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It seems to me that the rational form of human social organization is, at least in some way, a commune. Now what is a commune? Well a commune does not have to be called a commune. For example the Israeli kibbutzim were essentially what I am talking about. Set up in a certain manner, a boarding school could also be considered a commune. Essentially, they may be considered to be any form of organization where work is integrated with family life. I think that the society should also be set up in a basically democratic manner, with a minimum of external constraints on people's behavior. I think this is very important if the society is to be a decent one.
On Mars or other planets, I would hope that human organization would take the form of some sort of federation of communes or some equivilant form of free organization, but there is nothing unique to the Martian situation about this. There will be peculiarities, of course, but I don't forsee any major change just because we are now on Mars.
It should be understood that we can't know of any rigid form of organization that will take place once on Mars. The specifics will have to be determined according to the needs and composition of the existing society, which we can't possibly know right now. But we can outline rough ideas on which we think any human society ought to be organized. After some colonization, these ideas will have to adapted as is reasonable.
Nor should the commune idea be seen as incompatible with other forms of free organization, like syndicalism (that is, forms of organization where each industry is run basically seperately from the rest of the society, in a democratic manner). Indeed I think that, reasonably, we will have to integrate elements of both, especially in a highly technological society. But syndicalism is the topic for another message.
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Pages: 1