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Reminds many of the Amish shooting, the Columbine bloodbath. Some crazy person got themselves some serious weapons and started killing students.
There may have been 2 shootings in the Virginia campus, so the cops may have botched this one.
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So the student is from South Korea, there has been a bit of anti-American activity going on there recently and it has cumulated in this.
I find it hard to believe that he would kill 32 Americans because he thinks his girlfriend has cheated on him, he must be expressing his hatred of Americans by this act.
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You really are a piece of work Tom.
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What's harder to believe?
"Oh nothing personal, its just that my girlfriend has been cheating on me, so I've got to shoot all of you."
Or maybe its his Liberal History professors:
"Yes, that's right students, the United States started the cold war, they invented the Atomic Bomb so they can kill a whole bunch of Asians, and all they have done since is oppress third world countries so those greedy capitalists can exploit them and make themselves rich, and worst of all they prevented the reunification of the Korean Pennisula keeping you Koreans divided so you can easily be exploited and oppressed."
I saw alot of American flags burning in South Korea a while back, seems a bunch of Korean students were protesting US troop presence in their country, and it seems at least one Korean did more that protest.
To hear the Liberals tell it, it was those "self-willed guns" that are so easily available for sale in Virginia, they just leap out of people's pockets and start killing people all by themselves. Yeah those gun sales have got to be restricted, so those guns won't go around murdering more people.
So what's your poison?
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South Korean "anti-American" sentiment is generally focused on the disrespectful US military there. Lots of instances of military getting in to fights, raping South Korean girls, things of that nature. It's gotten a bit better over time as this stuff has come to light, though.
But yes, you are a piece of work.
Some useful links while MER are active. [url=]Offical site[/url] [url=]NASA TV[/url] [url=]JPL MER2004[/url] [url=]Text feed[/url]
The amount of solar radiation reaching the surface of the earth totals some 3.9 million exajoules a year.
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Tom you sound like a complete lunatic. Their is no reason for this massacre. The guy was just crazy. You can't blame culture because he lived in his own world. You can't blame guns or lack of guns, and your anti-American theory is so far off in the deep end it is not even funny. Here is a clue, the guy had an imaginary girlfriend. If you want to find out the reason you would have to know what some of the voices in his head were saying. Remember he lived in his own world and who knows what role these people that he shot played in his imaginary universe.
Dig into the [url=]political grab bag[/url] at [url=]Child Civilization[/url]
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Dear Sir,
I find your ideas intriguing and want to subscribe to your newsletter
you sure are a piece of work, Tom.
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South Korean "anti-American" sentiment is generally focused on the disrespectful US military there. Lots of instances of military getting in to fights, raping South Korean girls, things of that nature. It's gotten a bit better over time as this stuff has come to light, though.
But yes, you are a piece of work.
It is interesting that the Entire US Military gets blamed by the South Korean public for the acts of one or two soldiers acting on there own initiative to rape those girls or whatever, but instead of them being blamed individually, we have people there who want to blame the institution and America in general, that is hardly fair, about as fair as blaming the Korean people for the act of a mad man who killed 32 Americans. In a way it would be giving them back a whopping does of their own medicine. If they can hold the United States collectively responsible for a rape, why can't we hold them responsible for the acts of one of their mad men in our country? I'd like to see more af a two-way street between our two countries.
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Tom you sound like a complete lunatic. Their is no reason for this massacre. The guy was just crazy. You can't blame culture because he lived in his own world. You can't blame guns or lack of guns, and your anti-American theory is so far off in the deep end it is not even funny. Here is a clue, the guy had an imaginary girlfriend. If you want to find out the reason you would have to know what some of the voices in his head were saying. Remember he lived in his own world and who knows what role these people that he shot played in his imaginary universe.
And is it possible for a US soldier to commit a crime in their country without it being the policy of the United States Government? That is the problem, all the US soldiers, every single one of them have to be perfect angels when serving in their country and if one of them falters and say rapes a Korean girl, the whole US military gets blamed and they say, "Yankee go home!" I've seen plenty of anti-americanism, and it often follows that pattern. I get tired of one standard being used for the United States and another standard for every one else. I'm just curious to see what sort of reaction I'd get if I apply this standard to some other country besides the United States. If I was a Korean and I said the same thing about a lone American GI who took his assault rifle off-base and murdered 32 South Korean College Students in South Korea, my theory would have gotten a more sympathetic ear, it wouldn't have mattered if the GI in question was crazy or was jilted by his South Korean girl friend, as far as many people there would be concerned, it would all be part of US policy.
I like making points like this, it makes people think.
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Yes, people tend to generalize. Kind of like how you're generalizing about all South Koreans due to the acts of one guy.
My post was quite moderate. Some South Koreans have a lot of problems with the military involvement, especially those near the DMZ where the problems occur. They have a different culture, and the US military forgot how to behave adequately overseas (and as I said, it has gotten better and they did get their act together).
Others, of course, are very kind to America. Consider the overwhelming support that South Korea gave America with regards to the VA Tech shooting. Oh, right, you have such a convoluted world view that you don't see the good in other people.
Not surprising.
Some useful links while MER are active. [url=]Offical site[/url] [url=]NASA TV[/url] [url=]JPL MER2004[/url] [url=]Text feed[/url]
The amount of solar radiation reaching the surface of the earth totals some 3.9 million exajoules a year.
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Yes, people tend to generalize. Kind of like how you're generalizing about all South Koreans due to the acts of one guy.
No, I give that as an example of the uneven handed treatment we get compared with the South Koreans.
For example, if South Koreans act anti-American, burning flags etc, then none of the progressive types dare call them racists, but if Americans act anti-Korean, and Burn Korean flags they are called racists, it is a form of mild social censorship, allowing certain people of non-white races to say certain things and not be called racists while disallowing white people from saying similar things about non-whites. You see, I think its unfair that people with brown skin should be allowed a pass when they do or say racist things about White people. And of course you may have heard about those Amer-asian Koreans who were rejected by their own families because of their "impure" Korean blood and therefore put up for adoption, same goes for the Vietnamese and the way they treat their "half-breeds". People talking about "racial puritiy" seems to be a more acceptable thing to talk about in non-white circles than in white ones where it is given Nazi like overtones and comparisons. All I ask for is a two way street, I don't care of some people think they are oppressed by whites, if they want better treatment, they ought to give better treatment.
My post was quite moderate. Some South Koreans have a lot of problems with the military involvement, especially those near the DMZ where the problems occur. They have a different culture, and the US military forgot how to behave adequately overseas (and as I said, it has gotten better and they did get their act together).
You know there are two Koreas, if they don't like the South, they can alsways go North, but most are content to stay South and criticise the South and those Americans protecting them from the North. Those Koreans to the North seemed especially cruel and horrible in their treatment of American POWs during the Korean War, perhaps this was a bit of racism on their part. The North Koreans have also maintained a habit of kidnapping Japanese Citizens who have done them no harm, it is not hard to believe that the ancestors of the Koreans were the Mongol Hordes of Gengis Khan, but that is what I heard. The Conquerers of China later settled into the Korean penesula and became Koreans.
Others, of course, are very kind to America. Consider the overwhelming support that South Korea gave America with regards to the VA Tech shooting. Oh, right, you have such a convoluted world view that you don't see the good in other people.
Not surprising.
That I do not doubt, but the liberal media always shows me their negative side, you know the protesting South Koreans who burn American flags and their politicians who encourage that and side with their Cruel North Korean Brothers over their white American "round-eye" allies who are helping to protect them from this cruel police state to the North.
Every once in a while, I like to inject a little honesty rather than political correctness.
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This shooting had nothing to do with his nationality. Plain and simple this guy was crazy. His teachers knew it, his classmates knew it and the people that filed complaints against his behavior knew it.
Under the current law, there was nothing they could do.
Under the current North American system we are bombarded with violence day in and day out with no real way to deal with it. There is no social network for people anymore. If there is someone falling behind we let them fall.
Then they buy a 9mm handgun with 30 cap mags and fire off 200 rounds into a school and we get 32 people dead.
This is a cultural problem. It’s not USA vs South Korea; It’s USA vs USA.
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The guy may have been crazy, but he is not totally unaware of the world around him, he may have taken some of the ideas his Marxist professors may have presented to him and pursued the idea of "Class Struggle" literally. Just look at the tape he made with him railing against rich kids, it does indeed look like some version of a Marxist class struggle that he's pursuing. He interprets class struggle to mean the killing of what he perceives his class enemies, it may be his insanity that makes him take these ideas to this extreme, but somebody may have planted the seed in his mind. PArt of what we bombard him with is antiAmerican propaganda courtesy of the Liberal media. A saner Marxist might not have murdered all those people, but somebody who is on the edge wouldn't require much of a push.
Now about those guns, I swear some liberals want to blame the crimes totally on the guns themselves as if they had a will all their own, it is the people who use the guns that commit the crimes. The world is full of terrorist acts that have been committed in countries with much stricter gun control laws than our own. I'm pretty sure you can't legally buy an assault rifle in Northern Ireland, but that hasn't stopped the IRA.
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Tom, i see you have a hate on for liberals. And you are giving this guy way too much credit. He was a loser that instead of going to play kick ball sat in the corner and brooded about not playing. He finally decided that he didn't want to play kick ball with those snobs anyway. He took your basic elementary school problems and used a gun to solve it.
Now, i agree that gun control will not stop acts like this. But, why is the US selling 30 round magazines and hollow point ammunition?
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We had a thread discussing if Mars should have guns or Second Amendment Rights for Mars, I have never been able to find it with the search engine but I did find this older thread.
Update with News
'House votes to ban assault weapons in wake of mass shootings' … shootings/
House PASSES assault weapons ban with two Republicans voting for it and five Dems voting against … ainst.html
Kbd512 Pointed out there could be an emotional media element to this as you don't often see news on the mass deaths from Car crashes, Drowning deaths with swimming pools and Children or kids non intentional events or accidents like dying from a hot tub on the premises but you won't see it make headline news, Cancers malignant etc might be higher causes of death but something has been changing, more fronts on wars have opened up across the world, Deaths did rise from Covid, there seems to be more shootings
There is a general feeling crime and mass shootings are on the rise
In photos sometimes these shooters look 'odd' it is possible for some of them they might have been on some weird psycho meds
I thought some of these most deadly US mass school shootings might just fade away, a freak event like when a guy in Texas went up some observation deck atop the Tower at the University of Texas and started shooting in the 60s. This would be a freak event of the past I thought and crimes like this might go away. Then shootings started to grow again in the 1990s and you had this very sick nihilistic psycho path group involved in the Columbine High School shooting massacre. Sandy Hook, Red Lake Senior High School, Oikos University, West Nickel Mines Amish School, Santa Fe High School, Umpqua Community College, Santa Monica College, Northern Illinois University, Marjory Stoneman Douglas, Virginia Tech, there are so many these days its difficult to even list of describe them all recently in 2022 Uvalde, Texas recently seen 22 killed and 18 injured.
In their own weird sick murderous way maybe its almost as if they are trying to outdo the previous 'high score' like some video game,
Seung-Hui Cho the original subject of this thread or the Korean named Cho Seung-hui an immigrant and U.S. permanent resident held the previous massacre bloodbath 'high score' for mass murderer. Then during the Obama Presidency that mass murder score was beat by an islamic, Omar Mateen swore allegiance to the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria before carrying out his mass murder at an Orlando nightclub shooting, his father Seddique was involved in Afghan politics, emigrated from Afghanistan in the 1980s and was s naturalized US citizen he was also an informant for the FBI I cant remember the deaths and injuries from the Florida Gay Nightclub Massacre but they were very high, far higher than that Korean guy's school shooting. Then came the Las Vegas shooting by Stephen Paddock from the Top of a Hotel, Paddock's history is weird and mixed he has a connection to a woman in the Philippines, was a real-estate investor, property manager, accountant, maybe worked for predecessor of some NASA company or predecessor of Lockheed Martin, amateur pilot, and lived a life away from official work surviving as a 'video poker gambler'. His was murder seemed to be well calculated, I believe he killed dozens upon dozens upon dozens and injured hundreds upon hundreds and hundreds. Mass shootings and mass murder is not unique in America, it does happen in other countries but there is a general feeling things are getting worse.
Perhaps the media is making these people famous and the next shooter wants to be more famous and out do the number of deaths by the previous mass murder killing guy?
I wonder if some of this is a cultural Hollywood frontier element to it and when was the last time you remember a good nice morality uplifting message from a movie entertainment product? The United States is not the most violent country on Earth, there are other nations with higher levels of stabbings, rape, bombings, shootings and other crimes for example Brazil, South Africa, Trinidad & Tobago, Kyrgyzstan, Honduras, Guatemala, Uganda, Mexico. Jamaica, Venezuela, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Peru, El Salvador, the Warzones of the Middle East or Eastern Europe. However crimes is increasing in America and there also the drug gang issue and how the illegal movement of drugs are doing damage to communities within America and there is now a general feeling that over all criminal mass murder and general US crime events might be getting worse. I sometimes wonder if you are watching foreign movies compared with the Hollyweirdo message, how different it can be through the tv and media culture. You do get crime drama in Europe or Tv entertainment with Murder and Soap Opera in South America or guys fighting in period tv movie pieces or martial arts movies in the East but I feel other tv and movies have a better 'message'. Japan despite having tv violence, combat sports and a fighting culture it is a society of high trust, low crime and extremely low murder rate, they have samurai in film but little mass murder and Switzerland a multi cultural place have high gun ownership and still have low crimes, Swiss multi cultural & high gun ownership yet low crime.
I wonder is it something unique broadcast into the American mind, what is the overall US media message in its media history, in the pop songs and tv shows and movies and degenerate rock stars and rap songs and explosive shoot 'em up entertainment. I wonder if the big message that influences some emotionally disturbed kids is to solve your problems with degeneracy or violence. Almost every Bruce Willis, Quentin Tarantino movie, James Bond character, Nicolas Cage, Will Smith, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Wesley Snipes, Steven Seagal, Samuel L. Jackson, Sylvester Stallone you have a psycho as a 'hero' or one main character goes on an almost psychopath mass murder rampage. Some violence in the history of Hollywood is told it its own unique artistic way, Rocky movies for example have physical violence but there is no mass murder, the combat is entertaining and dramatic but still displayed under some 'Marquess of Queensberry Rules'. The movie Tora! Tora! Tora! is a great film despite it covering the horrors of War and the Attack on attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, I recently watched the TopGun although there is violence and battle of war in its entertainment I did not feel the violence was overly sick nothing felt overly gore like or out of place. The spaghetti Western Clint Eastwood or Dirty Harry films had violent elements to them, they were unique in that 'shocking speech' or its look at crime is part of what made it controversial. Maybe Dirty Harry is more tolerable because the bad guy was worse based on the real life case of the Zodiac Killer? Clint in the Western Cowboy story the movie displays long tension or there could be a big build up with interesting cinematic music to a duel with Lee Van Cleef as 'Angel Eyes' The Good, the Bad and the Ugly a borderline-sadistic mercenary however none of these movies seem like a blood bath or having a high death murder body count just for the sake of bloody nihilistic entertainment. The revisionist Western had some kind of message even though I'm not sure what that message was.
However I feel a lot of other entertainment products or sounds or shows or movies have this pointless message or no message with mass murder, these degenerate entertainment products of Quentin Tarantino, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Wesley Snipes, Steven Seagal, Sylvester Stallone what is the point to all their murder? Lethal Weapon's Sergeant Martin Riggs played by Mel Gibson is an almost suicidal self destructive psychopath for most of his movie franchise. I wonder if sometimes a large percentage of shootings and crimes have a factor of bad parenting as a contributing factor, kids from broken homes, the mom or dad on alcohol and drugs. Most kids won't tune into politics they won't understand politics or will be bored by their political leaders but if the kid will not be raised on their parents morality or critical thinking, with no parent as guidance you have a school which might be as crazy and wild as the streets, if the kid looks to the Federal state or tv and radio it gets messages about legalizing drugs, or transsexual messages or confused all culture diversity messages or some identity politics thing on tv. If the kid watches Hollywood the kid might see how a mass shooting psychopath solved their problem in the latest Hollywood entertainment movie?
We had an ongoing crime discussion thread happening on newmars, each and every week mass shootings in places like L.A California, NewYork, Albuquerque, St Louis MO, San Francisco, New Orleans, Baltimore, Portland, Chicago... many of these governed by nu-Leftwing Neo-Democrat 'Gun Controlled' politics and yet some of the worst mass shooting cases in the USA. Maybe the whole system needs a change, its not just about Job training, or Police forces chasing down drug runners and the gang cultures or Hollywood messages or Apathy and Nihilism or Gas Prices or Lack of Morality and Degeneracy or illegal drug running and education, maybe the entire system needs to change. The Death and Injury counts? 28 people can be shot, and half a dozen killed including kids, in weekend gun violence across one city alone in America and sometimes it will rarely make the newspaper headlines.
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-30 07:17:06)
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Website here says most Mass Shooters were fatherless … atherless/
Why are mass shooters getting younger and deadlier? Experts have theories … 813668001/
Mass shooters crave notoriety. Here’s how media plays a major role in that … 22463.html
How are Latino counted do you count them in with White or Black or the 'Minority' Box?
Maybe the person in news media propaganda can photoshop a Latino culture person, change the color hue and saturation to appear more White or appear more Black? is an Arab put into the box of White or Black, are they classed by tone or by regional culture?
or Maybe its how exactly you define the kill counts, they need to hit the people with bullets for it to be reported and they need have a kill count of more than 3 or 4, the Newyork Times once quoted report defined mass shootings as incidents with four or more dead or injured.
Stephen Paddock is not classed as a terrorist, so does a person need to be recorded saying al-Lah Jihad stuff four or five times before they can be officially declared 'terrorism'?
If some groups of Black Gangster types spray their local streets with bullets, media ignores it because only one kid and one old granny granpa bystander was shot, a shooting but not many are hit and killed. With the lower kill count does it fail to be reported as crime across media, a failure to report a 'mass shooter' where as if a reclusive White goes working his gun, and trains to hit dead center, works his weapon, become a more effective killer and his more proficient and skilled at shooting and murder, is the guy with effective murder gun skills only counted.
This site says 51% of mass shooters in the USA were Black African American while and 11% were Latino. … ere-white/
This site says they were Whites?
Who is behind US mass shootings — and how can we prevent them from happening? … 00776.html
97.7% are male, 34 years of age, More than half of them are white.
With 306 mass shootings reported so far this year, 2022 is on pace to reach the record-breaking total — 692 — recorded in 2021, according to the nonprofit Gun Violence Archive.
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-07-30 10:24:20)
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A crazy person seems to have targeted children
Every weekend a normal mass shooting happens in a crime ridden city like Chicago, many crimes are ignored by media but an unusual event like a 'school' will be reported by news media.
Multiple victims reported in Nashville school shooting … 023-03-27/
The police chief confirmed that the shooter is transgender, tv and radio is reporting that the shooter is dead
At first reports say the shooter was a ‘Teen’ girl another says Woman 28, sometimes female do take part in attacks bat that is less frequent, the Female suspect dead in YouTube HQ shooting, the 2015 San Bernardino attack had a female involved with pipe bomb explosives and politicians tried to dismiss the reports of an ongoing attack as 'work place violence', I am not sure what this current shooter identifies as. There is an online social media history and the person seems to link to the Nossi College of Art. in the past if you chopped off your breasts or penis you would have gone to a mental hospital, no Doctor would have supported this surgery or in previous decades such people who would want body altering puberty blocking hormones probably would have been sent for therapy or told this was not normal and they need treatment for abnormal behaviors, I'm still not sure if this was a man who tried to become a woman or a woman goes crazy and does violent crime after poisoning herself with testosterone? all the pro-transexual lifestyle people seem politically confused by this event, I myself am still unsure of this person was originally a male person or originally born a female person. People are posting political reactions on Twitter and then delete/private their accounts. I believe a Colorado transgender teenager who took part in a shooting at a Denver-are also lived under some drug addled delusion they are not their biological gender. Sometimes killers are women but it is more common for a mass shooter to be male this could also be a female who wanted to be a man.
Then online social media gossip and later reports started to say it was a transsexual a man who cut off his penis or a woman who removed her breasts … drey-hale/
The 6 victims fatally shot by the active shooter at Covenant School are identified as: Evelyn Dieckhaus, Hallie Scruggs, and William Kinney, all age 9, Cynthia Peak, age 61, Katherine Koonce, age 60, and Mike Hill, age 61.
Unlike the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde Texas, the Authorities did a much better job in Nashville were faster. The Cops seem to have done a good response job, Armed Police defeated the mass killer and neutralized the threat.
What is a mass shooting?
People in media have different definitions of a Mass-Shooting the news site Mother Jones classified mass shooter as 3+ shot and killed in one incident, excluding the perpetrator(s), at a public place, but not gangsters so its reports have been excluding gang-related killings, Gun Violence Archive/Vox defines a mass shooter event as 4+ shot in one incident, excluding the perpetrator(s), at one location, at roughly the same time. Perhaps the Mum of Nashville school shooter knew something and she shared several gun control posts before massacre, there are other reports on Nashville shooter that he /she / it drew maps, surveilled school before the attacks.
There are also reports of a ‘Manifesto’ there is a site with this person's art really weird murderous stuff from Kubrick's Shinning maybe even the type of horror art you could expect from someone that murders kids.
Hale's art page featured LGBTQ+-themed work.
but then again many people make horror art or film makers produce violent themed movies and yet never go out and do crimes.
Nashville is reported as America's 129th mass shooting in 2023 alone.
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-03-28 08:51:01)
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Nashville school shooter Audrey Hale was believed to be planning more attacks on local mall and family members …
Suspect drew maps, wrote "manifesto" before school shooting - police chief
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-03-28 08:54:41)
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There are leftists in mass media advocating for a "day of rage" where trans-sexual people go out, buy guns, and start shooting people. Others seem to be celebrating over the fact that the victims were Christians. Jane Fonda recently called for murdering pro-lifers, her circle of sick friends started laughing and said she must be joking, to which she responded by frowning at them and then looking down. I could be wrong, but I don't think she was joking about that. The left can never have enough victims of its morally bankrupt ideology. They seem to really hate humanity in general, including themselves.
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When you can just walk through an unlocked door this is what can happen.
This is the other topic
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I have seen footage of the school shooting, one video from an above camera on the wall and it appears doors were locked but the shooter just blasted through the doors to get access to the building. I have also seen film from the Police perspective maybe a kind of Bodycam Gopro almost like a video game view I assume by Law Police in this State wear these cams. There are just 3 Police in Nashville who confront the shooter and they do a far better job than Texas idiots in Uvalde responding to the Robb Elementary School shooting. The Nashville Cops charge in putting their bodies on the line but they do not charge in reckless, they check every corner open every door cover each other and they gain ground try to chase find the shooter. One guy you see only has a hand gun he is up against against a well armed killer, there is another Police man behind them with a magazine-fed shortened rifle maybe a type of Army weapon like a Carbine M4 and to his left is a big guy with a Shotgun. They hear sharp muffled banging or shooting or a murder upstairs and they more or less charge up onto the second floor, they keep pushing to gain ground. The killer is spotted in an upstairs part of the building illuminated by sunlight, they could almost get killed but these guys are brave and better and I think the Carbine gun lands the first hit or hits at the same time the big guy rushes the shooter going left, running to his / her or it's right and shoots, the guy with the hand gun runs into the shooter while the shooter is falling or has dropped but still moving and he shoots from his hand gun shouting at the killer to drop the weapon. I think after they hit the target, the mass murdering killer might be dying but the killer his still twitching around and moving while holding the guns. It is hard to see and recall everything because it all happens so fast and almost chaotic like, I don't push any religion on anyone but maybe there was a little element of magical luck or some power in the universe looking out for these guys that day, I'm sure they will wake from disturbed dreams their sub conscious recalling these events during the sleeping nights trying to make sense of it all. The killer was very well prepared with maps of the building and had superior weapons ready for a long fight but brave guys got the jump on the killer and won.
These guys deserve a medal of bravery or some kind of special award but the news media and political people may have already moved onto the next news item.
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-03-29 03:13:36)
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The United States is not the only nation with mass shootings there was a mass shooting in Germany an ex-Jehovah’s Witness who held ‘ill feelings’ towards Jehovah group, there have also been an increase in terror attacks. The United States is a rich developed First World Nation, it is not the most violent country but it does have a high level of mass shootings.
However there seems to be something extra horrific about targeting young people and children in schools.
There were also shootings in Chicago
'Chicago Weekend Shootings: 4 dead, 15 wounded' … -17-to-20/
and now another shooting
7 shot, 2 dead outside Prive restaurant, police say Memphis … 4cd04.html
People have argued for 'Gun Rights' on Mars but I would argue that a colony on Mars is a special place, there is no danger of you drifting off course and been eaten by Brown Bear or Wolves or Polar Bears. Also if someone truly went crazy they possibly could destroy an entire colony, I would argue that a village or base on Mars would be a special place, there could be some secure restriction just as you don't really have guns on ships or commercial aircraft.
That is not to say Mars would always be 'Gun Free' even though Japan has few gun crimes and very restrictive Gun Law that Japanese guy was able to home build his own gun to kill, shooting and killing the former prime minister of Japan.
carrying a gun in Antarctica is illegal and prohibited under the Antarctic Treaty
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-03-31 13:09:09)
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You're advocating for intentionally creating the very situation you think will be "avoided" through gun bans, and then acknowledging that mass murder by people with weapons is unavoidable. There is no "special place", anywhere humans are located. Which category of people is crazier, the people who go out to mass murder others in places they think nobody can fight back, or the supposedly non-crazy people enabling that behavior to begin with? I'm not asking you to tell me which group is more violent. We already know the answer to that question.
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Why do safetyists never want to change society in any way to make it more resilient, only to put all their efforts on stopping whatever it is they're scared of? This is something both gun safetyists and AI doomers do. No talk about whether the way we structure society adds vulnerability.
Perhaps consolidated high schools of five thousand kids aren't just bad for them (see: teen suicide rate when school is out vs when it is in), but also provide would-be shooters with a bigger target that they would have struggled to find if schools were a lot smaller and distributed.
(But also, school shooters are hardly a major killer of under 18s, not compared to being run down on the way to school by an idiot in an SUV or driven to suicide by the treatment they recieve when they get there or dying of health conditions driven by their dreadful diet... alas these do not have a committed and sizeable culture war bloc to call for change.)
Use what is abundant and build to last
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For Terraformer re #24
This post is not intended as a comment upon #24 or even a comment upon the specific event that inspired this topic ...
I would like to offer the perspective of an American who grew up in the post-WWII era and has witnessed changes in American culture first hand ...
When I grew up, human caused injury to school students or teachers was unimaginable. Accidents to students happened in sports, but that seems to have been going on for hundreds (if not thousands) of years.
It is only in recent times that intentional injury to students and teachers has become not only imaginable but routine.
The only change that I can see is technology. It is ** so ** much easier for human beings to hurt each other now.
My guess is that human psychology hasn't changed all that much. I would guess that evil thoughts have been popping up in heads all along, but now those thoughts can be turned into action, and the flimsy restraints that might have existed on behavior have loosened.
I am one of many humans who have been trained to kill others on an industrial scale, and I do not own a weapon of any kind because I know what they can do, and I know how to do it.
It seems to me that the level of fear distributed throughout the population is rising from a very low level.
Update after re-reading the above ... The impact of nuclear weapons may be a factor .... our family attended local meetings about possible Russian attacks with nuclear weapons, and the slow drumbeat of the Cold War dangers was always present. I wonder if ** that ** all-pervading fear has been quietly at work, changing the mental state of US citizens to a need to own powerful weapons.
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