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#26 2018-03-15 19:23:28

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438


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#27 2018-03-18 14:36:20

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: Mueller's Russian Investigation

President Trump fired off angry tweets Sunday morning that railed against Mueller's investigation and questioned the validity of McCabe's memo claims. The firing was followed by reports that McCabe kept personal memos detailing interactions with the president. The memos reportedly have been provided to the office of the special counsel conducting the Russia investigation and are similar to the notes compiled by Comey. President Trump responded Sunday to reports that fired FBI official Andrew McCabe took notes of their conversations, saying he never saw McCabe write down messages and suggesting the purported notes be called “fake memos,” like those purportedly taken by “lying James Comey” -- the FBI director fired by Trump. The memos could factor into Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation as his team examines Trump campaign ties to Russia and possible obstruction of justice.

Papadopoulos, who pleaded guilty in October to lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about his Russia contacts, is now cooperating with Mueller. Papadopoulos continued to pursue Russian contacts after the March 2016 meeting and communicated with some campaign officials about his efforts, according to the court documents. U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions' testimony that he opposed a proposal for President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign team to meet with Russians has been contradicted by three people who told Reuters they have spoken about the matter to investigators with Special Counsel Robert Mueller or congressional committees.

President Donald Trump on Sunday took out his frustrations over the intensifying Russia investigation by lashing out at special counsel Robert Mueller, signaling a possible shift away from a strategy of cooperating with a probe he believes is biased against him. Trump's attacks raised new concerns among members of Congress that he could be seeking to orchestrate Mueller's firing. This president is engaged in desperate and reckless conduct to intimidate his law enforcement agencies of this country to try and stop the special counsel.


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#28 2018-04-01 19:18:37

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: Mueller's Russian Investigation

Even Republicans Have Used the ‘I’ Word, but Would Firing Mueller Get Trump Impeached?

Trump ally detained, served with Mueller subpoena at Boston airport: Ted Malloch said FBI agents asked him about Roger Stone and WikiLeaks.

Mueller: Trump campaign's Gates knew he was speaking to Russian intel agent: A court filing from Special Counsel Mueller's team says Gates stated he was aware "Person A" was linked to Russian intelligence.

The store fronts that are closing are not really about this issue but some will think that its so as Retailers Race Against Amazon to Automate Stores

This will get some sales but the really problem is still no cash you can not buy, no car you can not travel, no internet means no online purchases, no cell phone you are not buying product this way, no land line and I see it the demise of stores is not just about Amazon or other giants ....

The store fronts in a small town are not effected by the amazon's as its about cash that is not there for the purchase of products.


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#29 2018-04-09 16:54:02

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: Mueller's Russian Investigation

Where there is coruption you follow the money and with this FBI raided office of Trump personal lawyer Michael Cohen, President Trump's attorney Michael Cohen is being investigated for possible bank fraud, campaign finance violations, a person familiar with the case says. President Trump's attorney was raided by the FBI Monday .prosecutors seized records related to his Stormy Daniels payment.seeking information about a $130,000 payment he made to Stormy Daniels. and the operation was put in motion by none other than Special Counsel Robert Mueller.. We've confirmed federal agents swooped into Michael Cohen's NYC office with a search warrant, and seized thousands of documents related to Mueller's Russia investigation.


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#30 2018-04-09 17:44:11

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,970

Re: Mueller's Russian Investigation

SpaceNut wrote:

Where there is coruption you follow the money and with this FBI raided office of Trump personal lawyer Michael Cohen, President Trump's attorney Michael Cohen is being investigated for possible bank fraud, campaign finance violations, a person familiar with the case says. President Trump's attorney was raided by the FBI Monday .prosecutors seized records related to his Stormy Daniels payment.seeking information about a $130,000 payment he made to Stormy Daniels. and the operation was put in motion by none other than Special Counsel Robert Mueller.. We've confirmed federal agents swooped into Michael Cohen's NYC office with a search warrant, and seized thousands of documents related to Mueller's Russia investigation.

There's no "there there", is there?  That's why Mueller is playing in the street with the ladies of the night.  Bob is on a fishing expedition to discover how much President Trump knows about the criminal activities of Comey, Lynch, Mueller, et al.  He can't prosecute President Trump, so he wants to be a martyr for his cause.


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#31 2018-04-10 06:46:11

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,909

Re: Mueller's Russian Investigation

I thought the Mueller probe was about Russia? What does Stormy Daniels have to do with Russia? What does *any* of this have to do with Russia?

Is Mueller trying to get himself fired, so that the conspiracy theorists can start claiming he was getting close and Trump didn't want his wrongdoing revealed?

Use what is abundant and build to last


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#32 2018-04-10 08:29:31

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,832

Re: Mueller's Russian Investigation

Well,  if you would listen to real journalists instead of those yammering talking editorial heads on Faux News for once,  you might actually understand what really happened. 

Mueller ran across some evidence of a possible crime that was unrelated to his Russia investigation.  This was actually some time ago.  He referred that evidence to the appropriate office or offices in the FBI,  and then got back to his Russia investigation.  The FBI then investigated,  and went to a judge,  who issued the warrant for the search and seizures at Cohen's office. 

Looks to me like everybody involved (Mueller,  the FBI,  the courts) did exactly what they were supposed to.

The only this I see right about the complaints over Mueller's investigation is that this search and seizure has nothing to do with Russia.  That part is correct.  It doesn't.  The rest (presuming that Mueller is getting into the Stormy Daniels affair) is incorrect.  He is not.  The FBI is.

Nobody is yet sure,  of course,  but the possible crime here is that hush money about a candidate running for high office is very likely an election law crime.  Lawyers who are "fixers" often run the risk of stepping over lines like that.  Such is the nature of the lives of the very rich and powerful,  as we all already know.

Now,  there's standards of certainty that warrant an investigation versus standards for innocence vs guilt in a trial.  The two are not the same.  The old sayings "where there's smoke there's fire" and "the guilty dog barks loudest" are sufficient cause to investigate.  Only to investigate.  Why don't y'all apply that notion to your understanding and discussions of what is going on in DC?  You'd get less mad at each other.


Last edited by GW Johnson (2018-04-10 08:32:28)

GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


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#33 2018-04-11 09:30:47

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,970

Re: Mueller's Russian Investigation


Mueller was hired to investigate any potential "collusion" between Russia and President Trump or his campaign staff.  Since there is no such federal crime entitled "collusion" and there never has been, so I presume the purported charge would be "conspiracy to commit election fraud".  He was not hired to look into the affairs with over-priced hookers, unless those hookers happen to be involved in any potential dealings with the Russians.  I seriously doubt Stormy Daniels was "colluding" to do much of anything, except getting paid for her "services".

Mueller knows he has no case and probably knew that within a week of his appointment, but he and his fellow Democrats can't stand to watch their utter failure every night on the evening news, so he's desperately trying to hurt President Trump any way he can.  This absolute mockery of an "investigation" will go down in flames whereupon everyone else in DC but the Democrats comes to the realization that we've wasted millions of tax payer dollars and months of the current administration's time to do precisely nothing related to any activities he was appointed to undertake.  The Democrats will only have more mud on their faces by the time this circus is over.  According to the people who first obtained warrants to start spying on President Trump to begin with, those warrants were obtained largely based on "opposition research" (lies one political candidate told about another).  The FBI was not created to use as a political tool of one political party to use against the other.

I take no issue with Mueller or this mock Russia investigation.  At the end of it, when the inevitable conclusion is reached that President Trump did nothing at all except run his mouth on TV, the last vestiges of credibility that the Democrat Party had will be wiped clean from the minds of the rest of the American voters who are not stoned out of their minds on their own partisan politics and rhetoric.  That will be a very good day for America.

The Democrats have mastered the art of lying to the American people about their own criminal activities and blaming everyone else for their own criminal behaviors.  President Trump hired all these guys who previously worked for Podesta because they were purported to be good at their jobs.  Much like everyone else surrounding former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, they were a bunch of sleazy con men.  All of them are gone now.  Good riddance.  I can't wait to pop the cork on a bottle of bubbly when this travesty masquerading as an investigation ends.

Listen to the words of former President Obama and stop whining about the election results (his words, I'm just repeating them):

Obama on Election Can't Be Hacked

If the former President of the United States, Barrack Obama, is not to be trusted, then I'm not sure who we should trust.  Certainly not our government or the Democrat Party.  If he was lying when he made that claim, then why should we believe the Democrats now?  Because they lost the election?  That's absurd.

Everything I've seen about President Trump and Russia thus far is baseless speculation without a scintilla of evidence behind it.  Like former President Obama said, prior to contradicting himself after his candidate of choice lost, "No serious person would believe that our elections were rigged."  There's a reason for that.  The fair and free elections were concluded and President Trump was elected by the People of the United States.  If one political party doesn't like the result, too bad.  There's another election in 2020.  People can elect whomever they so choose in less than 3 years.  Until then, don't be the flag bearer for the Mental Gymnastics Special Olympics required to support diametrically opposed Democrat Party claims without evidence.

Someone here needs to start posting evidence that President Trump did something illegal to win the election or they need to stop claiming that he did something illegal without evidence.  The only "arguments" I've seen offered thus far are "You're stupid because you're not us."  Wow.  What a brilliant argument.


I think what you're really upset about is the fact that President Trump beat the Democrats at their own game and spent less money in the process.  His opponent couldn't buy the office with her corporate / Wall Street money, so now you're pitching a fit about it.  Most corporations didn't give a dime to President Trump's campaign, but now you're upset that the person who took the least amount of money from corporate special interests won.  We finally have a candidate in office who is mostly completely unaffected by corporate special interests, but you want him impeached because he doesn't spout off the partisan political rhetoric that you agree with.  The hypocrisy is stunning.

Former President Obama lied repeatedly about important issues (just because an issue is not important to you does not mean it's not important to someone else), as did former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.  You were completely silent when the last administration was in office.  You either agree with the corruption the last administration brought with it or you only care about corruption when your political opponents are in office.

The former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, is still giving speeches about women not voting for her because someone else told them not to.  My wife voted for President Trump in the primary.  I voted for Ted Cruz in the primary.  If she voted for President Trump because someone told her to, then it certainly wasn't me.  She's been an enthusiastic supporter of President Trump from the beginning.  I voted the way I wanted to vote and she voted the way she wanted to vote.  When the general election came, voting for President Trump over Hillary Clinton was the easiest choice I ever had to make.  I do it again without a second thought and I already know she would.

Apparently, all women were supposed to vote for Hillary Clinton because of her gender.  What a crock.  If you try a different strategy that doesn't involve group identity politics, whomever you put forward may actually have a shot at winning in 2020.  If not, then prepare yourself for another defeat at the polls.


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#34 2018-04-11 12:32:17

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,832

Re: Mueller's Russian Investigation


I am surprised and disappointed in how you neglect facts in your otherwise ideology-driven posting.  You obviously did not actually read the words I wrote,  you only saw what you wanted to see,  which is so obviously NOT what was actually there! 

The first paragraph of your post implies I said Mueller was hired to look into the hush money issue,  when in point of fact I said the opposite!  I said Mueller was hired to look into Russian election meddling and information warfare attacks,  which might or might not prove to involve connections to the Trump campaign. I also said Mueller ran into something about the hush money issue,  outside his purview,  and he referred it to the FBI.  As he should have. The FBI pursued this through a judge-issued warrant.  As they should have.

I never said a word about "collusion",  and neither did Mueller or Rod Rosenstein.  Lots of reporters use that term,  incorrectly.  So do a lot of leftist types.  No surprises there.  Their word choice means nothing as long as you understand the actual facts. 

You also specifically claim in your second paragraph that Mueller is a Democrat.  You are quite wrong!  He is not.  He is a Republican,  and was appointed to head the FBI by a Republican,  and was extended in that term by a Democrat.  You really should check your facts before getting so wrought-up with your ideology,  because otherwise it will lead you astray.

By the way,  holders of important appointed positions like that are discouraged,  even disallowed,  from exhibiting extreme partisanship.  As they should be. Especially in law enforcement.

Most of the rest of your posting is a diatribe against Democrats,  rather similar to the kind of crap I have heard for years out of the likes of Rush Limbaugh and others on talk radio,  and more infamously in recent years from several "Limbaugh clones" on Faux News.  Long on hate,  short on facts.  Fox actually does have some real reporters,  but they just don't get the air time that these ideologues get.

By the way,  for about the third or fourth time,  I am not a Democrat!  Nor am I a Republican!  I think the belief systems of both parties are egregious crap.  And I do sincerely mean it when I say "egregious crap".  Because they are.

What actually works for governance requires debate and compromise,  as intended by the writers of the Constitution.  But with the "my way or the highway" attitudes exemplified by the behavior of the ideologically-extreme Freedom Caucus,  there is no debate and compromise.  This renders our government entirely dysfunctional.  There are some like that on the far left,  yes,  but they are much less numerous than the right-wing extremists at this time. It's been out-of-balance like that for about 3 decades now.

Fact of the matter is,  Mr. Trump is president.  Like all before him,  he will do both good and bad while in office.  If he does more bad than good,  we should not re-elect him.  If he does intolerably bad,  we need to remove him.  Otherwise,  we need to let him try to do his job.  Simple as that.

The trick for us voters is picking out who might do more good than bad.  I didn't think Mr. Trump would do more good than bad (and I have seen only a minority of good since he was sworn in),  nor did I think Mrs. Clinton would do more good than bad.  That left us with a really bad choice,  looking for the slightly-lesser of two very great evils,  as far as I was concerned.  You can thank the big-money interests for that:  they rigged our primaries to give us that poor choice,  precisely to distract us from their robbing the country blind.

In conclusion,  when you attempt to put the wrong words in my mouth,  I will fire back!


GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


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#35 2018-04-11 14:59:18

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,970

Re: Mueller's Russian Investigation


Speaking of not reading what was written, nowhere did I claim anything about what you stated.  I simply responded that absolutely zero evidence has been presented to Congress or the Judiciary about President Trump colluding with the Russians to alter the results of the election AFTER MORE THAN TWO YEARS OF INVESTIGATING!

How long should we have to wait for something amounting to tangible evidence that President Trump did anything more than shoot his big mouth off?  A year, two years, four years, the rest of our natural lives?  You tell me what you think is reasonable.  If his entire term in office is over before we get evidence of anything, either way, then what good did it do for us?  I'm of the opinion that were unlikely to find something that, in all probability, simply doesn't exist.

Which is more probable?

A. A reality TV show star pulled off the greatest election fraud in history with the help of the Russians and $100K worth of Facebook advertisements

B. A reality TV show star was elected President because a biased liberal media gave him hundreds of millions of dollars worth of media coverage (by their own admission) with the intent that more coverage would turn the electorate away from him, but instead causing more people to vote for him

In the past two years, I may have watched a grand total of 8 hours of TV.  Most of those hours were spent watching the election results on CNN.  I wouldn't know what "Faux News" said for or against whomever because I'm not watching the brain drain 99.999% of my time.  The last time I decided to blow a few more brain cells I watched a few minutes of a segment about MMA fighters trash talking each other before their fights on 14 April at the Cadillac Dealership.  Most of the time, I was busy watching my son.  Apparently, 5 year olds won't sit still for 2 hours at a time, even with an iPad.  Who knew?

Regarding which way you voted or didn't, you're an "independent" who only votes for Democrats.  I could call myself an "independent" that only votes for Republicans and espouses Republican talking points.  Rather than partaking in an intellectually dishonest self-delusion, I just categorize myself as a Republican.  My father voted for Bush once, Clinton twice, Bush Jr once, Obama twice, and then Trump.  He's more "independent" than either of us will ever be.  Even he thinks this Mueller investigation is a load of made-up partisan political nonsense.

GW Johnson wrote:

Fact of the matter is,  Mr. Trump is president.  Like all before him,  he will do both good and bad while in office.  If he does more bad than good,  we should not re-elect him.  If he does intolerably bad,  we need to remove him.  Otherwise,  we need to let him try to do his job.  Simple as that.

Ding! Ding! Ding!  If people (more people than just you or I) think he's doing a bad job, then we'll elect someone else.  If people think he's doing a good job, then we'll re-elect him.  Tens of millions of Americans are not racist xenophobes filled with hatred because they didn't make the same decision that you would make.  They thought about who represented them best and then cast their ballots accordingly, same as you and I did.

GW Johnson wrote:

You can thank the big-money interests for that:  they rigged our primaries to give us that poor choice,  precisely to distract us from their robbing the country blind.

All this time I thought we just elected the one candidate that nobody would put a dime behind.  Is he perfect?  Far from it.  What level of perfection do you think you're going to get at the ballot box?  I haven't seen any choir boys running for office lately.  Have you?

GW Johnson wrote:

In conclusion,  when you attempt to put the wrong words in my mouth,  I will fire back!

Nobody is trying to put words in your mouth.  You're reading into my posts far more than what I wrote.  My post was directed at you, but it was not any sort of attempt to say anything besides what I thought about what you posted.  I know it's next to impossible for someone who is intelligent to accept that someone else doesn't think the exact same way they do, but there it is.


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#36 2018-04-11 16:09:44

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,832

Re: Mueller's Russian Investigation


What I wrote:  "The only this I see right about the complaints over Mueller's investigation is that this search and seizure has nothing to do with Russia.  That part is correct.  It doesn't.  The rest (presuming that Mueller is getting into the Stormy Daniels affair) is incorrect.  He is not.  The FBI is."  The word "this" in the first phrase is a typo,  it should be "thing". 

What you wrote:  "Mueller was hired to investigate any potential "collusion" between Russia and President Trump or his campaign staff.  Since there is no such federal crime entitled "collusion" and there never has been, so I presume the purported charge would be "conspiracy to commit election fraud"."

See the disparity?

I've never told you how I voted over the years,  so your contention that I am an "independent who votes Democratic" might be excusable based on ignorance.  But it is factually incorrect! 

The truth is that over the last 5+ decades,  I voted Republican vs Democrat by about 3:1.  In the most recent years that ratio has reversed,  because the GOP has come to be dominated by the likes of the Freedom Caucus extremists,  whose extremist agenda and unyielding attitude I utterly detest. 

As for presidents doing more good than bad,  or more bad than good,  the verdict of history takes multiple decades (if not a century or more) to establish,  and can actually change in those same multiple decades.  One example is LBJ,  roundly condemned for his escalation of Vietnam on the failed "domino theory",  when he did so much good with the civil rights act and the attempt at his "Great Society",  and his unwavering support for manned space exploration.  Only in this decade is that "more bad than good" assessment shifting.  He left office nearly 6 decades ago.


GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


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#37 2018-04-11 18:47:25

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,970

Re: Mueller's Russian Investigation


Let me rephrase.  I could care less if Mueller or the FBI investigates expensive hookers or not.  Mueller was supposedly hired to look into any conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russians to defraud our elections process in some way.  Something tells me that a porn star he was banging a decade ago probably has nothing whatsoever to do with why he was hired.  We're still waiting for the evidence to be presented that he somehow conspired with the Russians to change the election results.  I seriously doubt there is any evidence of that, or someone would've found it after investigating for more than two years.  All that we've "learned" thus far is that Clinton's former campaign staffers, that the Trump campaign later hired on egregiously bad advice from someone, were some pretty shady characters.

Earlier in this thread you said you haven't voted for a Republican in the past 30 years.  Hillary Clinton could claim to be an independent by that standard since she was a Republican while she was an undergraduate.  You keep telling me that those small feathery things waddling around and quacking aren't ducks.  I suppose they could all be drunk chihuahuas with bad colds, but I'm pretty sure they're still just ducks.

There was nothing "great" about the "Great Society" nonsense.  The welfare system created as part of that "Great Stupidity" is an evil and disgusting racist blight upon civilized society.  It was primarily intended to keep poor black people poor and dependent upon our government into perpetuity.  That is precisely the effect it has had.  I don't care about what the intent was.  The effect is crystal clear, many members of our society are still suffering from it, and we're still using it, so it can't be anything else.

As far as space exploration is concerned, it's always been a political tool.  If there was ever anything "pure" about its intent, that time has long since passed.  Along the way, science has benefited in spite of our government and because of our wars.  Science has always been a double-edged sword.  I still think technological advancements are worth the pain and tribulation.

Viet Nam, well, let's just say it was a mistake to start a war without using overwhelming force to win it and go home.  If there was no Viet Nam War, then I would likely have never met my wife.  Good?  Bad?  Indifferent?  That's a much more difficult question to answer.  I suppose, as you said, time will tell.  My wife has her freedom because of it, although some of her family members do not.


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#38 2018-04-11 20:17:20

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: Mueller's Russian Investigation

A hooker is little more than a payment method....hush money

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s letter appointing Mueller as special counsel stated that the investigation would encompass Russian election interference and “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.”
“The mandate says it's to investigate allegations regarding the Russian government's effort to interfere with the 2016 election, and also if there was any coordination and links between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of the president,”  Mueller has subpoena power, and witnesses will be compelled to testify before the grand jury under penalty of contempt. Those called before the grand jury will need special immunity to even invoke their Fifth Amendment rights,

That said it seems that the lawyers are all corrupt of crimes for Trump and that is what has been pushed. With each Lawyer more details are found back to the campaign period. … estigation

Among the Founding Founders' greatest fears was that foreign powers would interfere in America's domestic affairs. The Founders understood that history was filled with examples of such intrigue and, at the time, Europe teemed with ambitious rulers who plotted against rival nations.

FBI raid on Trump's lawyer sought records on ‘Access Hollywood’ tape, Michael D. Cohen, President Trump's personal lawyer, in Manhattan on Wednesday. The agents who raided the office of Michael Cohen on Monday were seeking records related to the tape in which Trump was heard making vulgar comments about women. Documents related to the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape featuring President Trump’s 2005 vulgar comments about women .

I do agree that its a rouse but what will they find that is not is the real question....


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#39 2018-04-11 20:49:39

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: Mueller's Russian Investigation

DOJ's Rosenstein shows House Intel Committee the document that sparked FBI's Russia probe a two-page document related to the FBI's investigation into links between President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign and Russia.
Mr. Trump knows the consequences of firing Mr. Mueller but the threats keep coming out of the twitter pages. This comes as no surprise as Bill to Protect Special Counsel Mueller Is Headed for a Committee Vote

It would seem that money coming from Russia is going to lots of places including NRA accepted donations from 20 Russian-linked contributors

Trump wants to slash welfare, impose stricter work requirements

Now while slashing as the article title indicates the real issue is removal of the fraud by those getting assistance that are not qualified.

Reducing Poverty in America by Promoting Opportunity and Economic Mobility executive order privately Tuesday, ordering secretaries across the government to review their welfare programs — from food stamps to Medicaid to housing programs — and propose new regulations, like work requirements.

The executive order calls on federal agencies to enforce current work requirements, propose additional, stronger requirements, and find savings (in other words, make cuts), and to give states more flexibility to run welfare programs.

Agencies are ordered to follow nine “Principles of Economic Mobility” to guide their proposed policy changes, including adding work requirements, giving states more flexibility — usually in the form of block grants — consolidating duplicative programs, and encouraging involvement from the private sector.

Sure the requirements will force some off the welfare roles but the greater impact will be in the homeless line as a result of the reduction which will happen the moment that you earn to much....


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#40 2018-04-13 17:01:21

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: Mueller's Russian Investigation

On the other note of fake news... In raid, investigators searched for records of Trump's dealings with National Enquirer parent company
straight from all the grocery store shopping ailse that put information about everything in a false aligations to sway the votes that were made.

After the twitter rants many of congress now are set as Lawmakers move to protect special counsel, Russia probe amid Trump criticism

Majorities back investigations of Trump from Russia to alleged hush money (POLL)

The public by a broad 69-25 percent supports Mueller’s initial thrust, to investigate possible collusion between Trump campaign officials and Russian government attempts to influence the 2016 election.

The charts say it all … _Comey.pdf


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#41 2018-05-06 19:16:13

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: Mueller's Russian Investigation

Soon we will see the collusion of Facebook ads that swayed the vote House Intel Dems preparing to release thousands of Russia-linked Facebook ads: report

The president's lawyer also said that Trump does not have to comply with a subpoena from the special counsel probing Russian interference in the 2016 election. Deepening the confrontation with special prosecutor, president's new lawyer Rudy Giuliani said on Sunday that Trump could ignore a subpoena from Robert S. Mueller III. taking the Fifth Amendment if he testifies in the Russia investigation. To which pleading the 5th is as good as an admission of guilt of the crime....

Experts refute claim that Trump could refuse Mueller subpoena

The words that Obamacare was ended but Trump Says He Got Rid of Obamacare. The I.R.S. Doesn’t Agree.

While the individual mandate may be dead, the employer mandate — the requirement that many companies offer health insurance to their workers or pay a penalty — is very much alive. Under Mr. Trump, the Internal Revenue Service has been pursuing companies that fail to comply with the mandate and, according to the agency, was sending penalty notices to more than 30,000 businesses around the country.

The employer mandate requires companies with more than 50 full-time employees to provide health benefits to eligible employees or face fines of more than $2,000 per worker. The Congressional Budget Office predicted that these fines would total $12 billion in 2018.


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#42 2018-05-06 21:02:07

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,970

Re: Mueller's Russian Investigation


Good.  All of this needs to be released for the American people to see.  Nothing about our elections process should be closed-door classified nonsense.  Sunshine is the best disinfectant.  The Dems need to show the American people what they have or stop making claims.  If you have a scintilla of evidence that President Trump colluded or conspired with the Russians to do anything, then let's see it.

Pleading the 5th is not an admission of anything.  If the government has a case to make against you, then they should make their case.  You are not required to provide testimony to be used against you in our system of jurisprudence.  Maybe you should read some more about how that works.  If Mueller does have any formal accusations to make regarding what President Trump did with the Russians, then he should make it formally and be prepared to prove it.  If not, then this is just more "I hate Trump" bovine excrement from the regressives.

How long do we have to wait for this?  Will President Trump be out of office before it ever happens?  President Trump has been investigated for more than two years, by the FBI, the intelligence agencies, Congress, and now Mr. Mueller.  If there was ever a "there there", then why can't we see it?  President Trump is either smarter than the FBI, CIA, Congress, the media, and the entire Democrat Party when it comes to getting away with criminal activities, or maybe he's not guilty of anything but poor manners.  Last I checked, that still wasn't a crime.

You can hate President Trump all you want, but former President Obama said he was duly elected by the American people and that the election results represented the will of the American people and that no foreign governments changed our election results.  He did that on national television.  You should try watching that and understanding what it means.


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#43 2018-05-07 21:02:55

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: Mueller's Russian Investigation

Ex-White House ethics chief: Trump’s Mar-a-Lago is a ‘symbol of corruption’ nicknaming of his Florida estate the "Southern White House" a marketing pitch to people who want insider access.

"The initiation fee, which Trump doubled upon winning the election, is $200,000," ....Trump Tower gift shop has been caught grotesquely hawking a Trump mug bearing the presidential seal, and the Trump Organization ordered tee markers with that seal for his golf courses," taxpayers are paying tens of millions for him to spend almost a third of his days in office visiting his properties. Some of the money goes into his pocket."

Mueller rejects Trump request to answer questions in writing and rightly so....


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#44 2018-05-08 19:10:08

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: Mueller's Russian Investigation

Follow the money trail Firm Tied to Russian Oligarch Made Payments to Michael Cohen

Hush money and more.... AT&T, whose proposed merger with Time Warner is pending before the Justice Department

Hiding information that was recieved U.S. embassy cables warned against expelling 300,000 immigrants.

The temporary protected status of Central Americans and Haitians, the Trump administration has moved to expel 300,000 disregarding senior U.S. diplomats who warned that mass deportations could destabilize the region and trigger a new surge of illegal immigration.

On Friday, DHS canceled the provisional residency of 57,000 Hondurans whose numbers add to the 195,000 Salvadorans and 46,000 Haitians previously given 18 months to leave the country or face deportation. TPS recipients from those three countries are the mothers and fathers of an estimated 273,000 U.S.-born children who will have to leave or separate from their parents. President Trump’s move to end protections for 690,000 “dreamers” brought to the United States illegally as children,his administration has stamped an expiration date on the residency of 1 million immigrants.


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#45 2018-05-21 21:03:27

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: Mueller's Russian Investigation

Trumps right hand man wanted the investigation shut down but that s going the other way as Under pressure from Trump, FBI and Justice agree to expanded Russia probe with the 2016 election to include "any irregularities" after the most recent claiming of a spy in the fold....

Who is Stefan A. Halper, the FBI source who assisted the Russia investigation?

Richard Painter says there is more evidence against Trump that there is "far more evidence of abuse of power and obstruction of justice" against President Trump than there ever was against President Richard Nixon.

Mr. Trump violated the Emoluments Clause through his company's business dealings with foreign governments and potential violations of the First Amendment through his attempted travel ban. Painter said he personally believes that Mr. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence should be removed from office. He also said the president's "abuse of power in office, his violation of the constitution, his rhetoric ... borders on fascist."


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#46 2018-05-22 20:15:19

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: Mueller's Russian Investigation

Homeland Security Chief Backtracks After Saying Russia Didn’t Try to Help Trump she believed that Russia had tried to sow confusion on both sides of the political divide.

“Russian goals included undermining faith in the U.S. democratic process and harming a candidate’s electability and potential presidency,”
“The Russian effort was extensive, sophisticated and ordered by President Putin himself for the purpose of helping Donald Trump and hurting Hillary Clinton,”

This is a good question Mystery in Mueller probe: Where's the hacking indictment?

Protectionism is the only one reason to do this Trump legal team seeking to limit scope of Mueller interview


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#47 2018-06-09 14:54:04

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: Mueller's Russian Investigation

Special counsel Mueller indicts Paul Manafort, Russian associate on obstruction charges

Manafort faces new charges in Russia probe

The indictment was unsealed Friday against Paul Manafort and Konstantin Kilimnik just days after prosecutors accused the two men of attempting to tamper with witnesses as Manafort awaits trial on charges related to his foreign lobbying work.
The latest charges increase Manafort's legal jeopardy if he continues an aggressive battle with prosecutors, and could be an effort by Mueller to induce a guilty plea and secure the testimony of a critical campaign adviser to Trump. The charges do not relate to Manafort's work on the Trump campaign or involve allegations of Russian election interference, a fact that the president has routinely noted as he tried to distance himself from his former top campaign adviser. Trump also dismissed any talk of pardoning Manafort or his longtime personal attorney, Michael Cohen, who is under investigation by federal prosecutors in New York. "They haven't been convicted of anything. There's nothing to pardon.

Trump loses bid for total secrecy for Cohen probe documents

Who's been charged by Mueller in the Russia probe so far? Four former Trump campaign associates – Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Richard Gates and George Papadopoulos – have been charged, though none of the charges are directly related to any misconduct by the president's campaign and a cast of many more....


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#48 2018-06-09 15:44:21

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,909

Re: Mueller's Russian Investigation

Has the Mueller probe actually resulted in anyone being indicted for anything to do with the Mueller probe, or is it all been dredging up old stuff?

Use what is abundant and build to last


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#49 2018-07-14 15:15:37

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: Mueller's Russian Investigation

Top state election officials meet amid security concerns

Maryland told its voter registration vendor financed by Russian oligarch

Federal Bureau of Investigation that the software vendor who maintains portions of the State Board of Elections voter registration platform was purchased by a Russian investor in 2015, without the knowledge of state officials," ByteGrid LLC performs a vast array of voting-related functions for the state, including voter registration, the state's online voter registration system, online ballot delivery and unofficial election night results.

Roger Stone says he's "probably" the unnamed person in Russian hacking indictment

a 24-word exchange with the persona Guccifer 2.0 over Twitter direct messages. This exchange is entirely public and provides no evidence of collaboration or collusion with Guccifer 2.0 or anyone else in the alleged hacking of the DNC emails, as well as taking place many weeks after the events described in today's indictment."

Also claims the conspirators, posing as Guccifer 2.0, "received a request for stolen documents from a candidate for the U.S. Congress. The conspirators responded using the Guccifer 2.0 persona and sent the candidate stolen documents related to the candidate's opponent."

For Mueller, pushing to finish parts of Russia probe, question of American involvement remains

Were any Americans involved in the conspiracy to interfere in the race for the White House? As Mueller faces the task of resolving that piece of his inquiry — as well as his examination of whether President Trump has sought to obstruct the probe — people familiar with the investigation said the special counsel is pushing to wrap up a significant portion of his investigative work by the end of summer.

This one of the important acts still yet to be fully explored for crimes.

Since his May 2017 appointment, Mueller has charged 32 people, including 26 Russians. Grand jury indictments have laid out detailed allegations of how Russia sought to manipulate Americans through social media, break into state voting systems, and hack the email accounts of Democratic committees and party leaders.


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#50 2018-07-15 07:38:57

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,438

Re: Mueller's Russian Investigation

Trump will most likely not ask for the extradition of the 12 and will not press Putin beyond did you authorize it. Trump is further saying this is all Obama's fault and I would say that the investigation was what he was allowed to set in motion and the tracing of whom did it to which the 12 have been point out.
So what has Trump done to get to this truth, answer nothing but obstruct and hinder even if colusion was not what happened the connection is to what will destroy democracy for those that care to vote. Getting false news, half truths, distortions and lies are part of the issue that they created in doing so all to favor a candidate which is what colusion is whether Trump spoke to have the events unfold personally or not. I can see the faithful circle of Trump as having done so and we may know soon whom these are beyond those already indicted.


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