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People knowing Google Moon, a Google Maps version of our satellite, will be pleased to know Google has now gone the extra mile and stitched toghether Google Mars,
Google has launched Google Mars, based on the work done by Arizona State University's THEMIS researchers. With an AJAX-driven interface based on Google Maps (and Google Moon), you can search the Red Planet in false-color elevation, black-and-white visual, or infrared. Be sure to check out the so-called Face, the landing sites for Spirit and Opportunity, and the Polar Lander.[/quote
(@ the other admins: not sure I this really merits a sticky, but I thought it was of 'lasting value...' De-stickify if needed)
Saw this on the morning news and was sort of googled into being stunned. Hopefully this will go a long way towards get more people interested in space in general....
You know what the weirdest part of Google Maps is?
Google Maps Mars has a higher resolution than Google Maps Earth (!!!!)
i know the maps of America are pretty decent, but even the European ones are really low res, while Mars maps are really hi-res.
Thats because Scientists are using the best technology to look at Mars. The pictures that they recive isn't military secret.
On Earth i doubt any government would willingly give up detailed images of Earth.
"...all I ask is a tall ship, and a star to steer her by."
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