on our website,  Comments and questions should be relevant to the specific Space Show program. Written Transcripts of Space Show programs are a violation of our copyright and are not permitted without prior written consent, even if for your own use. We do not permit the commercial use of Space Show programs or any part thereof, nor do we permit editing, YouTube clips, or clips placed on other private channels & websites. Space Show programs can be quoted, but the quote must be cited or referenced using the proper citation format. Contact The Space Show for further information. In addition, please remember that your Amazon purchases can help support The Space Show/OGLF. See

We welcomed James Burk to this special 67 minute discussion about the 2020 all virtual and REAL TIME Mars Society 23rd Annual Conference (}.  The conference theme is Rising Together which our guest explained to us multiple times during the program.

During our specially added Space Show program, James talked quite a bit about the behind the scenes technology for this all virtual and unique REAL TIME conference.  Most virtual conferences are not real time but this one is so James described how it would work, the special tools, training and testing needed to make it work, how the speakers have adapted to various time zones and more.   The program had many email questions, and a phone call testimonial from Dr. Doug who had attended the previous virtual demo type conference earlier in the year, the Lunar Development Conference.  As you will hear when listening to our discussion, incredible details have gone into making this real time event happen for close to 4,500 registered attendees.  You will likely think as I do that this may be the way of conference in the future.  James was asked about this a few times during the interview.  He suggested we might see a hybrid conference evolve based on this year's Mars Society gig and live conferences.  He also said such a hybrid concept was being discussed and considered so we will have to wait and see if this is an example for future space and other conferences.

Please post your comments/questions on our blog for James.  He said he could be reached at plus he was open to suggestions for features still to be added to this year's event but also for future events.

Edit#1:I posted the above announcement before listening to the interview with James Burk.    I am really impressed!  The conference is going to be supported by a suite of software that's been integrated to work seamlessly to meet most needs.

Zoom is part of the mix, but several other software products i'd not heard of are going to be in use.  Mr. Burk and team have experience using this concept for a recent Moon Society conference.

Attendees will be able to watch on a variety of platforms, such as Facebook (apparently YouTube will be a backup).  They'll be able to video conference with Zoom, and there is something else that will allow attendees to interact with others as they explore a representation of a Mars Base where topics are available for discussion.


Last edited by tahanson43206 (2020-10-08 18:25:23)


#17 2020-11-03 16:11:50

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: TheSpaceShow

The Space Show will be discussing the Space Force:

5. Friday, Nov. 6, 2020; 9:30-11 AM PST; 11:30 AM-1 PM CST; 12:30-2 PM EST: We welcome back retired USAF Lt. General Steven Kwast for a Space Force update and post election analysis. .

Broadcast 3601 Retired USAF Lt. Gen. Steven Kwast | Friday 06 Nov 2020

Previous interviews:

Broadcast 3568 Hotel Mars with Ret. USAF Lt. Gen. Steven Kwast | Wednesday 09 Sep 2020

Broadcast 3461 Lt. Gen. (RET) USAF Steven Kwast | Friday 14 Feb 2020

Broadcast 3361 Lt. Gen. Steven Kwast, USAF | Thursday 22 Aug 2019



#18 2020-12-14 12:12:34

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: TheSpaceShow

This is for any NewMars members or readers who are interested in prospects for Space Solar Power.

The Space Show for Friday will discuss the subject ...

Dr. Jim Vedda is someone I know from the space advocacy movement.  He went on to earn his doctorate in North Dakota, where Dr. David Webb was setting up the space academic program that is still there.

5. Friday, Dec.18, 2020; 9:30-11 AM PST; 11:30 AM-1 PM CST; 12:30-2 PM EST: We welcome back DR. JIM VEDDA with DR. KAREN JONES regarding their space solar power paper per The Center For Space Policy and Strategy. You will find a link to their paper on our blog for this show.

I would expect Space Solar power to show up in plans for Mars, because of the reduced solar flux available in Mars' orbit.

The prospect has been discussed in this forum in other topics.

Edit#1: I had a chance to listen to the Space Show this evening.  There is a lot going in with Space Solar Power .... Dr. Vedda have a brief history of the subject, starting with Isaac Asimov, picking up with Peter Glazer, and then continuing with many more recent investigations and projects. 

Toward the end of the 90 minutes, Drs Vedda and Jones listed modern customer groups which were not contemplated in early times, and which may prove persuasive ...  An example is charging electric cars ... SPS would be ideal for delivering reliable green power to charging stations all around the world.

Another modern prospective consumer is server farms managed by large companies such as Microsoft, Google, Amazon and Oracle.  The speakers did not mention bit coin miners, but they are massive consumers of power as well.

The market for ordinary consumers simply didn't come up, except to be dismissed after a call-in question about it.

Based upon this analysis, I got the impression prospects are much better for a viable business model today than they've ever been.

Japan is a different use case .... they NEED power, green or otherwise, and since they don't have their own fossil fuel and have a bad experience with nuclear fission, apparently they are pushing hard to make SPS practical.

Another insight that was news to me is that the X-35b military test vehicle apparently ran an SPS experiment in a recent flight.



Last edited by tahanson43206 (2020-12-27 21:57:29)


#19 2021-01-27 19:20:59

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: TheSpaceShow

The Space Show for January 22nd covers global interactions between nation states.  It should be of interest to forum readers who are concerned about how specific nation states will fare in the decades ahead. … ta-goswami

Guest:  Dr. Namrata Goswami; Topics:  We talked about the new book authored by our guest, “Scramble for the Skies: The Great Power Competition to Control the Resources of Outer Space” along with multiple other topics ranging from the US space policy to international space policy with a focus on China, the Asia Pacific Countries, commercial space, public private partnerships, developing space resources and more.  Please follow the tags/key words as they provide a quick and accurate summary of topics discussed during our time with Dr. Goswami.

This is a 90 minute program (all audio).



#20 2021-02-01 19:43:04

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: TheSpaceShow

This announcement ** should ** be of interest to Terraformer, if he still visits this forum from time to time.

The Space Show for February 5th will feature a talk on a settlement of Ceres ...
5.: 9:30-11 AM PST; 11:30 AM- 1 PM CST; 12:30-2 PM EST: We welcome back from Norway, DR. PEKKA JANUNEN on his paper and concept for a mega space settlement at Ceres. See the blog for a link to his paper.



#21 2021-02-09 12:37:57

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: TheSpaceShow

The Space Show coming up on Sunday (this is posted 2021/02/09) may be of interest to both Large Ship designers and Mars habitat designers ...

6. 12-1:30 PM PST, (3-4:30 PM EST, 2-3:30 PM CST): We welcome CURT HOLMER to the program for his paper on Bio-Regenerative Life Support Systems Functional Stability and Limitations. See the blog for links to his work.



#22 2021-02-14 20:32:33

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: TheSpaceShow

The Space Show for February 7th should be of interest to several NewMars forum members. … as-spilker

Guest:  Dr. Tom Spilker;  We discussed funding, engineering, design and architecture for The Gateway Foundation with the Orbital Construction Company on orbit space habitat and space hotel.

The discussion includes an explanation for why 3 RPM is not under consideration for the space habitat.

It appears that the design is aiming for a rotation rate of 1.5 RPM.

The station is planned to offer high quality food service.

An early experimental version of the design is planned for construction on Earth.



#23 2021-03-01 10:30:07

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: TheSpaceShow

Mars Society IT manager James Burk will be a guest on The Space Show Thursday:

4. 7 PM PDT, 10 PM EDT: We welcome JAMES BURK to discuss the Mars Society MarsVR - Virtual Reality for Mars Exploration



#24 2021-04-05 13:41:38

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: TheSpaceShow

The upcoming Space Show in this announcement would seem appropriate for those interested in the Large Ship project ...

6. 12-1:30 PM PDT, (3-4:30 PM EDT, 2-3:30 PM CDT): We welcome Erasmo Acosta, retired engineer, to discuss rotating space habitats and space resource development and usage.



#25 2021-04-12 18:51:03

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: TheSpaceShow

This Space Show should be of interest to future Asteroid Miners:

5.: 9:30-11 AM PDT; 11:30 AM- 1 PM CDT; 12:30-2 PM EDT: We welcome back DAVIDE SIVOLLA from Spain re his new book, "Space Mining and Manufacturing: Off-World Resources and Revolutionary Engineering Techniques."



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