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#1 2005-06-25 10:19:20

From: United Kingdom, Europe
Registered: 2005-06-25
Posts: 274

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

This just came to me while i was watching and episode of Star Trek:TNG True Q. It was about a world that was heavily polluted. What is the one thing that humans are good at? Polluting.

We can send robots that will pollute the planet until is thick enough. We can then make the plant suitable for human life by planting thousands of plant that have been gentically engineered that would produce more oxygen. We can get water for the plants by melting the ice caps.

Would this plan be viable?

"...all I ask is a tall ship, and a star to steer her by."


#2 2005-09-13 23:28:56

From: Hawaii
Registered: 2005-09-13
Posts: 31

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

That is a popular idea.  "Polluting" Mars with greenhouse gases would trap heat in the atmosphere and thus warm the planet to a suitible temperature for Earth-like life.  That is how global warming works, only here on Earth, it's bad.  Algae (not even genetically engineered) that can survive in hostile environments would then be sent to convert the CO2 to O2.  With the ice caps now melted, the algae would live in the oceans.

Have a nice day.  big_smile


#3 2005-09-14 14:58:46

From: Phoenix Arizona
Registered: 2002-09-25
Posts: 343

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

The greenhouse is good here on earth because with out it the Earth would be a cold frozen place too like mars. It not pollution! The greenhouse effect here on is just being enhaced by man, which will create a warmer wetter Earth than now. So it is not pollution you liberal know it all just saying what you herd on CNN then repeating likes it your own idea, and like its da truth. You dont know much about terraforming at all, you should read up on it before you make uneducated remarks about it. I mean what are you some MR star treck wacthing lumbken that worship outdated idea of noetrekism. It just makes me sick when I hear people bad mouthing terraforming as pollution, and for that matter the very process that keeps the earth from turning into a another snowball Earth event!
Learn right wacth Fox news, I also think GW would make a great leader of the world. He thinks also that reterraforming the earth is great, and soon with all the super greenhouses gases released the earth will be a pan tropical world, with all thoses old coastal city of New York and Boston under a couple handered feet of water the world will truely be better off with out liberal Dens of crazynise.
I think the new capital of the US should be Midland Texas, God bless the new holy city.

I love plants!


#4 2005-09-14 21:41:18

From: Hawaii
Registered: 2005-09-13
Posts: 31

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

Pollution is not the precise word to use in terms of Mars since the spreading of greenhouse gases would be a good effect.  That is why i used quotation marks.  On Earth, however, adding more greenhouse gases is harmful.  IT ALREADY HAS ENOUGH OF IT!  The Earth can only get so warm until you begin to melt the ice caps and kill life everywhere, because you would be massively flooding the land masses.  You also do not realize that if the polar caps are at tropical temperatures then that would mean that the equatorial areas (for example, oh, i don't know, say, TEXAS?!) would be broiled.

You also make too many assumtions about me.  I did not get my information from CNN.  I do read up on terraforming.  I am not a "Star Trek-watching lumbken."  And YOU accuse ME of making uneducated remarks!  That's rich.

Finally, I would highly advise that you to watch what say out the New England area.  You are religious!  You revolve around belief!  Those cities revolve around open-mindedness and the scientific method.  Mankind would be pathetic without people like them, as it was during the Dark Ages (specifically BECAUSE there was little science and plenty of religion).  I suppose you want Intelligent Design to be tought in the place of Evolution.  Look, your lack of rationality has failed you.  You are not helping yourself or Mankind to get anywhere, so when you find youself debating against someone like me, you don't even know what you are up against.  Perhaps you "believe" that you know what you are up against!  HAHAHAHAHA!  Stupid zealot...   big_smile

Have a nice day.  big_smile


#5 2005-09-15 12:46:12

From: Phoenix Arizona
Registered: 2002-09-25
Posts: 343

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

I was talking about the other guy stormrage he brought up star terk, also you called me a Zealot? I am not a self hating liberal jew from New York, Jew like would be insalted by that remark. If I was jewish beening called a Zealot would be a complment. Because I support the good jewish people in palistein, or new Zion.
Also I live America! which a free is acountry, according to the US constittution I can say any thing I want about New England or for that matter your state of little islands that does not matter beyond the pineapple crop.
Also dont mess with Texas boy, they won their independence and are proud of their state, they also freely joined the Texas republic to america.
Also if the polar cap melted it raised sea level by 300ft to 400ft, also it not be boiling, with increased ran fall and clouds the summers would be all that hotter, winter would be more mild. Your thinking of Venus which has 87 bars of CO2 and is also a lot closer to the sun. I dought that would even will get the earth Co2 percent above 1% because any higher it would be toxic for us. Right now its 300 ppm Parts per million of molecules thats small and no where near 1%.

I love plants!


#6 2005-09-15 13:20:13

From: Phoenix Arizona
Registered: 2002-09-25
Posts: 343

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

Also the earth is self regulating, as the earth warmed rainfall would increase which cleans out CO2 from the air. More rain more plants means that they use more CO2. Also Global warming will be just a few degrees, also it is a missconception that global warm causes heat haves. Global rise by 3 degrees will not cause texas 10 reach 250 degrees. Over all over long periods of time it does have a effect but the effect is minor for local areas. Over all summers in northern and southern hemispheres will be only a little warmer like adding a 10th a degree to there over all averages. But winters will be more mild, and springs will come a week or to early for your area. This has the effect of melting snows, pack ice sooner. In the polar areas this effect will have greasest effect since it very cold and just a little warming can push the area from ice bound to ice free. Tropical, subtropical, and temperate regions will not be greatly changed. Over hunderds of years if the earth stays 2 or 3 degrees warmer ecosystem like boral, of grassland might move north a by a hunderd miles. On mountian slope a 100ft change in elevation for biomes in the northern hem. In the tropics little changes, Increased tropical strom and hurricanes might help water desert region between 20N and 30N lat.
As the polar caps melt increases in sealevel will have the greatest change to the world. Over 500 to 1000 years sea level will rise 300ft to 400ft, in America the low coastal areas will flood, but over 100s of years so people just move up slope making new citys. But as the mid west floods up to like siant louse. It will make the gulf of mexica larger and during monsoon flows over the west will be wetter. The american west will be wetter with a climate like the current southeast us. Durning the paleocene the fllod mid west provided a simliar climate for the west.
Any ways I know a lot more about history, climate, and other thing than you. What are you 17 still in High school! I am a collage student studing plant sciences. So dont call me stupid, that is rude and against forum rules. Also I was takling about the first guy stromrage commits not yours. Also I was making jokes not saying what I thought. Most people like to have fun and BS when they post, most people dont take things as insalts. Only MR's lessthan75 due. Also I just dont like smartass liberals from New York or Boston that is not a crime. Please dont be so rash in your commits, but take thing with a grain of salt. Keflam saids da lord!

I love plants!


#7 2005-09-19 17:11:43

From: Hawaii
Registered: 2005-09-13
Posts: 19

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

You would force everyone near the coasts to move just so you can flood New England?  So much for the Earth being First!  Your error with melting the ice caps would cause all non-mountainous regions of the United States to flood.  The only habitable areas would be the Appalachians in Georgia and the Rockies in Colorado.  Your precious Texas would be underwater!  So much for your "Holy Land," Zealot.  The Texan deserts would become the Texan seas!  Also, the equator would get super hot.  Last time I checked, Texas was near the equator.  If Texas didn't flood by some cosmic event, the temperatures would become very HOT!  The equator is always hotter than both of the poles.  Texas would become an oven!  Heat "haves" would fry anything near the equator. 
BTW what "collage" do you go to?  I bet my high-school is a lot more difficult than your "collage".  You obviously don't know much about Meteorology, primarily Oceanics so drop out of Botany (big word for plant sciences) and go back to spelling and grammar school!

P.S. If you need any help on big words such as Meteorolgy, Oceanics, or Botany, just PM me and I can explain them to you.
ggkthnx, Zealot

ggkthnx big_smile


#8 2005-09-19 17:14:51

From: Hawaii
Registered: 2005-09-13
Posts: 31

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

First of all, if i got a nickel for every spelling or grammatical error, I'd rival Bill Gates.  And you are in COLLEGE?  Another child left behind.... 

Second, the sea level maintains equilibrium.  That means that the level will go up EVERYWHERE if the caps melt.  So what do you suggest?  That all 290,000,000 Mainlanders cram together on top of the mountains surrounding the Great Basin?  So much for the new "Holy Land!"  Texas is a flat desert!  It will be one of the first places to go!

THIRD, the temperature of the equator will always be warmer than that of the poles.  Trust me.  Texas would be frying.  Heat "haves" everywhere, baby!  My stomach is beginning hurt from laughing too much, so I should move on to my next point.

FOURTH (!), because of the horrendous spelling and grammatical errors, I couldn't understand that cryptict bit about Jews and Zealotry.  I am not a code cracker.  But the bottom line is this:  If you hate liberals so much that you want them to die, you want "GW" (or anybody for that matter) to lead the world, and you think that Texas should become a "Holy Land," you are a zealot.  End of discussion.

Have a nice day.  big_smile


#9 2005-09-20 12:42:30

From: Phoenix Arizona
Registered: 2002-09-25
Posts: 343

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

Hello VTTFSH_V, You still did not get that that I was joking about the New Holy land. Also I am not flooding the world, natural and manmade causes will if CO2 and other greenhouses gases amounts rise over the next century. Also look at a topographical map of the world, and some very detailed map of the USA mainland.
A rise in the earth sealevel by 300ft would only flood area currently below 300ft elevation. Much of lowland texas and the midwest would flood but most of the state is above 300ft. Only eastern texas would flood, and only west texas is a desert most of which is mountains 7000ft to 4000ft in elevation. Also most of west is way above 300ft not just the great basin. Which has its own salt lakes that would fill with more rain, and become large fresh water lakes as big as the great lakes. Also There would not be more heat waves, and texas would not fry. That just a silly idea billy!
Also I am from Phoenix Arizona, not from texas so stop bashing texas. I am a student at the school of liberal arts and sciences, at ASU. Don't bash Arizona, it is a great state.

I love plants!


#10 2005-09-20 13:09:28

From: Phoenix Arizona
Registered: 2002-09-25
Posts: 343

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

"horrendous spelling and grammatical errors" That is a nice thing to make fun of and is rude. I got my learnings from Arizona public school systems, My spelling was perfectly fine enough to pass highschool, and to to get an AA college degree.
I will soon have my BA in plant science from ASU. Every one in Arizona is bad at spelling because we dont feel that it is important. Anyways only uptight smartass know it alls care. My self esteam is more important than you, by pointing out my misstakes you have hurt my self esteam, that makes you a grammerNazi.
Also I am better than you in smarts, natural sciences, and comedy. Just because you spout off what some liberal teacher told you about greenhouse gases does not make you right, being racial bigetted about mainland Americans, not having a understanding about topo of the world. Just makes you a little smart ass liberal biget prejudding reborn christens, two bit MR below 75.
Also "MR below 75" is the PC way to say, Mental retarded below 75 in IQ. I learned that in a class about how to educated "The special learner" Meaning you are able to read off, or repeat thing you they say on CNN, or say thing you read in the newspapper and then repeat it and act like it your own idea. Thats dubble plus good for you! Meaning study up before you make false jackass statements about things you know little about, and form your own opinions based on reason. smile

I love plants!


#11 2005-09-21 17:24:36

From: Hawaii
Registered: 2005-09-13
Posts: 19

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

Spelling is very important. I don't know what they are teaching you at ASU, but without spelling, all means of written communication would collapse.  We wouldn't know what one another is saying, and civilization would collapse.  We would basically be going back to the dawn of civilization, which is not a good thing.

I checked out your school, ASU.  You claim to be smarter than me?  Yet the average SAT score at your school is roughly 1200?  I scored a 1200 on the SAT in 8th grade!  So much for being smarter than me.

Check out my school, which I attend with my friends who are users of this forum, VTTFSH_V and VTTFSH_Th.  Our school even has its own wikipedia article, and its a HIGH SCHOOL.  Read it carefully.
My school is one of the most reputable schools in the entire nation.  It is THE largest independent school.  Spelling is very important here, unlike at ASU.  Do you see how I have little or no spelling errors in my posts?  Also, I take Calculus and Physics Honors here, which are college-level courses.  And I'm only in 11th grade, buddy.  Those are probably courses offered by ASU to undergraduate students.

Furthermore, I somewhat dislike religious people.  They are always trying to force their beliefs upon others.  You may THINK you're smarter than us, but I KNOW you're not.  There are differnces between thinking and knowing.  You should be the "MR below 75".  You should also never announce that you are attending a "School of Liberal Arts and Sciences."  That is the lowest level of the college structure, with Universities being next, and Institutions being at the top.  And also, getting a BA is the second lowest degree you can get.  Why have you not attempted to get a MA or even a Ph.D?  Plus, a majority of graduate students get business degrees.  Until then, you will be a mediocre plant scientists.  Now with my grades and SAT score, I could probably get into a good university or institute of technology, such as California Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and other schools of that caliber.  I know as a fact that both Caltech and MIT are better schools than ASU.

Finally, another thing for my resume would be a book that my friends and I are planning to write, which will be about Space Humanization.  It will have more breadth and depth than any other space book that has ever been written.

Good Day.

ggkthnx big_smile


#12 2005-09-22 01:31:13

John Creighton
From: Nova Scotia, Canada
Registered: 2001-09-04
Posts: 2,401

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

WHat are you two doing having a pissing contest? Try to stay on topic please.

Dig into the [url=]political grab bag[/url] at [url=]Child Civilization[/url]


#13 2005-09-22 13:01:33

From: Phoenix Arizona
Registered: 2002-09-25
Posts: 343

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

Yes it is a pissing contest and I am winning, Also I did not take the SAT to get in to ASU. Try quess how I got around that SAT, the Aims test for high school.
Also a 11th grade kid could not hanndle classes at ASU, I git a A in PLB 200, Geo 103, bio ecology, and many others. True most of the time I was just playing vedeo games, or sleeping. But I proved to my self I am smart passing classes were 80% of the students drop. It is a great feeling to in a class that had a hunderd students at the start of the year and to be one the 20 people that did drop and passed. In High school you cant give up like you can in college. They just give you a D and let you go on. In college you have too do it all on your own. With out the help of rich perents that send you to some fanncy private school. I went to public school it was hell on earth for learning. When you fear being stab or robed in the hulls, you forget about being so concern with spelling misstakes, and just try to get pass and get out while you can.
If you are so smart what your IQ? Also take the GRE the test you take when you try to get into grad school in college. That test is harder than the SAT and will show you how little you know and that you should not so disrespectfull to people who are older than you and are better educated than you. In high school I had no idea of what college was like

I love plants!


#14 2005-09-22 13:18:37

From: Phoenix Arizona
Registered: 2002-09-25
Posts: 343

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

" And also, getting a BA is the second lowest degree you can get. Why have you not attempted to get a MA or even a Ph.D? Plus, a majority of graduate students get business degrees. Until then, you will be a mediocre plant scientists. Now with my grades and SAT score, I could probably get into a good university or institute of technology, such as California Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and other schools of that caliber. I know as a fact that both Caltech and MIT are better schools than ASU. "
You dont know much about college do you, first it is what you want to make of it. Going to MIT may be you idea of a good school but not mine. I want to work as a park ranger, or for the BLM, or a company that works with plants. MIT does not offer a good plant science degree they are more tech stuff. Also I live in Arizona and as a resident I can goe to school cheap at MIt I would pay out of state rates.
Also ASU is a well respected school witha degree from there I can get good Job anywhere in the west, thanks to all there grads who like to hire fellow ASU grads.
2. You first get a BA before you get a masters degree, then a PHD. Becauase you need to very well educated to get into grad school. Also my Dad got a PHD from ASU which also makes me want to go to that school. Also Caltech out of state and too liberal for me. As a member of the republican party I would be not fair too well in a very liberal school. Any ways As a plant science major ASU has a great program and has every thing I need. For grad school I might go to UA the school to the south of me. There plant programs are world star. Also ASU better than MIt because I live right next to the school, location is Key. Also ASU Mars program has sent many probs parts to mars with Nasa. MIT or caltect are not known for there mars programs.
If you are so smart take the GRE test and see if you can get into a grad school, MIT or caltech have very high standerds. If you dont get a very high score you will end up at some low state school.

I love plants!


#15 2005-09-22 14:55:42

From: Phoenix Arizona
Registered: 2002-09-25
Posts: 343

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

"You should also never announce that you are attending a "School of Liberal Arts and Sciences." That is the lowest level of the college structure, with Universities being next, and Institutions being at the top."
VTTFSH_T  I know that silly. Arizona State University or as it is called ASU for short is a university made up of many colleges one being the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, of which I am in the Sols "school of life sciences" of which I am in the Plant biology BA degree program. When you go to a University you have to declare your degree program and join a college with in the University. Bening a ASU student for me is a given, I said the college so that you could if you wanted too check out the program that I belong too.
If you go to a University you will too  have to join some college with in it that has your degree program you want to take, and when you tell people you sort of have tell them what college you belong too and your degree path that is just a given.
For example there are general University standerds that you met plus standerds that your college sets for your degree path. Also you can get kick out of your college yet still be part of the University. When talking about your degree path it just comes up what college you are a part of. Bring up waht college you are a part in a university is just part of being there.
"Why dont you just get a MA or PHD" because I first have to get a BA, a job then I can goe get a MA. Because grad level class are very hard and a lot more is expected from you. I dought that a 11th grader could handdle the work load, stress, and maturity need in grad school. I am sure you would due just fine in fresh man level classes for a BA. The class are just a little harder than high school, but as you move up from 100 to 200 to 300 to 400 level classes get harder and harder and you need all the lower level class learnings to get though.
Almost no one jumps from high school to a very specialized grad program.
For example high school bio class could never prepare for like grad work on resreach genetics. For example I am working on in my professor lab a report on Cylcocarya, due even know what the Juglandaceae means? So most people just cant jump right out of high school and go into grad school to get a MA, or PHD.
You thinking that you can proves that you are too proud and will fail, also making fun of some one is trying to get a BA. Most people in the world never go to college much less earn a degree form a good school. It shows that you are blind to the fact that college is hard even for smart people.
I will try for a MA once I get my BA in plant science, doing that does not make me dumb but rather smart. When you go to college will you try to get in to a grad program it will very because you have not proven your self in college yet. Thats why most get a BA is too prove that they can make it in college, were 50% drop out in the first 2yrs. Also getting a business degree? I want to work for the government as a ranger, or plant science studys which have nothing to due with business. Getting a degree in business would be a waste of my time.
Also I was joking about spelling, I write too fast and miss spelling misstakes I often dont have time to change them sorry not every one can be perfect.
Have good day too, and learn more about what degree you want to earn, read up on college degree programs. Don't just get a degree in business because every one esle does too.

I love plants!


#16 2005-09-23 00:47:39

From: Hawaii
Registered: 2005-09-13
Posts: 31

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

OK!  Now, getting back on track, we have established that flooding cities is bad, being a zealot is bad and that spreading greenhouse gases on Mars is good.

Thank you all for a very productive discussion.

Have a nice day.  big_smile


#17 2005-09-23 03:19:21

From: Belgium
Registered: 2003-11-03
Posts: 3,669

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

OK!  Now, getting back on track, we have established...  ...that spreading greenhouse gases on Mars is good.

You never discussed with a Red, have you? wink

(I'm green, BTW)


#18 2005-09-23 06:23:26

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

Evidence of why teaching infants to read and write, at whatever level, can be counter-productive.

Oh, by the way, I once got all gold stars on a report card in 3rd grade. It was from a very reputable school, and the teacher was a hard grader (despite the claims of gold-star inflation by the 4th and 5th grade).

Spelling mistakes as the harbringer of the decline of civilization?  lol

Read some Old English. Language is fluid. The written word is continually evolving.

Or better yet, which is the proper spelling: color, or colour; gray, or grey?

Besides all of this, arguing with someone from "ASU!!!", which happens to be in a landlocked state l (which could use some beach front property btw) is a bit asinine. When the coasts flood, we will all just move there, and use the natives as rafts. Earthfirst can be the rudder. He won't mind.

Earthfirst wants to go to a beach shool (because everyone knows beacj schools party non-stop).  But we all can't get into Florida U, can we?  tongue  lol


#19 2005-09-23 16:53:31

From: Phoenix Arizona
Registered: 2002-09-25
Posts: 343

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

I try to stay on subject by writing the word Mars in my post some where.
Yes soon all that cheap desert land by Yuma AZ will be near the expanded sea of cortez, but the imperal valley will flood too. Yes I want to go to a beach school but then sealevel would have to rise by a 1000ft.
I could not get into any good beach school because I failed the surfing exam part on the SAT, so I got sent to a land lock desert school with the only hope of global warming to bring the sea to me lol
Anyways the colour Grey has many shades of gray color now does it not?
Quercus grisea is very Grey indeed, but Quercus arizonica is not. Some botanical questions that may never be sloved.
Anyways does any know what the anacardiaceae is? with ouut look it up.

I love plants!


#20 2005-09-23 17:23:46

From: Hawaii
Registered: 2005-09-13
Posts: 19

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

Evidence of why teaching infants to read and write, at whatever level, can be counter-productive.

Oh, by the way, I once got all gold stars on a report card in 3rd grade. It was from a very reputable school, and the teacher was a hard grader (despite the claims of gold-star inflation by the 4th and 5th grade).

Spelling mistakes as the harbringer of the decline of civilization?  lol

Read some Old English. Language is fluid. The written word is continually evolving.

Or better yet, which is the proper spelling: color, or colour; gray, or grey?

Besides all of this, arguing with someone from "ASU!!!", which happens to be in a landlocked state l (which could use some beach front property btw) is a bit asinine. When the coasts flood, we will all just move there, and use the natives as rafts. Earthfirst can be the rudder. He won't mind.

Earthfirst wants to go to a beach shool (because everyone knows beach.
schools party non-stop).  But we all can't get into Florida U, can we?  tongue  lol

In the first statement, your sentence structure states that the EVIDENCE is counter-productive.  Is that what you were trying to say?

Wow, you got all gold stars!  Did you get a happy face or a fuzzy sticker too?

It is inevitable that if everybody develops their own spelling system, we will no longer understand each other.  For example:  What is the biggest dessert (when you mean desert)?  By changing the spelling, you no longer have a desert, but a dessert (the course at the end of dinner) in question.  I hope you realize how that could cause a SERIOUS breakdown in communications.  In Old English, every word has it's own definite spelling, just like every other major language.  Languages do evolve, but very slowly and under set standards.

All of your spellings of color and grey are correct.  They have been OFFICIALLY designated to be spelt that way, so either of those spellings will not cause confusion.  But if i spelt it "kolour," it would cause a lot of confusion like Earthfirst does "everiday."  It would probably be interpreted as misspelling, but is it one of "colour" or "holour."  I mean, seriously, do you think that your reputable school teaches spelling and grammar for nothing?

Why is arguing with somebody from "ASU" asanine?  I got a kick out of your quote, "When the coasts flood, we will all just move there."  You do realize that the circumstances are not "just" in moving there.  People will be crammed, because you have a larger land mass' worth of people in a small area of land.  You explain this concept yourself in your last paragraph.  What I have to say is, "We can't all cram into the land locks, can we?"

ggkthnx big_smile


#21 2005-09-24 16:34:05

John Creighton
From: Nova Scotia, Canada
Registered: 2001-09-04
Posts: 2,401

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

Evidence of why teaching infants to read and write, at whatever level, can be counter-productive.

Oh, by the way, I once got all gold stars on a report card in 3rd grade. It was from a very reputable school, and the teacher was a hard grader (despite the claims of gold-star inflation by the 4th and 5th grade).

Spelling mistakes as the harbringer of the decline of civilization?  lol

Read some Old English. Language is fluid. The written word is continually evolving.

Or better yet, which is the proper spelling: color, or colour; gray, or grey?

Besides all of this, arguing with someone from "ASU!!!", which happens to be in a landlocked state l (which could use some beach front property btw) is a bit asinine. When the coasts flood, we will all just move there, and use the natives as rafts. Earthfirst can be the rudder. He won't mind.

Earthfirst wants to go to a beach shool (because everyone knows beach.
schools party non-stop).  But we all can't get into Florida U, can we?  tongue  lol

In the first statement, your sentence structure states that the EVIDENCE is counter-productive.  Is that what you were trying to say?

Wow, you got all gold stars!  Did you get a happy face or a fuzzy sticker too?

It is inevitable that if everybody develops their own spelling system, we will no longer understand each other.  For example:  What is the biggest dessert (when you mean desert)?  By changing the spelling, you no longer have a desert, but a dessert (the course at the end of dinner) in question.  I hope you realize how that could cause a SERIOUS breakdown in communications.  In Old English, every word has it's own definite spelling, just like every other major language.  Languages do evolve, but very slowly and under set standards.

All of your spellings of color and grey are correct.  They have been OFFICIALLY designated to be spelt that way, so either of those spellings will not cause confusion.  But if i spelt it "kolour," it would cause a lot of confusion like Earthfirst does "everiday."  It would probably be interpreted as misspelling, but is it one of "colour" or "holour."  I mean, seriously, do you think that your reputable school teaches spelling and grammar for nothing?

Why is arguing with somebody from "ASU" asanine?  I got a kick out of your quote, "When the coasts flood, we will all just move there."  You do realize that the circumstances are not "just" in moving there.  People will be crammed, because you have a larger land mass' worth of people in a small area of land.  You explain this concept yourself in your last paragraph.  What I have to say is, "We can't all cram into the land locks, can we?"

I think that most people in the United States Live along the coast. It is the pacific rim islands that really have to worry. For the US though there will be a lot of lost property value if costal areas get undertaken by the ocean. Maybe we can learn to live under the sea. lol

Dig into the [url=]political grab bag[/url] at [url=]Child Civilization[/url]


#22 2005-09-26 05:59:52

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

Wow, you got all gold stars! Did you get a happy face or a fuzzy sticker too?

Actually, the sticker was scratch-n-sniff. Strawberry. I so good.

It is inevitable that if everybody develops their own spelling system, we will no longer understand each other.

*Bzzt* Wrong! Thanks for playing. Chip, tell the aspiring grammer-nazi what fabulous consolation prize he has just won!

The beauty of the human mind is the inherent ability it has to take random noise, and make some sense out of it. Word structure and pronunciation is in large part a product of context, which means that individual letters and words are less important than the overall meaning of the communication taking place.

While you foam at the mouth over how Earthfirst is writing, somehow you manage to discern what he is trying to convey (while also summarily missing his sarcasm-laden-post, brilliant bit of observation that).

Sure, being a stickler for proper spelling and grammar will lead to a clear understanding of the message you are trying to convey, that is only useful if that is your goal.

For the most part, we can all get by on misspellings and run-ons. Wo't you's sez? How'd we'd ev'r com to understa'd one an'uder th'n?

But I digress, I leave you to your desert.  tongue  lol

As for putting more people into a smaller space... there is this thing called a "building". And this thing called a "building" can be built up high. These "buildings", built up high, can put more people in the same space by stacking them.

50% of the US population lives on less than 2% of the land. Here is another word to look up: "Urban Density".

Now with me, everyone, "The rain in Spain, falls mainly on the plain."

And, to stay on topic; Mars should be terraformed.  big_smile


#23 2005-09-26 13:13:10

From: Phoenix Arizona
Registered: 2002-09-25
Posts: 343

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

Most of the worlds that I misspell is caused by typing the wrong key. Like typing an S instead of a A is common. In my mind I am spelling the word right, but when I type fast and dont look at the keys I something type the wrong number. I was taught how to type very fast but I like to take my time not to make misspell words.
If you do see the worng spelling it because I am in a hury.
     Anyways grammer aside, I was reading some were that Mars is heating up. The south polar caps grow smaller every year, could Mars have global warming all with out the help of evil Human polluting animals? This could be another Mars ice age forming. Once the CO2 in the polar cap all sublimes away I wounder how much air pressure it will add. Mars appears to be doing some of are planned terraforming work for us. If we wait too long to go to mars the planet might of all ready have terraformed it self. Then we wont be able to brag about terraforming.
An ice age Mars might be easy to settle because water from the poles will end up in larger areas mid lats. I think that Mars axel angle might be changing to face the sun more from todays 23 degrees to all the way to 90 degrees. Mars allwise will have wild changes in axel angle because it lacks a large moon like the earth to tame its wild axel spin changes.

I love plants!


#24 2005-09-26 14:12:38

From: Belgium
Registered: 2003-11-03
Posts: 3,669

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

Yea, read about that too.
but even before that, there were theories that said Mars was 'on the brink' of another thawing cycle. 

looks like every year we get closer to the trigger point, heehee. Could be fun, the next couple of hundred years (I'm trying to keep my optimism in check....)


#25 2005-09-27 12:56:36

From: Phoenix Arizona
Registered: 2002-09-25
Posts: 343

Re: Polluting Mars - Good idea?

It could be a couple of hunderd years before people go to Mars given are current pace of space exploration. In 13 years we could go back to the moon and do the same thing we did 36 years ago.

I love plants!


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