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For kbd512 re upgrade of forum from FluxBB to phpBB...
The local Linux group was kind enough to take up that question this evening, and a member found what appears to be a conversion procedure written a while ago. I'll send you the link sometime tomorrow.
The procedure might still work as is, but I'd expect it needs careful study. Perhaps we can run it in a stand along environment (ie, your test system) to see how it works, before we propose it to Mr. Burk.
Update Wednesday: I found the "magic code" per the guidance from the local Linux group. I am planning to send it later today.
I'm planning to send the update link at the same time.
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For all regarding Apache Internal Server Error ....
GW Johnson very recently began encountering the error. It has been pestering others for months.
I'm intrigued by the quixotic nature of this problem ....
I asked Google for help, and among the many citations was this:
Begin Quotation:
the website reaching its memory limit, bad files on the site or a bad cache on your device, among other issues.Nov 8, 2022
End Quotation.
If the website is short of memory due to activity by members, then waiting a day should clear the problem
The thing I want to point out is that the cache is on your computer.
It might make sense to clear your browser history if this happens to you again, just to see if that makes a difference.
If you decide to try that, log off of NewMars, clear the history, and log back into NewMars.
It the problem is still there, then it is definitely on the server and not your laptop.
I'm unsure of what to look for, so above are just guesses.
If you discover that clearing history makes a difference, please let us know.
If there is a pattern to the problem, if we all pool our observations, perhaps we can find a set of conditions that increase chances of the error occurring.
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For all regarding Apache Server Error ...
I carried out a series of tests today, with a post that Apache rejected.
I reported the experiments at: … 21#p212721
The strategy that worked was to remove all line feed and carriage return characters. That doesn't make a lot of sense. The original text was 716 characters.
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For SpaceNut re Furnace planning ...
The summer is progressing toward fall ... I've been watching for news of progress in planning for heating in New Hampshire, but may have missed it ...
When we left off, everything was still in place, including rusted ducts. kbd512 urged you to keep all the old non-working parts for some reason.
I am hoping your might be able to find a contractor willing to remove the old equipment in return for the value it might still have.
Speaking of furnaces ... mine quit working a few days ago, after 12 years. The cause turned out to be a tiny integrated circuit on the control board, and a capacitor in the motor control. The motor itself is fine, so now I have a new control board, a new motor control, and a brand new motor still in the cardboard box, because I can't get just the motor control. This entire repair will take years to pay off, but I'm hoping for another 12 years of service.
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For SpaceNut re computer maintenance....
You've reported on your adventures with computers over the years.
I've built most of my systems, and have encountered a number of possible failure modes, but today the techs at a local company showed me a new one. I'd bought a 650 watt power supply from them over 5 years ago. The warranty is for five years. Right on schedule, the system began powering down on it's own, and powering up without being asked to do so. The tech used a Power Supply Test device by CoolMax to show that the power supply was indeed flaky.
That flaky behavior probably explains shutdown of my workhorse system during Zooms in recent months. I hope the new power supply works reliably for tomorrow's Zoom.
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GW Johnson asked me to attempt to deliver a post her prepared for RGClark's topic on SpaceX and the lunar landing.
I used every trick I could think of, until one specific sentence appeared to be blocking progress. I put spaces between the letters and Apache relented.
It should go without saying that this is ridiculous!
The sentence in question may be seen at: … 76#p212776
After that specific sentence was delivered, the rest of the post was accepted without further quibble.
Here is the specific text that appears to be able to cause the error:
A l o t of f o l k s f o r g e t t h a t.
I'd appreciate all members who have a few minutes to test the sentence above. I am unable to include it in a post without spaces between characters.
To run the test you'd need to remove the spaces.
That sentence appears to be reliably able to break Apache.
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A l o t of f o l k s f o r g e t t h a t.
A l ot of f olks f orget t hat
Test of string that caused Apache Internal Server Error yesterday ....
Amazing! This string caused the error the next day!
Just remove the spaces to see the effect for yourself.
Last night, kbd512 discovered that pasting a small php code directly into a post would cause the error.
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I did some experimenting with your sentence. If I posted the sentence without a carriage return on the end, I got it to work. When I added a carriage return to the end of the line. It did not work.
Once the error was triggered. I tried posting the the sentence without a carriage return at end and it worked okay.
I then tried posting more than one line. I did not have a carriage return at the end of the second line and it would not post.
I then tried adding a space before the period at the end. It seemed to always work.
Hope this helps.
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For Steve Stewart re #3083 ...
First, thanks for taking up this challenge! I am delighted by your discovery!
My (admittedly wild) guess is that there is an antivirus package in the system. The behavior is what might be expected if the software is constantly monitoring traffic to try to block hackers. However, we have received NO indication from Mars Society there there might be such a package running.
Second, please consider joining the deliberations of the (small) Admin team working on the web site. At the moment, we are limited to working for about an hour on Sunday evenings at the usual Zoom time of midnight UTC. If you are interested in one or more of:
1) Linux OS
2) Apache server
3) Php runtime
4) MySQL
5) Php web pages
You'd be most welcome to join the work session. I've been impressed (both here and in the local Linux group meetings) how well Zoom handles screen sharing. The quality of the shared screens (at least as I see them) is astonishing. In a group session with the Linux group, we often have kibitzers from around the continent poking fun at the presenter when he makes typos, which is something that happens to all of us.
Furthermore, with 5 or more pairs of eyes on a work session, problems with syntax are (often) quickly identified and corrected.
In ** this ** case, a calm, cool gent is driving the process, which means (hopefully) no problems will occur as we attempt to solve various problems.
At the moment, the focus is on configuring a very small php file to deliver post ID's within topic ID's. I've enlisted ChatGPT(4) to help, but so far with three of us "working" the problem, we still have a way to go.
In a nutshell, the issue is that we are running FluxBB and we want to go to phpBB, but ChatGPT is only able to guess at the correct syntax for FluxBB, so we are having a three way debugging session.
We are able to share files via Dropbox or email.
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Thanks for the invite to zoom, I'll keep it in mind. About all I know about FluxBB and phpBB is what I've looked up on the Internet. I do have a friend that is in a local (Kansas City) Linux group. I go to him on occasion with questions.
I've been very busy lately. I just changed jobs at work. Same company just a different area. The area I transferred to is behind which is why I volunteered to help. The move was a slight step up, so I'm having to learn a lot of new things and working OT. I'm sure the OT will continue for the rest of this year.
I also had surgery recently. I'm normally pretty healthy and have never had any major surgery until this year. I had a tumor in my stomach removed a month ago. Fortunately it wasn't malignant, but it would be if I didn't get it out. It was discovered by accident, so I was extremely lucky to find it before I had any symptoms and before it became cancerous. I'm doing well but still recovering. My diet is back to normal so that helps. I wasn't allowed to eat raw vegetables for a couple weeks.
Anyway, I think I'm too busy at the moment to join in with the zoom, but I'm honored with the invite. I'd be glad to do some testing when I can, maybe I could be of help that way. Like the string above that you couldn't get posted. Feel free to Email me or post problems here in Housekeeping. (My profile Email is up to date). I'll try and help when I can.
By the way, Before the crash I noticed the number of guests online seemed to be higher than normal. One time the number was way higher than I had ever seen, so I did a screen capture. I don't remember what day this was. I'm guessing a week or two before the crash. The crash occurred before I got the image uploaded to Imgur. Thought I'd share:
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For Steve Stewart re Post #3085
Thanks for the image showing the hackers knocking on the door. I assume you know this, but new readers may not ... When SpaceNut decided to stop the flow of hacker accounts into the forum, we had on the order of 20,000 to deal with. All are now processed and ready for re-use as ** real ** people. The entire list is available for viewing by calling up the User feature and asking for ID's that begin with the letters "TestID*"
Thanks for the update on your recent scare, and for the good news the object was discovered in time! When you are in the mood, I'd like to discuss a small sensor package to move through the digestive tract. I had a (small) bout with something recently (we still don't know what it was), and I suggested to my GP that it might be helpful if a person/patient could ingest a small sensor package. The package could not pick up blood content (of course) but it should be able to discover a great deal as it moves along. My GP is a dedicated family doctor who was not at all interested, but diplomatic as always, said only "that's something to think about". I then did some quick lookups,. and discovered that ingestible sensor packages are already in use by specialists. I'm looking at a potential market of millions of units (hardware and smart phone software) for distribution world wide. It would seem to me perfectly reasonable to include a pass of this sensor package through the patient at the annual checkup we have here in the states.
Best wishes for success in the new position, with new responsibilities!
Please consider asking your friend in the Linux group to consider:
1) Helping with our server / forum update and
2) Meeting our local Linux group, which meets at 18:30 Eastern on the third Tuesday.
We have members in the US and Canada
One of the group leaders wrote a ** very ** comprehensive eBook on Raspberry Pi configuration with Linux
About 1,130,000 results (0.40 seconds)
Raspberry Pi - Craig Wright's Home Page › raspberry_pi
A brief history of the Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit-card sized computer. The idea behind a tiny and affordable computer for kids ...
Last .... on the theory that the best way to get something done is to ask someone who is busy, I'd like to remind you that Dr. GW Johnson is putting the finishing touches on a set of lessons on Basic Orbital Mechanics with a side of Rocket Design Principles. We are offering the course for free from the forum. Just search topics for "class" and look for the "traditional" version.
Dr. Johnson is just about to deliver the interplanetary orbit planning module, which will complete the series.
The course is re-written from college level to (hopefully) high school level.
We would ** really ** like to find an instructor/teacher who would be willing to consider using some of this material on a class for advanced / talented students.
We have zero budget for advertising, so all we can do is word-of-mouth communication.
Thanks again for the image of the daily hacker load before the crash. Your theory (implied) matches mine, that something unusual was going on before the Mars Society site went down.
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So, a denial-of-service events are occurring with the intentional hacking that is being attempted.
I have seen this on other websites that did crash, it seems that this version of the forum was more recoverable after all the work we have been doing to preserve its content and to keep the wolves at bey.
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For SpaceNut re #3087
Thanks for keeping an eye on developments! I was glad to see Steve Stewart's analysis and screen shot of the high number of hackers knocking on the door. I assume their software must be probing every possible port and possible weak point in the web site. So far your blocking of hacker registrations appears to be holding up.
Please note that the the email is not working. I've asked kbd512 to put that in the work basket, but compared to everything else that is a low priority.
We need it if anyone wants to change their password, but we have the NewMarsMember service available as a backup.
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For SpaceNut re GW Johnson's course on Basic Orbital Mechanics and Rocket Science
Please look over the course to see if it is ready for publication to outside agencies.
I've been waiting for Dr. Johnson to finish the Interplanetary Orbit part of the course, and I understand that is now finished.
As soon as you are ready, I'd like to ask the Mars Society to promote the course to it's members, and to the outside world.
The course is intended for students at the high school level, and it should work for most people even if their academic experiences are a few years in the past.
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For SpaceNut re Scan of posts from 212001 to 203000
We appear to have lost 7 posts over the range of 1000 ... that's not too bad, and i might have been because members deleted posts after creating them.
Time Out! Skip Requested! Skipping to Next from Post: 211025
Time Out! Skip Requested! Skipping to Next from Post: 211301
Time Out! Skip Requested! Skipping to Next from Post: 211345
Time Out! Skip Requested! Skipping to Next from Post: 211995
Time Out! Skip Requested! Skipping to Next from Post: 212043
Time Out! Skip Requested! Skipping to Next from Post: 212139
Time Out! Skip Requested! Skipping to Next from Post: 212551
Time Out! Skip Requested! Skipping to Next from Post: 212719
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For SpaceNut re conversion from FluxBB to phpBB ...
Knowing you like to keep an eye on things in the engine room, while you navigate this forum to where ever it is going, here is the latest attempt by ChatGPT to make a php file that will read the database given a topic ID, and deliver the post ID's for that topic ID. I need that output to collect information for a text based backup of the database, as suggested by kbd512 when the forum was down.
The previous attempt by ChatGPT did not work, despite kbd512's attempt to debug it, because the first attempt was based upon phpBB code, and FluxBB simply could not be persuaded to accept it. This new version is based upon the 2012 version of FluxBB that I found in a github repository.
Blocked by Apache Internal Server Error ... I'm not surprised
Copy of run window:
http://your-forum-url/path/to/this-php-file.php?id=TOPIC_IDSaved 2023/08/28 at 13:50 local time
Here is a link to the code: … teofy&dl=0
The file above comes down without a file type. Add ".txt" to the file name in the download directory, and you'll be able to open it with Notepad.
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The data is already text that we input and is stored in that manner within the data base array. the fields start and end with a character to delimit the fields in this format.
Each of the fields are filled and returned in the id action of post to display/ view which are functions that the php scripts perform for the tables heading for each field that resides under them for the data ect...
This is where I am with the work solution of multiple excel files being imported and with a query using access to build a view of the data as you see that act as a post id. when displayed.
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For SpaceNut re #3092
First, thanks for noting ongoing efforts to find a way to convert from FluxBB to phpBB using a text based backup and restore system. Your insights into the process will be helpful when we reach the point of testing. At the moment, kbd512 and I (assisted by ChatGPT) are working on a script to pull Post Id's from the database, given a topic ID. That capability does not exist at present, but I think another week of tweaking and testing should put the new script over the top.
Second, thanks for your update on use of Access to collect spreadsheet data and produce useful consolidation documents! That sounds like something the departments would appreciate.
Third, for the record ...
Delay for long paste: 0 seconds
Smart Wait Address Retry Count = 0
Text direct from Clipboard in Step: 51
The parameter passed to the email function in the misc.php script is the ID of the User.
We are still having a problem with the email server. I am not receiving confirmation emails.
Last Sunday evening, during the Zoom collaboration, kbd512 and I exercised the email feature, and he received a test email, and we found a record of the transaction in error.log, showing the ID of kbd512 as the recipient.
Update at 13:49 local time .... For SpaceNut .... are you using "insert" statements to cause the spreadsheet data to flow into Access?
I ask because it has been a long time since I coded insert statements to deliver data into a database, and I wouldn't mind a refresher on what that looks like. You can see the target environment if you download phpBB onto your computer, along with MySQL and the php runtime. I ** think ** provides a script to configure a clean database to meet the needs of phpBB. That way, you can experiment with the future forum on your computer, and share what you learn with the other admins.
Each of the rest of us has the phpBB package in various states of installation and operation. I think kbd512 is the only one who has it fully operational. I'm about half way there. RobertDyck has run a similar forum in the past, so could probably build a test system fairly quickly, when he has time, which at the moment is not the case.
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Import file name then design the table query for the data fields that you wish to display as a single record line.
You could also save each web page and covert / strip out the web stuff with an open with a note pad each topic as it would contain all the data for each post and user information.
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For SpaceNut re #3094
It sure sounds as though you know what needs to be done. Would you be interested in working on the insert statements for a MySQL batch update script to feed data from FluxBB into the new phpBB forum package?
There's a lot you'll have to learn about the format of the phpBB database, but it sounds as though you know what needs to be done.
I'm going to have my hands full collecting the data to be uploaded. Based upon previous experience, it will take about a year to collect all the topics, one at a time, from one to the latest, skipping the potholes.
However, once you have the insert procedure written, we can start uploading topics as fast as I collect them from the FluxBB database.
Mars_B4_Moon is bringing back old topics quite often, so that's something to worry about, but collecting recent updates after the main set of posts is transferred should not be too difficult.
If you want to help, you'll need to create a test environment on your Windows PC.
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here is something I found that may help with the scripts
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For SpaceNut re #3096
Thanks for the links you found and published in this post!
The link from looks particularly helpful.
If you can find out what is needed to insert FluxBB data into the new phpBB database, I can format the data i collect to feed into php.
I would think you would want to install:
fluxbb forum package
phpBB forum package
php runtime
MySQL database
Apache server (or the little Abyss Web Server which is (apparently) a bit easier to configure.
As reported earlier, I have most of the packages installed, and I think kbd512 has all of them installed.
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For SpaceNut ... I ran a search for the combination of "SearchTerm:" and "explosive*" today, and got back three topics where FluxBB thinks that combination might be found.
Topic Forum Replies Last post
Living inside Mountains / Caves on Mars? by martienne [ 1 2 3 ]
Life support systems 59 Today 08:39:00 by tahanson43206 <<== expected
Ballistic Delivery of Supplies to Mars: Lithobraking by tahanson43206 [ 1 2 3 … 12 ]
Interplanetary transportation 277 2023-03-06 19:39:30 by Mars_B4_Moon << surprise
electromagnetic launch with microwave propulsion by kbd512 [ 1 2 3 … 9 ]
Science, Technology, and Astronomy 202 2022-10-09 19:57:04 by SpaceNut << surprise
Pages: 1
I was surprised that FluxBB came back with that result. My guess it is is not being picky in it's searches.
Separate item: Todo list: My Hacienda has been hibernating for a while. Your discovery of the cave home project video, and Calliban's support for the topic, reminds me we need to take a look at My Hacienda to see if explosives (manufacture, storing safely, transportation, safe use at job site) are included.
The purpose of My Hacienca is to attempt to define the specializations that are needed to support a first tier civilization on Mars, or anywhere away from Earth where supplies from Earth are rare if they happen at all.
My hope when starting the topic was that we could find individuals who would pick up on the concept and run with one of the various specializations, so we could identify other specializations needed by those folks. That didn't happen initially, and it still hasn't happened. The topic did get a burst of interest in the beginning, but that did not last, and only you kept the topic going with contributions from time to time.
The challenge in adding a new specialization to the Plotmaster is to avoid duplication. For that reason I keep a copy in an offline location, and search it before adding a new specialization.
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I use Business objects to pull data from the mysql database and the query format can be whatever fields you need. These can be outputted in pdf or excel file formats. I have no clue for the keys which would be used for the query at this time. … ql-php.rst … n-database
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For SpaceNut re #3099 ...
Thanks for your continued interest in the FluxBB to phpBB conversion.
If your computer has room and if you have time, you are welcome to become a part of the Admin effort.
You'll want to install phpBB forum software, which is available for free download from
The instructions for the forum software include the other components you'll need to download and install.
These include:
php runtime
An alternative to Apache is a free web server called Abyss, from
All four of us should have these components installed and working, so we can share in the process of making the transition.
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