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Do you feel that if/when Mars is terraformed, that either "solettas" or some type of solar magnifier will play a role? I envision either a couple mirrors that will basically create the effect of 2 "suns" in the sky a couple degrees apart essentially doubling solar intensity to close to that of Earth, or a giant magnifying glass to do the same.
Do you think this wil be:
technologically feasible?
economically feasible?
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Yes it will be necassary if we want to terraform Mars or to one day walk around without a heavy heated suit. As has been said to terraform Mars its a matter of increasing the heat the planet has.
Mars is quite far out when it comes to light intensity and if we increase the atmosphere we will actually reduce the light that reaches the surface.
So we will need a soletta but one large one is better than two as it would give a reasonable day night cycle.
Chan eil mi aig a bheil ùidh ann an gleidheadh an status quo; Tha mi airson cur às e.
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If we arranged them so that no light fell on the night side, all of it was reflected to the day side back onto the planet a couple degrees from the real sun, they day length would be fine, it would only increase daylight hours a few minutes on either end.
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