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For SpaceNut ...
Post #187 is spam. The User ID SigurdW needs to be banned.
The email which was for the user was fake as it did not suggest any connection back to the username for newmars.
That said however thats a human doing the reading and not code so there will be no way to keep them from getting through.
A blanket ban of the email server tag will not allow for the lagitimet user to be able to post as happened on gmail accounts in the past.
I will email the web master in hopes that a few members will be given mod capability.
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For SpaceNut ...
We have two more spam posts this morning.
What is the status of Ian's application to serve as a moderator to remove spam during the way when you are working?
The last inquiry (above) was posted in early May.
Last edited by tahanson43206 (2019-06-04 14:54:35)
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I have not but have made the change and will beg forgiveness If I over stepped the owner of the site wishes.
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I just noticed I am listed as a moderator of this subforum. Is there anything I need to do to prepare for this position?
The Earth is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot live in a cradle forever. -Paraphrased from Tsiolkovsky
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Congratulations IanM !!!
I just noticed I am listed as a moderator of this subforum. Is there anything I need to do to prepare for this position?
Best wishes for success with whatever powers you've been granted.
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You already know how to report a post. I perfer to identify the username and issue when doing the report since the content will be getting deleted later after you select the user name to the left of the post to ban. The report feature will show in the header area of the page for moderators and admin to read why user name is banned.
Select the user name followed by on the next page select administration, followed by the ban user button and then on the next page hit the save button at the bottom of the page.
Now at the post once you have completed the ban function you may then delete the post and mark the report as read.
Using the admin delete user allows for all post of a user to be removed but it leaves the user name open for it to be used again so try to only use that function when it is real dire.
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For IanM ....
By any chance, can you cover times when SpaceNut is at work? I've noticed that the spam posters seem to play when SpaceNut is away.
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With the addition of new moderators to the team I'd like to officially resign my position. We've got a good crew of regulars running the forums, and given my infrequent participation I think it's best to turn it over to you all.
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There can never be to many moderators with current bot technology and spammer count.
We are bound to be hit again in time, so keep the guard up and protect our place....
That said there is one more guard in the wings...
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For IanM ....
It looks as though there is a candidate for your new powers...
At 7:32 (according to the time I see on the post) we got a brand new spam message.
Good hunting!
10:08 is the time I'm seeing now on this post.
This is the pattern I've seen before .... the spammer waits until SpaceNut goes to work.
Interesting ... the post time for the spam changed from 7:32 to 9:32 after I posted this message.
Perhaps FluxBB adjusted the display time based upon my time zone. If so, that would mean the spam is only 30+ minutes old.
Last edited by tahanson43206 (2019-06-11 08:12:20)
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Not sure whom cleared the critter from the forum but I did see the usual spamming...
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It looks as though JohnesQ and BahramP are candidates for the spam list.
BahramP posted at 11:06 according to the Flux BB display which I am seeing.
JohnesQ posted at 12:20 ...
This message is showing up a 14:16 by the same display.
Last edited by tahanson43206 (2019-06-15 14:18:00)
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They were the usual document spammers
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This site needs to focus on Mars, space and technology. Put all other posts onto a single "Politics and Other Stuff" thread. End of problem.
Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars
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We already have a "Politics and Other Stuff" forum section and you're in there telling us to "shut up" instead of being a tireless advocate for free speech, which we all should be if we wish to live in a free and prosperous society- in other words, a society capable of generating enough excess material wealth to begin sending people to Mars.
How about a compromise?
I'll only respond to the incessant nonsense once a week, no matter how often I have to read through the temper tantrum posts of those who refuse to accept the results of a free and fair election, according to the former President who was a member of the opposing political party.
Now, what specific topic would you like to read about instead?
I'm not a "creative type", like you or Void or others here, but I can analyze just about anything with enough knowledge of the subject. If the math doesn't check out, then I have a tendency to state as much, though perhaps not in the way that the person making the assertion would wish for, until another creative type comes up with a new solution that might actually work- meaning a solution that is at least feasible within the realm of known math and science.
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Sure Luois we could "focus on Mars, Moon, Venus, space and technology" but that is math not video's....not stories, not funding or other means to pay the bill....
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For SpaceNut ....
New member kelvinewayne dropped a salvo of spam on the forum.
Times are: 12:56, 12:58, 13:02, 13:03, 13:06 .... the intervals, and the different topics suggest to me this was a person and not a robot.
Current time of this post is 16:13
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Spam all cleaned up, troll banned...
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For SpaceNut ...
Is anyone from the moderator group covering the hours when you are at work?
A new member going by davidu just posted some spam, at 10:18 by the time FluxBB shows me.
This report is going up at 12:43 by the same time.
Good hunting!
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Thank you RobertDyck....
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Tommiez posted spam at 11:02 by the FluxBB time I am seeing. This report is going up at Noon by FluxBB time. (th)
Interesting ... the time FluxBB shows differs depending upon whether the user is logged in or not.
For future reports, I'll include the elapsed time from spam creation to first report. In this case that time was one hour +/-
Last edited by tahanson43206 (2019-06-18 10:54:19)
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Saw Tommiez, spam shortly around noon but its gone now....
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All time stamps are recorded in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), now called Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). Times displayed are adjusted for your time zone. When you view the forum without logging in, the server has to guess which time zone to use. Once you log in, it uses the time zone you selected for your profile. Does that explain differences in time?
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For RobertDyck re #74 ...
Thanks for the clarification! The guess for not-logged-in visitors was the piece that is new to me.
That guess might be based upon IP address, but that wouldn't be very helpful, if the provider is a large company that serves an entire continent.
The answer would appear to be to log in before noting the incident time.
An irregular feature in the life of NewMars forum is arrival of new spam, so I am confident there will be opportunities to try this.
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