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#401 2018-07-13 16:42:53

From: Malibu CA
Registered: 2018-05-02
Posts: 68

Re: The Real Mars

A timed .gif into a short video with adjusted colors (reduced red hue).

This planet is not red and has beautiful regions similar to Earth!

Place on "loop" and 1080p

Sorry for the mod but the link set off the norton intrusion detection to block a Fake tech support
text s:// text


Last edited by SpaceNut (2018-07-13 20:08:02)


#402 2018-07-13 20:17:56

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: The Real Mars

The image that comes up was a reminder to old mars canals as seen in the early telescopes from the 1400 to 1600 maps.

Another thing about the link was the video format was not recognized...


#403 2018-07-13 20:55:02

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,590

Re: The Real Mars


I'm not sure what this "strategic compartmentalization" is that you speak of.  I used to work for our government and can relay that there is no vast over-arching conspiracy to keep people in the dark about anything, if only because those of us who worked for our government knew so little about much of anything.  The government is mostly staffed by people who put their pants on one leg at a time, just like you and I do.  Some of them have learned to balance on one foot, but the rest frequently fell over.  If there's anyone in our government who puts their pants on both legs at the same time without falling over, I've certainly never seen it.  You attribute a level of capability to our government that I could only dream about having while I was in the Navy.

We had to teach officers that the CD-ROM drive on their computer was not a coffee cup holder.  I only wish I was kidding about that.  I saw people do that numerous times, completely unaware of why the device was actually connected to their computer or what a CD-ROM drive was used for.  The first time our engineering officer watched a girl from IT use the drive to load software onto his computer, he had a stunned look on his face, kinda like he just saw alien life.  GW was/is a real rocket scientist, but I can assure you that we had precious few of them.  Nobody I knew of was particularly interested in deceiving the general public, nor would the vast majority of them ever be capable of such a feat if they'd wanted to.

With respect to identifying alien life, it couldn't possibly be because nobody in our government really knows anything, could it?

What do you think that quarantine silliness was about, with respect to the lunar missions?

Our biologists were utterly clueless as to what life from other planets might do to life on Earth, despite all evidence that any life from other planets has already been deposited on Earth, so they devised what they thought would contain it with zero knowledge of what life from other planets was like.  If our astronauts didn't die in two weeks, then their thinking was that everything must be good to go.  It's an absurd test and yet another example of using humans as lab rats, but that's the kind of stuff that you get with zero knowledge.  As far as I can tell, we're every bit as clueless now as we were back then.

There's nothing classified or security-related about emitted gases from flora or fauna, if any, that a civilian space agency probe finds on another planet.  We can't even return a handful of Martian dirt to Earth for examination.  Pretty much every space agency in existence simply publishes what they find.  Some do it immediately and others, like NASA, try to come up with explanations to the inevitable questions from internet experts that follow whenever they publish anything.  I wish they'd just collect data, publish it immediately, and let other people do the analysis work on their own time and on their own dime.  Whether or not other people "discover" blurry space rock images, trees, buildings, little green men, or whatever else, I really don't care.

The stuff we've found thus far is intriguing and I'd love to know more, but there's only one way to do that.  We need to send someone to Mars to fetch some material to study.  Until we do that, all we have are blurry satellite images of a very interesting place and some beautiful rover images that may or may not show anything significant, dependent upon how good our camera technology really is.

Anyway, if we did find something it'd be a monumental discovery.


#404 2018-07-13 21:38:11

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

M-Albion-3D wrote:

A timed .gif into a short video with adjusted colors (reduced red hue).

This planet is not red and has beautiful regions similar to Earth!

Place on "loop" and 1080p

Sorry for the mod but the link set off the norton intrusion detection to block a Fake tech support
text s:// text … DTofPo.png

Thanks, but l can't find it here, let me know if you can get an active link to that one here?

As for the rest, the ESA image showing the blue atmosphere, (when NASA keeps showing images of no visible atmosphere or blue around the rim) and the ...obvious greens, (when NASA shows nothing, apart from Hubble from the past) and the great lake systems on Mars, which are very similar to Earth ones make it pretty obvious that this thread has a solid bases for further investigation.

This also shows, (more vividly that we are accustomed to here) that some will refuse to accept it. More evidence does nothing, when it should enlighten or at least create doubt.

Which is why NASA are releasing it painfully slowly.

If l saw a video of a Martian rainforest, l would be stocked beyond belief, but l would also have to glue my feet to the carpet, and l am into this stuff, and what would someone in total denial do?

Beats me, but l wouldn't want to be in the same room when it was shown.

No, best to present the evidence the best we can, and if the evidence is obvious, but is still ignored, then let them be, or we should just carry on with our investigations.



#405 2018-07-14 03:23:40

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

More plants...


This reflective rock which is almost pointing straight up, is showing these weird things rising up around the rover?

I thought that they were Licken, but eventhough they give off a dark green color, are the leaves, of plants around the rover.

The thing lower right may be an old gray or another depiction, but it isn't a plant or the rover.


The tree trunk again, although the CP tends to say that this is a rock, with a plant up top.

But the right hand one, (strong green) is a plant.

And left, a mirror, shiny tin?


I also distortion corrected the ESA one, so we can get a good look at what Mars really looks like.



Last edited by Tmcom (2018-07-18 03:41:30)


#406 2018-07-14 10:34:52

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,842

Re: The Real Mars

And this image shows Mars is really yellow. Hint: this image is false colour, produced from altimeter data. It doesn't really look like that.

Or this image from Mars Express. This is Mars upside down, north is actually the lower left corner. Check the "N" arrow.
Ooh! Ooh! There's green! There's blue at the top (south) and green at the bottom (north)! Caption says...

The colour image was created using data from the HRSC’s nadir (aligned perpendicular to the surface of Mars) and colour channels.

HRSC - High Resolution Stereo Camera

The HRSC camera system, which only weighs 20 kilograms, has two camera heads: the High Resolution Stereo head, which consists of nine CCD line sensors mounted in parallel behind a lens, and the SRC head, which is composed of a mirror telephoto lens and a CCD array sensor. The High Resolution Stereo head works on pushbroom mode: sensors image a line on the planet surface perpendicular to the ground track of the spacecraft and rely on the orbital motion of the spacecraft to reposition them as they record a sequence of images known as an image swath. In this case, each sensor records the same object on the surface at a different angle. Three-dimensional images are generated by five of the image strips. The remaining four of the nine line sensors are equipped with special colour filters for recording multi-spectral data.

Unfortunately not of this tells us what filters were used for this image. Hint: compare colour to Hubble images.
The thin bright blue line across the top of this image is actually the atmosphere. Green across the bottom is actually sunlight reflecting off clouds. Dark blue at the top has something to do with minerals. Captions I found do not say what colour filters were used, so I can't say more than that.


#407 2018-07-14 12:20:27

From: Malibu CA
Registered: 2018-05-02
Posts: 68

Re: The Real Mars

SpaceNut wrote:

The image that comes up was a reminder to old mars canals as seen in the early telescopes from the 1400 to 1600 maps.

Another thing about the link was the video format was not recognized...

Here's a link for an mp4, please let me know if you any problems. … sp=sharing


#408 2018-07-14 12:34:13

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: The Real Mars

I have been wondering about the color in that mars is really very oxidized with Iron showing red shades and wondered if other metals with oxidation do the same as this would bring the colors as seen by magnification. Of course light obsorbed is also a retransmission of color shift that will occur. With sulfur in the sirface and moisture the colors are going to be complex. Then there is the metal salts which also we know of. Then there is the hydroid shift...

Color of Transition Metal Complexes - IIT Kanpur




#409 2018-07-14 13:17:10

From: Malibu CA
Registered: 2018-05-02
Posts: 68

Re: The Real Mars

In the image file PIA02405 there is a considerable greenish hue to many of the rocks seen here in corrected color.

I think I am pretty close to real surface light and color condition relative of course to the time of day. D/l the image and focus on both the red and blue rocks as a good indicator balance.



Last edited by M-Albion-3D (2018-07-14 13:35:56)


#410 2018-07-14 21:31:45

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

RobertDyck wrote: … medium.jpg
And this image shows Mars is really yellow. Hint: this image is false colour, produced from altimeter data. It doesn't really look like that.

Or this image from Mars Express. This is Mars upside down, north is actually the lower left corner. Check the "N" arrow.
Ooh! Ooh! There's green! There's blue at the top (south) and green at the bottom (north)! Caption says...

The colour image was created using data from the HRSC’s nadir (aligned perpendicular to the surface of Mars) and colour channels.

HRSC - High Resolution Stereo Camera

The HRSC camera system, which only weighs 20 kilograms, has two camera heads: the High Resolution Stereo head, which consists of nine CCD line sensors mounted in parallel behind a lens, and the SRC head, which is composed of a mirror telephoto lens and a CCD array sensor. The High Resolution Stereo head works on pushbroom mode: sensors image a line on the planet surface perpendicular to the ground track of the spacecraft and rely on the orbital motion of the spacecraft to reposition them as they record a sequence of images known as an image swath. In this case, each sensor records the same object on the surface at a different angle. Three-dimensional images are generated by five of the image strips. The remaining four of the nine line sensors are equipped with special colour filters for recording multi-spectral data.

Unfortunately not of this tells us what filters were used for this image. Hint: compare colour to Hubble images.
The thin bright blue line across the top of this image is actually the atmosphere. Green across the bottom is actually sunlight reflecting off clouds. Dark blue at the top has something to do with minerals. Captions I found do not say what colour filters were used, so I can't say more than that.

Nice ESA image by the way, blue atmosphere and as you said iffy green, but since there are no other colors present, l tend to see this as supportive evidence.



#411 2018-07-16 06:44:30

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

I would like to say that the things on the right are plants, but the CP shows no green, so probably just rocks.

But the storm clouds in the sky, are self evident.



The sun is setting and these weird things that might be plants are about, but the CP is inconclusive, or the rock overall has dark green on it, as well as these things, so they may or probably are plants.


But this one shows an area with recent water flows, and some moss or licken clinging to life.

These greens were only present in small areas, so this area probably only floods or get's rain one or more times a year. Probably frequently during the winter months.

You will also notice that only the areas with plant life are still maintaining an obvious edge, the rest are almost corroded away.



Last edited by Tmcom (2018-07-18 03:50:41)


#412 2018-07-18 03:50:22

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

More obvious signs of damp sand.


And more...


The slightly greenish things in the ref, rock, (top ones) which give off strong lime and dark green in the CP are plants.

The ones in the middle have roots growing out from the soil, with a long stem and the main growth or possibly giant flower/s up top.


Is this accurate /real or hidden .. it depends on whether you have two eyes, and enough gray matter behind that to discern one color from another!

Either way it is very unlikely that green rocks, (well forget about rocks) green deposits, could or would do this.

If space images show green, then it is the evidence leading to the quacking duck.




#413 2018-07-18 07:59:09

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Almost missed this, this is a ref, rock in post #411, (last image, rock on the right).


And yeah, mind blowing. smile

Blue sky, purple/blue mountain white rocks and tree's in the middle and on the right,(probably white oak's, looking at the trunk colors).

The mountain seems to keep going on the left, with hints of green and more tree's on the horizion.

There is also a hint of blue on the right, could be an oases?

But this isn't an illusion



#414 2018-07-20 04:34:30

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Not much today.


Plants, overcast martian sky.

I would like to think that the shapes below are three people, but it is probably just a plant, (CP shows green here and there).

Although the top, left one showing a martian sky and weird plants is still reasonably cool.

H.G. Wells would flip, if he saw these, lol.


Last edited by Tmcom (2018-07-20 04:37:00)


#415 2018-07-21 03:57:57

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Ok, more plants.


Unmistakable overcast sky, and the two green things are not the rover.


The green thing on the right definitely isn't the rover, and is something similar to a palm.


Overcast sky and plants, and the purple/blue color is l believe the distant hills, (as this color shows up in two images in the same image).


This is the real Mars, clearing rain clouds, and the sun poking through some mist, or rain?

Mist or rain on a planet with 1% of our air pressure is of course impossible.

And some images seem to show exposed pebbles, or recent rain falls, which is no surprize.




#416 2018-07-21 17:36:30

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: The Real Mars

Would it be possible to give the original nasa links to each image.
There are some real interesting stuff in some of them not being over magnified.


#417 2018-07-21 20:32:48

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

SpaceNut wrote:

Would it be possible to give the original nasa links to each image.
There are some real interesting stuff in some of them not being over magnified.

Here are the ones l am presently going through, unfortunately there are quite a few here, but most sols are a lot less. … ra=MAST%5F

I only look at the color square ones, and ignore the b/w and rectangle shaped ones, (they are a lower res,).

But l couldn't do it for each one, as it would become too labour intensive.



Last edited by Tmcom (2018-07-22 04:15:57)


#418 2018-07-22 04:01:08

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

A little different today, no plants, but...


Could be some old steel structure, but it is also reflecting this, that looks like weird sculptures along this object, (l put up another rocks to show that this isn't the rock details, and the CP does not show green.


I can make out a man doing something and an animal depiction, with what looks like a rabbit on two legs, with a not surprisingly Egyptian feel, (there are rumors that an Egyptian type race was on Mars 100,000+ years ago).

These sculptures are on several rocks, so no rock details make this up.

And one may even be depicting the first harvest, as one idiot l keep running into keeps saying, lol.



Last edited by Tmcom (2018-07-22 08:52:34)


#419 2018-07-22 06:47:33

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: The Real Mars

The first appears to have had 2 gaseous bubble bursts from under the fractured sand.


#420 2018-07-22 08:54:44

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

SpaceNut wrote:

The first appears to have had 2 gaseous bubble bursts from under the fractured sand.

It could also be the rover, running over the ground near the disturbance, (without checking l think that the rover weights a ton).

Last edited by Tmcom (2018-07-22 08:55:05)


#421 2018-07-23 03:11:20

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Ok, some more juicy tid bits, and the best til last.


These blobs are plants, (the CP give off a strong green) so a bush suspended by a tall trunk?


Another real Mars image, with plants growing up, blue hills, and the first decent look at some rain clouds. Mars had overwhelming evidence that rain was present, but it was hard to find some decent evidence, until now.


The thing in the middle may be a tree, but the things on the left are the rover.




#422 2018-07-23 11:23:44

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

I havn't found any birds to date, eventhough they should exist, here you go...

Probably an Eagle.



#423 2018-07-25 03:57:43

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

The rover drove past somegreen thing today.


Lower image shows the landscape, hills and sky on the right, and some green plant, Licken on the left, (probably growing out from the rock, but hard to tell?

Top image shows a green blob with the white/blue sky behind, (the CP shows lime green).


And this one gives us a better look at these things.

CP shows strong to lime green, so these things are organic whatever they are.



Last edited by Tmcom (2018-07-25 04:00:57)


#424 2018-07-25 22:40:52

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Saw this today and eventhough it is a step in the right direction, it is also pretty funny with the misinformation.

Like isolated incidents of flowing water, but anyway l know trickle disclosure for the ones with the security blanket fetish is necessary.

But still a little annoying.


PS learned today that they are saying that the water is probably very briny to get over the air pressure fib. So we have a lake in the arctic region under 1.5 metres of frozen briny water/ice, with average temps in the colder regions, (where the lake was found) of almost -200 Dc.

Or in other words, the lake would be frozen solid, and -195 Dc, it would be as hard as steel, not liquid.

And no volcanic activity has been seen or tremors felt by any rover, so we can cross that option out.

So NASA seems to be showing the world that this is a contradiction, or it cannot be, not unless they are fiddling with some of the data.

But l have to admit it was entertaining watching all of the skeptics squirm, lol.


Last edited by Tmcom (2018-07-26 23:04:47)


#425 2018-07-27 03:58:47

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Not much today, overcast sky, houses, etc.


Top image shows an overcast sky and this white streak on the left, which the CP shows as blue, so a river or mist?

Lower image top, shows an overcast sky with some blue sky on the right.

And the lowest one, more of the same although the clouds are getting darker on the left, and the rover is on the right.


Lower the rover appears to be driving past a house. Impossible to tell if it is recent or ancient, but since it is intact probably recent.


PS and the thing that l think is the rover may be another martian letterbox.


Last edited by Tmcom (2018-07-27 09:58:54)


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