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#76 2006-03-14 15:01:38

From: Upstate NY, USA
Registered: 2004-07-25
Posts: 1,021

Re: Froggy's

Disapproval ratings are a joke because they don't tell you want the country wants.

"Yes, I was going to give this astronaut selection my best shot, I was determined when the NASA proctologist looked up my ass, he would see pipes so dazzling he would ask the nurse to get his sunglasses."
---Shuttle Astronaut Mike Mullane


#77 2006-03-18 22:09:56

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,304

Re: Froggy's

French students, police clash in labor protests

Government pressured to nix law that some fear will make jobs vulnerable, which drew some 500,000 people in cities across the country.


#78 2006-03-19 02:17:55

From: Belgium
Registered: 2003-11-03
Posts: 3,669

Re: Froggy's

That article is a bit of a joke.
Even the title is a joke

some fear will make jobs vulnerable.

typical minimalising talk. More than 60% are against it. And you don't have to be an Einstein to see it WILL make jobs vulnerable, heck the measurement is designed to do so. The ability by employers to throw people out w/o giving a reason whatsoever, can hardly be described job security.

Had to laugh out loud with those silly American reporters. The biggest protests since the sixties... And of course they have to highlight the trashing of a Mac Donalds  :shock:  The horror! The Savagery!  lol

Oh, and how they succeed in insinuating this whole thing is a leftwing conspiracy, while those extreme-left youth raising flags and throwing stones at the cops have NOTHING to do with the protests, those are 'professional' troublemakers, ask any European and they know the type, the types that tag along big demonstrations to fight with police and trash banks, shops (McDonalds :shock: ) Now the article makes it look like the demonstrations were big battles. They were not. Only after the demonstrations trouble began, and then only at isolated spots.


#79 2006-03-19 12:17:46

From: Scotland, Europe
Registered: 2004-06-07
Posts: 1,879

Re: Froggy's

That article is a bit of a joke.
Even the title is a joke

some fear will make jobs vulnerable.

typical minimalising talk. More than 60% are against it. And you don't have to be an Einstein to see it WILL make jobs vulnerable, heck the measurement is designed to do so. The ability by employers to throw people out w/o giving a reason whatsoever, can hardly be described job security.

Had to laugh out loud with those silly American reporters. The biggest protests since the sixties... And of course they have to highlight the trashing of a Mac Donalds  :shock:  The horror! The Savagery!  lol

Oh, and how they succeed in insinuating this whole thing is a leftwing conspiracy, while those extreme-left youth raising flags and throwing stones at the cops have NOTHING to do with the protests, those are 'professional' troublemakers, ask any European and they know the type, the types that tag along big demonstrations to fight with police and trash banks, shops (McDonalds :shock: ) Now the article makes it look like the demonstrations were big battles. They were not. Only after the demonstrations trouble began, and then only at isolated spots.

It was not that they where big battles but there where a lot of small ones and it spread the police thin.

France I see has a problem that this new law is trying to correct. The problem is that for employers with a working week set at 35 hours exactly and with real difficulties in getting rid of under performing employees plus the very large social benefits and laws that have to be upheld by employers is making the products these employers firms make expensive. This hurts and so France has economic doldrums. So these employers dare not hire more people as the French economy is in real trouble.

Unfortunatly the only way to improve the economy is to make France more productive and competitive. This means changes to the laws and social programs of France and it is easier to do this with new employees coming into a firm.

There will be more of this Im sure it is natural if France is to become more competitive. It will happen whatever as France like any country cannot afford so many on the dole.

Chan eil mi aig a bheil ùidh ann an gleidheadh an status quo; Tha mi airson cur às e.


#80 2006-03-19 12:26:40

From: Upstate NY, USA
Registered: 2004-07-25
Posts: 1,021

Re: Froggy's

I can believe these people would honestly rather be a little less securely employed than very securely unemployed.

Their more spoiled than the US auto unions.

"Yes, I was going to give this astronaut selection my best shot, I was determined when the NASA proctologist looked up my ass, he would see pipes so dazzling he would ask the nurse to get his sunglasses."
---Shuttle Astronaut Mike Mullane


#81 2006-06-01 11:32:51

From: Paris in Astrolia
Registered: 2004-02-13
Posts: 595

Re: Froggy's

I can believe these people would honestly rather be a little less securely employed than very securely unemployed.

Their more spoiled than the US auto unions.

French automobile industry is very competitive with 35 hours per week working time

And stop chewing ! 

Chewing time isn't included in a french week working time  wink


#82 2006-06-01 12:06:00

From: Belgium
Registered: 2003-11-03
Posts: 3,669

Re: Froggy's

The riots have started again...

And now it's almost summer. That's a big difference.

If the coming few weaks have warm weather, it could turn ugly fast.
If there's a heat-wave, it *will* turn ugly fast.

riots in winter very seldomly last long, people tend to go inside. In summer, you can run around all night.... Even if the police uses water cannons.


#83 2006-06-02 06:55:52

Austin Stanley
From: Texarkana, TX
Registered: 2002-03-18
Posts: 519

Re: Froggy's

riots in winter very seldomly last long, people tend to go inside. In summer, you can run around all night.... Even if the police uses water cannons.

Especialy if the police use water cannons, what better way to cool off!  lol

He who refuses to do arithmetic is doomed to talk nonsense.


#84 2006-06-08 13:16:42

From: Paris in Astrolia
Registered: 2004-02-13
Posts: 595

Re: Froggy's

The riots have started again...

just a very localised fever button, but showing that a burst of hate can happen again.
The result of Mr Sarkozy repression policy close to extreme right's is that the rate of physical agressions is fastly rising. In France, policemen career evolution is based on the number of police actions so that at the end of each month, to keep high scores, policemen have to arrest people ! No really matter how and why.
In the "violent" suburbs, the most easy way to "score" is to raid at small dealers, generally kids who try to make little money with hashish. France has a much more repressive ban on hash and marijuana policy than all his bordering neighbours, and that doesn't impede french teens to have the highest marijuana consumation in Europe.
As there is no job offers for these suburbs kids, if they have no incomings, they turn on violent robberies to make money.
By chance, in the Paris district I live in, kids are so well organised with viggies using a simple mobile phones rings warning system that decenials of police actions never stopped hashish traffic a single day, therefore, the kids keep being nice, even teaching to younger kids how to behave nicely (say hello, keep the door open to the lady and so on) with people... who could be clients.

So stupid, everybody knows that peace in french suburbs relies on economics, provide jobs and incomes to peoples. With 20% unemployment rate and 50% among young adults in these suburbs, jobless people will tend to gather and make gangs

riots in winter very seldomly last long, people tend to go inside. In summer, you can run around all night.... Even if the police uses water cannons.

Water cannons work fine when you're facing a crowd, no use when you have to run after mobile youngters gangs


#85 2006-06-24 12:31:33

From: Paris in Astrolia
Registered: 2004-02-13
Posts: 595

Re: Froggy's

The french National Geographic Institute (I.G.N) offers now a french territory map and photographic viewer with a much higher resolution than Google Earth or World Wind.
It's called "Geoportail" (="GeoGate")

France 3D flys will be available next Autumn.

Sorry, the oversaturated with succes IGN server isn't reachable.  :oops:


#86 2006-07-01 04:46:36

From: Paris in Astrolia
Registered: 2004-02-13
Posts: 595


#87 2006-08-11 11:07:24

From: Paris in Astrolia
Registered: 2004-02-13
Posts: 595

Re: Froggy's

Here, we have a lot of fun about the "BabyTalk Magazine Cover Controversy"
That anyone could be shocked by this cover amazes us.
As we say, puritans have a broom in the .sshole lol


#88 2006-09-19 11:01:53

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,774

Re: Froggy's

Chirac risks clash with US and Germany over Iran
He stated that he had "never seen that sanctions were very effective," adding that he was "not pessimistic" over the prospect of a compromise deal with the "great nation" of Iran.
"We must first find an agenda for negotiations, then during these negotiations I suggest that, on the one hand, the six [the US, the UK, France, Germany, China and Russia] renounce involving the security council and Iran renounces uranium-enrichment during the negotiations," the French president said.


#89 2006-09-23 17:19:18

From: Upstate NY, USA
Registered: 2004-07-25
Posts: 1,021

Re: Froggy's

That pic of Chirac is priceless.  lol

He's right though, sanctions didn't work with Saddam, and they won't work here.

That anyone on the planet still thinks we can talk Iran out of building a nuke is really, really, pathetic.

The time for good options ended in 1979.

"Yes, I was going to give this astronaut selection my best shot, I was determined when the NASA proctologist looked up my ass, he would see pipes so dazzling he would ask the nurse to get his sunglasses."
---Shuttle Astronaut Mike Mullane


#90 2006-09-24 21:14:07

Mars...Let's Go!
From: SoCal
Registered: 2006-09-22
Posts: 9

Re: Froggy's

I agree.  Talking with Iran about stopping their nuclear program is like talking to a wall.


#91 2006-10-14 04:58:57

From: Paris in Astrolia
Registered: 2004-02-13
Posts: 595

Re: Froggy's

No matter, you can tease Chirac as much as you want

I'm not frankly among his supporters  big_smile

He's right though, sanctions didn't work with Saddam, and they won't work here.
That anyone on the planet still thinks we can talk Iran out of building a nuke is really, really, pathetic.

Aren't USA a pathetic ally of Pakistan, the country that breeds Taliban terrorists and fuelled North Korea and Iran nuke efforts ?

By the way, the Brits want to withdraw from Iraq...

...understanding that foreign troops fuel terrorism,
and isn't Iraq the best training field for terrorists ?

Better late than never....


#92 2006-10-14 22:31:30

John Creighton
From: Nova Scotia, Canada
Registered: 2001-09-04
Posts: 2,401

Re: Froggy's

No matter, you can tease Chirac as much as you want

I'm not frankly among his supporters  big_smile

He's right though, sanctions didn't work with Saddam, and they won't work here.
That anyone on the planet still thinks we can talk Iran out of building a nuke is really, really, pathetic.

Aren't USA a pathetic ally of Pakistan, the country that breeds Taliban terrorists and fuelled North Korea and Iran nuke efforts ?

By the way, the Brits want to withdraw from Iraq...

...understanding that foreign troops fuel terrorism,
and isn't Iraq the best training field for terrorists ?

Better late than never....

What do you suggest the policy with Pakistan should be?

From the article you linked to:

'Proper context'

The prime minister said two provinces had already been handed back to the Iraqis "precisely because the job has been done there".

Iraqi response

A spokesman for Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said the departure of multi-national troops now "would be a disaster".

Iraq's ambassador to Britain, Dr Salah al-Shaikhly, said British soldiers were close to completing their mission.

"You've done marvellous in terms of the development, you've done marvellously in terms of keeping the security," he said.

White House spokesman Tony Snow said the United States had sought clarification on Sir Richard's comments.

"What he said is that the comment was taken out of context and his general point was that you know when your work is done you hand over authority to the Iraqis."

In Basra, Maj Gen Ali Hammadi, the Iraqi security co-ordinator, has told BBC's Newsnight that if the British stopped arrest operations in the city, the level of violence there would drop by 80%.

So if the job is done some places and the British did a marvelous job then that is great. Let’s hope then that they can go home soon and Iraq will be stable.

Dig into the [url=]political grab bag[/url] at [url=]Child Civilization[/url]


#93 2006-10-15 03:58:15

From: Paris in Astrolia
Registered: 2004-02-13
Posts: 595

Re: Froggy's


What do you suggest the policy with Pakistan should be?

One remark, first, the present is result of the past, the democratic regime is India, India kept good relationships with the former USSR, USA have favoured Pakistan, therefore the idea that USA favours democracy is a fake. This is a simple notice, as a french, I can't say that France favoured democracy in its former colonies, favouring local crazy dictators.
USA supplies Pakistan with F16, for instance, for a F16 and its maintenance, there is a school that is not built, replaced by a coranic school, for a F16 squad, it's an university that isn't built, replaced by a madrassa and so on...the clerics do what the governement does not.
I'm not the master of the game, I can only suggest that Pakistan should be treated like a sick country, not just like a jack on the chessboard

]So if the job is done some places and the British did a marvelous job then that is great. Let’s hope then that they can go home soon and Iraq will be stable.

The Brits had an easier job than US troops, the region administrated by the Brits is now almost 100% Shia, with interethnic hate, the Sunnis leaved, today it's ethnically "pure".

and Iraq will be stable.

Iraq WAS stable. We know that Saddam fulfilled the UNO resolutions about its weaponry, with some disagreements on 20~30 km range for some missiles.
Any US try to prove Saddam had WMD has failled, except for some ultra rep fantasms.
When the US expeditionnary corp was gathering in the Gulf, the baasists were really scared in spite of Saddam's blufs, more international demands on more power share could have led to an acceptable regime, but baby Bush wanted to surpass dad.

A spokesman for Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said the departure of multi-national troops now "would be a disaster".

It would be a disaster because the way Iraq was ruled by the coalition with the idea of punishment at the Baasists and the Sunnis which turned them into ennemies of this democracy set by foreign powers. They still are because there is a federalism which de facto deprives the Sunnis of the oil benefits.


#94 2006-10-19 14:43:53

From: Upstate NY, USA
Registered: 2004-07-25
Posts: 1,021

Re: Froggy's


What do you suggest the policy with Pakistan should be?

One remark, first, the present is result of the past, the democratic regime is India, India kept good relationships with the former USSR, USA have favoured Pakistan, therefore the idea that USA favours democracy is a fake. This is a simple notice, as a french, I can't say that France favoured democracy in its former colonies, favouring local crazy dictators.
USA supplies Pakistan with F16, for instance, for a F16 and its maintenance, there is a school that is not built, replaced by a coranic school, for a F16 squad, it's an university that isn't built, replaced by a madrassa and so on...the clerics do what the governement does not.
I'm not the master of the game, I can only suggest that Pakistan should be treated like a sick country, not just like a jack on the chessboard

If you don't like Pakistan cause its not a democracy, how would you like it if it was?

Mussariff is not a madman, and that is why he has our support. He lives under considerable threat to his life trying to keep Pakistans nukes out of the hands of extremists, and everyone should be dam thankful that we do. Someday Pakistan will be a democracy, but if that were to happen today, if would become a parking lot tommorrow, along with large parts of India, and God knows how many western capitals. And Don't think for a minute that good ol' Pari would be immune.

and Iraq will be stable.

Iraq WAS stable. We know that Saddam fulfilled the UNO resolutions about its weaponry, with some disagreements on 20~30 km range for some missiles.
Any US try to prove Saddam had WMD has failled, except for some ultra rep fantasms.
When the US expeditionnary corp was gathering in the Gulf, the baasists were really scared in spite of Saddam's blufs, more international demands on more power share could have led to an acceptable regime, but baby Bush wanted to surpass dad.

We done know what happen to Saddams WMDs, other than to say they were not is a state to be militarily effective when we invaded. We still find a 80's era shell here and there (non-functional as artillery, but the stuff inside was still deadly), telling us he did not destroy them himself, and the UN was incapable of finding them.

Whatever happen to the rest of them, we may never know. But we do know that Saddam, to this day, is still "unrepentant". Had the regime change policy not been taken, he would have eventually reemerged under sanctions and posed a threat once again.

As for being stable, don't think for a minute that the sectarian violence occuring on the streets of Bagdad today wasn't occuring under Saddam. It was, and by Saddams direction. The only difference was Saddam did it quietly, and Shia and the Kurds took the brunt of it. Did you miss all the picutres of the mass graves?

In fact, much of our problems today stem from Saddams rule. Sunni's fear having their roles reversed, and Shia fear being the punching bag again. Extremist on both side fuel those fears, and the innocent majority are paying the price. In the wider scheme of things this is a 1000+ year Islamic blood fued that the world was bound to have to deal sooner or later.

"Yes, I was going to give this astronaut selection my best shot, I was determined when the NASA proctologist looked up my ass, he would see pipes so dazzling he would ask the nurse to get his sunglasses."
---Shuttle Astronaut Mike Mullane


#95 2006-10-19 16:26:40

From: Paris in Astrolia
Registered: 2004-02-13
Posts: 595

Re: Froggy's

If you don't like Pakistan cause its not a democracy, how would you like it if it was?

Mussariff is not a madman, and that is why he has our support. He lives under considerable threat to his life trying to keep Pakistans nukes out of the hands of extremists, and everyone should be dam thankful that we do. Someday Pakistan will be a democracy,

No matter Pakistan is a democracy or not, the problem is that it's a damned nest of islamic fundies !

You think that democracy is the solution, I think that welfare and education are the solutions, when I said that for one F16 and maintenance sold to Pakistan, one school wasn't built, that was a fake, in this country among the poorest in the world, it is one hundred schools unbuilt, replaced by islamist fundies' schools teaching to the children the hate at the West, to begin with USA.

As for being stable, don't think for a minute that the sectarian violence occuring on the streets of Bagdad today wasn't occuring under Saddam. It was, and by Saddams direction. The only difference was Saddam did it quietly, and Shia and the Kurds took the brunt of it. Did you miss all the picutres of the mass graves?

There were very little things the spy satellite cameras didn't see or unreported by refugeed opponents.
Under Saddam, and after Gulf War 1, there have been lots of Kurdish and Shias victims, I know that, nevertheless, Kurds were air protected by US and Royal air forces, and the level of Iraqi victims never rose at 600000 as under US occupation, unable to stop the actual civil war, that's what the world sees

We done know what happen to Saddams WMDs, other than to say they were not is a state to be militarily effective when we invaded.

Haha, you don't know   roll
That's the fake, US administration accuses, isn't able after all investigations on the ground to find any evidence of WMD
It's obvious that if Iraq had lethal gaz or anthrax production units, as told by Colin Powell before the whole world TV cameras at the UNO Security Council, the resistance and terrorists would have used them against US troops or even other opponent Iraqis, or against any western capital, if they didn't, if they don't, Iraq had no WMD, the UNO inspectors did correctly their job, it is clear for the whole world except for the stupid warmongers !


#96 2006-10-19 17:47:20

From: Upstate NY, USA
Registered: 2004-07-25
Posts: 1,021

Re: Froggy's

If you don't like Pakistan cause its not a democracy, how would you like it if it was?

Mussariff is not a madman, and that is why he has our support. He lives under considerable threat to his life trying to keep Pakistans nukes out of the hands of extremists, and everyone should be dam thankful that we do. Someday Pakistan will be a democracy,

No matter Pakistan is a democracy or not, the problem is that it's a damned nest of islamic fundies !

You think that democracy is the solution, I think that welfare and education are the solutions, when I said that for one F16 and maintenance sold to Pakistan, one school wasn't built, that was a fake, in this country among the poorest in the world, it is one hundred schools unbuilt, replaced by islamist fundies' schools teaching to the children the hate at the West, to begin with USA.

So you think if we refuse to sell F-16's to Pakistan, they'll build schools instead?
.... And people wonder why we say Europe is dangerously niave.

No, they'll buy them from Russia. Even France is not above selling weapons of war to even less savory types. Which large western European country had it's planes exiled from the theater in the 1st Gulf War because their planes were identical to the ones flown by the Iraqis?

As for being stable, don't think for a minute that the sectarian violence occuring on the streets of Bagdad today wasn't occuring under Saddam. It was, and by Saddams direction. The only difference was Saddam did it quietly, and Shia and the Kurds took the brunt of it. Did you miss all the picutres of the mass graves?

There were very little things the spy satellite cameras didn't see or unreported by opponents.
Under Saddam, and after Gulf War 1, there have been lots of Kurdish and Shias victims, I know that, nevertheless, Kurds were air protected by US and Royal air forces, and the level of Iraqi victims never rose at 600000 as under US occupation, unable to stop the actual civil war, that's what the world sees

If you actually buy that figure, then, well, we've already established that your dangerously naive.

We done know what happen to Saddams WMDs, other than to say they were not is a state to be militarily effective when we invaded.

Haha, you don't know   roll
That's the fake, US administration accuses, isn't able after all investigations on the ground to find any evidence of WMD
It's obvious that if Iraq had lethal gaz or anthrax production units, as told by Colin Powell before the whole world TV cameras at the UNO Security Council, the resistance and terrorists would have used them against US troops or even other opponent Iraqis, or against any western capital, if they didn't, if they don't, Iraq had no WMD, the UNO inspectors did correctly their job, it is clear for the whole world except for the stupid warmongers !

Saddams WMD's were not going to save his regime whether he used them or not. Why forever prove us right, when he can do more lasting damage by making sure whatevers left doesn't fall into American hands. And have the world fall for it hook line and sinker.

"Yes, I was going to give this astronaut selection my best shot, I was determined when the NASA proctologist looked up my ass, he would see pipes so dazzling he would ask the nurse to get his sunglasses."
---Shuttle Astronaut Mike Mullane


#97 2006-10-20 01:07:05

John Creighton
From: Nova Scotia, Canada
Registered: 2001-09-04
Posts: 2,401

Re: Froggy's

Maybe we could help support an alternative school system in Pakistan. As far as weapons of mass destruction in Iraq some people think the only weapons of mass destruction in Iraq are the ones Sadam bought from the Americans.

Dig into the [url=]political grab bag[/url] at [url=]Child Civilization[/url]


#98 2006-10-20 04:54:50

From: Paris in Astrolia
Registered: 2004-02-13
Posts: 595

Re: Froggy's

So you think if we refuse to sell F-16's to Pakistan, they'll build schools instead?
.... And people wonder why we say Europe is dangerously niave.

No, they'll buy them from Russia.

HAHAHA, Russia selling weapons to Pakistan which harboured jihadist volunteers to go and fight the Russian troops which invaded Afghanistan, I'm afraid that if you call me a dangerous naive, I can call you a dangerous ignorant lol

Even France is not above selling weapons of war to even less savory types. Which large western European country had it's planes exiled from the theater in the 1st Gulf War because their planes were identical to the ones flown by the Iraqis?

You're naive if you think a second that we do sell the same Mirages we have to foreign uncertain clients. Khadafi didn't even try to use its Mirages against the french expeditionnary corp when he tried an annexion on Chad, aware that they would simply fall out of control and crash if flight over french troops.
French Mirages weren't used over Iraq just because their radar echoes were similar to Saddam's listed in allies AA systems, nevertheless photograpic survey Mirages were used.

Saddams WMD's were not going to save his regime

You can stance again and again like a parrot that Saddam had WMD when daddy'son launched the US attack, if Saddam had, terrorists would be actually using them, if they don't, Sadam hadn't any WMD left, that's all.
There is nobody except the morons to believe that lie.


#99 2006-10-20 08:39:11

From: Paris in Astrolia
Registered: 2004-02-13
Posts: 595

Re: Froggy's


Maybe we could help support an alternative school system in Pakistan.

May be one hundreth of the amount of money spent for the war at Saddam would have proved to pakistanese ordinary citizens that we are neither their ennemies nor ennemies of koran.
I've heard a turkish originated french saying that France with its social system was more complying with the sharia charity rules than the turkish state...


#100 2006-10-22 15:27:52

From: Paris in Astrolia
Registered: 2004-02-13
Posts: 595

Re: Froggy's

They've done it  roll
Now you can have a France photo browsing with generally a higher resolution than with GoogleEarth over France. Still waiting for 3D viewing.
Be indulgent, the french National Geographic Institute is far from having Google's money power, it lives mainly from selling roads and general geographic maps and few gouvernmental subventions.


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