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#1 2024-05-20 10:13:02

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Home project wiki list and policy

This is the list of items that are projects to better one's standings within the means of the owner of a home provided as an index of projects.

Please discuss thoughts in the other topics with this folder and others to how to overcome the issues of home cost ownership.

Of course, cost of each project is part of one's overall costs and ability to stay within a home. Each is a mini project unto its own.
Timelines are something that only the property owner knows what they can afford to do.

1. Action items include understanding heat to cooling lose and costs to make a stable environment within the home.
Of course, that means insulating walls and ceilings to reduce those levels.

2. That also means what is storage of these, methods and means that are of low costs to make them for future use. Low cost heating and cooling can now be had with Heat Pump - Heat Pumps by tahanson43206

3. Making use of resources on the property is how some things may be created and made use of to achieve some of the mini projects to create energy for use. solar concentration Water steam energy creation by SpaceNut

Most think of solar PV panels but some will not be able to finance them to offset the costs of energy use as KBD512 has done for his property. Home Solar System to Achieve Energy Usage Offset by KBD512

4. We have begun to discuss how solar troughs, reflection ect are more efficient in creation of thermal energy and how one might store them. Trough Solar Collector- Design- Construction- Operation- Maintenance by tahanson43206 This topic reminded me of the MIT work in Africa to create electrical and hot water.

5. combining the projects will make hybrid systems to achieve both within the property that one resides on for thermal energy creation, use and storage. Due to NH seasons means to save what is in excess in the summer but is not so good in the winter. Thermal Energy Storage by tahanson4320 The sand Battery comes to mind.

6. other such actions to improve may be with water sustainability and quality. Solar Still - Fresh water from Solar Energy by tahanson43206

7. Power of the wind and rain may also be possible on the owner's property. Vertical Wind Turbine - better than you might think by louis
and Horizontal Wind Turbine farms - management - Good Neighbor Policy by tahanson43206

8. Wood energy is also possible in a variety of forms to create heat energy for direct or save use. Wood stove thermal heat creation and storage by SpaceNut

9. One may be able to create fuels from the resources on the property by other combination of work to be performed to change the quality of the homeowner's life by reducing living costs. Synthetic or Natural Fuel Produced using Solar Power by tahanson43206 comes to mind. Another comes to mind in Biogas.

There may be other index topics to include for these mini projects.

We have many topics to draw from and while they have not been moved, they are the discussion companions to make use of.
Most are contained within Science, Technology, and Astronomy which are with index items above.

There is no need to comment in this topic but do so in the other topics.

I will modify this index list above as needed.


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#2 2024-05-20 10:14:19

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Home project wiki list and policy

Next is cost for each improvement and then setting up the timeline for change.

This will be asset and seasonably influenced for how and when each project can be created and implement.

1. improving insulation can come in the form of blown in from holes placed in the outer wall. This added lose reducing can also come from inside the home as rooms are rehabbed as it ages. Ceiling means being careful while being in one's attic installing the fiber glass blankets to reduce energy use for cooling and heating during the seasons.

This is an outline that Th provide for part of his chat session he did in Housekeeping. Ignore p o s t count

Project Overview and Guidelines

Post 1: Project Objective and Vision

Post 2: Scope and Deliverables

Post 3: Key Milestones and Deadlines

Post 4: Guidelines and Best Practices

Post 5: Communication Protocols

No need to reply in this topic


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#3 2024-11-16 12:40:08

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Re: Home project wiki list and policy

My home is a frame currently being upgraded with 2x6 wall construction as we speak.


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