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#1 2016-08-09 22:55:30

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 8,101

Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space

I follow the subject above, and as I see it there are three basic notions of how to do it.

1) Telomere Extension (This is believed by it's champions to be a big potential to achieve the goal)
Bill Andrews & Liz Parrish. … ORM=VRDGAR

2) The body is an object to repair, after damage has occurred.
Aubrey De Grey. … ORM=VRDGAR

3) A number of Longevity/Special Repair Genes can be stimulated by chemicals to better repair your body.  Apparently inherited from ages ago.  Epigenetic Method.
David Sinclair. … ORM=VRDGAR

Why am I posting this?  Well, I could just say I'm not ready to go to bed, or I could say that it would likely be good to not have any more ageing in your space population than you could not prevent, at least not until you had established a big enough bank roll to pay for it.

I do believe that Liz had indicated that some space agency had already contacted them to see if they could do anything about radiation damage.

The three groups mostly seem to be friendly and respectful of each other, at least as far as someone like I can detect.

More toys from the toybox.

Last edited by Void (2016-08-09 23:35:46)

End smile


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#2 2016-08-10 00:56:39

From: Chicago
Registered: 2015-12-14
Posts: 276

Re: Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space

Without such life/health extension, I would assume that the Martian population would age faster due to radiation/conditions, etc. As such, and especially since the Martian population wouldn't increase fast enough for replacement in the early years, I believe some of these techniques would be necessary. Telomere extension, from what I understand, carries as a trade-off increased risk of cancer. Treating the body as something to be repaired seems feasible, especially as attitudes towards obtaining stem cells gradually liberalize, and given the other two would be my choice right now. Epigenetics seems a bit too conjectural at the moment, but promising as well.

The Earth is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot live in a cradle forever. -Paraphrased from Tsiolkovsky


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#3 2016-08-10 02:36:37

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 8,041

Re: Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space

The Oldest Man In The World 256 Years Breaks The Silence Before His Death And Reveals Its Secret To The World

Do you know who the person who has lived longest is? Meet Li Ching Yuen, the man who lived an astonishing 256 years! And no, this isn’t a myth or some fictional tale.

The New York Times article from 1930 shows that Wu Chung-Chieh, a professor on the Chengdu University, discovered some Imperial Chinese government records from 1827 congratulating Li Ching-Yuen on his 150th birthday. He went further with the documents, later congratulating him on his 200th birthday in 1877.  A New York Times correspondent in 1928 wrote that several of the old men in Li’s neighborhood stated that when their grandfathers were boys, they knew him and at that time he was a grown man.

Li Ching Yuen in fact began his herbalist career when he was 10. He was gathering herbs in the mountain ranges and he learned of their potency for longevity. For nearly 40 years, he lived on a diet of herbs like wild ginseng, lingzhi, goji berry, gotu kola and he shoo wu and rice wine. In 1749, when he was 71 years old, he is joining the Chinese army as teacher of martial arts.  Li was known as a much-loved figure in his community. He was married 23 times and is a father of more than 200 children.

According to the commonly accepted tales that were told in his province, Li was able to read and write since he was a child, and by his 10th birthday had traveled in Shansi, Tibet, Kansu, Annam, Siam and Manchuria in order to gather some herbs. For the first 100 years he continued with his occupation. Then he switched to selling herbs that the others were gathering. He sold wild ginseng, lingzhi, goji berry, he shou wu and gotu kola as well as some other Chinese herbs, and he lived of a diet of these herbs and the rice wine.

He Wasn’t The Only One

As one of the Li’s supporters said, once he had encountered a man who was more than 500 years old, who taught him of the Qigong exercises and dietary recommendations which would help him to extend his lifespan to superhuman proportions.  Apart from Qigong and herb-rich diet, what more can we learn from this Master of Longevity?

On his death bed, Li said, “I have done all that I have to do in this world”.  May his peaceful last words also hint at one of the biggest secrets for a long and prosperous life?  It’s also interesting to note that in the Western countries, we are often taught to believe that aging is something that we must  “beat” with high tech infrared devices and with a state of the art medication.


This man was asked what his secret to longevity was.  Here is what he answered:  “Keep a quiet heart, sit like a tortoise, walk sprightly like a pigeon and sleep like a dog.” Those were the words of advice that  Li gave to Wu Pei-Fu, the warlord, that took Li into his house to learn the secret of exceptionally long life.

Li preserved that inner calm and peace of mind combined with some breathing techniques, which were the secrets to incredible longevity.  Clearly, his diet would have played a big role.  But then again, it is fascinating that the oldest living person in recorded history attributes his long life to the state of mind.


With the average lifetime for the Western world, which is currently between 70-85 years, the thought of a person living more than 100 years old seems like quite the stretch.  Just the thought of someone living more than 200 years old seems so suspicious.  However, why we can’t believe that people can live this long?

We need to keep in mind that there are people in this world that don’t live an exhausting 9-5 lifestyle, people who don’t have to deal with the stresses of debt, not breathing the polluted city air, and they also exercise regularly.  These persons don’t eat refined sugars or flour, or foods that have had pesticides sprayed on them.  They are not living off of the standard American diet.

There are persons who aren’t eating sugary deserts, fatty meats, and genetically modified foods.  No antibiotics.  No tobacco and no alcohol.  The diet of these people not only excludes junk foods that we very often indulge in, but they also include super foods and herbs that are as steroids for our organs and our immune system.

These people also spend their spare time in nature meditating and practicing breathing techniques that have been proven to improve mental, emotional, and physical health.  They keep things very simple, get proper sleep, and spend a lot of their time in nature under the sun.  When we have a chance to relax in the sun, we are feeling instantly rejuvenated and we call this a “vacation”.  Now, imagine spending a lifetime doing that in the mountains, on the fresh air, combining that with the perfect spiritual, mental, and physical well-being.

Undoubtedly, if we all did the things we knew that we were supposed to do, living 100 years old would be normal.  When we treat our bodies’ correctly, who knows how long we can live for?


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#4 2016-08-10 02:57:47

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 8,041

Re: Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space

An enzyme called telomerase is the primary repair enzyme for telomeres. Our genes have a template to make it, but that gene is normally only expressed during a special type of cell division called miosis. Normal cell division is mitosis, the rime to remember this is "mitosis occurs in my toe". Miosis is the other one, the one that creates a sperm in men or ovum in women. So sperm or ova start with full-length telomeres. After conception, a zygote has all the chromosomes from both the sperm and ovum so it also has full-length telomeres. Starting with the first cell division after conception, cells have reduced telomeres.

There has been a little work on this. Attempts to use telomerase to lengthen telomeres on cell cultures in a lab. But some scientists discovered some cancer cells produce telomerase to ensure they don't have a limited life span, they can grow and divide forever. This led some scientists to fear that telomerase will cause cancer. That's like saying the colour red causes traffic accidents, there's no evidence of this. I have not read any studies on that, but when I've tried to raise the issue of life extension, some medical students or medical researchers don't want to even consider it.

Our lives have already been extended by modern medicine. In middle ages and even as recent as the 1800s, average life span ended in the 40s. If you exclude child deaths, it did extend further, but still not as long as today. My grandparents lived to about 92 years old. A couple hundred hears ago that was unheard of. So we've already extended life. No reasonable argument against extending it further.

However, other people I spoke with point out there are other chemicals in the human body that repair telomeres. Although telomerase is only produce during miosis, these other chemicals also repair telomeres and are produced by an adult body. Diet and exercise and conditions necesary to simulate production of these other chemicals is difficult. It's believed the above story of an exceptionally old man was one individual who did what was necessary to do so.


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#5 2016-08-10 14:33:44

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,882

Re: Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space

I followed the link to story of the 256 year old man.  My goodness!  If the price of living that long is to get that ugly,  then I'd rather not live that long.


Last edited by GW Johnson (2016-08-10 14:34:23)

GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


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#6 2016-08-10 14:41:06

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 8,101

Re: Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space

I will add something I stumbled on recently:
This one is interesting as well:
But this one is the one I was thinking of: … eases.html

The authors of the study, published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine, treated telomere-disease patients who had a variety of conditions with a high dose of a synthetic androgen called danazol. The goal was to test whether the treatment would help keep telomeres intact longer. Instead, they saw them lengthen.

More on this...

Studies suggest drugs for advanced lung, skin cancers extend patients' lives 

Novavax's vaccine first to protect against common respiratory virus 

FDA OKs immunotherapy drugs for bladder, blood cancers 

The study’s results were surprising as the researchers were only expecting the rate at which telomeres fray to slow in response to androgens.

“This is an impressive study,” said Suneet Agarwal, a bone marrow failure specialist at Boston Children’s Hospital, who wasn’t involved in the research.

Although this article does not mention it there are negative side effects, particularly for women.
Acne, I think is one of the problems, and hair growth, and other things.

Still, it suggests that science may not be that far away from finding a way to lengthen telomers for the normal population.

This is desired, of course so they can put me back into the work force, and I can pay taxes smile

Last edited by Void (2016-08-10 14:45:01)

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#7 2016-08-10 20:43:52

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 8,041

Re: Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space

GW Johnson wrote:

I followed the link to story of the 256 year old man.  My goodness!  If the price of living that long is to get that ugly,  then I'd rather not live that long.


Last edited by RobertDyck (2016-08-11 03:41:55)


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#8 2016-08-10 21:03:21

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 8,041

Re: Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space

Void wrote:

Although this article does not mention it there are negative side effects, particularly for women.
Acne, I think is one of the problems, and hair growth, and other things.

Are you saying the treatment gives you teenage problems? And a bald man grows his hair back? These are bad things?

Void wrote:

Still, it suggests that science may not be that far away from finding a way to lengthen telomers for the normal population.

This is desired, of course so they can put me back into the work force, and I can pay taxes smile

Please, convince them of this. With all the old men in Congress, you would think they would appreciate anti-aging. And spending money on anti-aging is far better than dropping bombs on Syria. (Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc) Space exploration is better than dropping bombs on people. Anything is better than dropping bombs on people.


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#9 2016-08-10 23:21:37

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 8,101

Re: Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space


You seem to love to dance in mine fields.

I think I will render onto Caesar that which is Caesars.

But we are supposedly in the winter of the 4th turning.  In the middle of it supposedly.  That 4th turning notion suggests we will have a strong national government when exiting it, no matter what the outcome.

However, I think that a very large shift is going to happen, and it will involve the ultimate failure of the 20th century residual methods which have been co-opted by alien powers, and it's recentering to a more American structure.

But for now they will not listen, rather they will try to figure out how to repress the change.  In other words it was stupid for me to even say the above.  But I never said I was that smart.

Last edited by Void (2016-08-10 23:25:05)

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#10 2016-08-10 23:24:00

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 8,101

Re: Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space

As for your YODA picture, actually the presenters in a previous post, Liz Parrish, and Bill Andrews, for a joke I suppose say they want to change Betty White to 24 years old, and perhaps they might be able to if she lives long enough for treatments.

End smile


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#11 2017-02-12 22:15:29

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 8,101

Re: Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space

I'm on this idea again.

This guy Bill Faloon drops quite a few claims, and mentions quite a few notable names.  I feel it is worth a look.  Judge for yourselves.

He does mention Aubrey De Grey, who is a real life extension scientist. … ORM=VRDGAR

End smile


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#12 2017-02-13 21:50:59

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 8,041

Re: Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space

I recently saw a video that showed one scientist use a needle to directly inject laboratory mice with telomerase. The mice went from equivalent to 80-years-old to equivalent to middle-age. It didn't just slow aging, it reversed it. No genetic modification required. Sounds good to me. How quickly can we get this certified for human use?

I also found this: Telomerase gene therapy in adult and old mice delays aging and increases longevity without increasing cancer.


A major goal in aging research is to improve health during aging. In the case of mice, genetic manipulations that shorten or lengthen telomeres result, respectively, in decreased or increased longevity. Based on this, we have tested the effects of a telomerase gene therapy in adult (1 year of age) and old (2 years of age) mice. Treatment of 1- and 2-year old mice with an adeno associated virus (AAV) of wide tropism expressing mouse TERT had remarkable beneficial effects on health and fitness, including insulin sensitivity, osteoporosis, neuromuscular coordination and several molecular biomarkers of aging. Importantly, telomerase-treated mice did not develop more cancer than their control littermates, suggesting that the known tumorigenic activity of telomerase is severely decreased when expressed in adult or old organisms using AAV vectors. Finally, telomerase-treated mice, both at 1-year and at 2-year of age, had an increase in median lifespan of 24 and 13%, respectively. These beneficial effects were not observed with a catalytically inactive TERT, demonstrating that they require telomerase activity. Together, these results constitute a proof-of-principle of a role of TERT in delaying physiological aging and extending longevity in normal mice through a telomerase-based treatment, and demonstrate the feasibility of anti-aging gene therapy.


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#13 2017-02-13 22:04:13

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 8,101

Re: Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space

I follow this from time to time out of boredom, not because I am particularly afraid of death.  Although I think it is naturally preferred to avoid death, typically.

There seem to be 3 main camps in this thing.

1) Philosophy: Telomerase lengthening will offer a broad spectrum of relief from aging problems.
Liz Parrish and Bill Andrews and some others I am vaguely familiar with.
Liz Parrish: (More towards gene therapy, has had it done to herself in a limited fashion, may have lengthened her Telomeres).
Bill Andrews: (Believes that he will eventually come up with a chemical method to lengthen Telomerase) … biologist)

2) Philosophy: Maintenance approach.  (Correct what damage metabolism has accumulated in the body, and the pathologies of old age will not be a problem).
Aubrey De Grey
His best strength so far as I can see is work on a possible genetic therapy to prevent
Although I believe that he looks into and works on 6 other categories.
*I think he has also looked into the removal of Senescent Cells as one of 7 needed therapies.
*He seems to be more interested in shortening Telomeres, to treat cancer.  He seems to be leaving the lengthening process to Liz and Bill who he apparently knows.
*I think his work is very important, but will take some time.

3) Philosophy: There are sleeping giants in the body which can be woken up with certain drugs.
Unfortunately this one looks like it won't do much for humans.
It does wonders for Nematode worms and even Mice, but less so for Dogs and Apes.  It is presumed that the longer the life span of the creature, the less well this works.

Of these 3 #1 is the best chance for a "Quick Fix".  It does appear that it could be possible that if a method to lengthen telomeres can be found, then the health and so even the life span of a human may increase.

Of these 3 #2 appears to be the tortoise which might win the race.

I do believe that #1 and #2 have major chances.

For #1, the telomere lengthening idea what I think I know is;
-We are conceived with 15,000 base pairs in each cells telomeres.
-When we are born we are down to 10,000 base pairs.  (Except for our reproductive cells which regenerate their telomeres).
-Once we reach about 5000 base pairs, our cells begin to malfunction, including an increase in cancer rate, and other losses of health.
The body no longer can take care of itself.

Other organisms which live shorter or longer life spans have a different progression I presume.

It is thought that the progression is necessary for evolution to occur.
However, we are no longer evolving in accordance to nature, but in accordance to our expanded capabilities perhaps.  I think that is good.

Bill Faloon who I mentioned in post #11, seems to be a bit of category #3 and #2. 
In the case of removing Senescent Cells, it is possible that he is on to something.  That is one of the 7 causes of aging that #2 Aubrey De Grey lists.

It is possible that if you can remove senescent cells which apparently can do harm to the body, you could extend the life span, if nothing else is seriously wrong.  This could possibly even keep me alive for Telomere treatment, but I am not going for any treatment at this time.

1) If Bill Faloon's notions have any merit, then they would likely be the first order of method available.  Now, but not sure if it is at all real.
2) Next, I would think that if Bill Anderson could actually come up with a chemical(s) that can lengthen Telomeres, then perhaps that is the next likely possibility, a bit later.
3) Liz Parrish's outfit has already treated her with gene therapy, with some strong possibility of success, but it is extremely expensive just now.  Their intention is to get the cost down quite a lot.
4) Aubrey De Greys stuff is most likely the most trustable, but I think it is a bit off in the distance.

I am not saying I don't believe in Telomere treatment, but that it is pretty indefinite when it will be available.

Frankly I am not expecting life extension for me, but I have recently upgraded my probability estimate to 5% chances.
I am not afraid of missing it, I am just interested.

*As a note of hope, one of Aubrey De Gray's seven category's is stem cell therapy, which does in fact exist to some extent already.

Last edited by Void (2017-02-13 22:43:16)

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#14 2017-02-14 15:41:36

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,961

Re: Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space

I think there's a lot to be gained from an intense study of super-centenarians. Even if we 'only' manage to get everyone to such a point, it would be a major breakthrough. Rather than living to 95, with the last 15 years plagued by health problems, we could live to 115 and only have to deal with major health issues for the last 5 years. 20 year increase in lifespan, 30 year increase in healthspan.

If other research could allow us to live up to 110 with at worst the strength and vitality of someone who's middle aged, then we could be seriously talking about 100 year old astronauts spending their last decade where no-one has gone before. But I think at that point the thing that would kill people would be dementia, if they get lucky and avoid cancer. On the other hand, whales manage to live for 2-3 centuries without dying of dementia, so perhaps we'll be able to overcome that.

Use what is abundant and build to last


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#15 2017-02-14 15:55:08

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 8,101

Re: Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space

I agree Terraformer.  One of the problems presented to us soon is the aging of talented people, and demographics that do not replace them.
On the whole, I think that money invested in allowing an older person to be healthy enough to do another career is OK for the society.

Having said that, I will say that I who am retired. Would rather die than have to spend another 42 years doing what I have done before.

I would want something where I am not a burden.  That is I would on average contribute enough for my keep, but I would want to play again, and have not that much stress.

Less hours perhaps, less medical costs, less demands of material wealth, but more time for myself.

End smile


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#16 2017-02-15 05:51:04

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,961

Re: Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space

Certain costs should go down as people get older, if they've spent their money wisely. Housing is the big one - once you've paid off your mortgage, your down to just the maintenance cost - but also other durable goods. Of course, that requires actually making goods to last, rather than planning in obsolescence...

If people plan for their future correctly, it would not be unreasonable for people to go into semi-retirement after a few decades working, dropping down to part time work and spending the rest of their time doing something else. Maybe supplemented by investment income, or a very small pension (if people are retiring at 60 and dying at 110, it would have to be very small, perhaps $2000/year at most).

I'm 22. Life expectancy has gone up by about 3 months a year for quite a while, and stands at 81 in the UK at the moment. If it keeps increasing at the current rate, by the time I reach that age it will be 95, and by the time I reach that point it will be ~99. So I think it's sensible to plan on the assumption that I will live to 100. Though I think there's a good chance I'll live beyond that.

Use what is abundant and build to last


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#17 2017-02-15 11:16:31

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 8,101

Re: Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space

I think you have a sensible grasp of retirement.  Just now I am being silly and supporting 2 1/3 households, that is just a bit beyond my means long term, so I will likely drop it down to 1 1/3 households in a few months, that will be more comfortable.

I typically live in two different cities.   

I might have a good ride actually.  At my age, robots are likely to kick in as I kick off smile  So, I am not likely to die in a robot rebellion.

But, actually the curve of probability for life extension looks better and better.  If it was Aubrey De Grey, I would think my chances are slim.  And that is not to criticize him.  What responsibility does he have to me anyway?

I have a feeling that some patch-ups might keep me afloat long enough.  Maybe synthetic organs, maybe Telomerase.

If not, really I don't care much.  If I get to hang around I will, I will make sure the young people can take center stage though.  It ain't that great anyway, but maybe a generation should do it at least once.

Come closer little teraformer, perhaps I do have need of you smile … ong-280242 … ge_film%29


Actually I expect they will identify the factors in the blood plasma and find a way to synthesize it in a more moral manner than squeezing plasma out of the young smile

Last edited by Void (2017-02-15 11:23:15)

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#18 2017-02-15 12:17:22

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,961

Re: Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space

I wonder if a bone marrow transplant could give a person those benefits. Blood is, after all, created from the bone marrow cells. Perhaps induced chimerism using donor cells (established cell lines ideally, so we don't need new donors that frequently) would provide anti-ageing benefits.

Use what is abundant and build to last


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#19 2017-02-15 13:50:04

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 8,101

Re: Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space … ce-studies

Well if it required tapping into the young all the time, I would not be very comfortable with it.  However.....

If you could create massive volumes of type "O" blood plasma, by using Telomere lengthening chemicals outside of a body, then you might have something sustainable.

It seems that certain cell lines of cancer can be kept going forever outside of a body, so this is not a vain hope.

Obviously no, we are not entertaining the idea of using cancer, but it shows that if you might rebuild the telomeres, then you might have an almost forever supply of blood plasma from what might act as "Young" cells.

I suppose I should not assume victory, but it seems fairly likely.

So then if we can keep oldfart1939, spacenut, and I alive for a bit longer we can meet for a slapfight some time. … ORM=VRDGAR

Last edited by Void (2017-02-15 13:56:02)

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#20 2017-02-18 02:18:19

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space

Seems doctors do a lot of experimenting on mice. Too bad, I'm not a mouse! One of the problems I have is there are a lot of experiments on animals, but not a whole lot of things developed for humans!, and the treatments that do exist are for rich people!


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#21 2017-02-18 10:38:02

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,452

Re: Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space


VOID wrote:

So then if we can keep oldfart1939, spacenut, and I alive for a bit longer we can meet for a slapfight some time.

Tom can play Shemp


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#22 2017-02-18 10:56:44

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 8,101

Re: Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space

Things as normal then.

End smile


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#23 2017-02-18 11:01:34

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 8,101

Re: Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space

Tom Said:

Seems doctors do a lot of experimenting on mice. Too bad, I'm not a mouse! One of the problems I have is there are a lot of experiments on animals, but not a whole lot of things developed for humans!, and the treatments that do exist are for rich people!

Well, that's reality for now.

As for cost, the theory, is that governments and insurance companies will eventually opt to pay for rejuvenation therapies, rather than to pay for the 80% of life span medical costs that typically come at the last few months of life, assisted living, and so on.   Time will tell.

To me the most plausible early treatment would be removal off senescent cells.

Maybe "Young Blood Plasma", if It can be made mostly in the lab. … index.html
Most likely they will find out what is causing the benefit, and find a way to synthesize it.

After that, if Bill Andrews and company can find a drug to induce telomerase.

Beyond that Liz Parresh and company might have treatments for sarcophenia, and perhaps also to lengthen telomeres.
This family of possibility uses some kind of gene altering therapy with viruses.  Liz already had it done to herself, but it currently costs a lot.
She did it to prove that it could be done and not necessarily have bad effects.  It is possible that she indeed did lengthen some of here telomeres. … d-resolute
I believe the treatment for sarcopenia  is at least real.

Beyond that the works of Aubrey De Grey.

The scope of time for some of these just might be as short as 5 years, or meaningful advancement might take 100 years.

There will also be organ replacements, synthetic built organs.

It is just possible that with great luck some older people alive today, might squeak through with the early processes, and live long enough to use the other treatments as they show up later.

But, really nobody owes us these things.  It is just nice that someone is trying.

Evolution sort of abandons us after we pass prime reproductive capability, and so our bodies start to die before we do  It would be nice to be able to defy that often slow cruel death sentence.

Some of this might help in "Space Health" issues.

Any abuse of the body by the environment seems to age humans prematurely.  Mostly shortening telomeres, but in other ways as well.
The space environment seems to be rather more abusive to the human body than typical Earth environments that we inhabit.

So, this stuff is likely to matter for that reason as well.

Last edited by Void (2017-02-18 11:33:06)

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#24 2017-02-18 22:33:48

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space

What we need is an "Elon Musk" for rejuvenation, Elon proved you could land a booster rocket, until then, nobody really took the idea seriously, we need someone to do the same and make an old man young again. I have yet to see that happen. If we can break the age barrier, we would have another problem, an exploding population. Right now in advanced industrialized countries the birth rate is roughly equal to the death rate A couple has 2 kids, raises them to adulthood and then they die. What happens if they don't die? Then every time a couple has two children and time passes and they don't die, then the population has doubled in that time! Typical case, lets suppose a couple of twenty-somethings has two children when they are about 25 years old, in twenty years they are 45 years old their children have grown up, by the time they reach 50 years old, they should have jobs and should be moving into their own homes and having children of their own. But what if the 50 year old couple was still physically the same as a 25 year old couple and they decided that because they are still young and healthy they could have two more children, and their first two children decided to each have two children of their own?. Maybe every 25 years the population would double. If a rejuvenation treatment were invented tomorrow, then 25 years from now the population would be 14 billion, and 25 years after that, it would be 28 billion! If people don't grow old and die, that would happen! By the end of this century the World population would probably be 60 billion, hopefully we will be a spacefaring society when that occurs and most of us will be living in space. The great part of this would mean that interstellar travel just requires patience, we can go slow and take a long time, and the people who started out on the mission, can finish it an still be young. It would also be easier to terraform planets if we don't age, we won't be working for the next generation or the one after that, we would be working for ourselves!


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#25 2017-02-19 04:39:07

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,961

Re: Heatlth Extension/Life Extension, on Earth or for Space

That's... not the pattern we've seen so far. Most likely, people would delay having children until their 30s, have 2-3 kids, and then go on and do whatever else they want to do. Rather than having children and then immediately having children again.

There'll be a few who would, but then, we have quiverful families today.

Use what is abundant and build to last


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