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#326 2019-07-25 20:44:25

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

Today a few bad apple got 16 Marines were arrested in relation to human smuggling and drug crimes at Camp Pendleton in California.

This comes on the heals of Two Marines that were busted last week in California for allegedly smuggling a trio of illegal immigrants near the US-Mexico border.


#327 2019-07-25 22:02:27

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: South of the Border Politics

The "few bad apples" were the Marines smuggling people across the border, not the people who arrested them for human trafficking.


#328 2019-07-26 17:56:28

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

missing the word "were" before got changes the direction of whom is the bad guy and I was referring to the marines which should have known better as they take yearly trafficking classes on the subject.

Something that bothers more is the American teen who was detained near border He is a Dallas-born teen who was wrongfully detained in border detention center for more than three weeks. Lucky for us most deportation proceedings are civil matters outside the criminal justice system so we don't have to pay for any deportee lawyers to defend them, as would be constitutionally required in a criminal prosecution. Cutting down on due process is a major money saver. But he plans to sue government after being released.


#329 2019-07-27 19:21:32

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

Well if assylum seekers are coming from a country which is rot with issues its easy simply say that that country is safe and then none of the claims are real.....thats what the president is now claiming.....


#330 2019-07-27 22:56:13

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: South of the Border Politics


Asylum law states that the first country a prospective asylum seeker enters that doesn't have the problems that caused them to flee their own country must first seek asylum there.  In this case, that would be Mexico.  That's what President Trump is claiming, since that's what international asylum laws state.  You may not agree with that law, but the agreement of every last person on the planet is not required for the law to be what it presently is.


#331 2019-07-29 20:06:16

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

Back a page we were trying to define reasons for assylum seeking and what constitues a safe country and by the view point places like Chicago and other places would be deemed even the USA as not being any safer for those coming....Then whom gets to call what safe....
Now we have another layer of policy being created as if its law Attorney General Blocks Asylum Applications Based on Family Ties


#332 2019-08-02 17:58:07

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

Its funny when a decision goes against the wishes of president Trump that near the beginning of the article is "Obama appointee"

Trump administration policy that would only allow migrants who enter the U.S. through legal ports of entry to claim asylum was fouind to be in conflict with the law, which states that "any alien who is physically present in the United States or who arrives in the United States (whether or not at a designated port of arrival...), irrespective of such alien's status, may apply for asylum."


#333 2019-08-03 04:31:35

From: Ceres
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,847

Re: South of the Border Politics

What are these "asylum seekers" claiming asylum *from*? High crime is not recognised in international law as grounds for asylum, and the countries they're fleeing have lower homicide rates than wonderful American cities such as Baltimore.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#334 2019-08-03 17:07:51

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

The size or assence of dirt and filth has little to do with crime as all that is in need is food, water and shelter for it to run rampart.

How high must it be since it seems to me that a Defection is also someone seeking to escape there particular issue to gain yell defector rather than asylum...

Rather than playing the game along the border with peoples lives dieing in custody why not set up UN posts to deter the violence in those countries...

The fact of no war should not stop them....


#335 2019-08-03 17:58:10

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: South of the Border Politics


Why don't you ask some Africans how effective the UN has been at deterring violence there, state-sponsored or otherwise?

The few people who die in US custody were well on their way to the next life prior to being in US custody.  I guess you'd rather have them die on the street somewhere than in a place where we're already pouring in billions of our tax dollars.  BTW, our beloved Democrats were the ones who refused to acknowledge that there was a crisis on our Southern border and properly fund refugee management.  They were also the ones who claimed that these people didn't cost the tax payer anything and were a net-gain for the economy, despite the fact that that was another obvious lie.


#336 2019-08-03 19:56:39

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

In june of this year responding to Republican criticism that Democrats have not allowed funding for detention facilities on the Southern border, the House passed 230-195 a $4.5 billion dollar package of emergency humanitarian relief. House passage of the bill puts the ball in the court of Senate Republicans. Amid gridlock on border funding, the Senate on voted 84-8 to pass its bipartisan compromise border funding bill, which would appropriate $4.6 billion in emergency funding for the humanitarian crisis on the southern border. July 1, President Trump signed a Congressional bill enabling $4.6 Billion in humanitarian aid money to be sent to the US Southern Border. The funding is intended to provide relief to immigration agencies who are stretched too thin by the ever-growing number of migrants seeking asylum.
So the Office of Refugee Resettlement have the funds to do the work required.
Seems they have not done anything with these funds...


#337 2019-08-03 20:34:48

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: South of the Border Politics


They've literally just received the funds.

Why do so many Democrats think money is some kind of magic wand that can instantly solve problems that have existed for years?

The money they now have is barely sufficient to pay for all the food / medical care / housing required for maybe the next year, or so we hope.

Can you build a facility to house 100,000+ people in a day or even a month?

It takes more than a year to build a sports stadium that merely seats 100,000 people.  Here in Texas, we could fill such an arena in a matter of days with the number of people who illegally cross our border.

Sometimes it's hard for me to even understand how you perceive things like this.  We've tried mass-movement of people who own cars through the City of Houston to evacuate ahead of hurricanes.  Generally speaking, it's as much of a disaster as the hurricane itself.  If you're expecting this to be orderly, you've obviously never seen what goes on at our border.  It ain't like going back-and-forth from Canada.


#338 2019-08-03 22:28:19

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

The same money is all that has been wanted for a wall and only that What happened to the border wall money Congress already gave Trump?

6% of the $1.6 billion allocated for any physical barrier upgrades on the southern border in the fiscal 2017 and 2018 budgets

Trump administration has spent just 6 percent of the money allocated for construction on border fencing and repairs along the southern border. For Replacement and repair is where it is going..

FACT CHECK: Trump Says 'A Lot Of Wall Has Been Built' As He Demands We Build More

This 2 years could have been building the stuff required to support what did happen but instead its tied up in contracts that are going no where.

over 2.5 billion grabbed ealier by declaring a nation emergency has been semi released for use but even that has an uphill battle still in the courts and more for the location of use once again when being used for wall.

During those same years money was also allocated to all of the other stuff required...wonder how well managed that was?


#339 2019-08-09 18:56:31

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

You may boast about how you are cleaning up America by ridding all of those Illegals with American children that work to make america great.. but how are you doing with those M13 thigs....Trump praises ICE raids in Mississippi, calls them 'a very good deterrent' but I would say that it has more to do with Mexico being a bit better of a country to stay in than what it was in the past...

ICE agents arrested roughly 680 people in Wednesday's raids, which targeted workers in poultry processing plants.
Around 300 detainees were released with child care issues who were not subject to mandatory detention would be "expeditiously processed and returned to the point of apprehension so that they can get to their child or other dependents."

Of course the young are effected most out of this having to see there parents dragged away..
'Where is Daddy?': Children 'suffering' in aftermath of mass Mississippi ICE raids

She said could hear her father telling someone “he has six kids and one with autism.” Ever since his father was rounded up in the massive immigration work site raids in Mississippi this week, 6-year-old Nery, who is autistic, has refused to eat, according to his older sister. “He hasn’t eaten anything, he looks at the food and he doesn’t eat,” Stefany,

This did show that many did not understand the past Amnesties that had been granted.
ICE Workplace Raids Unmask Our Broken Immigration System

Five major companies are involved, included Koch Foods, one of the largest poultry producers in the country (no relation to the Koch brothers) with an estimated annual revenue of $3.2 billion. The raids, planned months ago, are a stark reminder of how broken our immigration system is, and how illegal immigration is driven above all by large corporations that profit off cheap foreign labor.

It’s that the law does so little to deter employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants. It’s outrageous, for example, that our visa system for farm workers is designed to benefit a small segment of corporate agri-business who profit enormously from paying low wages to illegal immigrant workers. It outrageous that employers have no obligation to verify whether someone is allowed to work in the United States other than to accept authorization documents “reasonably appear on their face to be genuine.”

Consider the raid at the meatpacking plants this week in Mississippi. There are no work visas for such workers. H-2 visas, the category for temporary workers, applies only to seasonal occupations, which means no meatpacking plants or dairies, which in turn means dairies and meatpacking plants often knowingly employ illegal immigrants.

Can you say cascading failures of programs and systems that do not work...


#340 2019-08-12 18:36:21

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

Directed at The Trump administration is planning to roll out a new rule rejecting green cards for immigrants on food stamps and other public aid with a deportation in your future or do not get help if you have children and risk being turned in for neglect for not feeding them to DCYF just to have more to fight forand still get deported....

The poor of America face this everyday when the DCYF come knocking at your have your family ripped appart....

Not forgotten Donald Trump Should Be Charged for Employing Undocumented Migrant Workers

Why the president and other employers have not been charged with a crime for hiring undocumented migrants when it is a crime. Which we know that he can not be charged while he is sitting as president. All the while his administration raids companies and deports working immigrants without legal status. Those that were granted immunity via amnesty....what did the grants say and how was it registered.


#341 2019-08-13 03:20:21

From: Ceres
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,847

Re: South of the Border Politics

How much would the companies employing illegal immigrants have to pay in fines per illegal employee, if the money was used to build the wall?

If they're consistently made to pay say $2000 dollars for each illegal immigrant found working for them, then that will cut off the jobs lure.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#342 2019-08-13 07:29:18

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,073

Re: South of the Border Politics

For Terraformer re #341 ....

Your suggestion is interesting.

My impression is that while the United States aspires to be a "Nation of Laws", it is readily apparent that laws decided upon by a simple majority of legislators are not necessarily accepted or adhered to by the minority.  In this case, wealth and power lead to temptation to ignore laws designed to protect workers.  That is nothing new in human history.  As far as I can see, the only remedy is to impress upon scofflaws the need to abide by the wishes of the majority.

The problem is more complicated in a dictatorship, when the actual desires of the population (the majority) are unknowable, because the rulers insure that no power is available to the majority.   To my eye, (and ear) the situation in Hong Kong is a last gasp of English concepts being (or about to be) snuffed out.

Hong Kong is a major economic engine in Asia precisely BECAUSE it was provided the English concepts of free enterprise (and related freedoms).  Those will soon be gone, and (I would expect) so will Hong Kong's pre-eminence.



#343 2019-08-14 19:10:22

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

The 13 states (Colorado, Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico and Rhode Island) are suing the Department of Homeland Security over the new rule that expands the government's ability to deny entry or green cards for legal immigrants based on their use of public services like food stamps and Medicaid.

"It forces families into an impossible choice - to sacrifice their dream of becoming Americans in order to provide health care, food or a roof over their children's heads, or let their families go without in order to remain in the country. This rule is un-American, anti-immigrant and unlawful. I intend to stop it."

The suit declares that the rule is unlawful as it changes the "longstanding meaning" of the term "public charge," arguing that it violates the Immigration and Nationality Act. The Trump administration has defended the rule change as a way to promote "the ideals of self-sufficiency and personal responsibility." But Americans donot lose there citizenship for needing help and are not held to that same standard....

The Poor Need Not Apply.


#344 2019-08-15 02:59:26

From: Ceres
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,847

Re: South of the Border Politics

This rule is un-American

No more than welfare itself is. America was turning back potential immigrants long before it brought in food stamps. Not everyone who went to Ellis Island was allowed to stay. The original 1790 act restricted citizenship to "free whites of good character". America has *always* had restrictions on who gets to become a citizen. Allowing all and sundry to come in is un-American.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#345 2019-08-15 17:08:40

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

One way to ensure that you do not have any illegals working for you is to Fire all your employees after the raid


#346 2019-08-15 22:51:47

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,592

Re: South of the Border Politics


I thought all these illegals were somehow going to add to our economy.  That's the lie that our Democrats keep peddling.

How exactly are they doing that if they're all on food stamps and other forms of welfare that the American tax payer is forced to fund?

Please explain why it is that Americans should continue to pay for the never-ending string of abject failures of the various regressive communist / socialist / marxist death cults from Central and South America.  You keep complaining about how many poor people America has and how we're not doing enough to help them, but continue to advocate for importing more poor people who can't feed themselves from the rest of the world, and then have the gall to suggest that we're supposed to pay for the stupidity of regressive leftists the world over.

America's just a piggy bank of infinite money to fund the litany of socialist / communist failures, right?

Nobody should ever have to live, or die, with the consequences of voting for feel-good stupidity that later turns to misery and death when the free money runs out, should they?

The real problem with regressive-think is that eventually you run out of other peoples' money.

We can't import several million new poor people each year and feed / clothe / house / educate / heal all of them with money we don't have.  If these countries and their regressive communist governments were such great places to live, then at some point they should be able to at least feed their own people.  At some point, the misery has to become so great that those poor people decide on their own, without any prompting, to make a change for the better... or perish.  That simply won't happen by doing what we've always done, namely trying in vain to fix a belief system problem by throwing money at it.

You can't make poor people wealthy by bankrupting all the people who aren't.  You seem to think we simply haven't thrown enough money at the problem.  Here in America, we throw more than a trillion dollars per year at the problem.  In the end, giving handouts to people has never made them prosperous and self-reliant, only poor and dependent.


#347 2019-08-16 04:45:51

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,842

Re: South of the Border Politics

A show that kbd512 should watch. Star Trek Continues is a fan film, but a very good one. Actors for main characters are amatures, but reasonably good ones. Sets and costumes look just like TOS. Special effects, title graphics, music, even timing. They set it up for commercial breaks with the same cliff-hangers before each commercial. Each episode is roughly 50 minutes, as 1 hour shows were in the 1960s and '70s; 10 minutes for commercials, not today's 20 minutes. This episode is 49 minutes, 14 seconds including credits. Guest stars are big-name actors. Whoever made this has real money. This particular episode guest stars John de Lancie who played "Q" on TNG. It also has Anne Lockhart and Elizabeth Maxwell. Computer voice was Marina Sirtis, who played Deanna Troi on TNG.

Click the image for the YouTube video...


#348 2019-08-16 05:17:00

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,073

Re: South of the Border Politics

For RobertDyck re #347

Thanks for posting the link to the new Star Trek stream series!  I took a quick look, and am planning to watch the entire episode.  My local cable service has a channel devoted to Star Trek, with the original series shown at 7 PM (our time) and later series each hour after.   The care taken to replicate the original series is impressive, as you had predicted. 

I'll be watching for the point you were making to kbd512.  My guess is that the ship provides for all the physical needs of the humans on board, without artificial distinctions, but that's just a guess.



#349 2019-08-16 17:24:18

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: South of the Border Politics

at the two busiest stretches indicates Court: US can reject asylum along parts of Mexico border

The two busiest areas for unauthorized border crossings are in South Texas' Rio Grande Valley and the region around El Paso, Texas, which includes New Mexico. Nearly 50,000 people in July crossed the U.S. border without permission in those two regions, according to the U.S. Border Patrol.

The policy would deny asylum to anyone who passes through another country on the way to the U.S. without seeking protection there. Most crossing the southern border are Central Americans fleeing violence and poverty, who would largely be ineligible. The policy would also apply to people from Africa, Asia, and South America who come to the southern border to request asylum.

If the policy is implemented, ineligible migrants who cross in New Mexico and Texas could be detained and more quickly deported. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security did not immediately respond to a request for comment Friday.

Under American law, people can request asylum when they arrive in the U.S. regardless of how they enter. The law makes an exception for those who have come through a country considered to be "safe" pursuant to an agreement between the U.S. and that country.

Trump’s Immigrant-Welfare Rule Is Bad Policy, But Clever Politics

President Trump’s public charge rule to deny green cards and other immigrant visas to those who have used or are likely to use public benefits...

By pitting immigration against welfare use, Trump will likely attract some voters who have been skeptical of his immigration agenda. The majority of non-leftist voters, after all, want to rein in federal welfare programs, which are expensive and breed dependency, among other unintended consequences.

While Trump may achieve popular support with this rule, its goal — to reduce immigrant welfare use — could be achieved more easily and less controversially by simply further tightening immigrant access. For instance, the administration could perform a quick annual audit of the public benefits programs and kick any immigrants off the rolls.

Already under federal law, immigrants aren’t generally able to access public benefits for their first five years in the country. Partially as a result of these prohibitions, immigrants use welfare at a lower rate than their American-born counterparts.

California, other states sue over Trump plan to limit poor immigrants’ access to green cards

administration officials rolled out a new rule on Monday that seeks to redefine who will be eligible for permanent residency and a path to full U.S. citizenship.

This cruel policy would force working parents and families across the nation to forego basic necessities like food, housing, and health care out of fear.  Opponents of the rule argue that punishing legal immigrants who need financial help endangers the health and safety of immigrant families — including U.S. citizen children — and will foist potentially millions of dollars in emergency health care and other costs onto local and state governments, businesses, hospitals and food banks.

The complaint asserts that the rule unfairly targets "marginalized populations, such as children, students, individuals with disabilities, older adults, and low-wage working families. Basically do not work a crappy low paying job or be fired from a plant that gets raided for illegals.... … 029734001/

“Not everyone starts out life with millions gifted by daddy,” Becerra said, taking aim at the Trump, whose father, Fred Trump, was a wealthy real-estate developer. California, Becerra said, was built on more “rags to riches stories.”


#350 2019-08-17 02:51:16

From: Ceres
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,847

Re: South of the Border Politics

I would tell such immigrants to try Canada instead, but it's been a long standing policy in Canada to reject immigrants who would rely on welfare (including the public health system).

Use what is abundant and build to last


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