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President Trump Said 'You Need an ID to Buy Groceries.' The Internet Went to Town
By Ashley Hoffman
July31, 2018
President Donald Trump’s latest head-scratching comment has lit up the internet.
“You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID. You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture,” Trump said at Tuesday night’s Tampa, Fla., rally to drum up support for GOP Rep. Ron DeSantis’ gubernatorial bid.
He was – in the moment – throwing his support behind tougher ID requirements for voters.
“Only American citizens should vote in American elections. The time has come for voter ID like everything else,” Trump said.
He deployed that claim as he was saying that the only time people don’t need to present their identification card is when they want to place a vote.
He may have been referring to stores that ask to see IDs from credit card holders, but the comment became the fodder for a Twitter-wide joke from people calling out that you don’t need to show your ID to get what you need at the supermarket.
Most people quickly set about riffing on the comment. Some took the comment even further by wondering when the POTUS last made a trip to the supermarket.
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