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#276 2018-09-13 10:26:55

From: Ceres
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,846

Re: Election Meddling

It's always possible to print out a paper receipt for each vote, which people can check and then put into a box. Randomly audit some boxes every election to make sure the electronic results accord with the paper ones, and do entire count by hand if they don't. That way you get the speed of electronic voting machines, but the security of paper ballots.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#277 2018-09-13 18:27:37

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,590

Re: Election Meddling


I decided to waste my time finding out a little bit more about this "Beto" character that seems to be the next media starchild after Hillary.  I see that "Beto" wants to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement, take guns away from law abiding citizens and rescind reciprocity carry laws, and impeach President Trump.  In other words, refreshingly new liberal regressive thinking.  I'm sure nobody else has ever even thought of that.

"Beto" recently held two fund raisers in Los Angeles and one in New York City.  I can't imagine why coastie liberal regressives would give money to a senatorial candidate from Texas.  One could be forgiven for thinking that our coastie regressives are trying to decide who represents Texans in the Senate.  The amount of money I give to political candidates from other states looks exactly like a big fat donut, as it always will, but then again I don't seek to pedal influence in the politics of other states as our coastie regressives do.  Does that count as collusion with a hostile foreign power (Hollyweird and New Yuck) to "steal" an election?

I kinda understand why you weren't able to provide any talking points about how well he's represented his constituency in El Paso.  I had a hard time finding that out as well.  I see he was arrested for burglary and DWI in the 90's.  He's married to a billionaire's daughter.  I'm sure marrying a F-up pissed off daddy to no end, but whatever.

He did push to get mental health care services for dishonorably discharged military service personnel, so I guess there's that, for whatever it's worth.  You'd think he'd focus on getting mental health care services for the men and women who served honorably, but this is a regressive we're talking about and all logic regarding priorities goes right out the window.

Excuse me while I barf at the thought of this clown representing the Great State of Texas.


#278 2018-10-11 21:20:04

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

Florida has numerous cityes and towns that have been flattened which will effect voting and registration to which this is denying them the right to do so.

Judge won't extend Florida voter registration deadline

Florida's deadline to register to vote was Tuesday, 29 days ahead of the Nov. 6 election in the battleground state which features two nationally watched races for governor and U.S. Senate. U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle ruled that there was "no justification" for the lawsuit filed by the Florida Democratic Party. In his order, Detzner said giving some supervisors this extra day to accept paper registration forms would ensure all offices in the state will be open the same number of days.

Democrats two years ago sued to extend Florida's voter registration deadline because of the disruption caused by Hurricane Matthew. A judge sided with Democrats and extended the deadline a week.

I would say they have a case as presidence was already set.....


#279 2018-10-17 18:56:43

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

Anyone got a leak detector... Trump's administration sure seems to have a lot of them....
Treasury employee accused of leaking bank records

Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards was arrested for leaking confidential bank records pertaining to Paul Manafort and Rick Gates to a reporter. Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards leaks related to Russia probe. In an indictment released on Wednesday, federal prosecutors charged an official in the Treasury Department with illegally leaking financial information about bank transactions by certain people involved in the investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 elections, indicating that a series of leaks to one news organization ...

Federal prosecutors have charged a Treasury Department employee with leaking confidential banking reports to a reporter. Authorities say Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards was found with a flash drive containing the confidential reports when she was arrested Tuesday.


#280 2018-10-20 20:54:26

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

In full campaign mode, Trump calls Dems 'too extreme'
Wow such name calling from the least honorable man we have ever had in office....

Biden rallies union for Democrats in tight Nevada races
Tit for tat with this campaign play book.... The former Vice President Joe Biden spoke of working class struggles and said President Donald Trump is shredding American values.

Its funny how so many have not a brain to reason with as if a caller recieiving spam or other calls would not be sue able but let a campaign call and they are all up in arms...
Beto O’Rourke’s campaign sued over unwanted text messages

The law bans automated telephone equipment being used to send calls or texts to people's cellphones without their permission - except for emergencies. Syeed says he received nine messages from the organization without giving the campaign permission to contact him, according to the newspaper.

Since a cellphone are not identifiable from a landline its not a case....

"Our grass-roots volunteer program with thousands of Texans canvassing, phone banking, texting and organizing is the largest this state has seen. It is fully compliant with the law," he said.


#281 2018-10-21 11:09:30

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

What are the reasons for electing in the coming votes for how or why we might vote for the state candidates that are running. 5 major issues dominating the midterm elections: ANALYSIS

Health care
Pink wave Female candidates
Native american and Black or other colors / races
Me Too versus politics of Red states or blue


#282 2018-10-21 11:23:34

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

The right to vote is also being altered to reduce votes that would go for either party...
North Dakota Native Americans fight to protect their right to vote after court ruling

Courtney Yellow Fat, a tribal council member for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, has lived on a reservation for most of his life -- a community which historically hasn't used street names or addresses and instead relies on post office boxes.

So, a few years back when he made the 90-minute trek to the state capital of Bismarck to the department of motor vehicles for an updated license, he felt he had no choice but to make up one on the spot.

"Sitting Bull Street, I think," he said of the street address he gave for his state-issued driver's license.

His tribal issued ID is correct because he has since gotten an actual street address listed for 911 purposes and he plans to add that address to his driver's license.

Requirement for Real ID....street address....

The question of whether Native American votes will be counted is an especially relevant one in the upcoming midterms because, in less than three weeks, Yellow Fat and Native Americans across North Dakota will be among the nation’s most important groups in an election likely to help determine Senate control.

“Why would we ever disenfranchise a Native American veteran who only has a P.O. box that everybody knows when they walk into the polling booth, they know exactly who that person is, they know that they're a North Dakota resident. That's why we don't have registration in North Dakota because we don't have this problem and anyone who says this isn't about disenfranchising Native Americans is not being honest,” the senator said.

Jaeger said that the PO box requirement was meant for the state to verify that voters who live in a given precinct get a ballot specific to where they live and that votes are not supposed to be cast by people who do not actually live in the precinct.

Its just a way of removing votes....


#283 2018-10-21 16:46:12

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

Top DHS official Chris Krebs says ensuring election security is "a race without an end"

Krebs said that while Americans should be reassured that while the 2018 election will be "one of the most secure" elections of the modern era, DHS is constantly on the forefront of battling attempted interference.

Krebs also discussed the potential for election interference by foreign countries in the 2016 election and beyond. He said that the Chinese presented as much of a threat to American infrastructure prior to the 2018 election as the Russians did.

Krebs said that Russians were effective at hacking election equipment, conducting targeted social media campaigns and leaking sensitive emails of Clinton campaign officials. "They're very active in this space, they're noisy, and their priorities are more about creating divisiveness, and undermining confidence in Democratic processes," Krebs said.


#284 2018-10-21 17:11:59

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

Who needs to be hacked when we have people whom will taint the pool with others helping....

Missouri GOP Sent False Information About Absentee Voting To 10,000 People

Voting is meant to be impartially controlled and not siding for one party or another....

The Missouri Republican Party has said a miscommunication resulted in 10,000 voters across the state receiving a mailer with false information about due dates for absentee ballots.

Beneath the title “URGENT NOTICE,” the mailer incorrectly advised that absentee ballots must be returned no later than Oct. 30.

In reality, the deadline for voters to request a mail-in ballot is Oct. 31 – the day after the mailer claimed they were due ― while the Missouri Secretary of State’s website stipulates that voters can vote absentee until 5 p.m. Nov. 5.

Sort of hard to believe....


#285 2018-10-23 17:45:35

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

Trump has been stomping for the states where its been to close to call and his speeches are being blamed as being democrats to claim that of creating fear to cause voters to vote republican with all kinds of false statements and claims as to what people want are being made in these speeches. That the caravan is full of terrorists and its the democrats fault that they are coming...

Now a promise to cut budgets by 5% accross the board and to give middle income workers a 10 reduction in taxes....which when doing the accounting will cause a 5% rise in the deficit....

All to gain votes in the near term without for filling any of it....


#286 2018-10-24 13:00:09

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,609

Re: Election Meddling

To answer Kbd512 in post 277 above:

As promised,  my wife checked with her old classmates in El Paso,  where O'Rourke was a city councilman before being a multi-term US representative.  There were 6 or 7 responses,  one unfavorable,  the rest favorable. 

There are things he supports that I like,  and things that I don't.  No surprises there.  He is no left wing extremist,  though;  his voting record in the House is with Trump's GOP about 26% of the time,  according to multiple sources. 

Like O'Rourke,  Cruz has done both good and bad.  More bad than good,  in my view.  The trick is guessing who will do more good than bad.  That's the one you want to vote for. 

As for Trump,  I see a lot more bad than good.  The worst of all is the way he has turned the GOP into his own personality cult,  devoid of truth or factual content,  and using it to inspire followers to do evil things for him.  Such as the letter bombs sent today to several prominent Dem figures and the CNN news agency that he hates the most,  of all the news media.   

I doubt we've seen all of it yet.  Law enforcement should be smart enough to connect the dots to an as-yet unidentified rabid Trump supporter,  though.  We'll see,  after a while.  I doubt whether all the letter bombs have yet been found.

All this plus vilifying and abusing mostly-helpless refugees is right out of the 1920's-1930's Nazi playbook.  The next step is cementing the dictatorship by using one-party control to  outlaw the opposition parties. 

Unless that one-party control of government is broken Nov 6.  We'll see.


Last edited by GW Johnson (2018-10-24 13:03:48)

GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


#287 2018-10-24 17:37:50

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

There are other ways to sway an election out come as we see with In leaked audio, Brian Kemp warns of Stacey Abrams' voter turnout efforts ahead of Georgia gubernatorial debate told a group of donors that he's concerned about his opponent, Stacey Abrams' voter turnout efforts.

Of course a repeat from the Three neo-Nazi suspects in connection with attacks at rallies, including the deadly Charlottesville, Virginia, Unite the Right rally have been caught. Robert Rundo, Rise Above Movement leader, arrested in Los Angeles

Then we are still contending with hacking the vote as well....


#288 2018-10-24 19:14:01

Registered: 2018-09-13
Posts: 184

Re: Election Meddling

O'Rourke is awesome if you like taking land from poor hispanic people and selling it to relatives cheaply.


#289 2018-10-24 19:59:53

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,590

Re: Election Meddling


I did some research, too.  I'm not voting for a drunk driver as a Texas Representative for the US Senate.  He was 26 years old at the time of his arrest, so youthful indiscretion is not an acceptable excuse.  Anyone who flees the scene of a car crash that they caused is not someone we need up there, seeing as how these days watching Washington is like watching a slow-motion train wreck.  If that's the best that the Democrat Party in Texas can come up with, I'll pass.

With respect to the letter bombs, if the dots don't connect to a rabid Trump supporter, will you even think about admitting that these anarchists / socialists from the left are a real threat?


#290 2018-10-25 09:03:52

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,609

Re: Election Meddling

Well,  this morning there's two more letter bombs found.  The Secret Service was looking for one at G W Bush's home in Dallas,  but nothing showed up.  "Connecting the dots",  so far all these have targeted Trump critics,  who are Democrats or news media.  He has vilified them all,  publicly and repeatedly,  as "enemies of the people" or similar remarks. 

Not a one of these letter bombs has targeted a Republican figure anywhere,  so far,  even with Mitch McConnell talking about gutting Social Security and Medicare.  If ever there was a target for a violent leftist (besides Trump),  he's it.  Your "anarchists/socialists from the left" seem rather scarce,  based on the data so far. 

So,  if I was law enforcement,  while I'd follow-up all leads,  I'd prioritize higher the possibility of a rabid Trump supporter inspired to commit violence.

I noticed McConnell because I'm retired.  Social Security and Medicare,  plus a few by-themselves paltry pensions,  are all I have.  So,  I would notice a threat like that coming out of his mouth.  If I was a Kentucky citizen,  I would vote him out and encourage others to do the same. 

And not just for threatening my retirement.  The hypocrisy of rushing Kavanaugh through after refusing to consider Merrick Garland is a glaring case of prioritizing party wins over serving the best interests of the people. 

I may be near alone thinking this way,  but I consider wrong priorities like that a crime as serious as treason.  Which is why I don't much care for Ted Cruz and his government shutdown tantrum trying to get his way.  That's a bit more serious than a DWI.


GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


#291 2018-10-25 12:02:55

From: Ceres
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,846

Re: Election Meddling

Your "anarchists/socialists from the left" seem rather scarce,  based on the data so far.

Well, there *was* that one guy who tried murdering dozens of Republican representatives... so about as scarce as these "rabid Trump supporters" of yours.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#292 2018-10-25 15:42:54

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,590

Re: Election Meddling


Here's your "scarce" left wing "protesters".  Pay special attention to the Police Officer near the beginning of the video watching what's happening and doing nothing to stop it.  Take note of the violence directed towards passing motorists while you're at it.  This is Portland, Oregon.  It's not exactly a backwater in the middle of nowhere.  It's a major city, last I checked.  That video was posted on October 8th, 2018.  Not exactly ancient history.

Portland Antifa Violence Against Senior Citizens

It's not a new development, either.  Here's a video posted on January 30th, 2017:

Portland citizens jeer cowardly anarchists, cheer police! (short version)

It's pretty hard to miss.  There has certainly been violence from people on the right as well.  I'm not a fan of any of it.  I've seen exactly where it leads with my own two eyes, so I don't need anyone to explain to me what happens next.  It doesn't get any better until it stops.  The left lost one lousy election.  The world didn't come to an end.  Life will go on for those who choose to get on with it.  There's another election in 2 years and we can choose a different President, if that's what the majority of Americans in the majority of voting districts decide they want.

Keep ignoring the hell out of what's actually happening since none of it is happening on your farm, but this is reality for some of us who live in major cities.  It's nuts.  All of it.  I don't want to see protesters from the right or the left blocking the streets, scaring the crap out of passing motorists and pedestrians who couldn't care less about any stupid protests, screaming obscenities at each other, all of it.  It's insane.  This is not how rational adults act.  If you can't see that, then I'm sorry for your loss.

Everyone Else,

Apart from the concentration camps and on-the-spot executions, the following is what Nazi Germany actually looked like, for all those too young, naive, or ignorant to know the difference:

Violent police riots attacking peaceful people in the Catalan Referendum of the 1st of October 2017

America no more resembles Catalan, Spain than Portland, Oregon resembles the surface of the moon.  There's lots wrong with America, but calling people Nazis over an election result that's two years in the past is nonsense.  Watch the stupid videos showing stupid people doing stupid things and then stop the stupid and incessant attempts to dehumanize people you have a political disagreement with.


#293 2018-10-25 15:56:17

From: Chicago
Registered: 2015-12-14
Posts: 276

Re: Election Meddling

Those "anarchists/socialists from the left" do exist, and I live among them. Having lived in Chicago all of my 21 years on Earth, I've been exposed to far more left-wing BS than right-wing BS, and have had the misfortune of being in close contact with far-left and other such ideas ("Life's too short to argue with a communist who lives in the first world" is a good aphorism for me), especially with some people who want to abolish the U.S. Senate and enact hate speech laws, for example. (Many of them are my friends, and I can't say I'm not somewhat left-leaning myself, but I still think that their politics are quite obnoxious.)

However, I can thankfully say that such people are a slim minority even within the Democratic Party (and those of the violent type are even slimmer; even outright tankies I know have yet to legitimately call for violence), and given the current circumstances once I turn social media off I believe that it's the right-wing BS that is currently the main threat to "liberalism" (as opposed to communism or fascism, not necessarily as opposed to leftism or conservatism) for much the same reasons as GW said. To be fair, I do realize that the pipe-bomb mailer and his/her ilk are probably likewise a slim minority in the GOP, but as much as I loathe and despise the increasing partisanship and no-platforming among the left I realize that it's the right that has been pioneering such disruptive and bitter tactics for the past couple decades. That's a lot of why I first the first time in my life voted blue down the line this election, after having voted for Kasich in the 2016 primary and Johnson in the 2016 general.

The Earth is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot live in a cradle forever. -Paraphrased from Tsiolkovsky


#294 2018-10-26 10:47:47

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,354

Re: Election Meddling

GWJohnson said:

I noticed McConnell because I'm retired.  Social Security and Medicare,  plus a few by-themselves paltry pensions,  are all I have.  So,  I would notice a threat like that coming out of his mouth.  If I was a Kentucky citizen,  I would vote him out and encourage others to do the same.

I agree with your attitude.  I myself am living on a couple of pensions, and my own money.  I have not yet taken SSI.
The baby boomers are starting to die off, but it will be some time before they are not a significant voting block.  I would expect 95% of the baby boomers to have a very dim view of their annuity payments be ripped off by people like McConnell.

And that is what SSI and Medicare are.  You are forced to participate, they tax your money going in, and then when you go to draw on your annuities, they tax you again.

Some kind of an investment program.  And then there are these people who use the word "Entitlements", in such a way as to imply that it is a free gift to the retired.

In reality we are the owners.  We have an estate. 

Just now the economy has been under stress.  There were 75 Million baby boomers, but generation "X" was only 11 Million.  So a demographic rough spot.  But the Millennials (Gen. Y), are a new large demographic which has not yet reached its economic maturity.  They will mature about 2030, which is not that far away.  So revenues will expand in that time.

Both the baby boomers and the Millennials are tending toward populism.  Supposedly 45% of them voted for Trump already.

This is an interesting read.  I know, per your advice, I take Peter Zeihan with a grain of salt.

I also look into the notion of "The Fourth Turning".  I can say I approve of their notions of cutting benefits for us.  It is short sighted, and immoral in fact, I feel.–H … nal_theory

The Strauss–Howe generational theory, also known as the Fourth Turning theory or simply the Fourth Turning, which was created by authors William Strauss and Neil Howe, describes a theorized recurring generation cycle in American history.

The normal procession is four general types of generation which typically (But not always per the civil war) re-occur.
The GI generation which is mostly dying off now, is now replaced I think by the Millennials.  With three generations between them.  The Artists (Woody Allen), Baby Boomers (Me), Xer's (Peter Zeihan).

It can be noticed, if we would entertain this theory, that the Xer's are between the baby boomers (Prophets), and the Millennials who are supposedly the replacement for the GI Generation (Hero's). 

The characteristic of the Prophets, is to be spiritual, and very inventive per technology.  Not very materialistic, since they had lots of materials due to the GI Generation.  Spiritual is as in Hippie, and later the Jesus movements.  But I think with age, and the very odd ones leaving the gene pool, this is being tempered with a more practical approach now.

The characteristic of the GI Generation is that in this country they won our part of WWII.  They also established SSI and Medicare, and they sent us to the Moon.  The GI Generation and the Millennials are very materialistic.

So, between Peter Zeihan and "The fourth turning", I see it to be very probable that politicians, if they want votes will have to pander to the Baby Boomers (Until they die off or are pooping them selves in a nursing home), and Millennials, if they want to be elected.

That means hands off SSI and Medicare in my opinion.  Peter Zeihan says that Trump is the most globalist and least populist president we will have for a very long time.  In other words, nationalism, populism, and a strong leader.  That is what the Millennials will like if they are indeed like the GI Generation.


And North America is now in a new re-industrialization process at this time which means a more industrial way of making a living.  More wealth as well.


Historically the North/South divide existed long before it did in the USA.

Per Alistair Cooke as I seem to remember, Britain was also divided between north and south.

Southern England only wanted farming.  The elites would have positions of power on those, and wanted nothing to do with industrial processes.  Typically the elites were of the Church of England.  They had their own colleges which other protestant people could not attend.
Since the elites had most of the best productive farm land that left the northern peoples to practice industry, and to form technical schools.

And so the USA echoed that process, leading to the civil war.

McConnell is probably a dinosaur southerner.  Intending that their should only be a small number of elites who can master dead languages, and that every one else is most properly a servant.

By the way Texas is not as "South" by culture as you might suppose to be told.

Wow! I'm a windbag!


Last edited by Void (2018-10-26 11:33:24)



#295 2018-10-26 12:46:26

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,609

Re: Election Meddling


Looks like you and I have observed pretty much the same things.  Thanks for saying what you said.  I get disparaged at times as a Democrat,  even though I have always been an independent,  and I have said so multiple times. 

I tend to vote for whom I think would do the better job,  regardless of party,  which decades ago was more Republicans than Democrats,  but in recent years more the reverse.  My criteria for "better job" have very little to do with ideologies and party agendas.  I look more for someone who will buck his own party to do the right thing for his constituents. 

Those are getting very hard to find anymore.


If you look east of I-35,  that part of Texas was plantation-cotton/"Old South" before the Civil War.  West of I-35,  it was not part of plantation-cotton and the culture was quite different.  But at the time of the Civil War,  there were way more folks in East Texas than out West.  That's why Texas went with the Confederacy.

Yep,  I'm a baby boomer,  but my attitudes and characteristics are actually closer to the WW2 generation,  which I think is what your "GI" refers to.  I don't fit very many molds.  I lived through a society so divided in the 1960's that it seemed civil war could break out,  and I hated that.  Now here it is again.  And I hate it. 


I saw despicable behavior on the part of protesters in Oregon in those videos,  but I have not seen anything about leftists mailing bombs for assassinations.  I hadn’t seen anything like that from the right,  either,   until a few days ago.  But I have seen news reporters and hecklers roughed-up at Trump rallies,  which is a comparable reprehensible behavior to that in the protester videos from Oregon.

All it means is that the rhetoric inspires bad behavior from a few bad apples,  on both sides.  I see more of this,  and now more despicable in one case,  from the right than from the left.  This traces directly to Trump’s rhetoric calling his critics “evil” and “enemies of the people”,  plus all the lesser insults.  Words inspiring followers to do evil is not a new thing.  We’ve seen it lots of times before. 

Speaking of bad apples,  Mr. Trump still mostly refuses to take responsibility for his words inspiring his followers to do evil.  The mail bomber reportedly had pictures of,  and words from,  Trump,  plastered all over his home,  prima facie proof of the inspired violence effect.   I applaud the media for holding his feet to the fire about this,  and saw a much more subdued and presidential-sounding Trump making the announcement of the arrest of the bomber today.

Nor does Mr. Trump tell the truth very often;  in fact,  he is the most egregious liar I have ever had the misfortune to see in public office,  and there a lot of them!  Yes,  he was legitimately elected.  But no,  in my  opinion,  he is unfit to hold that office. 

In my judgement,  his lies concealed that unfitness until it was too late.  It does not speak well of modern Republican voters,  that they could not see through the lies to this unfitness,  during the 2016 primaries.  Here in 2018,  I’d really like to see at least the House flip Democratic,  to act as a brake on the damage Trump can still do. 

It would seem Mr. Trump disdains democratic institutions,  instead having a preference for autocrats and dictators.  He has damaged our alliances by insulting our allies and starting trade wars with them,  while defending and cozying up to dictators.  Mr. Brennan was quite correct about this.   I,  too,  think that behavior is tantamount to treason of the “aid and comfort to the enemy” type. 

All politicians do both good and bad,  some more good,  others more bad.  As long as big money corrupts our politics,  there will be lots of bad to deal with.  Sometimes it takes years to perceive this,  sometimes it is apparent almost immediately.  We don’t need fatal flaws in character compounding this.


Last edited by GW Johnson (2018-10-26 13:09:11)

GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


#296 2018-10-26 15:43:08

From: Ceres
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,846

Re: Election Meddling

Of course the left aren't violent. Not towards *people*. But 'Nazis' are fair game. It's okay to punch them, right? Or shoot up a softball game. Or send them ricin.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#297 2018-10-26 16:39:48

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,609

Re: Election Meddling


It's not about fair play for "leftists" vs "Nazis",  as you put it.  It's about inflammatory rhetoric inspiring evil action.  Hitler never burned a book or killed a Jew,  personally.  But he certainly inspired with his speeches a lot of followers to do those evils for him.  Same is true now.

The shooting incident at the Republican baseball team practice which injured one representative so badly was terrible,  evil.  I could not access the ricin article.  There is both positive and negative inspiration:  positive gets your followers to do your evil deeds for you,  negative inspires your opposition to act violently against you and your team,  which is the driving force behind that shooting incident at the baseball practice.

I see a lot of really harsh rhetoric about "evil" and "enemies of the people",  plus the lie about "fake news" coming from Trump and many of his ardent supporters.  I don't see anything on that scale coming from the left,  except maybe the Antifas bunch of extremists,  and they still seem to be a tiny minority among those who do not endorse Trump.

Trump's most ardent base seems to overlap,  to one extent or another,  with the KKK,  the American Nazis,  and the old-time white supremacists. 

The KKK and the Nazis are just evil organizations,  to my way of thinking.  The Nazis are evil,  especially to me,  with my characteristics and thinking more aligned with the generation that actually destroyed Nazi Germany,  than the "baby boomers" of which I am a technically a part.  That should give you some idea of what I really mean,  when I actually compare somebody to a Nazi.  Few today fully understand what I mean. 

The old-time white supremacists are the descendants of the old Southern conservative Democrats,  who left that party in the years after signing of the 1965 Civil Rights Act,  and by multiple routes,  migrated into the Republican party.  Which is why during the Nixon years,  the Republicans had a "Southern Strategy". 

They taught their children those same racist attitudes.  I have actually seen that from the inside,  and made a conscious choice to reject what I,  too,  was taught as a child.  I struggle with that conflict to this very day.  But I refused to teach my son those evil things.  He is free of it,  for which I am eternally grateful.

Those are facts of history,  which cannot be refuted.

Myself,  I abhor violence coming from both the left and the right,  particularly extremists,  whether leftist or far-right.  I just see more of it coming from the right in recent years.  That was not always true over my lifetime.  But it is true now:  I have yet to see a leftist mail bomber in this country.  I've seen one far-right mail bomber.  So far.  I fear it won't be the last.


Last edited by GW Johnson (2018-10-26 16:41:46)

GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


#298 2018-10-26 17:52:54

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

More bombs were found today and even thou they have a suspect in hand the fact that all bombs are just simular means that there are others that will still need to be caught.

Cesar Sayoc Bomb Suspect, FBI arrests man in Florida suspected of sending parcel bombs

The ricin attacks were a few weeks earlier Mail Sent To Mattis Tests Positive For Ricin and to Admiral John Richardson, the Chief of Naval Operations … ar-BBNRkqB
Suspected ricin detected in mail sent to Trump, Pentagon … res-trump/
Man in custody, accused of sending ricin-related substance to the Pentagon, suspicious letter to Trump


#299 2018-10-26 19:47:11

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,354

Re: Election Meddling

You understand that to the degree I might support Trump for reasons you might not understand, I would like someone like this to "Get off our side".  Not saying I don't see flaws in Trump, but I have flaws also.

I might support Trump because I don't need to live in a socialist world, and I also don't want to live in a "Then let the undesirables eat cake" world either.

Last edited by Void (2018-10-26 19:48:47)



#300 2018-10-26 20:52:42

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: Election Meddling

yesterday it was 10 and by noon it was 12 and tonight its up to 14.....

Package bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc ranted on Twitter about liberals and threatened to blow up a power company...


The stickers included images of Trump, American flags and a variety of other pictures and logos. In a photo posted on Twitter, apparently showing the same van at a stoplight at an earlier date, the stickers can be seen more clearly to include various pro-Trump images, as well as photos of several liberal figures like Hillary Clinton, Michael Moore and CNN commentator Van Jones framed in crosshairs. The stickers criticized media outlets and specifically CNN, the news channel targeted by a mail bomb this week.

Authorities honed in on Sayoc using a latent fingerprint on an envelope containing an IED that was sent to U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, as well as DNA evidence from pieces of two different mailed IEDs that was matched to a DNA sample previously collected from Sayoc after an arrest in Florida, according to FBI director Christopher Wray.

Fingerprint, DNA and cellphone tracking led investigators to mail bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc

only one finger print which says that there is a problem....
FBI on package bombs: "These are not hoax devices"

Trump will never claim that he was the cause to the event which is unfolding as caused by his speeches.... words matter... trying to back pedal on the rhetoric and claims....


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