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Outrageous attacks on NASA's science, George Deutsch the NASA public affairs guy has resigned his post at NASA, the Bush government is using its religion and influencing climate change studies and scientific results. … 344220.ece
NASA's public-man who lacked degree resigns, there are also articles on the NASA scientists who were gagged by the government about reports on greenhouse gasses and global warming. The Bush man Deutsch, the whitehouse presidential appointee in NASA headquarters, had told a Website designers to add the word 'theory' after every mention of the Big Bang
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was search for a space weather topic but seems this one needs fixing....
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El Nino planet-warming weather phase has begun
Other interesting happenings like Sunspot reports and Cosmic Rays in the Atmosphere
and '2335 potentially hazardous asteroids' that would change our climate
Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2023-06-08 16:33:48)
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Lincoln, Nebraska Tornado
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Brazil floods: 85 dead, 130 missing, 150,000 displaced from their homes … 968987.amp
most of a city looks underwater
Porto Alegre the capital and largest city of the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul has 1.5 million inhabitants
Photos from the sky and satellites look even worse, similar to Katrina and New Orleans
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45 mins long, some political commentary
The worst flooding in Brazils history is happening now l The Brazilian Expat
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Surprisingly, storms on Jupiter and Earth have something in common
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