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#376 2018-07-07 12:18:25

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: The Real Mars

I would imagine that a lake will be puddle deep plus very salty, with a trees being more like mountain shrub brush little more than a foot tall at best but problably only in the mid to equator latitude. The hubble image of mars shows dark staining which have the coloration which indicates green unless that is pixelated too.

Can we just get humans to mars is that to little to ask for....


#377 2018-07-07 21:15:21

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

GW Johnson wrote:

Hard to imagine lakes and forests on Mars,  when liquid water is not stable over so very much of its surface,  nor is any other liquid we know of.  The 6 mbar pressure and -50-ish to 0-ish C temperatures at both Viking lander sites (and most sites since,  whether a NASA probe or not) is a hard piece of data contradicting what is being presented as factual in this thread.  So is the water vapor pressure thermodynamic curve. 

I've seen lots of greenish-looking rocks in my life,  too,  right here on Earth.

I don't argue that the sky looks blue on Mars at times,  but at other times it is reddish.  Depends on how much dust is in the Mars air at the time the photo is taken,  as well as local sun angles.  We get similar effects here.  It is easy to get false color images wrong in color,  too.  We'll know more about that when people really go there and see it with their own eyes. 

Bear in mind that false color images are often extremized this way or that way,  to show what is being looked for,  rather than the true appearance to a human eye on site. 


The air pressure is a lie, as is the almost 200dc at night, the first is borne out by liquid water being almost everywhere, and large amounts of liquid water vapor in the atmosphere, and water droplet's forming on Mars lander legs, (the previous two being impossible, since you can't have very salty water vapor).

NASA reads the 1957 report that there would be mass chaos if aliens on Mars where announced.

They send Viking there in 1977, expecting nothing, and find after testing three times that there is more energetic organics in the soil than Earth, (l have extensively read Viking PDF reports) then botch the oven test to dismiss it all.

And have been lying ever since.

A good example of this is Spirit and Opportunity rovers, which spend more than 10 years each on either side of the planet, together they produced 20 years worth of images, and Never gave us one blue sky image, (Curiosity did after a year or so). Tech, error, dust storms and anything else including elevation cannot account for this, only deliberate coverup can account for this.

NASA knows that it is inevitable that we will know that Mars is a second Earth, which is why we are getting this trickle of it now.

When NASA keeps showing us, no atmosphere or red only in most of their images, when Hubble and ESA from the past show blue atmosphere, then it is obvious that someone is lying.

Hubble isn't, it tracked Mars weather for years, with blue atmosphere every time, as All image taken by amateur astronomers with a telescope in their backs yards does.

NASA is definitely creating a cover story, and releasing this slowly so as not to cause mass panic, no doubts.

I have recently witnessed individuals who would not even accept a guy at NASA's JPL centre, saying that Mars may have organic's systems deep in the soil creating all of the methane.

There is such a thing of being brainwashed for so long that it is comforting and predictable, instead of unsettling and scary. Some will go to any lengths to keep a hold on the first two than the last.

I have witnessed a few things in the later, so don't really care about what l find, the more we can learn the truth the better, as it is better to get this in pieces than one hit.

And the ESA image of Mars l previously showed, (post #317, enlargement of Original Raw Image) clearly shows a blue atmosphere and large areas of green, etc, which cannot be explained away by lighting camera angles or anything else. Evidence speaks volumes here.

As does large volumes of Methane and Oxygen being released into space. Methane may be created by something deep underground, but Oxygen, nope, only plants can do that.


PS All images that l post here, (which l have changed in some way, not the originals of course) need written permission from me, if someone wishes to post it elsewhere. This obviously does not include the original raw image, and if you already have then don't fret, l just don't want easily regonisable images showing up in certain forums, where l will need a large bottle of alchol to get through the predictable comebacks.


Last edited by Tmcom (2018-07-09 09:22:55)


#378 2018-07-09 04:44:00

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

I believe that these dark things on this rock are moss, since the CP shows strong green here and there, and dust is covering part of them.

The top one more plant soulettes, (the CP shows strong green, and mainly blue for the sky).

NASA is trying to make out that these are the edges of the rocks, but the CP gives away the fact that this rock is reflecting back the surrounding landscape, if this was a rock shadow only, no green would be present.




#379 2018-07-09 07:20:19

GW Johnson
From: McGregor, Texas USA
Registered: 2011-12-04
Posts: 5,609

Re: The Real Mars

The low air pressure on Mars cannot be a lie.  Otherwise,  the voluminous literature supporting the technical designs for entry,  descent,  and landing upon Mars would all have to be fake.  That body of literature is simply too large,  too well-integrated,  and far too self-consistent to be a fake. 

I think you are fooling yourself by blowing up digital photos way past the blur point,  and ascribing too much faith in the blurred-image colors that probably distort further by digital interaction,  than is justified from such false-color digital images. 

This is very slanted selection of bits of manipulated evidence to support a position that you want to be true,  when it isn't.  You ignore such a huge preponderance of data and evidence.  It is ridiculous.

Sorry,  but this is nothing but a conspiracy theory about Mars.


GW Johnson
McGregor,  Texas

"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew,  especially one dead from a bad management decision"


#380 2018-07-09 09:19:19

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Found this interesting article, and l did try one of the LIFE Mars image links, but it was broken. … idence.htm

Smart man, and a good read.



#381 2018-07-09 19:30:38

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: The Real Mars

We know that plant life can and is capable of sureviving with enough water at very low pressures. The dark areas on mars will be at that lowest altitude with the highest of mars pressures. Knowing that nitrogen and oxygen could be possible in those canyons and crevasses..

The largest canyon in the Solar System cuts a wide swath across the face of Mars. Named Valles Marineris, the grand valley extends over 3,000 kilometers long, spans as much as 600 kilometers across, and delves as much as 8 kilometers deep.
atmospheric pressure on mars deepest valley is near 1100 pa or 0.1595 PSI

The Case for Standing Water On Mars

On Mars the temperature required at the triple point of water is just about 0°C (32°F) and the pressure required at the Martian triple point is 0.088 pounds per square inch. Oddly enough, on Mars the average surface pressure is 0.087 pounds per square inch. So for the remotest possibility of liquid standing water to exist on Mars we would have to look to the deepest canyons where the pressure was higher and perhaps at least that required by the Triple Point condition.

So any life will be tolerant of a salty water source.

New topic...
Earth bacteria could thrive in briny water on Mars


#382 2018-07-10 19:42:46

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: The Real Mars

Sort of the image that I discribed for a possible mars:



#383 2018-07-11 09:23:53

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

SpaceNut wrote:

Sort of the image that I discribed for a possible mars: … 00x480.jpg

Thanks, SpaceNut, (Administrator) nice image and probably very close. I am personally surprised that JPL, released the blue mountain, etc one, but post #317 cannot be ignored, so l expect that bold images will become more common over time.

But since Mars has clouds made up of water ice, or water vapor, it raises another obvious but hard to digest truth.



#384 2018-07-11 10:57:58

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,842

Re: The Real Mars

Tmcom wrote:

But since Mars has clouds made up of water ice, or water vapor, it raises another obvious but hard to digest truth.

NASA already released images showing rivulets of water running down the side of gullies. One orbiter image shows it isn't there, another shows it is. So between the images, water ran down hill. The water is caused by ice melting when the surface is above freezing. We don't know how much salt is in the ice, but rovers found salt in Mars soil practically everywhere. Salt causes ice to melt at a lower temperature, and water to boil a few degrees higher. The water went somewhere. Mars has water vapour in the atmosphere, humidity. It's not much, Mars today is drier than the Sahara, but there is some. So why are you surprised there are water ice clouds? There are far fewer clouds on Mars than Earth, but Mars does have some.


#385 2018-07-11 11:09:39

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,842

Re: The Real Mars

From your message #317

Tmcom wrote:

Also took a closer look at the only real high res, mars image we have, the NASA one shows no color from Hubble, which is pretty funny.

Hubble image of Mars, true colour (not false colour) and high-res. White water clouds, rust colour surface, other parts are dark.

Hubble Takes Mars Portrait Near Closest Approach

Bright, frosty polar caps, and clouds above a vivid rust-colored landscape reveal Mars as a dynamic seasonal planet in this NASA Hubble Space Telescope view taken on May 12, when Mars was 50 million miles from Earth. The Hubble image reveals details as small as 20 to 30 miles across.

The large, dark region at far right is Syrtis Major Planitia, one of the first features identified on the surface of the planet by seventeenth century observers. Christiaan Huygens used this feature to measure the rotation rate of Mars. (A Martian day is about 24 hours and 37 minutes.) Today we know that Syrtis Major is an ancient, inactive shield volcano. Late-afternoon clouds surround its summit in this view.

A large oval feature to the south of Syrtis Major is the bright Hellas Planitia basin. About 1,100 miles across and nearly five miles deep, it was formed about 3.5 billion years ago by an asteroid impact.

The orange area in the center of the image is Arabia Terra, a vast upland region in northern Mars that covers about 2,800 miles. The landscape is densely cratered and heavily eroded, indicating that it could be among the oldest terrains on the planet. Dried river canyons (too small to be seen here) wind through the region and empty into the large northern lowlands.

South of Arabia Terra, running east to west along the equator, are the long dark features known as Sinus Sabaeus (to the east) and Sinus Meridiani (to the west). These darker regions are covered by dark bedrock and fine-grained sand deposits ground down from ancient lava flows and other volcanic features. These sand grains are coarser and less reflective than the fine dust that gives the brighter regions of Mars their ruddy appearance. Early Mars watchers first mapped these regions.

An extended blanket of clouds can be seen over the southern polar cap. The icy northern polar cap has receded to a comparatively small size because it is now late summer in the northern hemisphere. Hubble photographed a wispy, afternoon, lateral cloud extending for at least 1,000 miles at mid-northern latitudes. Early morning clouds and haze extend along the western limb.

This hemisphere of Mars contains landing sites for several NASA Mars surface robotic missions, including Viking 1 (1976), Mars Pathfinder (1997), and the still-operating Opportunity Mars rover. The landing sites of the Spirit and Curiosity Mars rovers are on the other side of the planet.

This observation was made just a few days before Mars opposition on May 22, when the sun and Mars will be on exact opposite sides of Earth, and when Mars will be at a distance of 47.4 million miles from Earth. On May 30 Mars will be the closest it has been to Earth in 11 years, at a distance of 46.8 million miles. Mars is especially photogenic during opposition because it can be seen fully illuminated by the sun as viewed from Earth.

The biennial close approaches between Mars and Earth are not all the same. Mars' orbit around the sun is markedly elliptical; the close approaches to Earth can range from 35 million to 63 million miles.

They occur because about every two years Earth's orbit catches up to Mars' orbit, aligning the sun, Earth, and Mars in a straight line, so that Mars and the sun are on "opposing" sides of Earth. This phenomenon is a result of the difference in orbital periods between Earth's orbit and Mars' orbit. While Earth takes the familiar 365 days to travel once around the sun, Mars takes 687 Earth days to make its trip around our star. As a result, Earth makes almost two full orbits in the time it takes Mars to make just one, resulting in the occurrence of Martian oppositions about every 26 months.

Credit: NASA, ESA, the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA), J. Bell (ASU), and M. Wolff (Space Science Institute)


#386 2018-07-11 19:44:46

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: The Real Mars

Following in the images from the provided link above, here are a few more that show the seasonal cycle of ice, water, dust storms...





#387 2018-07-11 20:45:35

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

RobertDyck wrote:
Tmcom wrote:

But since Mars has clouds made up of water ice, or water vapor, it raises another obvious but hard to digest truth.

NASA already released images showing rivulets of water running down the side of gullies. One orbiter image shows it isn't there, another shows it is. So between the images, water ran down hill. The water is caused by ice melting when the surface is above freezing. We don't know how much salt is in the ice, but rovers found salt in Mars soil practically everywhere. Salt causes ice to melt at a lower temperature, and water to boil a few degrees higher. The water went somewhere. Mars has water vapour in the atmosphere, humidity. It's not much, Mars today is drier than the Sahara, but there is some. So why are you surprised there are water ice clouds? There are far fewer clouds on Mars than Earth, but Mars does have some.

Ok and l found streams of water years before that, (see video first post) and they have found substantial amounts of water vapor in the atmosphere, which should be impossible if Mars surface is 1% of ours.

Some of the images above are genuine, and some not so much, but this is legit. And clearly shows vegetation and lake systems on Mars.


I enlarged this only, from the original Raw image.

Sure we can argue that plants may be able to handle near vacumn surface pressures, with very salty systems, but if that was true then our moon, would be green, (our moon is definitely in the habitable zone).

And as l said before the artic region on Mars has no salt only dirt and a layer of ice beneath that, and then we sent a probe there, water droplets formed on its legs, which is impossible with the 1% air pressure idea.


Last edited by Tmcom (2018-07-11 22:46:28)


#388 2018-07-11 23:12:42

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,842

Re: The Real Mars

Tmcom wrote:

Ok and l found streams of water years before that, (see video first post) and they have found substantial amounts of water vapor in the atmosphere, which should be impossible if Mars surface is 1% of ours.

The triple point of water is 0°C at 6.12 millibar pressure. That means liquid water cannot exist at a pressure below that. At pressures below that, ice will sublimate like dry ice does on Earth. However, over most of Mars pressure is above that, so liquid water can exist. Mars Pathfinder recorded pressures between 6.70 and 7.08 mbar. Curiosity recorded pressure at one point of 8.25 mbar. As Curiosity climbs Mount Sharp, it is recording lower pressure. The latest weather reported by Curiosity, posted on NASA's website, is pressure of 806 Pa (8.06 mbar), recorded July 9. On Mars, pressure drops at night, rises during the day as it gets warmer. Notice even the lowest of these pressures are above the triple point of water.

This table gives boiling temperature of water in near vacuum. here
Pressure is given in microns, inches of mercury, and PSIA, so you have to convert. And it jumps from 0.088 PSIA (6.067 mbar) to 0.147 PSIA (10.135 mbar), so you have to interpolate. But at 10.135 mbar, clean water boils at 7.22°C. Again, salt will rise that a couple degrees, but that gives a very narrow temperature range for liquid water. But during a warm summer day, those temperatures do exist on Mars.

The table shows boiling temperatures below zero for extreme low pressure. This can happen. If you take liquid water and drop the pressure so rapidly that it doesn't have time to freeze, then it can happen. But below the triple point, ice will not melt, it will sublimate. On the tops of mountains, pressure on Mars is below the triple point, but for most of its surface, pressure is above. Just barely above, but it is above.

Last edited by RobertDyck (2018-07-11 23:19:07)


#389 2018-07-12 03:59:00

Registered: 2016-06-19
Posts: 1,262

Re: The Real Mars

It doesn't take a lot of salt to depress the freezing point of water, so that briny liquids could exist on the surface, until their water content has evaporated. As evaporation proceeds, the salt concentration would increase, the density of the remaining liquid would increase and the freezing point temperature would decrease to the point where precipitation of the solids begins.


#390 2018-07-12 04:07:54

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

RobertDyck wrote:

This table gives boiling temperature of water in near vacuum. here
Pressure is given in microns, inches of mercury, and PSIA, so you have to convert. And it jumps from 0.088 PSIA (6.067 mbar) to 0.147 PSIA (10.135 mbar), so you have to interpolate. But at 10.135 mbar, clean water boils at 7.22°C. Again, salt will rise that a couple degrees, but that gives a very narrow temperature range for liquid water. But during a warm summer day, those temperatures do exist on Mars.

The table shows boiling temperatures below zero for extreme low pressure. This can happen. If you take liquid water and drop the pressure so rapidly that it doesn't have time to freeze, then it can happen. But below the triple point, ice will not melt, it will sublimate. On the tops of mountains, pressure on Mars is below the triple point, but for most of its surface, pressure is above. Just barely above, but it is above.

Thanks Robert,...ok, back to business, ran through 12 images but didn't find any more spectacular landscape images.


No, this isn't some martian strip of tape, (l could probably create a YT video of it) just the rovers reflection, l just put this in to show that some rocks on Mars are like mirrors.


Found this, (well this is one of several images of it) the color picker, CP shows it to be a tree, but it might be a tree trunk, with moss on it?

And what appears to be a row of them in front of the background blue hills.


And another few, (best guess that it is a large tree trunk, covered over with moss and other small plants) with the obvious question is what knocked off the top of this?

I know it could be a rock shaped like a tree trunk, but since Mars has small tree's, then.... smile


I got this from NASA images of Mars, (Google that) which shows the rover at Sol, 900+, l am at 500+.

It may also show an ancient town, with cobbled streets, etc. Impossible to verify that 100%, but some of the angles are a little too straight for it to be natural, so l am learning towards artificial.

And this...


This is the highest res, or Mars available, with an unmistakable blue atmosphere, (Earth has less of the blue by comparison).

And the nearest NASA image, which is a joke, a sick one at that, (shows little atmosphere to none, and practically no green).

I also did a thorough search of the latest Hubble high res, images of Mars, (the ones with no atmosphere at all) and could not find any.

Their site has none, and images have none, eventhough l remember seeing them recently.

I guess that they need to be careful as to how much BS, they dish out?

The lowest natural temperature ever directly recorded at ground level on Earth is −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F; 184.0 K), at the Soviet Vostok Station in Antarctica, on July 21, 1983. Analysis of satellite data has indicated a probable temperature of around −93.2 °C (−135.8 °F; 180.0 K), also in Antarctica, on August 10, 2010; however, this has not been confirmed by ground

With NASA saying -81 °F, being the norm, (for mars). Satellite temp's were -89 °F, for the lowest temp,s on Earth for Antarctica, in the 80's, and as we know, there is little to nothing growing there, becuase of the harsh temp's and wind.

Maybe these temp's only last for a small period of time, (as the blue/purple sunset one) or NASA is up to their old tricks, but either way l have trouble with -80 °F, when l see a lush green landscape.



Last edited by Tmcom (2018-07-12 04:13:46)


#391 2018-07-12 06:08:30

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,842

Re: The Real Mars

Members of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (Winnipeg) set up telescopes during Mars close approach in 2003. Mars looked the same as Hubble images, just not as sharp. The club had a number of large telescopes, one was an 18" reflector. So where did you get the image of green with lakes?


#392 2018-07-12 11:42:41

From: Malibu CA
Registered: 2018-05-02
Posts: 68

Re: The Real Mars

SpaceNut wrote:

Following in the images from the provided link above, here are a few more that show the seasonal cycle of ice, water, dust storms...

Nice images!

I know this has been addressed somewhere but I can't find anywhere talking about that atmospheric disturbance. It looks to me like that moisture band is being "pushed" over the greener locations directly below, I suppose that makes sense.

Still, a nice shot of that welcoming rich atmosphere I'd say.



#393 2018-07-12 17:19:16

From: Malibu CA
Registered: 2018-05-02
Posts: 68

Re: The Real Mars

Tmcom wrote:

I guess that they need to be careful as to how much BS, they dish out?

The lowest natural temperature ever directly recorded at ground level on Earth is −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F; 184.0 K), at the Soviet Vostok Station in Antarctica, on July 21, 1983. Analysis of satellite data has indicated a probable temperature of around −93.2 °C (−135.8 °F; 180.0 K), also in Antarctica, on August 10, 2010; however, this has not been confirmed by ground

With NASA saying -81 °F, being the norm, (for mars). Satellite temp's were -89 °F, for the lowest temp,s on Earth for Antarctica, in the 80's, and as we know, there is little to nothing growing there, becuase of the harsh temp's and wind.

Maybe these temp's only last for a small period of time, (as the blue/purple sunset one) or NASA is up to their old tricks, but either way l have trouble with -80 °F, when l see a lush green landscape.



Let's assume for arguments sake that there's a far denser atmosphere with sporadic water downpours possibly torrential as we see in the western US deserts.

As here on Earth we see massive variances in temperatures, I see no reason why the equatorial regions, especially in and around the Melas plains, just south of the equator could be a consistent daytime balmy 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

Typical NASA speak when they say; "-81 °F, being the norm"?? If that's the "mean temperature" then I wonder what the temperature would maintain day/night in a "closed in 300 mile long, 70 miles wide trough that's 5 miles deep"?

Even in this color image of the trough, it looks to me like some form of chemical or biological effect on the lower surface region.


Last edited by M-Albion-3D (2018-07-12 17:52:03)


#394 2018-07-12 18:32:27

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,300

Re: The Real Mars

M-Albion-3D wrote:
SpaceNut wrote:

Following in the images from the provided link above, here are a few more that show the seasonal cycle of ice, water, dust storms...

Nice images!

I know this has been addressed somewhere but I can't find anywhere talking about that atmospheric disturbance. It looks to me like that moisture band is being "pushed" over the greener locations directly below, I suppose that makes sense.

Still, a nice shot of that welcoming rich atmosphere I'd say.

Was wondering that and other things as I also noticed that the dust storms seem to be altering the locations that are dark as well..

The rovers position to the dark areas would be interesting to find out.


current curiosity location as of 7/9/18

The size of the rovers on mars

Comparison of where they are on mars


#395 2018-07-13 04:06:22

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

RobertDyck wrote:

Members of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (Winnipeg) set up telescopes during Mars close approach in 2003. Mars looked the same as Hubble images, just not as sharp. The club had a number of large telescopes, one was an 18" reflector. So where did you get the image of green with lakes?

I got this image from a site, or Google images, which is very hard to find, sorry.

This was taken from a ground based telescope and a compilation of several images, that can only be found if you type in the right word or words, (l gave it my best shot but couldn't find it again).

NASA is to no surprize burying images like this, since it slam dunks the Mars has life idea.

And -81 °F, would freeze all plant and animal life, (or kill it) or any water would freeze like stone, and any animal, insects would not survive.

But we see water flowing freely, every day, (when we can) and as Viking showed frosts quickly disappears after a short while, and yeah, you can't have frosts without a decent amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. … rte_56.htm

Interesting read, especially the part on NASA admi, telling their staff to remove all blue sky mars image negatives.

And this...

You may notice that when he says, "life on Mars" he winks, that is NASA to a tee, we want to tell everyone the obvious that Mars is earth like, but have to play this game, as some cannot handle it.

From what l and others have seen, some will still go ga-ga, when they spill the beans.



#396 2018-07-13 04:35:49

From: Winnipeg, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 7,842

Re: The Real Mars

I've seen press conferences where the NASA spokesperson took questions. When asked about life on Mars, the NASA person said if they found any, they would definitely report it. If they found life on Mars, they would get massive funding from Congress to go investigate. So they have no motivation to hide anything.

Like the "face on Mars". After Viking in the late 1970s, NASA was told they weren't allowed to send any more interplanetary probes. No orbiters, no fly-by, nothing. For many years they weren't allowed to launch anything at all, so NASA wanted to make maximum use of the data they had. So they wanted to do computer image enhancement of images from Viking orbiters. They didn't have any such computer software, but the CIA did so they asked the CIA to use theirs. The CIA had written software to process images from spy satellites in Earth orbit, software specifically written to look for human faces and geometric shapes. And NASA didn't just run the images through once, they took the output and ran through again. And again, and again, for a total of 5 times. The result was the "face on Mars", and "pyramids". Considering what they did, it's surprising they didn't get more. Since NASA has been allowed to launch missions to Mars again, they've taken high resolution images of the "face on Mars". Every orbiter has. And the result: it's just a mountain. There is no face, it's just a mountain. The "face on Mars" is an artifact of CIA software. Same with the so-called "pyramids". The lesson here is don't trust the CIA; that NASA must write their own software.

There's a conspiracy for you: don't trust the CIA. Is that hard to swallow? I would think a conspiracy theorist would accept that.

Last edited by RobertDyck (2018-07-13 07:38:27)


#397 2018-07-13 05:44:30

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

RobertDyck wrote:

I've seen pressure conferences where the NASA spokesperson took questions. When asked about life on Mars, the NASA person said if they found any, they would definitely report it. If they found life on Mars, they would get massive funding from Congress to go investigate. So they have no motivation to hide anything.

Like the "face on Mars". After Viking in the late 1970s, NASA was told they weren't allowed to send any more interplanetary probes. No orbiters, no fly-by, nothing. For many years they weren't allowed to launch anything at all, so NASA wanted to make maximum use of the data they had. So they wanted to do computer image enhancement of images from Viking orbiters. They didn't have any such computer software, but the CIA did so they asked the CIA to use theirs. The CIA had written software to process images from spy satellites in Earth orbit, software specifically written to look for human faces and geometric shapes. And NASA didn't just run the images through once, they took the output and ran through again. And again, and again, for a total of 5 times. The result was the "face on Mars", and "pyramids". Considering what they did, it's surprising they didn't get more. Since NASA has been allowed to launch missions to Mars again, they've taken high resolution images of the "face on Mars". Every orbiter has. And the result: it's just a mountain. There is no face, it's just a mountain. The "face on Mars" is an artifact of CIA software. Same with the so-called "pyramids". The lesson here is don't trust the CIA; that NASA must write their own software.

There's a conspiracy for you: don't trust the CIA. Is that hard to swallow? I would think a conspiracy theorist would accept that.

And early probes also when they saw the face, showed it to be one and a half miles high, then when they took it again, showed it to be a pile of rubble, then apparently it became a mountain again.

Definitely report it, lol that is the usual line l hear, no they wouldn't.

They get more funding, while a sizable amount of people globally smash in windows, and steal stuff, to justify having a major para-grim shift that they cannot handle.

Not to mention the Mars three advanced races on the surface, very likely as we speak, which leads to free energy or magnetic vortex systems which leads to the 100 trillion in oil or its price taking a nosedive.



#398 2018-07-13 06:20:27

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,590

Re: The Real Mars


Do you have any idea how many unwilling participants have to remain silent to suppress any discovery of life on Mars?

All of the other space agencies would have to remain silent, too.  I find that hard to believe.

Do you believe those of us who have worked for our government aren't human?

NASA found some unexplained methane sources and they went to the press and suggested that it could be signs of life after they did their best to rule out other possibilities.

I very much favor the idea that Mars has life, but I don't think we've found anything yet because our equipment is too primitive.  If you have better equipment, then please share.  If not, then you'll just have to wait until our government space exploration agency can find something definitive.  Maybe SpaceX will beat them to it.  Anything is possible, but it's most likely that NASA / JPL is the space exploration outfit that has the right tools for the job.


#399 2018-07-13 08:54:30

From: Malibu CA
Registered: 2018-05-02
Posts: 68

Re: The Real Mars

kbd512 wrote:


Do you have any idea how many unwilling participants have to remain silent to suppress any discovery of life on Mars?

All of the other space agencies would have to remain silent, too.  I find that hard to believe.

Do you believe those of us who have worked for our government aren't human?

NASA found some unexplained methane sources and they went to the press and suggested that it could be signs of life after they did their best to rule out other possibilities.

I very much favor the idea that Mars has life, but I don't think we've found anything yet because our equipment is too primitive.  If you have better equipment, then please share.  If not, then you'll just have to wait until our government space exploration agency can find something definitive.  Maybe SpaceX will beat them to it.  Anything is possible, but it's most likely that NASA / JPL is the space exploration outfit that has the right tools for the job.

Yes, it's called "strategic compartmentalization" and it's the same with all the other agencies. And besides, most all the people employed are specialists in their field who have spent a life time with that target career position in mind, the last people on earth who would question authority and is ALL about the illusion of authority isn't it?

As for steps, baby steps, a nice cerebral Delta that really didn't get too much press.

We haven't officially found anything because the government(s) and their agencies want it that way, simple.

Yes, there is better equipment to see the results of life on Mars and its been there for some time, it's the MRO. If you want to see life on Mars, then this is your tool and there are many images with a resolution of around 60cm to 80cm across AND in 3D!


#400 2018-07-13 11:46:56

Registered: 2017-03-02
Posts: 837

Re: The Real Mars

Found the link...

Scrow half way down for the original image, (and yeah, it wasn't an earth based image but from orbit).

You need to click on the image to enlarge.

And you can try to go to the NASA ESA site, but most of the image pre 2000 are not available or extremely hard to find.

And as l have found by doing another round of searching for the original image, most likely NASA pulled it.



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