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#1 2017-10-27 15:53:09

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Mosques on Mars

I realised Dubai was building a Mars simulation facility but I didn't realise that UAE had a specific, official plan to build a city on Mars within the next 100 years. 

Don't be fooled: this is a religious project - just as I predicted, various religious groups will be interested in getting a big foothold on Mars from the beginning. Any hopes of a voluntaristic, individualistic general settlement process can be seen as naive should that happen. Unless Musk manages to steal a march on everyone else by two or three decades and gets a big Mars settlement established with a planet-wide constitution, I think humanity will simply transplant all its conflicts to Mars.

But Musk does have a chance.  The priority has to be to establish a Mars democracy and a planet-wide constitutional framework into which all later settlements will have to fit. … ty-on-mars

Last edited by louis (2017-10-27 17:17:03)

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#2 2017-10-27 16:12:39

From: South Bend, IN
Registered: 2002-01-15
Posts: 1,701

Re: Mosques on Mars

I agree, more or less, but who knows whether that will be managed. I rather hope that Mars will result in significant innovations in humanity's political life, just as the "New World" brought about advances in democracy.

As for mosques on Mars, I already have a design in mind! On Earth, mosques possess a "mehrab," a niche in the wall that indicates the direction to Mecca, because when Muslims say their obligatory prayer they face Mecca. Mosques thus are often rectangular, with the long axis pointed toward Mecca. But on Mars, mosques will have to be round, with a movable mehrab indicating the direction to the Earth! As long as the Earth isn't overhead, there will be a wall to face. I suspect such a mosque will indeed be built some day.


#3 2017-10-27 16:17:44

From: Cumbria, UK
Registered: 2007-05-22
Posts: 1,003

Re: Mosques on Mars

Yuck.  We should not allow this backward desert religion to poison another planet.


#4 2017-10-27 16:20:41

Registered: 2016-11-26
Posts: 2,437

Re: Mosques on Mars

As to how Mars will be settled, you should read "A Desert Called peace," by retired U .S. Army Lt. Colonel Tom Kratman. The newly discovered planet therein was used as a dumping ground for all Earth's "problem children," a.k.a, undesirables.


#5 2017-10-27 16:42:36

From: Chicago
Registered: 2015-12-14
Posts: 276

Re: Mosques on Mars

RobS wrote:

As for mosques on Mars, I already have a design in mind! On Earth, mosques possess a "mehrab," a niche in the wall that indicates the direction to Mecca, because when Muslims say their obligatory prayer they face Mecca. Mosques thus are often rectangular, with the long axis pointed toward Mecca. But on Mars, mosques will have to be round, with a movable mehrab indicating the direction to the Earth! As long as the Earth isn't overhead, there will be a wall to face. I suspect such a mosque will indeed be built some day.

That's a very interesting idea, but I still don't quite understand how one would extend the concepts of "east" and "west" to interplanetary space.

The Earth is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot live in a cradle forever. -Paraphrased from Tsiolkovsky


#6 2017-10-27 17:17:31

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: Mosques on Mars

Sorry - meant to include a link...have now added the link.

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#7 2017-10-27 17:21:52

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: Mosques on Mars

Not if we have a planet-wide law requiring religions to share common space in a neutral manner.  That's why I proposed the law. Yes, let's have religious assembly buildings if that's what people want, but let's make it an imperative that you have to share, amicably, the same space.

RobS wrote:

I agree, more or less, but who knows whether that will be managed. I rather hope that Mars will result in significant innovations in humanity's political life, just as the "New World" brought about advances in democracy.

As for mosques on Mars, I already have a design in mind! On Earth, mosques possess a "mehrab," a niche in the wall that indicates the direction to Mecca, because when Muslims say their obligatory prayer they face Mecca. Mosques thus are often rectangular, with the long axis pointed toward Mecca. But on Mars, mosques will have to be round, with a movable mehrab indicating the direction to the Earth! As long as the Earth isn't overhead, there will be a wall to face. I suspect such a mosque will indeed be built some day.

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#8 2017-10-27 17:25:01

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: Mosques on Mars

I don't think it's East and West, it's direct Muslims on Mars would have to change their line of prayer at every prayer session, I presume.  I think Churches used to (prior to the modern age) be built allegedly pointing towards Jerusalem though I may be wrong about that.

IanM wrote:
RobS wrote:

As for mosques on Mars, I already have a design in mind! On Earth, mosques possess a "mehrab," a niche in the wall that indicates the direction to Mecca, because when Muslims say their obligatory prayer they face Mecca. Mosques thus are often rectangular, with the long axis pointed toward Mecca. But on Mars, mosques will have to be round, with a movable mehrab indicating the direction to the Earth! As long as the Earth isn't overhead, there will be a wall to face. I suspect such a mosque will indeed be built some day.

That's a very interesting idea, but I still don't quite understand how one would extend the concepts of "east" and "west" to interplanetary space.

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#9 2017-10-27 18:27:51

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Mosques on Mars

There are other backwoods religions on mother earth but do we really need them elsewhere when those that change finally realize that there orginal religion was wrong?
I do not feel that this topic belongs here....
Due to this happening more often some rule changes may be forth coming in the near future.


#10 2017-10-27 22:11:16

Registered: 2016-11-26
Posts: 2,437

Re: Mosques on Mars


Agreed. Let's either delete or freeze this thread. It really adds nothing to the science and engineering we normally discuss here.


#11 2017-10-28 20:02:15

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Mosques on Mars

Have moved topic as its direction has brought it into the free chat zone.....


#12 2017-10-29 04:04:00

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: Mosques on Mars

I would dispute that this is a science and engineering forum - as you can easily tell from the Index which lists lots of non-science and engineering subject areas.  In terms of the settlement project, the ability to support life through energy production, food growing, and manufacture is pretty much a done deal.  The technology is there. But the human dimension is hugely problematic.  I think some people just don't want to face up to the issues but they will be tackled one way or another...even to ignore them is to resolve them in a certain direction.

Oldfart1939 wrote:


Agreed. Let's either delete or freeze this thread. It really adds nothing to the science and engineering we normally discuss here.

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#13 2017-10-29 10:28:11

From: Pullman, WA
Registered: 2007-07-15
Posts: 2,564

Re: Mosques on Mars

I would dispute the notion that it's a problem if the UAE gets there first.  The more the merrier, I'd say, and no matter which nation goes first they will probably end up having to leave behind the more regressive elements of their culture.



#14 2017-10-29 13:12:43

From: Chicago
Registered: 2015-12-14
Posts: 276

Re: Mosques on Mars

I agree with Josh, and believe that regardless of the nominal religion Mars will be more secular than Earth.

The Earth is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot live in a cradle forever. -Paraphrased from Tsiolkovsky


#15 2017-10-29 18:13:44

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,428

Re: Mosques on Mars

Any structure built for the common practice of religion with have in mind all faiths which will take the best of each to build on. … practices/

[State of Washington Department of Corrections Handbook of Religious Beliefs and Practices


#16 2017-10-29 22:56:03

From: Cumbria, UK
Registered: 2007-05-22
Posts: 1,003

Re: Mosques on Mars

Department of Corrections!!?? Could these people possibly have chosen a more Orwellian name?

In my opinion, one of the most worthwhile outcomes of going to Mars is the ability to leave the stupidity that has poisoned the Earth behind.  This pointless desert religion has never been anything but a bain to humanity.  It spread by violent conquest from the 7th century onwards and wherever it goes, oppression and blind faith tend to supplant scientific enlightenment.  These people have nothing to offer a new world and it would be a disaster if they got to Mars ahead of the rest of humanity.


#17 2017-10-30 08:57:04

From: Pullman, WA
Registered: 2007-07-15
Posts: 2,564

Re: Mosques on Mars

Antius wrote:

I am a racist.  I have racist opinions which I will share with people any chance I get.



#18 2017-10-30 10:26:48

From: Cumbria, UK
Registered: 2007-05-22
Posts: 1,003

Re: Mosques on Mars

JoshNH4H wrote:
Antius wrote:

I am a racist.  I have racist opinions which I will share with people any chance I get.

I prefer logic and reasoned arguments to name calling JoshNH4H.  The trail of blood left by Islam over the past millennia should speak for itself.  No one with an ounce of care for the western world and its people should want anything to do with it.  Allow those people to colonize another planet and you guarantee that that planet will be afflicted by the same war and murder that it's adherents have inflicted here on Earth.


#19 2017-10-30 11:57:03

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,901

Re: Mosques on Mars

Islam is not a race or ethnicity, Josh. Islam is a religion, meaning it makes claims about the nature of reality and how human beings should act. As such, insulting Islam is on par with insulting, oh, Communism, another poisonous ideology that the world will be much better off without.

Use what is abundant and build to last


#20 2017-10-30 18:19:52

From: Pullman, WA
Registered: 2007-07-15
Posts: 2,564

Re: Mosques on Mars

The points Antius makes in his posts (if you can call them that) are both manifestly untrue and clearly based on animus.  The latter explains the former, insofar as their total lack of objective factual analysis represents a stunning departure from what I've come to expect from Antius.

Given the above, it would be both a waste of time and a misconstruction of the statements in the posts to respond with factual arguments.  They are statements of opinion, where the opinions being stated are rather vile and belong in the trash can of history along with all sorts of other primitive, discarded ideologies.



#21 2017-10-31 01:23:30

From: Cumbria, UK
Registered: 2007-05-22
Posts: 1,003

Re: Mosques on Mars

JoshNH4H wrote:

The points Antius makes in his posts (if you can call them that) are both manifestly untrue and clearly based on animus.  The latter explains the former, insofar as their total lack of objective factual analysis represents a stunning departure from what I've come to expect from Antius.

Given the above, it would be both a waste of time and a misconstruction of the statements in the posts to respond with factual arguments.  They are statements of opinion, where the opinions being stated are rather vile and belong in the trash can of history along with all sorts of other primitive, discarded ideologies.

I can prove everything that I say Josh.  But I get the feeling that proof is the last thing that you would want.  Some ideas are precious to people and form part of their emotional security.  This is why ideologues will always attempt to shutdown debate.  The truth is painful to them.  It is not logical and it undermines democratic principles, which rest upon the ideal that all ideas are subject to debate and challenge and must be proven before they can be accepted.  But it is human nature and it is clearly where we are.  It is exhausting and pointless trying to argue with people that do not want to see the truth.

Trying to refute Marxist ideals is rather like trying to disprove a religion.  No matter how hard you try and however convincing your evidence, you will never succeed in convincing the ideologue, because the the ideals that you challenge are an emotional crutch for that person.  That is why they start name calling and insist that you are wrong, whilst providing no evidence of their own.


#22 2017-11-28 06:51:48

Registered: 2017-11-23
Posts: 8

Re: Mosques on Mars

Sound like an ambitious project. I didn't know that a country like Dubai would be interested to build any structure in outer space.


#23 2021-05-17 02:56:45

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Mosques on Mars

The founder of islam was a thief, a terrorist and a pedophile who married a 6 yr old named Aisha, its all there in the Quran or Koran and their other so-called holy books are translated if you ever want to read them. Moohammad born 570 AD aka 570 CE but long dead, his corpse still haunts and controls the minds of many people in Arabia today.

At one time Mehomet believed that he himself was possessed by Demons, Djinns, Jinn and Devils. It's maybe possible he had some kind of 'Medical Condition' not understood by muslims. Muhammad bought, sold, captured, and owned slaves, some of the women he took as war booty and made wives, the pedophiles favorite wife was the 6 yr old Aisha, its possible Aisha took revenge on moohamad at the end of his life and poisoned him, others say he was killed later in life by a Jewish female Islamic figure who fed him a bad rotten lump of Lamb, some say he was killed by poison from Hafsa, on orders of Abu Bakr and Umar, some ask if Muhammad poisoned by his two wives Aisha and Hafza? some blame it generally on tribe of Khaybar... moslims today still argue as to who or what caused his death. The modern American Preacher named Jerry says islam was founded by a "demon-possessed pedophile" and Muhammad has been often criticized outside of the Islamic world for his treatment of other religions, pre-islamic cultures, the Jewish tribes of Medina, Muhammad didnt like art and was offended by a female poet, he asked his followers to murder her. Mohammad sent Umayr bin Adiy al-Khatmi to kill her, and she was killed while suckling her baby. Her body was torn apart in front of her children. The bandit Moohamed described himself as Demon Possessed, this is a man Moslims believe a Prophet. Muhammad himself thought he was possessed by outside demonic forces, his own tribe thinks he is possessed, people around Muhammad thought a Devil creature got inside him and that he was possessed, even as a child his nurse thought muhammad was possessed like some weird horror child in a horror movie. … -epilepsy/ … an.147065/ … ptic_.html … vinesdemon

Muslims today go around today shooting each other, bombing each other, chopping each other's heads off over who is the better muslim. During the ColdWar between the USSR and the UnitedStates there were also political tensions and deaths in conflict zones, a lot of smaller countries became political battle grounds, some turned into actual war zones where proxy forces would fight it out. Today there is a cold war of sorts, a proxy war between SaudiArabia and Iran, neither of these countries support Western Democratic values.

The groups in the United States and the dumbass kamikaze Japanese made them get to Mars, although it should also be noted that Japan does not have many muslim in Japan itself as they control their own borders and immigration policy. Both the USA and Japan are aware that Terrorism, Child Abuse, Pedophiles and Zealot Jihadists are common in islam, in many 'cultures' of islam they make little boys dress up like girls the 'Bacha Bazi' its called, they also abuse girls and mutilate the genitals of little girls. The USA and Japan they are both aware that flogging and stoning are legal punishments in the UAE, the stoning and flogging requirement is derived from Sharia law. Groups in the UnitedStates and Japanese are also aware that 28 pages have been censored from the 911 report covering up Saudi Arabia's activities that link it to day thousands died at the WTC, the USA is aware of the Saudi connection to the 911 Attacks but covered it up because politically the United States is bought, sold and abused like a used prostitute, tempted by corruptions or trafficked by others to do bidding of corrupt people. A video tape in April 2009 showed some son connected to some President Emperor Prince of UAE went across a number of news media, a vid of torture smuggled out of the UAE showed torturing a man some guy Shah-Poor with whips, electric cattle prods, wooden planks with protruding nails, trying to stick a plank of wood into his anus and then running him over repeatedly with a car...neither the USA or Japan re-acted much as this vid circulated on the media of the world. The Khashoggi guy chopped up and flushed down a toilet in a Saudi embassy inside Turkey and America and Japan's odd reactions another example of their confused madness?

In Arab Emirates the 'wrong think' of Apostasy is a crime punishable by death, in the UAE it believes people who insult some Moon-god named Al-Lah deserve death, it supports the murder of cartoonists in the West and Asia and South America and Africa simply for doing funny pop concerts or funny cartoons. They have funded ISIS indirectly of course and covertly, foreign spook clown agency like the CIA probably have been giving cash and guns to terrorists,  others are to blame for gun running in the West, a place like Turkey a NATO ally for example which is supposed to be a secular nation is also involved in the selling of bombs, missiles and gun running. The United Arab Emirates has Sharia courts, a marriage union between a Muslim woman and non-Muslim man is punishable by Dubai law,  expatriates have been arrested, interroagted, jailed and deported for swearing on Social Media like Twitter, Youtube and Facebook, under Islamic laws of the Qu'ran, rape can only be proven if the rapist confesses or if there are four male witnesses and four female witness, the male witness is taken into account because islam considers women unhinged and unreliable. An idiotic Norwegian woman once went to UAE, then reported a rape to the UAE police and received a prison sentence for "illicit sex and alcohol consumption". Blasphemy is of course illegal; expatriates involved in insulting Islam are liable for deportation and it is sometimes also punishable by death.

It's not just Bacon products, or a Clothing thing, a woman showing too much ankle or Alcohol that insults Al-Lah or Mahomet. Apostates of Islam or Ex-muslim Atheists can sometimes be surprising allies, they will tell you of what exactly islam considers taboo, haram, sinful, it is a long long list of things that can make a mohammedan, an islamist, or a regular muslim go Sudden-Jihad.

RobS wrote:

I suspect such a mosque will indeed be built some day.

You expect Mars to have bandits that pray to a terrorist pedophile who heard voices...a man who did not know if he spoke with an Angel or was demon possessed by Satan or some djinn type of devil

This 'Mahomet' he had multiples wives and married a 6 year old

this is the founder of islam

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-05-25 13:33:38)


#24 2021-05-17 06:50:36

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 19,072

Re: Mosques on Mars

For Mars_B4_Moon re #23

I read an analysis some time ago, and retain only the summary .... the author of the Quran was a typical Arab of his day.  He was a bit over the top the way King Henry the 8th was a bit over the top for his time.  The genetic codes that were present in the Arab branch of humanity persist to this day, as you noted in your essay.  The genetic codes that are propagated through the peoples of Northern Europe contain sequences that led to war after war, and ** that ** pattern persists to this day.

I haven't read this topic from the top, so don't know what others may have offered as commentary, but thank you for bringing the topic back into view.



#25 2021-09-10 08:27:01

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Mosques on Mars

Emirates Mars Mission built by the USA and launched by the Japanese, that Islam thing is the official religion and Arabic is the official language.

Antius wrote:

Yuck.  We should not allow this backward desert religion to poison another planet.

Too late

Sharia Law courts have exclusive jurisdiction
Race Mixing and Religion Mixing is banned over there, marriage union between a Muslim woman and non-Muslim man is punishable by law, a new BigBorther Big Tech and All Seeing Eye Spy Law in these nations prohibits swearing in social media or stuff like Whatsapp and penalizes swearing by a hundreds of thousands in fines and imprisonment; where people are also beaten and raped in the jails.
Non-Muslim expatriates aka the Infidels or 'Kufir' can be liable to Sharia Law rulings

United Arab Emirates (UAE)Hope Mars Project Director Omran Sharaf to Address 2021 Mars Society Convention … onvention/

tahanson43206 wrote:

I haven't read this topic from the top, so don't know what others may have offered as commentary, but thank you for bringing the topic back into view.


relevant once more with the Address to the 2021 Convention

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2021-09-10 08:28:11)


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