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#1 2006-12-22 19:21:18

Michael Bloxham
From: Auckland, New Zealand
Registered: 2002-03-31
Posts: 426

Re: The Clean Slate Society Forums

Well the secrets out. Let me introduce to you the Clean Slate Society Forum:

If you could create a clean-slate society, what would you change?

I intend this forum to be a place where creative users can contribute their knowledge of current society and discuss potential solutions to current flaws; In effect drafting the policies of a theoretical new society from the ground up, or from a 'clean slate'.

I expect to see a great deal of collaboration on the potential possibilities of clean slate designs in many varied fields. Following is a few of my personal favorite musings:

- Clean Slate Country (As the US gained independence from Britain, can we once again create a new society where none existed before?)

- Clean Slate Government (Democracy has its flaws; can we do better?)

- Clean Slate Policies, Constitution, etc.

- Clean Slate Philosophy (an undeniable infallable philosophy which encompasses, while respecting, all others)

- Clean Slate IT Hardware & Software (Scratch-designed computer standards; internet 3.0, clean-slate operating system)

- Clean Slate Education System

- Clean Slate City (A large megapolis designed and tested within a simulated 3D environment before the first foundation stone is layed...)

- Clean Slate (your idea here)

I've been a member of newmars for some time now. During my time here I've been impressed with the well-researched discussion of issues relating to the potential for a scratch-built marsian society. Many of these ideas have impressed me enough to wonder wether we could implement these ideas on earth, perhaps as part of a new country, or simply to improve on current designs.

If these ideas appear intriguing to you, please help the Clean Slate Society Forums by contributing your own thoughts, ideas and knowledge.


- Mike

- Mike,  Member of the [b][url=]Clean Slate Society[/url][/b]


#2 2008-05-08 03:02:21

Michael Bloxham
From: Auckland, New Zealand
Registered: 2002-03-31
Posts: 426

Re: The Clean Slate Society Forums

Heaps more stuff added. Some very interesting discussions going.

Why not throw in your own thoughts? Check us out at:

Hope to see you there!

- Mike,  Member of the [b][url=]Clean Slate Society[/url][/b]


#3 2008-05-09 04:47:45

From: Baile Atha Cliath, Eireann
Registered: 2008-01-13
Posts: 297

Re: The Clean Slate Society Forums

The idea of the Clean Slate society is such a cop out.

Its obviously going to be highly influenced and a spin off of what came before. Only a mind tainted by current society would come up with such an idea and its usually a big grab for power.

My idea would be to face up to the problems of this cilivization and take responsibility for fixing this society in a practical manner instead of indulging escapist fantasies.


#4 2008-05-09 05:42:20

Michael Bloxham
From: Auckland, New Zealand
Registered: 2002-03-31
Posts: 426

Re: The Clean Slate Society Forums

Actually, this is exactly the main purpose of the project; coming up with fixes to current society's woes by working backwards from a theoretical clean-slate. In other words, imagining how you would go about improving on things within the context of a clean-slate society, and then figure out how you can get from here (the current mess) to there (the theoretical ideal).

The clean-slate society that is referred to here may never arise, but that is not the point of the project. Rather, it is simply to provoke thought on the matter (i.e. recognizing that current systems aren't ideal, and asking ourselves how they can be improved upon).

- Mike,  Member of the [b][url=]Clean Slate Society[/url][/b]


#5 2008-05-09 09:45:55

Tom Kalbfus
Registered: 2006-08-16
Posts: 4,401

Re: The Clean Slate Society Forums

A few reforms, I would introduce would be random selection for "lower house" members of legislatures. Lets take the United States as an Example. The US elects its representatives by districts, each of which is supposed to represent an equal number of people, but at least one district is in each state.

Now lets suppose that for every Congressional District there is one House Member who is elected for a two year term, for a total number of house seats to be filled equal to the number of Congressional Districts in the Country. Add to that an equal number of unelected randomly selected house seats that are filled by lottery, that is a random social security number is selected and that person who has that number wins a house seat, he serves a full two-year congressional term and gets the same power as elected Representatives with no distinguishment between the elected representative and the randomly selected one. When the Congressional term expires, there are new elections. If the randomly selected representative wants to stay in congress, he going to have to get elected to the District Seat where his official residence, at the time of his selection, happens to be, that means he's going to have to go for the seat already held by an elected representative. This means that there is effectively dual incumbancy with only half the number of seats to be reelected for. Randomly selected representatives are not likely to have their Social Security number chosen again, so in order to stay in power they have to run for election, and with that one term already in their belt they have a track record. This tends to dilute the number of professional politicians in the legislature with ordinary citizens.

Another proposal would be to limit the total maximum tax level of all levels of government to no more than 40% of each individual's income. Broken down this way, 10% for local government, 10% for state government, 10% for federal government, and 10% for direct undifferntiated redistributuion. That means you pay 10% of your income and you get back 10% of per capita income. If your income is less that 10% per capita income that means you get back more than the 10% you pay out, otherwise you pay more than you get back. As a head of a family, you get 10% per capita for each family member you represent through your tax filing. This is an automatic welfare redistribution without bureuacracy and rules. Also no food stamps, no special rules for medical coverage, no restrictions, all you get is money, no means testing either, everybody gets this automatically. The remaining 30% goes for government operation. I like to keep things simple. I also keep in mind that someday there will be machines as smart as humans, they will zero out human held jobs as they will work more efficiently. Owners of capital will receive all the income unless this is addressed. Having a mechanism already in place would be a big help as opposed to millions of people filing for food stamps and subsidized shelters because robots and computers tool all of their Jobs.


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