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#1 2003-03-01 09:34:13

From: United States, Colorado
Registered: 2002-11-23
Posts: 433

Re: Teenage View on Iraq - Issue?  Don't care?

We've all heard what the older members think about Iraq in the Free Chat forum, but what do the youth of America (and the world) think about this issue?

"Some have met another fate.  Let's put it this way... they no longer pose a threat to the US or its allies and friends." -- President Bush, State of the Union Address


#2 2003-03-01 19:31:27

From: Corvallis, OR
Registered: 2003-02-06
Posts: 922

Re: Teenage View on Iraq - Issue?  Don't care?

I don't think that Iraq poses a credible enough threat to justify war at this time.  The weapons inspectors seem to be making progress, so the most prudent strategy is to let them continue and support their efforts.


#3 2003-03-02 10:24:39

From: Nova Scotia, Canada
Registered: 2002-11-01
Posts: 1,764

Re: Teenage View on Iraq - Issue?  Don't care?

Hans Blix used to be the Prime Minister of Sweden, and had to be convinced of the importance of heading the Iraq inspection team for the U.N., to come out of retirement at age seventy-two. As a former resident of that very unfrivolous nation, I have full confidence in his judgement.


#4 2003-03-04 22:02:22

From: Phoenix Arizona
Registered: 2002-09-25
Posts: 343

Re: Teenage View on Iraq - Issue?  Don't care?

I am still a teenager, despit me being so wise. I say lets invade Turkey after Irag and make them pay for there war crimes of destoring a 2500 year old civilation. Not to mention there bad record on human rights. They need to be taught some respect!! Burn Turkey to the ground!!!
And do the world a justice. After that maybe its time french lreaned some respect too. Ungreatful, snobs.
England not supid and is sticking to use.
EU is a danger to world sablity. There army grows larger every year. Its only a matter of time before french troops occupie America and force us to eat currsonts11 :laugh:
The end is near, run for the hills.

I love plants!


#5 2003-03-05 12:10:54

From: Nova Scotia, Canada
Registered: 2002-11-01
Posts: 1,764

Re: Teenage View on Iraq - Issue?  Don't care?

Ah, the follies of youth, make my elderliness seem all so worthwhile!


#6 2003-03-07 10:28:39

From: Phoenix Arizona
Registered: 2002-09-25
Posts: 343

Re: Teenage View on Iraq - Issue?  Don't care?

What ever! tongue

I love plants!


#7 2003-03-07 13:43:29

From: Auckland, New Zealand
Registered: 2002-12-15
Posts: 190

Re: Teenage View on Iraq - Issue?  Don't care?

Most of my 'friends' are caught up in the "Anti-America" thing, which is all the rage at the moment. So naturally they don't support a war. I have had some very heated arguements about the subject (which is fun as). I am also very appalled by some of the actions that some protesters have done in NZ and Aussie.

I support the war pretty much 100%.



#8 2003-03-08 09:21:02

From: Nova Scotia, Canada
Registered: 2002-11-01
Posts: 1,764

Re: Teenage View on Iraq - Issue?  Don't care?

Senior member...supports war pretty much 100%.... One wonders if Echus_Chasma possibly is of draft-age, because obligatory military service is where your attitude will inevitably lead. You might as well kiss Mars goodbye.


#9 2003-03-08 12:00:21

Registered: 2002-11-24
Posts: 1,492

Re: Teenage View on Iraq - Issue?  Don't care?

Echus is in NZ-he doesn't have to worry.

Being an American-I don't worry about a draft.  First of all, it won't happen, imho.  Second, if it does, I will serve my country if I'm called on.  And in two years, I will be draft eligible. 

On another note-I will be going to college, which means I will be way down the draft list.


#10 2003-03-22 15:41:37

From: United States, Colorado
Registered: 2002-11-23
Posts: 433

Re: Teenage View on Iraq - Issue?  Don't care?

Earthfirst, I checked out "antipeace".  Are you still doing it?

Secondly, Echus's nation doesn't have a national army to speak of, so it's not of importance.

Third, the US has a substantial enlistment from a voluntary force, so I see no reason to draft the unwilling.

Fourth, Dickbill, aren't you an older Frenchman?

"Some have met another fate.  Let's put it this way... they no longer pose a threat to the US or its allies and friends." -- President Bush, State of the Union Address


#11 2003-06-25 16:18:14

Registered: 2002-01-08
Posts: 236

Re: Teenage View on Iraq - Issue?  Don't care?

How can anyobdy go to Mars if we keep fighting and killing each other? Do we want our global civilization to self-destruct?


#12 2003-06-26 22:08:56

From: Auckland, New Zealand
Registered: 2002-12-15
Posts: 190

Re: Teenage View on Iraq - Issue?  Don't care?

Very true, I don't think anybody wants to see our civilization self-destruct.

But how the hell do you stop the killing in countries where there are dictators or like Israel, a country completely set into the notion of eye-for-and-eye, tooth-for-a-tooth?

For example, sitting back and letting Saddam murder 'his' people does about the same to world peace as going in a taking his regime out. The only real difference is people died for a cause when Iraq was invaded, instead of dieing needlessly at the hands of a murderer.



#13 2003-06-27 09:27:23

From: Pullman, WA
Registered: 2003-06-18
Posts: 15

Re: Teenage View on Iraq - Issue?  Don't care?

I am a teenager disgusted by the ruling American regime, considering:

1.) The geo-political effect of unilateral, chauvinistic war-mongering
2.) America's imperial-capitalistic foreign policy: the root of international terrorism.
3.) The deep and widely publicized corruption of our nations leaders by the oil industry; a group with fundamentally amoral interest in war with Iraq.
4.) 24,000 people die of starvation daily, and HIV is epidemic in Africa, yet we spend $90 billion+ on a war that threatens international stability in order to displace a dictator who might have possesed weapons of mass destruction rather than one who evidently does... that's insanity.

"For an engineer, innovation is not an option, it is a necessity"


#14 2003-07-03 19:31:16

From: ohio
Registered: 2003-07-02
Posts: 209

Re: Teenage View on Iraq - Issue?  Don't care?

Well I don't agree with the first three. . .the last one I agree halfway with.  nuff said.

"I am the spritual son of Abraham, I fear no man and no man controls my destiny"


#15 2003-07-06 18:02:51

Registered: 2002-05-14
Posts: 157

Re: Teenage View on Iraq - Issue?  Don't care?


You're a teenager and its shows. Hopefully you'll realize in time that your overly simplistic world view is a dead end...


#16 2003-07-07 21:24:14

From: Pullman, WA
Registered: 2003-06-18
Posts: 15

Re: Teenage View on Iraq - Issue?  Don't care?

You're a teenager and its shows. Hopefully you'll realize in time that your overly simplistic world view is a dead end...

Sir, why does youth imply foolishness? 

I beg you to explain how my ideas are  any more simplistic than those accepted by the adult generations.  But please do not write with such self-righteous discourtesy, as if I am a buffoon by default, whether it be because I am young or critical of the affluence and jingoism of modern American culture.

"For an engineer, innovation is not an option, it is a necessity"


#17 2003-07-25 17:41:12

Registered: 2002-02-15
Posts: 83

Re: Teenage View on Iraq - Issue?  Don't care?

pootechie, the world is more complicated than you give it credit for being. There is never any country that is purely evil

you say:

I am a teenager disgusted by the ruling American regime, considering:

1.) The geo-political effect of unilateral, chauvinistic war-mongering
2.) America's imperial-capitalistic foreign policy: the root of international terrorism.
3.) The deep and widely publicized corruption of our nations leaders by the oil industry; a group with fundamentally amoral interest in war with Iraq.
4.) 24,000 people die of starvation daily, and HIV is epidemic in Africa, yet we spend $90 billion+ on a war that threatens international stability in order to displace a dictator who might have possesed weapons of mass destruction rather than one who evidently does... that's insanity.

but have you considered the flip side? Have you considered that perhaps the UNited States, which is arguably still the most free country in the world, is not truly evil? Perhaps our nation is me one nation that has no trace of corruption. "Unilateral, Chauvinistic war-mongering"? I think not...have you not considered what was going on over there as it was, and why other nations did not push for war. Have you considered that nations like france, germany, and russia were doing business with Iraq and did not want their commerce disrupted, even it it meant that a dictator would be overthrown?

What troubles me about the teens of today is that though they may complain about something, they will not take action. You have an issue with the government, do you not? Then join a youth political organization like JSA (Junior State Of America) and discuss your views, and perhaps even get heard by those in power.

Perhaps the one you should be disgusted at is yourself for simply complaining and not trying to improve things or let your voice be heard...

But how the hell do you stop the killing in countries where there are dictators or like Israel, a country completely set into the notion of eye-for-and-eye, tooth-for-a-tooth?

Perhaps the only way to do that is to expose the youth of one side to the youth of the other, and show them that their ancient prejudices may not be right after all, for it is the youth of the world which will one day become the leaders. The youth have been indoctrinated with a doctrine of hate, but that can be removed with patience, time, and understanding.

"What you don't realize about peace, is that is cannot be achieved by yielding to an enemy. Rather, peace is something that must be fought for, and if it is necessary for a war to be fought to preserve the peace, then I would more than willingly give my life for the cause of peace."


#18 2003-08-15 23:28:23

From: Pullman, WA
Registered: 2003-06-18
Posts: 15

Re: Teenage View on Iraq - Issue?  Don't care?

What troubles me about the teens of today is that though they may complain about something, they will not take action.

And it troubles me that you have such a pessimistic view of teenage people.  Some of us actually have educated viewpoints, which we have discussed in length with our peers and experts of great authority (senators, doctors of economics and political science, priests).

Believe it or not, some people with dissenting ideas have the will to express them.  It's more a matter of whether or not anyone will listen. 

Some of us have taken the time to meet and converse with every one of our local and state wide elected officials, and have been a part of government education and activism organizations for the entirety of there adolescence.

I've contributed most of my life to my social/political views... have you?

Perhaps the one you should be disgusted at is yourself for simply compaining and not trying to improve things or let your voice be heard...

"For an engineer, innovation is not an option, it is a necessity"


#19 2003-08-16 01:23:13

Registered: 2002-02-15
Posts: 83

Re: Teenage View on Iraq - Issue?  Don't care?

Some of us actually have educated viewpoints, which we have discussed in length with our peers and experts of great authority (senators, doctors of economics and political science, priests).

On that point I agree, that some of us can have educated viewpoints, and that we have discussed such views at length with peers and experts. However, for the most part, just take a look at teenage culture in general. There is more and more apathy each and every day, and despite the efforts of a dedicated few, many more fall to the wayside.

And yes, I do believe people will listen, I'm simply urging you not to take such a one-sided view of the issue. Every issue is more complex than can truly be comprehended by someone trying to preach one side...Believe it or not, some people will listen, and take the time to make a difference every day...I'm one of those people, and through involvement in local, national, and international affairs, I've learned that nothing is as simple as it seems.

I am the Executive Director of the International League of Students, and organization that seeks to bring peace and understanding to the youth of this world, to dispel the prejudices that face them today through action. I've grown this organization into 3500 people worldwide from humble beginnings

For most of my life, I have been actively promoting my socio/political views and trying to understand those of others, and I can proudly say that I have begun to make a difference, that I let my voice be heard.

From my experience, a stance like yours is simply too simplistic and one-sided.

Perhaps the one you should be disgusted at is yourself for simply compaining and not trying to improve things or let your voice be heard...

I try, every day...

"What you don't realize about peace, is that is cannot be achieved by yielding to an enemy. Rather, peace is something that must be fought for, and if it is necessary for a war to be fought to preserve the peace, then I would more than willingly give my life for the cause of peace."


#20 2005-11-05 09:29:38

Registered: 2005-10-14
Posts: 22

Re: Teenage View on Iraq - Issue?  Don't care?

I support my president and country most of the time militarily. The Iraq War was justified, but, I do not understand why he had to cower over at the UN headquarters and ask premission to invade. Saddam was a threat, and he may have helped al-Quieda. However, I do think that we're fighting for the wrong reason now: we should try to eliminate the threat and win the war that way, none of this 'US breast-feeding the world' stuff.
Bringing the republic, not "democracy", to the Middle East, the way it is now, is too fast and too soon. Look at Israel, the only republic (and not Muslim-majority nation in Mid East) in the area, they're hated and bullied in the area. The Islamic world cannot/will not accept the republic until one of two things happen:
1) Islam loses all influence in the Mid East, and some new religion comes to town
2) Western secularism flies right into the beast of anti-Westernism of the world
So, yeah, I support the war. But, we must remember that the Mid East isnt ready mostly for the republic, they need more or less a temporary pro-US congress and judges.

"The government that governs least, governs best"
-Thomas Jefferson


#21 2005-11-05 12:52:34

From: Biosphere 1
Registered: 2005-10-04
Posts: 824

Re: Teenage View on Iraq - Issue?  Don't care?

  • "Governments constantly choose between telling lies and fighting wars, with the end result always being the same.  One will always lead to the other."

    -- Thomas Jefferson


Fan of [url=]Red Oasis[/url]


#22 2006-07-09 05:42:36

From: Europe
Registered: 2005-12-08
Posts: 20

Re: Teenage View on Iraq - Issue?  Don't care?

I think the invasion of Iraq was the right thing to do, but on the wrong basis. If you want to lead a war against terrorism, it is not a war that shall be fought with rifles and bombs, but with aid and help. The main reason terrorist groups are succesful in recruiting personel from these areas is because of the extreme poverty and lack of opportunities the people experiences. If you absolutely have to go after the terrorists, focus on the war in Afghanistan, that's where they are, not Iraq.

I also believe that eventually we need to bring democracy and universally human rigths values to these regions, and I for one welcomes the US decisive invasion of Iraq. The arguments for going into Iraq was wrong, but the decision was correct. Living conditions has improved for the majority of the population, and when the transition period is over, Iraq will have a much better system to face the serious problems it stands in front of.

I don't suggest that the US should invade every single undemocratic country and overthrow the regime. I think the US learned an important lesson from the Iraq war, which hopefully will lead to a more "carrot" than "whip" like procedure to promote the values that the western world has benefitted from over the last decades.


#23 2007-08-27 12:10:49

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,890

Re: Teenage View on Iraq - Issue?  Don't care?

I support the Iraq war 100%. Any war to remove someone who killes his own people in Iron Maidens deserves to go.
And I support Israel. If people would actually bother to read the Koran they would see what the so called 'religon of peace' really is.

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