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#1 Re: Human missions » Fly to Mars » 2008-03-15 17:53:59

Is not really interesting joint international flight to Mars? It is completely real, if we send minimum expedition, and if we use cheap rockets, and can manage cheaper than million. There are those desiring to participate and or to fly?

#2 Re: Human missions » Fly to Mars » 2008-03-13 18:30:34

My proposal is togethe fly to Mars and Moon
Whot is your?

#3 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » SENSATION, THE CITIES ON MARS OF!!!!!! » 2007-04-18 11:58:02

when was pulled down Phaeton, and its countless splinters and asteroids dispersed where it fell, many splinters and asteroids it had to fall both on Mars and to the earth, but neither there nor here we any was trace powerful space bombardment we do not observe! Even now continually, first is one, first another, then even some asteroid they threaten to fall to the earth and to make ready large misfortunes, but always at the last moment they fly only only wide of the mark!!! And in this there is nothing of surprising, since the Earth has the very strong masters, whom one can deflect from the Earth any asteroid! And similarly these masters were in the Earth very long ago, since very long ago everything is quiet on the Earth, and on it nothing almost he falls... Analogously and Mars undoubtedly has masters, since Mars is also protected from the asteroids of every kind, and moreover from the very old times... As far as phaeton is concerned, sooner anything he has too aggressive masters, and they waged starry wars, and they were conquered first by earthlings, whether by Martians, and phaeton itself apparently namerenno was destroyed or exploded

#4 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » SENSATION, THE CITIES ON MARS OF!!!!!! » 2007-04-18 11:52:40

Bat why they so deeply  buried their cities under the surface Of marsa!!!?I of no construction on the surface they makes!!! Certainly they fear small asteroids and comets, but if we create sufficiently powerful protivoasteroidnuyu protection, then in that case asteroid danger can be reduced practically to zero!!! And to simpler make this antiasteroidnuyu protection than be buried to just as deeply!!! Consequently it must be still reason for the deep burying! One of the reasons - suitable temperatures are located on the decent depth, the second reason - at this depth do not penetrate the muons of superhigh energies, and radiation danger is not there great... But all this melochevka is reparable, and it does not give special stimulus to be dug in the depth of Mars!!! Main danger consists in the fact that it is possible to awake, and above you will hang hugest kherovina ten km by sizes, and they remotely by you as on the surgical table, and no one will ask you, but is it possible this to them to make, or not!!! They count people for the lowest essences, with which they can do almost everything which to them will deem necessary!!! Martians do not apparently strongly anticipate earthlings, and therefore and with them also highest essences greatly do not stand upon ceremony... But as they speak, to inoplanetyane there are what conveniently, and good both evil and they separately do not stand upon ceremony with the primitive essences, but can even and also not tyuey tseromonyatsya with the highest essences, and with the opportunity they can steal whom -convenient in each other On the Earth they are barely occupied by this robbery, since the angels can make very large harm it, and they not at all release almost no one of them. Furthermore, far from every large ship is capable to sit down on the Earth... So that to Martians there is whom to panically fear and that is why they all pozaryvalis' deeply into Mars, and on the surface remained, only the living stones, to which there is no matter to any passing by guests!!! From the landing ship you will not certainly dig out rapidly tunnel with depth into the kilometers, and therefore Martians at the depth almost out of danger, furthermore, for sure Martians surrounded their cities by the powerful field and material protection, which barely it is possible to overcome!!! Martians also fear earthlings, since they know that they as barbarians - are not predicted, and they can expect what conveniently from the earthlings, but earthlings are not capable of reaching by their weapon so deeply... And even the most penetrating cluster weapon, and even it is there not capable of finishing!!!... So that is better not to contact with the Martians, at the worst simply it is possible to negotiate...

#5 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » SENSATION, THE CITIES ON MARS OF!!!!!! » 2007-04-18 11:49:46

strangely, why Martian cities are buried so deeply - on several km from poverkhnosti!!!?Kazalos', that the cities were hidden from some enemy space forces, or it is unknown what! Everything is simple in reality, Martians sooner anything fear small asteroids and comets, which complete fully it kishit in the asteroid belt, and it flies in from the periphery... Large asteroids all under the control, and their position are calculated for many years forward, and anything that not expected from them cannot be expected, and here are small asteroids, are known far from all, especially as comets from the periphery, furthermore, they completely can encounter and sharply change trajectory, and popat' to Mars!!! Here they present special danger, so that even the highly developed Martians are not capable of completely from them being protected, and they are forced very deeply to be buried under the surface! But this little will help from the large asteroids, but they everything under the control, and therefore special danger they do not represent! As far as the Earth is concerned, here any close asteroids could present special danger, but the Earth has the owner, who does not release asteroids closely to the Earth!!!... Therefore history remembers not one drop even in the small asteroid to the earth!

saw photograph with several wells or mines on Mars!!! They treat them, as allegedly Martian caves etcetera!!! This is deliberately erroneous treatment, caves on the Earth, as a rule, are connected with underground rivers, or failures, and moreover they usually are formed in the mountainous country, and in the steppe they - large rarity... On Mars the water was apparently not very for long, and in not large quantities and furthermore it is there small mountainous places, and therefore the formation of underground rivers - is very highly improbable... Especially as in the photograph with the caves is visible flat locality, and are visible three circular openings!!! Natural caves are never accurately round, they usually in the form of the form of slot!!! But there precisely circular openings on the surface, moreover very large diameter!!! The mines or wells by themselves are not formed on the Earth, but all artificial and they are dug up by man!!! This speaks, that and on Mars analogously the mines have artificial origin as on the Earth!!! This is very similar to the military range with the silo launch rocket installations, although for the conventional missiles the Martian mines are strongly large!!! It is possible that the Martian rockets not of dlolzhny to have interferences with the takeoff and the landing, therefore their mines are purposely made very large, which is especially necessary for the exact fit... Can in the Martians of very large rocket, or this is simple mine for the flying saucers... The different version - this mine for the communication of underground it is municipal with the surface as 4 and predicted, that they must be, and here them they finally and found!!! Still this could be mines for putting out what that of minerals, or very deep wells for putting out the water!!! Although the same must not leave to the surface, but they must be connected with the underground city, in that case, either next there is no city, and therefore output made to the surface or this some spare mines... By the way speaking between the underground Martian cities they must be underground tunnels of the type as the metros for the communication, and underground komunikatsii, including water pipes and gas pipes... But separately deep Martian mines can depart at depths of tens and even hundreds of km to the depth of Mars!!!

#7 Re: Human missions » Fly to Mars » 2007-02-12 10:08:51

TURNING ON 180 deg.!
On THE DIRIGIBLE TO VENUS... On Mars there fully strong perfumes, and probably fully highly developed gummanoidov, and for us there there is no place apparently!!! Mars sooner anything is extremely dangerous for the people, it is analogous and the Moon... But here Venus is sooner anything - sterile planet, there was life on it similarly not entirely! Therefore there are no perfumes, dangerous for the people, there practically, and tyuere are no gummanoidov also sooner anything that... Therefore it is possible to live on Venus and to soar in the clouds, on the dirigibles... A kind of the flying island in the clouds. Although the there sulfuric clouds can rapidly destroy any airship envelope, except as of polyfluoroethylene resin... Moreover, it is necessary to master the primitive production of glass-plastic or sheet metal skin for the dirigible... At the worst we will live in the space station, which flies around Venus... There to much safer live in the space station than near the Earth, or Mars, since the osoboopasnye super-power cosmic radiations there apparently do not fly so far, and they will be basted by solar wind... But for the protection from such emissions are necessary ten it is meter concrete or water and other materials... From the solar wind and the emission to be protected not difficult, is sufficient layer of water to the floor of meter by thickness, which is completely actual, and here ten m - this is unreal... Then on Mars the strong induced radiation, including neutron, from which it is difficult to be protected, and even it is deep under the surface... Venus can be revived! For this it is necessary to remove carbon dioxide on it! What methods to eat for this? The most terrible method - to explode in the upper air super-power thermonuclear bombs on tritium and deuterium, or other components, which will reject the part of carbonic acid into space... The second version, to arrange in the sun super-power flash in the direction of Venus, and the flows of solar plasma will blow away the part of the atmosphere from Venus! The third version, we discard to Venus comet desirably from the hydrocarbons and desirably torn in the small pieces! Super-power explosion in the atmosphere occurs, and the part of the atmosphere is ejected, and the part of carbonic acid is decomposed with the formation of soot and water... When pressure and temperature not to Venus fall, then lime on its surface will begin to absorb carbonic acid and pressure will fall on that increasing. It is another matter that the deeply lying under the surface lime it will very for long absorb carbonic acid, through the thick layer of Venusian soil... One additional version - we pulverize soot either dust or poroshek in the upper air of Venus on the day side, and there is formed the effect of nuclear winter, the atmosphere will be cooled, and the absorption of carbonic acid by lime will begin, and will occur the chain reaction of cooling Venus... this the simplest and most real version... One additional version - to create dust cloud, or the bits of paper or film in orbit around Venus. It will create strong shadow on Venus, and temperature there sharply will fall, and the chain reaction of a temperature drop and pressure on Venus will occur! Either are derived certain unicellular bubble algae for the life in the atmosphere of Venus, they will begin to connect there carbonic acid, and to precipitate carbon, and they will sooner or later or destroy the hot atmosphere... So that Venus is completely possible to revive... The different version - settling on mercury. Although it is extremely hot, at the pole there acceptable temperatures... Furthermore, it seems turned by one side to the sun, then in the region of the boundary of day and night also of condition must be acceptable... Furthermore this planet is also sterile, and is not apparently dangerous for the people... At the worst it is possible to fly into the system of Jupiter, or Saturn, although there terrible refrigerator, and there is no guarantee whatever, that there no one lives... However, before finally flying where or, it is necessary apparently it takes a long time to dangle near the Earth, and to study from the super-power telescope and the probes those planets, which us most of all interest...

#8 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » SENSATION, THE CITIES ON MARS OF!!!!!! » 2007-02-12 10:05:52

ROCK LIFE ON MARS - remainder of the previous present life of Mars... In the photographs of Mars are everywhere visible the torchashchiye from the sand stones, even it is possible to say those standing!... If we compare analogous situation for the terrestrial deserts, then it is there practically possible to find almost not one pebble, they sink in the sand almost as in the water, more precise sand seemingly flows and fills up any stones! But on Mars entirely not thus!!! It is there full stones on the surface of sand, moreover in the strange poses! Moreover, it is discovered in the photographs of Mars rovers, that the stones as by themselves are capable of being moved! And are moved not only stones, but also entire sandy dunes, almost as the feeler of osminogov... This first revealed apparently Bykovskiy, who published photo and materials in the Internet, and sent they in NASA - NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION... I want to give its own hypothesis about the rock life on Mars... In my opinion earlier on Mars there was the atmosphere and water, and also there was apparently the usual organic life, similar to the terrestrial... But in the course of time the atmosphere from Mars was evaporated, water of povymerzala at the poles... But organic life perished... But the perfumes of the living beings undoubtedly were preserved, since they are almost immortal... And here they similarly found for themselves new niche in the form of rock life... In the stones the perfumes are located, and they can move stones, if this by them is must... Then, stones are apparently capable of accumulating solar energy! But perfumes are capable of extracting this energy from the stone and of utilizing, and due to this they can support their existence... Also similar sometimes is on the Earth, but so it is not be, with the fact that on the Earth almost all perfumes are located in hell! Therefore on the Earth there are no miracles almost, and very strict order established by god, but on Mars if not disorder, then in any case it is simple freemen! To people on Mars to find is very dangerous, since the perfumes of Mars are capable of causing to them any harm, but protection from them practically does not exist, and it is not known that they are capable of making with the people... Furthermore, it is very probable that under the surface of Mars are hidden the enormous cavities or the accomodations, populated by nekiimi highest and powerful gumanoidami, which also not known as can relate to the people... So that it is necessary to fly somewhere to the asteroids, or to the satellites of Jupiter, although it is possible that as they also by someone are populated... God said on the taryard that on Mars they await us, and it is necessary to fly in Europe, but me this refrigerator not very that draws... But we will not wave to the alpha centaur either to Nemezidu, which the astronomers khrenovo search for, or barely they search for!?...

#9 Re: Intelligent Alien Life » SENSATION, THE CITIES ON MARS OF!!!!!! » 2007-02-12 10:03:39

Where the bunker of Martians?
This is similar to the underground fortresses!
The Martian poster (here they did not pay for the electricity and the gas, and they did not make rockets and badly they ended!...)

By radar sounding revealed the strange craters under the surface of Mars, which appear round from any directions!!! I.e., these are spherical formations in reality, moreover tint, as if vacuum... And they, until now, do break the heads above the fact however, that in reality they did reveal!!!? Probably they fear to itself to be recognized that these are artificial formations! Well and to me to fear something, and the different versions absolutely cannot be, except as konstantirovat', that are discovered the precisely artificial formations! A question consists only in the fact that precisely they revealed in the depth of Mars, first whether certain water tanks, first whether podmarsianskiye greenhouses, then whether present underground cities or the fortress of!?... Is certainly possible this simply water tanks, which made the Martians very long ago, when on Mars there was another atmosphere and life, but even if these were simply reservoirs, there is no doubt that then, when the atmosphere was evaporated, them it had to populate and build there entire underground cities! With exception of the case, if all Martians could perish or throw everything and flee from the planet, then the buried tanks could remain empty and uninhabited... But, if this so, then reservoirs had to long ago rust and be brought down, furthermore there is no reason whatever to construct reservoirs too deeply under the surface, which is improbably difficult, when it is possible to construct on the surface, or it is shallow from the surface... this more similarly to the cities - fortress!!! But then does arise question - and why precisely spherical? Possibly because to maintain super-power nuclear explosions are capable only highly durable spheres!... Or not nuclear explosions, but shifts in the soils are also capable of maintaining only spheres... Thus to face we have sooner anything podmarsianskiye cities - fortress... Possibly Martians davnym have long ago warred with the earthlings, in face of satan and Christ, either even it can be, that the earthlings conquered Martians, or they banished them from Mars, on which remained only the cemetery of Martians... It is possible that the so-called reign Christ's celestial is based now and either on Mars and or on the Moon... Thus we have in the presence deep podmarsianskiye cities - fortress!!! A question - who in them lives, and they do live, or city can!? In that case it is not time whether to begin negotiations with the Martians, or to occupy the cities be casten by them... Let the Martians allot one city to us although, and they at the same time lease for us the pair of rockets or of flying saucers so that we could move to Mars... But if they are keep silent, then we will arrive flying to Mars and will reveal the underground bunkers of Martians... It found reference, here there there is communication … 70&.page=5

according to their hypothesis, allegedly there were there is no time the volcanic eruptions, with the centers of the magmas, which then thickened, and were formed such spheres, but in Mars cold depths, and volcanism there ceased billions years ago... Moreover centers with the magma it is not compulsory round, but what it is convenient form... In the region of the poles of such spheres it is not discovered moreover which testifies faster about the fact that the Martians did not construct there underground it was municipal, in view of the especially complex conditions!... It is very probable that they namerenno just as deeply were buried in Mars in order to avoid any possible contacts with the earthlings, and it is actual, hardly earthlings can just as deeply be taken away into the depths of Mars... As far as outcrops from it is municipal are concerned, sooner anything they extremely fastened and disguised and hardly their possible to force open, although to try with the aid of the robots is possible, this can be extremely dangerously... It is possible that outputs in no way there exists, and that Martians use teleportatsiyu... They therefore still could just as deeply construct cities, that the water-bearing layers are located at those depths, and without the water cannot be manage in practice, although simpler it would be simple to make a bore hole, from other side, there the lowest possible humidity, and bore hole can prove to be useless... Furthermore, at the small depths temperature is sooner anything low and unstable, therefore in the deep layers must be comfortable conditions for the life... Also, it is possible that verkhnii the layers of the Martian soil strongly of zagryazeny or are infected, it can even radiation, and Martians escape themselves from this deeply under the surface... Then high-energy galactic rays or muons can penetrate to large depths, and from them also Martians can search for rescuing... Furthermore Martians can fear the rock forms of life on the surfaces of Mars, which can be dangerous, also, for them, moreover it is very dangerous, once on the surface of Mars it is possible to find dragged along cherepy, what on the Earth not where almost it is... This skull nevertheless that table on the supports of power transmissions - not vlaz', but that will kill!!!... By the way on the Earth, as they write, also are encountered disastrous places with the bones of animals and even can and people, where perish any essences, which randomly there visited...
my site -

#10 Re: Human missions » Fly to Mars » 2007-01-16 07:37:55

TO Mars BEHIND the SKULL of the MARTIAN!!!
My hypothesis that Mars for a long time someone is colonized, is similar obviously justified. For a skull of the martian - the best to it the proof!!! Though which who speaks, that it simply stone similar to a skull... Probably and such, but the mars rover quite could borrow more densely in that skull and dispell all doubts that it itself(himself) represents... The Some people speak, that it is a helmet... Can even so, time is not present any bones...
Similar Mars - the dangerous planet, time on it can roll skulls of advanced aliens, or though even a helmet... The poor fellow in martian sand Can çàïëóòàë, or oxygen has terminated - and everything, the end to the poor creature... And can there at martians - war with alive stones, sand... So apparently Mars - the planet terrible, and can also terrible riddles who is capable to solve them?
If that not the stone, and the present skull, or a helmet such artefact on auction on the Earth could be sold for the sum - the order of many millions, and can even billion dollars!!!
Otherwise, if it simply stone it could be sold for some millions!... So expedition to Mars obviously starts to find real chances for the prompt realization! Now quite really it will be possible to find the sponsors, ready to lay out millions, for delivery to the Earth all artefacts and interesting stones and tests of a ground from Mars!!!...

All these features on the Earth undoubtedly will to cost very dearly, a question in how them more quickly, easier and more cheaply to deliver to the Earth... Where this skull is - it is known, it is necessary to fly only there and to take it! But in any case expedition to Mars necessarily should ñàìîîêóïèòüñÿ and even to make greater profit... Therefore expedition to Mars finds the increasing reality...
Though all depends, on what to fly if to fly on present rockets and the ships, all will manage extremely dearly but if to make own supercheap rockets, then probably to fly to Mars even essentially less than for billion!...

Time there are one skull there should be and still skulls and the whole skeletons and there should be whole underground cities, as a last resort traces of stay of aliens there should be kept! This immense field for astroarcheologists, geologists and other other sciences... Except for that the riddle of a stone life is very surprising, and demands the most steadfast studying! So it is possible to agree to archeologists, and with representatives of other sciences and to organize joint expedition to Mars,They could finance expedition though partially...

#11 Re: Human missions » Fly to Mars » 2007-01-14 10:18:58

I ask you, and very strongly I ask, you tell, what here for a society international you have created? And it is a lot of in it people, and it is a lot of in it the organizations, the countries? Whether probably to join you, whether возжно such for me?... Whether here your society international is registered it? I wish to offer you I, joint to make to us the project, flight to Mars to us in common all to solve and discuss!
In common money we could collect, and to make it is possible extremely cheaply weeds, for a few millions it is possible to depart to Mars... Here the society at you could make translation for us, and we then could we then join you we could...

#12 Re: Human missions » Fly to Mars » 2007-01-05 07:26:00

The PLAN About the last space plans all also have failed absolutely! Anybody almost does not wish to depart, anybody and does not wish to give it for space of a money!... Last price was however small, and anybody it almost and did not give that, only pair the person were ready to pay, but all of them were lost!!!... Time so - I shall make the new plan! I shall almost free of charge make to myself a rocket! All I shall do itself almost, and even engines! All this will manage in a trifle and almost! Well pair hundreds thousand and only...
Whom I want, with myself I shall take away that, and who will want to depart with us, I shall force to pay. As did not wish me to help, and I not снизойду I before anybody then!... Still plan Д is at me and for emergency, already if last plan will not turn out...

ELECTRICAL LIFE ON MARS And ACIDIC LIFE ON VENUS In the conditions of extremely low humidity on Mars, the low atmospheric density and high solar radiation, the strong electrization of dust probably occurs, from it the electrons are knocked out, and it is charged positively... Furthermore apparently there there are mechanisms of the displacement of charges or charged dust, in consequence of which entire dust can obtain charge, and it becomes as if fluid, like the water!... Furthermore, in the separate places - at the apexes of barkhans occurs the concentration of the charges of electricity, and here the most natural possible microtransfer of dust, which can be strengthened by Martian winds... As a result the barkhan mmozhet to be moved even almost in the calm weather... If charges in the barkhan are moved artificially, then vozmmozhno that barkhan can become like the electrical machine, which pushes itself... As they indicated that there there are entire rock- dust flows, similar to the viscous fluid, the type of rivers, and they completely can even create river beds, but there is no here open water most likely there, and it is not known, there was it!?... Is artificial, or natural, to judge difficultly to how much rock- dust substance on Mars, all the more it is difficult to judge to eat there something the similar to reason... As far as Venus is concerned, there also exists something, it is more similar to the certain rock forms of life, but in contrast to Mars, there it is observed a kind of the artificial rock plates... Most likely they are connected and are formed with the aid of acidic microcirculation of minerals and salts, instead of the circulatory system in animals, or the motion of liquid in the plants... this form of life greater is similar to the plant, than to animal, although on Mars everything vice versa...

#13 Re: Human missions » Fly to Mars » 2006-12-25 06:21:10

Not the God to kill enemy it my sacred it Nikolay me tried in fact, and here only... On the night of sacred Nikolay I almost that died... But the enemy has bursted from Pressure  and is alive there was I... But I in deep I meditation I, and whether it is necessary to fly where when around one enemies almost, and anybody colleagues it is mute!?... And time also is not present practically almost, do not know, tomorrow as there will be also it... Rockets all have come into continuous deadlock, anybody it is not capable to extend our rocket boiler from a bog!
Only measures cardinal are necessary to rescue space progress, but time at us almost absolutely and is not present...

Except for that who that pursues me, there was an attempt, tried to catch, it is necessary to disappear to me... I would not know who it could, one assumptions are at me...

#14 Re: Human missions » Fly to Mars » 2006-12-21 08:30:43

The discussion not about the sunbeam reflections deals, while speech about the fact that the stones are there living and life other there.

And is capable and no one to the exploit none! And to pay for space desires no one! And even abroad, that desire to pay  it did not find! One he wanted something to pay, and the where that it shed! And there are no on the Earth good there are no people, and there are no angels entirely here! To drag by chertey at the sky it wanted no longer to me! Assume that it is died here, will fall through all into the Adas! And will eternally all burn with monstrous fire and everything is infinite! For the fact that those, they did not want to believe to me that the lives of eternal would acquire b to themselves! But god now nearly killed me! I do not know also for which, but here then I thought over  and to fly away! To the feature of rocket your to me! Once desires no one to pay! There barbarians will arrive by crowd! And they are whipped entire peace by crowd! And will break all pieces of iron, everyone, also, to one! And they will leave on the Earth and nothing! But the scientists of every kind and designers they will send into hell to burn they! And Christians they will send there all similar! Will leave only traitors, children into the slaves to itself! Were ready documents in me, to the firm it made documents! But it spat  to entire such! Once does not desire to listen to everyone me!...

#15 Re: Human missions » Fly to Mars » 2006-12-17 06:50:12


The god has created a stone life on Mars, and it completely alters and masters a surface of Mars, has processed there all rocks and mountains, and creates an atmosphere... Years through one thousand there will be a heavenly spot, the continuous sea, sand and beaches and palm trees instead of apple-trees...


#16 Re: Human missions » Fly to Mars » 2006-12-14 04:20:39

How for a long time there is this international society? How many the countries and the organizations participate in it? Why here so there are not enough people? The society yet can has had time to type members? Why new martians and what there are old martians?... Whether Is going to do a society flights and expeditions to space?

Whether there are interested persons almost free of charge to depart to space, or to Mars? For those who becomes the founder of the space company, or in it will work, for them there will be an opportunity, out of turn and almost free of charge to depart to space. The others can become passengers for flights in space by way of turn, but with very low prices for flight. It is possible owing to that the company will use very cheap modernized rockets...

#17 Re: Human missions » Fly to Mars » 2006-12-13 04:08:15

New translators do not want to work...
The discussion dealt with the specialists in the region of sciences and technologies, they on Mars most of all will be required. The passengers we will take not strongly rich, but  not poor, who are capable of paying order 1 millions or even less, I hope that such we will succeed themselves in finding, desirably specialists...

Prompt as in you to put pictures and drawings?

M Is taken first stage of zenith as URM-2, and engines change on it, instead of RD -170, is placed one NK -33, very cheap, or analogous Chinese nshche cheaper engine. Since the thrust NK -33 very low, it is necessary rocket to start with the accelerators RDTT - SOLID-PROPELLANT ROCKET ENGINE with the very cheap fuel. Accelerators also standard, or URM-Y and due to the cheap fuel and the cheap construction are obtained by cost not more than 1 million piece. The cost of first stage of zenith without the accelerators must compose several million; therefore the total cost of step with the accelerators will be about 5 million. With the concluded payload approximately 10 T. total launching weight will be about 400 t. Empty step will be used as the element of Martian ship, and such elements will be assembled into the packets on seven pieces, and can also on 19 pieces, and they are butted by the ends between themselves... First stage with the accelerators can be gathered into the packet of three and seven rockets, but more powerful launching pad will be required... Furthermore, it is possible it to alter to hydrogen, and to raise gruzopod'emnost' of monoblock rocket to 30 t.

Rocket-ramjet VRD. Possible to alter the rocket of external combustion to direct-flow VRD, in this case it is possible to get rid of the heat exchangers, and to burn hydrogen or kerosene at a strong oxygen deficiency and a low temperature, and gas is ejected through the nozzle directly inside the ramjet engine VRD or R- PVRD $$RTPVRD - RAMJET ENGINE.
Airflow in the engine is compressed in the air duct, which is nozzle from the rocket camera. Moreover air partially is compressed on the shock wave from the nozzle, and further still it is compressed from the inclined gas jet from the nozzle with the adjustable pressure depending on speed and the flight altitude... The mixing of air and gas jet further occurs and its afterburning moreover at the high supersonic speeds, and therefore the section of combustion sufficiently long is obtained. Further hot supersonic jet is enlarged in the nozzle part VRD and as a result is obtained additionally significant thrust increment to the thrust of rocket camera. As a result the specific impulse can reach 1000 and more than yedenits! The engine working well even at the very high speeds, and it is regulated well on height and flight speed! This engine is very good as accelerator for the super-cheap zenith! And it is possible that with its aid it will be possible to be accelerated even to the orbital velocity...

Who knows, prompt, is conducted an even more international competition to the suborbital rocket? And if yes, then what conditions for participation in the competition, and are whether other still competitions?

#19 Re: Human missions » Fly to Mars » 2006-12-06 06:38:01

But who and where deals with space dirigibles? They that have already real apparatuses?... is AKS, but in them something not serious...

There is a pipe with the heat exchangers in the walls, through which is passed hydrogen, or ammonia, and it nagrevayetsya to 1000 - 2000 deg, after which it will be given into the combustion chamber, where is added oxygen in the strong deficiency, and occurs the supplemental heat of gas to 2000 - 3000 deg, after which everything is ejected through the nozzle with specific impulse 5000 - 700... It is possible to manage without the combustion in oxygen, and pulse a little will be lowered... Gas jets behind the nozzles are ejected inside the pipe, oriented along the air flow, and inside the pipe falls the air flow, and the afterburning of mixture occurs, furthermore to the flow salts of metals, type of barium, strontium, etc., which strongly emit luminous energy, are added. As a result with the combustion of jets inside the pipe the flame will vividly shine, and heat the walls of heat exchangers and hydrogen supplied there... This engine will make it possible to dostich' the specific impulse of unattainable for ZHRD - LIQUID PROPELLANT ROCKET ENGINE, and it is good for first stage and for the accelerators with the motion in the atmosphere... this is excellent accelerator for THE SUPER-ROCKET...

#20 Re: Human missions » Fly to Mars » 2006-12-05 03:45:59

Dirigible is disk in the form of spherical segment on top, and spherical or parabolic segment from below. Upper segment is made from durable clear sheet, type of Lavsan - polyethylene terephthalate film, Soviet equivalent of Dacron, lower segment is made either from the glass-fiber-reinforced plastic or from the dural, with the specular coating inside... Lower segment - this is mirror for the concentration of solar or laser beams... The focus of mirror is situated somewhat higher than surface of upper segment in the upper specialist to the nacelle, connected by cone with airship envelope... In the nacelle are found the heating elements of heat receiver from tungsten or other high-temperature (strength) alloys. In this heat receiver hydrogen from the dirigible nagrevayetsya to 2000 - 3500 degrees and it is ejected through the nozzle outside... In this case is reached specific impulse 600 - 1000... Hydrogen in the shell is located under the internal pressure approximately 2 atm or above and it is strongly supercooled to low cryogenic temperatures... In the lower airship car is located the spacecraft, load and passengers, in the upper nacelle they are located crew, and additionally the tank of liquid oxygen. Dirigible has sizes from ten it is meter in the diameter to the kilometer and more... For Mars the size of dirigible will be about hundred it is meter in the diameter... Dirigible rises upward under the action of lift to 20 - 30 km, further are included powerful ground-based gas lasers or high-frequency radios emitters, and dirigible in the inverted state begins to slowly rise on the inclined to the heights of approximately 50 km due to the ejection of hot hydrogen from DU. Further engine is boosted, and dirigible begins to be accelerated on the inclined and also due to the lasers... At the heights of approximately hundred of km and speed into several km in s, is produced the passage from the laser heating to the solar, for which the dirigible is turned over by mirror downward... Thrust in this case sharply will fall, but it is possible to boost DU due to a certain reserve of liquid oxygen and due to the increased expenditure of hydrogen further in proportion to the acceleration of dirigible, the supply of oxygen can be decreased to the complete disconnection, and to pass to the maximum specific impulse to 1000... In this case the enormous savings of weight on leaving in orbit is reached... The order of half of launching weight of dirigible must leave in orbit... Further dirigible can either continue acceleration in the direction of Mars or remain in orbit for a while... In particular it is possible to supplement the reserves of hydrogen due to the decomposition of ammonia or organic matter and water... This dirigible is capable to drive away ship to ten of km towards Mars, and to dostich' Mars in all in the month... It is further possible to supplement gas in dirigible on Phoebus or Deimos, and due to the solar energy it is possible to zatormozit' prior to entry into the atmosphere of Mars and to sit down on Mars very safely. Dirigible without the load will be the best means of transportation on Mars.... To start from the Earth is possible without the lasers, and only due to the afterburner DU due to oxygen, but this will sharply worsen specific impulse and will increase the expenditure of mass... If what organization wishes to participate in the project, then we can conclude contract...
For the space colony the generation of children in space has enormous value, but strangely that no one attempted to verify this even on animals!!! Nevertheless, a similar project is very real, since undoubtedly will be located numerous rich, which would wish to sponsor a similar project, or it can even themselves in it participate!!! Minimally this project is evaluated approximately in 20 millions uye... In space on S is started the woman - volunteer, or conjugal pair, and there are conducted all procedures, up to to the generation and other... After which descent, and a study of child on the Earth... In the case of unpleasant deviations is probable early orbit ejection... To return at the beginning
Specific impulse to 600 - 800 can be obtained, also, on the conventional hydrogen missile. Burnt hydrogen is not ejected for this, but it will be given into the heat exchanger, in which nagrevayetsya hydrogen to 1500 - 2500 deg, further hydrogen will be given in DU, where additionally it nagrevayetsya by partial combustion with oxygen and it is ejected through the nozzle. Water vapor from the heat exchanger inject into the empty department of fuel tank or into the soft shell, the type of dirigible... Vapor, after injection into orbit is condensed and will come out water, which will be necessary aboard the ship for all possible needs, plus as working body for the acceleration from the orbit to Mars... The temperature of vapor there will be the order of 1000 degrees, therefore will be required either iron tank or iron shell, aluminum hardly will be maintained... Main difficulty lies in the fact that to make a light heat exchanger of enormous heat transfer, at a high pressure... Therefore the engine thrust will be limited by the power of heat exchanger... But to obtain about hundred of tons thrust is completely actual which is suitable for a rocket to 500 t of weight, but will be necessary the boosters... Furthermore, DU in the booster regime can work with the turned-off heat exchanger as usual hydrogen ZHRD - LIQUID PROPELLANT ROCKET ENGINE, instead of the booster... Furthermore, at the high speeds, it is possible to bring UI to 1000, ejecting from DU only pure hydrogen, but thrust will be below, and then heat exchanger must work to 3000 and more than thousand degrees... As the accelerator possible to use the modernized rocket of external combustion, due to what UI it will increase substantially... Liquid hydrogen it is not expedient to use, in the form of its high costs, and the difficulty of obtaining and storage... It is best to use the compressed and strongly cooled hydrogen gas in the iron tank made of high-strength steel, where it is pumped and pairs... Complexity also in how to partition off hydrogen and vapor in the tank, is apparently best to use a soft shell from the iron plates with the high-temperature (oxidation-resistant) padding... The rocket with a launching weight of 500 t, will be able to place in orbit to 200 t, and to Mars - is more than hundred tons ship. To us is necessary the ship of order 1000 and more than tons. For this it suffices to neglect one rocket in three thousand tons, or about 6 rockets in 500 T. we decompose water in orbit into hydrogen and oxygen, hydrogen is used in DU, oxygen partially also can be used in DU, but specific impulse will be lowered with it, and for oxygen is necessary a specialist DU of the type of plasma...

#21 Re: Human missions » Fly to Mars » 2006-11-27 07:03:13

It is necessary to search for different sources for financing the expedition, since thus far it is not obtained with the collection from the population, it is necessary to study the search of rich passengers and different business But why you are interested in a question about the end? If for itself, then to you this can soak, while if for its society - the this is absolutely useless anything to change, and better surely no one not to know about the terrible end... Why it is necessary urgently to be removed from the Earth? But because in the bible end for science, technology and for the Christian civilization as a whole is recorded. In particular is there given the total number of all Presidents OF THE USA their 42 in all must and be, and Bush exactly it 42 - President (although it is formal 43, actually - 42!). Although Bush can become the lifelong President, or what previous President will return, this is very highly improbable. Furthermore in dads of Roman their total number is recorded, so it is here according to those records, still must be one dad Roman. Analogously for Russia it is recorded in the bible about the present President as the latter... And many other prophecies speak analogously... Who does not believe to bible and god, the these are his personal problems, also the very for those, who do not entrust to my interpretations of bible, let he verify this on his own zadnitse and roll to himself into hell, but we want to leave at the sky and living all...

#22 Re: Human missions » Fly to Mars » 2006-11-24 07:11:42

We these are some enthusiasts of cosmonautics and missilemen from the different sites gradually we are gathered All civilizations on the Earth perished and perished and this also not exception itself will arrive barbarians and they will destroy the civilization It is difficult to understand, I please you to speak simply. In order to understand transfer is possible. I apologize myself for the jargon, when he spoke about the lemons, million so sometimes are called... The project of flight to Mars can be here revived and moved, if we find rich passengers and spetsov! Once is not obtained to gather means from the people, so it can it will come out find rich passengers...

#23 Re: Human missions » Fly to Mars » 2006-11-23 06:58:33

We want to fly away now, thus far it is still possible to fly away... But being doubted, cowards I please to us not to prevent stick us in the wheels from not putting! We to risk separately and not will be indeed, but gradually everything we investigate. and gradually be moved away we will be from the Earth. and to the latter hold we will be with it connection, until everything is broken, then they then severely to all to us in the drums of our far from the mother of the Earth... CLEAR LOWER DECKS ABOARD THE SHIP! I assure you, that there is one only method into space to fly away! For this we should to very rapidly make ships and fly away from the Earth... Thus far even by way everything, and there are no obstacles and almost to fly... Thus far yet did not be late we and to fly away, as we was late "energy" and by the n-th to take for the flight to us for Mars... Now it is necessary for us cheap rockets there on hydrogen in Chinese or in the Japanese to buy... On the kerosene not fountain to fly to Mars! Already there somebody is ready to fly, but only should we still begin entire work... Who wants to fly, so be connected to us without the delay! And will extremely much be to us the work of any above roof, even more than Korolev had, although we will almost fly with room and board, in order to us to have time and to fly away! Thus far there oil and all possible goods did not become dearer to the sheerest and the cruelty indeed, and peacefully all thus far... But who to consider intended for long, then he ostanets it on the Earth, and let then he ask in NASA - NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION and in ROSKOSMOS he will bow to to floor indeed, who will take it for Mars and they can years through 20 and take away his that growing old and weakening into space indeed! And if you live all until that... But for free to fly away to us will not come out sooner anything, everything it is necessary for us to sell to us its, and money to obtain and where it is convenient to us! IT DEVISED 4 WHERE THE MONEY TO PROCURE! Will take with ourselves we passengers from the West of rich and spetsov, similar to Bertha rutan, similar let us take with ourselves, for hundred we lemons, and it can also as fifty in all let us take for Mars with ourselves of them to live... But can even and as pair of hundreds of kiloes-Bax also we will take spetsov of good good them from the Earth... Here here already specialists will be necessary on the Earth, but they are necessary to us and they will be extremely! super-computer with the reason artificial it will be aboard, and to Martians we will put horns, also, with it...

#24 Re: Human missions » Fly to Mars » 2006-11-19 08:30:16

Difficult to understand...
it is not agreeable with you! Microbes there exactly there are no, perhaps that only at the large depths... But as far as Martians are concerned, someone indeed colonized already Mars, and most likely they remain there, there are for this some evidence. Can simply you they did not understand my text, because of the poor transfer? No space, and Mars to humanity is necessary and for nothing, and colony on them also the very, recently to fans and to large clever fellows this is necessary indeed, but such is extremely small, and almost that there are not!
when we will arrive flying aboard the razhavykh ships, assembled of their scrap metal and on the dumps, then entire universe will laugh above us and above the Earth, which sent us for the achievement of the universe! But most of all above terrible zhlobstvom and above improbable skarednost'yu of earthlings, who was sorry for the expedition even of the broken half copeck coin...
Contemporary technology is held only in the word of honor and on Chinese trudogolizme only!!! When it ends, but it will be sufficient there it not very for long, everything will fly to chertyam... Like Soviet technology was held only from under the stick and discipline only! When to poke everything tired to people, and they gave to them freedom, everything collapsed by avalanche indeed!!! Analogous and contemporary tekhnolgiyu there expects also indeed as cosmonautics it already almost that entire it is pulled down on the eyes... We on Mars electronics almost not had, with exception perhaps that of lamp pieces... special support to genetic indzheneriyu and biotechnology, and also to life-support systems and survival, and also to rocket engineering, everything else will leave to poboku and almost entirely... From the Earth the supply must in very rapidly cease, when there technologies everyone flies to chertyam!...

#25 Re: Human missions » Fly to Mars » 2006-11-17 04:49:16

But now that?
But besides words and any chatter not audibly nothing! No one for space it to make actually nothing desires nor wants, well perhaps recently for the money of!?... Some idlers and simple spectators all around cost even they observe, as the state structures of space with the squeak they die, they attempt to hold them and by abuse they attempt to revive them! And regard one only I I attempt particular space to inspire and to derive on the light of terrestrial... And by finger indeed no one to move wants and soak although drop to me, with contempt and with the malicious joy they control my pitiful efforts, to raise enormous rocket bulky object... They hope for the uncle only indeed, for the uncle from the energy, from NASA - NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION, from Roskosmosa, and other dyad' they hope that those all themselves will make for them... But uncles those no longer are those entirely! Here there is no time enormous ambitions in the establishment were in order peace to conquer, etcetera to it space also indeed! Nuclear rocket and military ambitions held peace in the severe cam, and they moved entire earth, and mountains and seas shifted and erased for them! But now not track and it remained any ambitions in their state! As soon as petty private traders by their exorbitant ambitions are capable way space and of zastolbit', and life to breathe in they are capable into their rusty rockets!... And to fly away from the Earth they are capable on entirely! But 4 by rockets and by space it was absorbed in there even during Korolev's lifetime indeed, but it was early too here, still everything closed it everything was to the huge lock! And they there released no one too highly! And they did not release even Korolev too far. But only on the leash of their earth's orbit they let out how dogs on the guide, and they derived to take a walk slightly... They feared that on Mars on the Moon, they without the party free colony will build everything and it is not returned to them entirely!!! But that you do think, but perhaps they did not fear? Feared to the forest than of enemies they, that people who will scatter where, and therefore there they followed at sea so that not ubeg no one and not where on the launch, on the boat - anywhere, boundaries all were closed to the iron locks with the enormous fences and the frontier-guards evil and dogs enormous entire ogorozheno around indeed was and everywhere! Not from shpiyenov ogorozheno, but from its so that all would not run out, but there were the cases, that they swam away, they ran away indeed! To swim away was there even more easily, entire sea black on the oars pass, than to the fence crawl... And therefore they held space also on the lock! Locks would now remove like, but to no one already to fly, and to no one already to run, were contented all by circle, the Earth by them the house of native, and to depart from it to severe fatal space wants there no one!... In vain this indeed. The Earth was always there hell for the people! At the equator of heat strongest and most evil, the brains will melt from by it! But is further on the north, winter cold severe winter! And people ancient in the south lived indeed, and barbarians with the cudgels and in the skins stamped on northern cold and froze into death! But survived they and to cold to spite, also, in spite of, and created empire enormous and powerful they! People they held in freezing weather terrible and exhausted by cold and by hunger entirely, but survived those barbarians, from cold more cleverly they became and learned to the wisdom of every kind in order to conquer cold! And they now made and paradise almost that on the Earth, and with the heating and other, paradise almost that indeed, with the clothing by the there warm, such as and conveniently delight in there they all! They do not know even they do not think that is worth there gas only overlapping crane, and paradise hell will instantly become also for them! But at the same time electricity by it to chop off, then is entirely dark, and the dark around, and cold terrible there, it will expel them all to the south, to the enemies to surrender all them will expel entirely!... Civilization their will leave to rust and to be scattered to smithereens, and they themselves will be southern slaves there, in the earth be conveyed they will be day and night then who will survive indeed... On Mars at the equator warmer had than we in winter, only there is no air there, but this is reparable indeed. And Mars it is completely possible to make paradise and more comfortable than on the Earth possibly life will there be indeed! There someone it to Mars already comets discarded, and revived it, so why still its once not to revive completely?... Law it life exists, who suffers strongly, that he strengthens, and who is in bliss and delights in in the comfort to the skies, that he degrades, weakens indeed and dies out entire...

Of people it proposed  to invent the name of space colony for us, and even competition advanced, and it promised reward indeed, but almost no one responded, and they give unimportant and terrible names! Imagination they there do not have entirely, it is necessary for me itself to award, also, instead of them... But can the box of vodka propose for them as prize?... Still there sky whispered there name its: Redberds, good, but ominous it... STARRY WARS, a series ¹... similarly that on Mars they await actually us already, as sky she spoke also about this indeed... Here there is no time and someone it colonized planet Mars already!, it threw out comets to Mars, and they maximally softly planted, and therefore living it Mars long ago indeed was! But music for long there did not play by them, and were evaporated entire gas, water of povymerzla there entirely... Comets the reserve of rasstayal it then, distant comets by them is not profitable to chase to Mars by them!... And therefore they were buried deeply into the sand, they sit, and you will not see them and will not find on no account all them! And even powerful radars, they cannot also to them be opened indeed, they are sly, and antiradary exist in them! And everything in them indeed exist! To us it is too far to them! Not to us to be pulled with them there, still us they will give with all on the teeth, but that more badly can be, they can make us slaves, but can simply they will destroy, but can and they will drive away us... But is therefore similar Mars it not for us, it already someone saddled, and us sooner anything they will not release and there... As somebody said that the evil Martians there already raised all military their fleets, they led into the combat readiness in order to meet us, and in order not with which to send us back, and can entirely remove... Although, otherwise everything indeed can be, they earthlings feared and fear indeed, and not looking at the power enormous its! But it is therefore possible that also we will succeed themselves in on Mars making room them, and it can even drive off... But it can to us send by the radio to Mars signals about the war and against the Martians? But Yankee let they war themselves, also, on shatlakh of all their, and they will fly to Mars, and can even and they it will free?!... But no, so there Christ and satan they will give all Martians into the back, they will take Mars for us...

S I will pour off!!! But the earthlings of this did not note, or faster they did not want to note! Still! In them under the nose did jump certain likable air sunbeam reflection, and they did break heads - from where it could undertake, and that this for the wild beasts such strange!? That to say - the ancient earthlings were much wiser than their present abstruse descendants, and they examined any ghosts not worse than in our own saucepans! They undoubtedly would know how to meet the messenger of the masters of strange peace with the becoming means, and they would know how with it to find and to fix common language!!! Alas, ancient wise men on the earth were very long transferred without leaving a trace, and instead of them remained some yaytsegolovye abstruse scientists alone, who not the least concept have about the ghosts of every kind! But very in vain! There arrogant Soviet workers attempted by all truths and by untruths to be opened to Mars, but their its masters so did not release and derived from the system all their AMSy!!! But those persistently vomited there, in spite of the fact that the masters categorically refused to there release them... Even Korolev and that they so did not release to themselves apple tree to plant! But those, after suffering severe space wreck in their oecumenical hegemonistic claims, so anything having understood, with whom and with which they deal, very quietly tyuey okochurilis', and they broke as the soap bubble! Here state and other AMSy Martians to themselves hospitably released, and they sent to them their peaceful envoy in order to report that they have against the earthlings of no evil intentions, otherwise of them could meet entirely another ghost, much more terrible and more aggressive... It is here in what the difference of primitive civilizations and highly developed!... Primitive understand communications only in their own language and in to it similar languages, and the highly developed civilizations know how to read any messages and any communications in any sivolicheskikh and what conveniently abstruse languages, including hints... But Martians there ironed Mars rovers on the head, and even they erased from one of them pylyuku! Giving to understand that they desire to be friends with the earthlings, and even it can help them!... Stubborn kommunyak they not into what desired even to see them, but Democrats and Christians they honored by their attention, and milostlivo they allowed Zeml4nskiys to machines to be rolled on Mars and to photograph to the right and on it is left!... Moreover, according to the communications of some researchers, climate on Mars clearly began to soften, and polar caps began sharply to melt, which can attest to the fact that the Martians prepare to accept Zeml4nskiys the migrants of!!!... Although it is possible that besides ghosts, on Mars there are no material living beings already long ago, this does not mean that them not it was entirely, faster on the contrary, once is ghosts, means there was there is no time certain life and certain essences... Although podi know, can they there from the Earth we could fall, can Mars - place of reference for the terrestrial ghosts? Or they could prilitet' from the Earth and together with the Mars rovers, but on the Earth god to them forbids to show before the living people, and on Mars to forbid probably to no one... So that now it is possible to dispatch messages to Martians, and to propose to negotiate about the conditions of the stay of earthlings on Mars. Although the Martians can not go to what negotiations, but it is simple to impose on earthlings its conditions, either they can be insulated from the earthlings, but worst of all, that they can even subordinate them or parasitize on the earthlings... The idea of negotiations it is also far from of the good, since they can deceive us, or they themselves will expect that we will deceive them... So that Mars leaves for the earthlings not by the best place for the stay!!! And it becomes very doubtful. Perhaps that on it it is possible to build hothouses and fur farms..., and to also reach from it water and other substances... But to live better in space, it is further from any planets, at the large space station with artificial gravitational force, and by that by well protected from the dangers of every kind, especially from the meteorites... Or it is necessary to live inside the asteroids... A question does remain open, where to fly, and where to settle, and which of the satellites of Jupiter can be suitable for the colony, and are there no its there ghosts? However on those satellites too strong volcanic cataclysms, and they can prove to be completely not suitable for the life, but Europe slshkom is distant and it is too cold for us... Remains another Nemezida, but it must be still found, and for that it is necessary to promise large reward to astronomers... On the Moon the astronomers fixed annomal'nye the phenomena of every kind, including gigantic ghosts, according to the type of Petrozavodsk phenomenon, so that they do not there also similarly us await and they are not ready us to accept there, but even if they await, then it is not known for what purposes... So that best strategy on the mastery of space, there will be gradual and slow removal from the Earth, with the maximum maintenance of contact with the Earth, and the building of large space station - colony. And name for it already exists - It stardast...

But everything is very simple! On the surface the temperature in the shock wave of solar wind composes many thousands of degrees, and the hot flows of plasma instantly blow away any water vapors from the depths of planet into space... And therefore it can freeze at the south pole of the Moon of no water, plasma everything takes away!... And even in the eternal shadow of the southern craters, where the soil surface temperature must be almost lowest possible, but also there plasma podogrevayet all, and no waters to settle and freeze can!

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