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#26 2014-07-09 11:07:52

From: Pullman, WA
Registered: 2007-07-15
Posts: 2,564

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars

Personally, I tend to use Hydrogen instead of CO, because it's much easier to make Hydrogen and CO2 electrolysis is actually quite difficult.  However, it ought to be possible to go from metal chlorides straight to metals and hydrogen chloride, so that's good news, and will probably increase the purity and energy requirements!



#27 2014-07-12 16:34:44

Registered: 2014-07-07
Posts: 239

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars

JoshNH4H wrote:

However, it ought to be possible to go from metal chlorides straight to metals and hydrogen chloride, so that's good news, and will probably increase the purity and energy requirements!

I don't quite understand your meaning. May you delineate more of your position ? DO you mean involving chlorine increases the cost of the iron and steel metallurgy ?
Silicon, aluminum, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus and sodium do not necessary form stable carbonyls enough for metallurgical procedure but existence of chlorides are quick universal. Regarding metallurgy based on chlorides, nuclear processing of spent fuel may have used fluoride separation; so similar procedures on Mars can rely on some histories. After separation into each chloride of each elements, chloride can be converted to oxide or reduced to the metal by electrolysis or thermal processes, which can be standardized for each element.
The chlorine and hydrogen used in all these procedures can be recycled; these elements and oxygen can be derived from native perchlorate, water, CO2, solar and geothermal power.


#28 2014-07-14 21:32:49

From: Pullman, WA
Registered: 2007-07-15
Posts: 2,564

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars

My point is that by reacting metal oxides with HCl, it will be possible to increase the purity of metals and then they could be smelted in a hydrogen atmosphere, with a lower energy cost and a higher conversion rate than with the less concentrated oxides.



#29 2014-07-15 20:42:04

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars

Joining a bit late but I remember a couple of topics in which we did talk about the use of plastics for the source of CO2 for the smelting and the other was for the use of acids for the breaking down of the gathered rock ore to allow for less spent energy needed to break the rock down into smaller pieces.

google advanced search on acid iron ore topics on newmars

Last edited by SpaceNut (2014-07-15 20:51:04)


#30 2016-10-26 12:22:36

Registered: 2016-06-19
Posts: 1,262

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars

On earth there was a large nickel iron mass which fell in several pieces onto the ice sheet on Greenland a few thousand years ago- not long enough for weathering to significantly degrade it. It is known as the Cape York meteorite. The largest piece collected was over thirty tons and a few more, smaller pieces have also been found. The meteoritic iron was used by the Inuit people for tools and weapons from before the arrival of the Norse in Greenland with their smelting technology. This meteorite is now in a museum in New York (hard luck Inuit).
If a lump that large can be found on earth there may be more on Mars that might have fallen on a former ice sheet or into a drying water body. Weathering is much slower on Mars than on Earth, so Nickel/iron objects would last much longer and might sit around on or near the surface for millions of years. How would we find such a thing?
It would be easy enough to cut one up with an oxy/methane torch and work the pieces.


#31 2016-10-26 15:37:10

From: UK
Registered: 2008-03-24
Posts: 7,208

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars

Very interesting. I would have thought the chances of finding one on Mars (same land surface, much less weathering, and not tectonic) must be high.

elderflower wrote:

On earth there was a large nickel iron mass which fell in several pieces onto the ice sheet on Greenland a few thousand years ago- not long enough for weathering to significantly degrade it. It is known as the Cape York meteorite. The largest piece collected was over thirty tons and a few more, smaller pieces have also been found. The meteoritic iron was used by the Inuit people for tools and weapons from before the arrival of the Norse in Greenland with their smelting technology. This meteorite is now in a museum in New York (hard luck Inuit).
If a lump that large can be found on earth there may be more on Mars that might have fallen on a former ice sheet or into a drying water body. Weathering is much slower on Mars than on Earth, so Nickel/iron objects would last much longer and might sit around on or near the surface for millions of years. How would we find such a thing?
It would be easy enough to cut one up with an oxy/methane torch and work the pieces.

Let's Go to Mars...Google on: Fast Track to Mars


#32 2016-10-26 15:49:13

From: South Bend, IN
Registered: 2002-01-15
Posts: 1,701

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars

Fly a drone of some sort 100 meters above the Martian surface to detect very small, very local magnetic anomalies. There are probably catastrophic flood lag deposits enriched in high-density "rocks" as well, and they would be chunks of nickel-iron.


#33 2016-10-26 16:50:27

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars

Thanks elderflower for looking for the topic to post in rather than creating a new one.....

Earth is not the only place that meteorites have been found as Mars has a few that the rovers have visited...

Which are those that have been found here on earth that came from Mars.

Composition Nickel, iron, Kamacite, taenite with images as taken by Opportunity with a whole list of others at the bottom of the page.


#34 2016-10-26 21:13:09

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars

I cannot find it anymore but I recall that for Mars, even the small metallic meteors will survive to the surface, and as it is obvious that the big ones are not corroding at a high rate, we could hope that over billions of years, and with the proximity of the asteroid belt, there is a chance of easily obtainable meteor metal of rather good quality.

If so this would be a simple task for a "Cart" robot.  Perhaps a rake/rasp/brush to stir up the soil, and a magnet to grab it.  Where I grew up, if you passed a magnet across the soil, it would get fuzzy with magnetic fragments.

This could be low hanging fruit, I can't see why it would not be considered and explored.

And of course, as soon as can, why not access bigger sources such as regular ore bodies.  But milk first, solid food later.

Last edited by Void (2016-10-26 21:22:11)

End smile


#35 2016-10-26 21:20:03

From: South Bend, IN
Registered: 2002-01-15
Posts: 1,701

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars

One thing that might happen: in acidic water from carbon dioxide, metallic iron will dissolve and probably will convert eventually to an iron carbonate or oxide. I know that if you have a copper mine and water escaping from the mine that is enriched in dissolved copper, the company will divert the mine waste water into a pond filled with scrap iron. There, a replacement process occurs; metallic copper precipitates out and iron dissolves into the water instead. I was once working at a copper mine that was a tourist attraction and accidentally discovered the process when I put copper carbonate ore, crushed soda cans, and bathroom bowel cleaner together in a bucket! The result was eroded cans and a vial-full of copper metal flakes we were able to put in a display case for the tourists to see.


#36 2016-10-26 21:27:52

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars

Yes, that is likely true, but there is some hope that the environment of Mars in the last few billion years, has not been that corrosive.  It is hard to say, with salts, and honestly moisture does occur in the soil, but it is very dry in most places, like our deserts or dryer.  As I have said I did encounter an article that indicated that quite a bit of meteor iron should have accumulated in the Martian soils.  But as GW has said we will want ground truth.  In this case we are lucky.  All we have to risk is a rover designed to harvest magnetic iron.  It is a low risk/high gain potential proposition.

End smile


#37 2016-10-26 21:34:57

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars

Sand Dunes, a different thing?  (Maybe some meteor iron in them)

It is believed that large quantities of water and carbon dioxide[citation needed] ices remain frozen within the regolith in the equatorial parts of Mars and on its surface at higher latitudes. Water contents of Martian regolith range from <2% by weight to more than 60%.[7][8] The presence of olivine, which is an easily weatherable primary mineral, has been interpreted to mean that physical rather than chemical weathering processes currently dominate on Mars.[9] High concentrations of ice in soils are thought to be the cause of accelerated soil creep, which forms the rounded "softened terrain" characteristic of the Martian midlatitudes.

Here, I am confused, not sure how useful this magnetic material could be.

Observations of the Mars Exploration Rovers’ magnetic dust traps suggest that about 45% of the elemental iron in atmospheric dust is maximally (3+) oxidized and that nearly half exists in titanomagnetite,[28] both consistent with mechanical derivation of dust with aqueous alteration limited to just thin films of water.[29] Collectively, these observations support the absence of water-driven dust aggregation processes on Mars. Furthermore, wind activity dominates the surface of Mars at present, and the abundant dune fields of Mars can easily yield particles into atmospheric suspension through effects such as larger grains disaggregating fine particles through collisions.[30]

OK, maybe it could be useful:
http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary. … omagnetite

Titanomagnetite deposits (basically magmatic) occur in association with ultrabasic, basic, and alkalic rocks; they also occur in placers. Titanomagnetite is used in producing iron, titanium, and vanadium.

Not sure about vanadium in this case, Chromium seems to be included in the dune materials, but I think it may not be magnetic. … sand-dunes

And I got this for you guys: … developed/
I am familiar with a wet process, but I think a dry process might be better for Mars.

The method does not use water to process iron ore, instead it transforms mining tailings – with low iron content and no commercial value – into high iron content and low contaminants, making it economically viable.
As iron ore must be composed of grades of at least 58 per cent, mining companies stack the lower grade material on tailings dumps.
This material with low iron content is then processed and iron is separated from other materials, particularly silica (sand), from these stacks. In doing this, the company can produce a highly pure iron ore concentrate in an industrial scale by obtaining a premium product of up to 68 per cent iron, as well as being able to make use of particles as small as 0.01mm, thus generating high recovery rates compared to existing methods.
The moisture content of the ore is reduced through a mechanical stir dryer (using natural gas or biomass), and is classified into various fractions. The ore is then separated magnetically using a magnetic separation unit (FDMS).
The drying process increases particle segregation, with the technology’s air classifier able to separate particle sizes down to 0.01 mm. Whereas existing dry separation processes work for relatively coarse particles greater than 0.55mm, the FDMS technology can separate fine particles up to 0.01mm, increasing efficie

Sand dunes are fairly ubiquitous on the surface of Mars, so.....

Anyway there are many other things to do with dune materials, but we are talking iron, and perhaps some kind of steel here, so I will shut up about those things.

Last edited by Void (2016-10-26 22:00:11)

End smile


#38 2016-10-26 22:05:18

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 7,658

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars

But really, some iron deposits might be magnificent.  If so, if profitable, then those instead.  I am not that stubborn.

But really, all that heavy equipment for strip mining?  Or shaft mining?  I pause.

End smile


#39 2016-10-26 23:52:32

Registered: 2016-06-19
Posts: 1,262

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars

I was thinking about easily available resources for exploration crews or early stage settlers when I remembered the Cape York meteorite. Long term there would be a highly developed metallurgical industry, of course, but initially a meteor can be worked easily without use of large and heavy equipment, given an oxy methane torch, an electric furnace and some earth workshop tools.


#40 2016-11-12 22:23:10

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars

Bump for materials discusions


#41 2017-01-14 12:04:48

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars

Mars steel will be one of the early low hanging fruit as its at the surface in the form of blueberries and iron oxides.


#42 2022-01-30 11:09:09

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 18,916

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars

For SpaceNut re #41

Your post from 2017 seems a perfect fit for this one:

The process described in the article at the link below would ** appear ** to be ideal for Mars, where oxygen is not available in the atmosphere to support combustion. … ions-by-7/

The HYBRIT iron-making process makes it possible to skip the blast furnaces. Instead, it uses hydrogen produced from water using electricity from fossil-free energy sources to remove oxygen from the iron. The result is no more carbon dioxide emissions since the only by-product is water.



#43 2022-01-30 15:34:49

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,771

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars


The batteries were not made with "fossil free" anything.  The truck that delivered the mining truck was quite clearly diesel powered, which is conveniently included in their marketing video.  The rubber tires and plastics certainly weren't fossil-free.  Beyond that, Volvo's Chief Technology Officer, Lars Stenqvist, has plainly admitted that the vehicle was made with 3,000kg of "fossil free steel", and that this is the majority of the steel, but declined to specify the exact percentage of steel made without fossil fuels (51% is a lot different than 90%), so it's blatantly false advertisement on top of the other blatant falsehoods.  The automotive corporations know that they've found their next group of suckers, so they use their PT Barnum style sales tactics and it works like a charm, every time.  Their only problem is that they can't get absolutely everyone to share in the mass delusion taught in our mass indoctrination centers, which really irks the delusional for some reason.

The missing details are how much steel was made with the traditional method, how much total energy was required to manufacture the midget mining robot truck, how long it can operate using its battery before recharging is required, how long recharging takes, where the energy for recharging is coming from, and how much more energy consumption was associated with "fossil free steel", thus what it actually costs relative to existing diesel powered mining trucks.  Meanwhile, real mining trucks haul between 250t to 450t of ore per load, so that means they carry 16 to 26 times more ore per trip than these battery electronic mining trucks.  To maintain production rates, we would need 16 to 26 of these little robotic toy trucks to replace 1 real mining truck.  Since we know that even mass manufactured BEVs consume 3X as much energy to manufacture as gasoline powered equivalents, thus their 3X cost differential (because economy is not a metaphysical entity, it's all fundamentally tied back to the master resource- energy), we have another unresolved simple math problem.

All I see thus far is a lot of question marks about the overall process, absurdly false advertisement that's inaccurate even if we only focus on the steel production, and we're ignoring the fact that if batteries were going to work at all, then all Volvo had to do was put batteries in an existing diesel powered mining truck to evaluate how well that would work.  I'm guessing it doesn't work at all, so they created brand new mini trucks that also required an absurd energy investment, all in a vain attempt to bypass the simple truth that this doesn't work well enough to supplant coal / oil / gas, which is something that people like myself already knew, because simple addition and multiplication don't lie to anyone who has not been ideologically mentally disabled into refusing to accept the end result.

SSAB is at least up-front in their false advertisement, which is more than I can say for a lot of the wind and solar corporations.

SSAB - Fossil Free Steel - FAQs: the big questions answered

So, how are they lying?  Well, let's consider this little gem from the link above to SSAB's website on their "Fossil Free Steel":

10. Why will fossil-free steel have a higher price?

Fossil-free steel is a premium product with a higher price than regular fossil-based steel products. The main cost-drivers for fossil-free steel are the investments in production and infrastructure, to switch from coal to fossil-free electricity and hydrogen, from natural gas to biogas, and from iron ore pellets to HYBRIT sponge iron.


14. Does fossil-free steel have better properties than other steels?

The quality and properties of fossil-free steel will be the same as SSABs steel of today. The properties of SSAB’s steel are created in the steelmaking, rolling and heat treatment processes, which will remain the same. The only difference in the process is that the energy used will be exclusively fossil-free electricity and other fossil-free fuels.

You're paying more for a "premium product" (Fossil-Free Steel) that has the exact same properties as steel made with traditional methods.  How can a product be a "premium product" that is identical to what's already being produced?  They're certainly charging a premium for their product, but that doesn't make it intrinsically more desirable to pay more for a commodity like steel.  By their own admission, the only difference is a different process that costs more money because it consumes more energy.  They won't tell you what the price is, because nobody but virtue-less signalers would ever buy it if they knew how much more money it costs (how much more energy it took to make the exact same product).

You can see SSAB's page devoted to virtue-less signalers (appeals to people who lack any virtue) below.

Five reasons to choose fossil-free steel

Quotes from SSAB's "marketing genius":

Five reasons to choose fossil-free steel

Why choose fossil-free steel for your business when the cost price is higher than traditional steel and the bottom line might be impacted?

Adding economic and environmental value to your business by investing in steel that has created zero carbon emissions during its production is just one factor; your business investment today is a commitment to improving tomorrow’s environment, for everyone.

Yes, you can "add value" to your business by paying more money for the same commodity product.  The only idiots who actually believe this nonsense are the same people who attended "How to Fail at Business and In Life 101", as taught by "Good Little Communist University".  I call these people our "Derpistani tribesmen", because that's what they are.

Taking action and investing in innovative technologies to reduce the CO2 emissions of steel production is at the top of SSABs business agenda. Although SSAB steel is already the world’s leading high-performing steel, by 2026 fossil-free production will take our steel to the next level.

This is something you can never achieve by absurdly increasing energy consumption.

1. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Reducing or more importantly, eliminating CO2 gas emissions is vital if global warming is to be managed and ultimately halted. The steel industry is a major contributor of global CO2 emissions and all players, from producers to end users, have a role to play in making a difference. Choosing fossil-free steel is a critical environmental and business decision that will contribute to an industry wide transformation.

The steel industry contributes 7% of the CO2 emissions according to SSAB, which neither makes it a major contributor to climate change, nor would it make a major difference if all of it was CO2 free tomorrow.

2. Suitable for all applications

The quality of fossil-free steel is unquestionable; the end product will still be the same high-quality steel as the current range of SSABs products – but without the negative environmental impact. Fossil-free steel can be used by all customers, in all industries, but with the guarantee that it has not created any CO2 emissions during the production process.

Nobody was ever questioning SSAB's ability to make quality steel, only how much energy and therefore money it takes to do it.

3. Environmentally attractive to customers

Green is the new black – and there is no turning back. All along the value chain, customers are demanding that businesses are investing in technologies and solutions that make products, services and processes as environmentally friendly as possible. Switching to fossil-free steel will is an action that demonstrates that your business is committed to eliminating the carbon footprint of the steel you use.

There it is- the signal to people who have no virtue to coerce others into paying more for something that is not intrinsically worth more money.  At least they're honest about this.

4. Get a head-start in the green race

Around the globe, legislation and regulations are increasingly forcing industries to development infrastructure and processes that meet specific environmental conditions. This trend is only just beginning, and companies will need to invest now to ensure their business is fit for the future.

Yes, if there's a way to put a dollar into a politician's pocket and force people to pay more money to corporations for the same product or service, then you can bet your very last dollar that there will be someone standing there ready to take your money.

5. Meet the demand of green all the way

Consumer awareness and demand for sustainable value chains defines and pushes the industry. No chain is stronger than the weakest link. Each actor needs to do their part to guarantee a fossil free value chain to the end user. It will be important that products made of steel is fossil-free, including other raw and input materials. Fossil-free steel will be a key component in helping to meet zero emissions targets across all industry applications.

Consumers are mostly mindless masses who gobble up whatever crap the corporations have been feeding them.  There's no way for them to ever be much of anything else, because good money was paid to indoctrinate most of them into believing things that are either provably false or absurdly misleading in nature.

There is no virtue in absurd over-consumption of energy to produce the same products we've been making since before electricity existed.

There is no virtue in making Lead airplanes or cars that only function at all with absurdly complex computer control systems.

There is no virtue in making the act of existing and functioning in a modern society grossly unaffordable to most of the people living in that society.

But hey, the corporations will do everything in their power to coerce you into believing otherwise, and as long as you buy into their nonsense, they'll keep selling it to you, because they know you're going to pay for it anyway.  Why would they ever do anything else when what they're doing is working so well?

This is why the masses continue to get poorer, relative to the opulently wealthy.  The opulently wealthy have "cracked the code", as it relates to enriching themselves while impoverishing everyone else.  To wit, get most people to willingly believe something that would be obviously and facially false if ideology wasn't involved, and then use that to manipulate every aspect of their life, from cradle to grave.  Sure, it's a recipe for disaster for most people and human civilization, but that doesn't matter to them because they know it won't affect them in the slightest.

Since we've suffered robber barons under feudalism, capitalism, and even communism, it should be painfully obvious that this is only a more elaborate setup.  As always, the people who "take the fall" or are left "holding the bag" will be the least educated and most indoctrinated- people who either can't or won't apply basic critical thinking skills when observing what they see going on around them.  Highway robbery not associated with "the government" used to be a great way to wind up in the government's stockade, but now it's lauded in the media as "saving the planet", or some other such nonsense.  I assert that highway robbery is still simple theft by any other name, no matter how "prettied up" anyone tries to make it seem.


#44 2022-01-30 16:04:53

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,425

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars

Iron for mars is different is that its chemical make up is

where iron Oxidation is the Reduction by Hydrogen

fmicb-09-00513-g001.jpg … 1&type=pdf
Impact Degassing of H2 on Early Mars and its Effect on the Climate System


#45 2022-08-10 04:58:32

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars

With Martian air, Dirt, and Sunshine, It Should be Possible to Make Iron on Mars … n-on-mars/

Primitive Earth basic technology Making iron from sand

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-09-02 05:51:27)


#46 2022-08-10 10:48:45

From: Northern England, UK
Registered: 2019-08-18
Posts: 3,717

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars

Even a crude cast iron would make the construction of large pressurised volumes much easier.  To build a city on Mars, it may as simple as finding a crater and putting up a cast iron roof supported by iron or fused regolith columns.  We then heap several metres of regolith over the top and pressurise.  Cast iron is extremely strong in compression.  But the sort of impurities present in Martian dirt are likely to make it too brittle to be useful in tension.  If we can use hot CO gas to generate reduced iron powder from regolith, then an arc furnace can produce molten iron for casting or upgrading into steel.

Last edited by Calliban (2022-08-10 10:49:22)

"Plan and prepare for every possibility, and you will never act. It is nobler to have courage as we stumble into half the things we fear than to analyse every possible obstacle and begin nothing. Great things are achieved by embracing great dangers."


#47 2022-08-15 03:17:32

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars

maybe related to Mars in a ways

NASA seeks student ideas for extracting, forging metal on the Moon … n_999.html

Teams are invited to submit proposals for technologies needed along any point in the lunar metal product pipeline, including, but not limited to:

+ Metal detecting

+ Metal refining

+ Forming materials for additive manufacturing

+ Testing and qualifying 3D printed infrastructure for use on the Moon

+ Drilling, excavation, and transportation of mined materials are excluded from this challenge.

A non-binding notice of intent is due Sept. 30, 2022. Written proposal and video submissions are due on Jan. 24, 2023, in which teams must include a specific, compelling use case that describes how their portion of the metal product production pipeline fits into infrastructure development on the Moon.

Teams should also identify what systems they assume will be in place to support their proposed concept, as well as consider incorporating mechanisms to enable efficient operation on the Moon, including lunar dust mitigation, thermal management, and realistic power considerations.

Teams of at least five and no more than 25 must be composed of students and faculty at U.S.-based colleges and universities affiliated with their state's Space Grant Consortium. Non-Space Grant affiliated colleges and universities may partner with a Space Grant-affiliated institution. Minority Serving Institutions are encouraged to apply. Multi-university and multi-disciplinary teams are encouraged.

"NASA is already thinking about supporting longer-term missions to the Moon. This BIG Idea Challenge theme links university teams to the push toward sustained human presence on the Moon and on other planets," said Tomas Gonzalez-Torres, Space Grant project manager in NASA's Office of STEM Engagement.

"This theme goes beyond initial Artemis missions and starts tackling the mission planning needs once we've returned humans to the Moon. We are excited to see what these teams develop."

Another discussion

Ore resources on Mars

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-08-15 03:36:18)


#48 2022-08-15 03:55:45

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars

Building a Martian House review – will this be your tiny gold-foil room on Mars? … mp;amp;amp

How to live well, and sanely, on a freezing, dry planet bombarded with radiation, wonder two artists, whose prototype Martian house also affords a view of our increasingly challenged Earth

Potential martian mineral resources … _analogues

Complex Mantle … 092548.htm

University Teams Asked to Design Hardware, Practice Drilling for Water on the Moon and Mars … n-and-mars

A lack of Waters and a lack of Organic Material
'While Martian soil contains no organic matter, conditions beneath the surface may once have been more favorable to the existence of life'

What is known

Kaolinite (Al2Si2O5(OH)4}     Montmorillonite ((Na,Ca)0.33(Al,Mg)2(Si4O10)(OH)2·nH2O)     Serpentine ((Mg,Fe) 3Si2O5 (OH)4)  Felsic minerals      Quartz (SiO2)     Clinopyroxene,  Iron oxides      Hematite (Fe2O3)     Magnetite (Fe3O4)     Ilmenite (FeTiO3)  Feldspar KAlSi,  Maskelynite  Salts      Gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O)     Perchlorate (ClO4−)  Carbonates (Ca rich)      Ikaite (CaCO3·6H2O)     Aragonite (CaCO3)     Ankerite (Ca(Fe,Mg,Mn)(CO3)2)  Sulfates (Ca/Mg rich)      Jarosite (KFe(III)3(OH)6(SO4)2)     Other undetermined  Mafic minerals      Olivine (Mg,Fe)2SiO4)     Pyroxene (XY(Si,Al)2O6)     Augite  ((Ca,Na)(Mg,Fe,Al)(Si,Al)2O6)     Pigeonite ((Ca,Mg,Fe)(Mg,Fe)Si2O6)

There is speculation Meteorites have landed on Earth from Mars and Orbital spacecrafts sent to Mars provided data on surface geology mostly through spectroscopy.

other discussions
Material Choices
Mars Water regolith soils 1 foot depth only
Chemicals centre on Mars
Soil Manufacture on Mars

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-08-15 04:00:19)


#49 2022-08-25 10:42:49

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,914

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars

My materials page. This was originally posted on the original forum. That forum started with the Mars Society in 1998, but I posted in 1999. Copied to a chapter website in 2001.


#50 2022-08-25 10:45:37

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,914

Re: Iron and Steel on Mars

Calliban wrote:

We do not appear to have a topic that is dedicated to Martian Iron & Steel production.  I believe it is useful to create one.  Iron and steel are the key enabling materials for all construction and industrial development on Mars.  This topic will cover:

1. Iron ore mining on Mars;
2. Reduction of ore into crude iron;
3. The production of pig iron and cast irons of differing grades;
4. The production of mild steel and carbon steels;
5. The production of high grade alloy steels, including stainless steel, high-manganese steels and chrome, vanadium, molybdenum steels;
6. The properties of steels and their suitability for specific applications;
7. The joining of steels;
8. The machinability of steels.

This is really a collection of topics that could fill hundreds of books.  However, it is my intention that this thread be a repository of knowledge that we can later rely on in all other discussions.


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