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#1 2005-01-04 11:50:41

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: NASA Exploration of Mars Strategic Roadmap Committ - Planning the future.

NASA Exploration of Mars Strategic Roadmap Committee Charter


1. The Committee will draw on the expertise of its members and other sources to provide advice and recommendations to NASA on Mars exploration, including robotic exploration of Mars to search for evidence of life, to understand the history of the solar system, and to prepare for future human exploration. The purview of the Committee also includes advice and recommendations on human expeditions to Mars after acquiring adequate knowledge about the planet using these robotic missions and after successfully demonstrating sustained human exploration missions to the Moon. Recommendations to be provided by the Committee will help guide Agency program prioritization, budget formulation, facilities and human capital planning, and technology investment.

2. The Committee shall function solely as an advisory body and will comply fully with the provisions of the FACA.

3. The Committee reports to the Associate Deputy Administrator for Systems Integration (ADA-SI) and to the Administrator.

A first step lasting 15 months but very important if we ever want to colonize mars in the far off future.

The NASA Exploration of Mars Strategic Roadmap Committee will be meeting 4-6 January 2005 at NASA JPL.

NASA PAO supplied the following membership list of this committee to NASA Watch:

Alphonso Diaz, NASA Science Mission Directorate, co-chair
Charles Elachi, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, co-chair
A. Thomas Young, Lockheed Martin (retired), co-chair
Ray Arvidson, Washington University
Robert Braun, Georgia Institute of Technology
James Cameron, producer/writer/director
Aaron Cohen, Texas A & M University
Steven Dorfman, Hughes Electronics (retired)
Linda Godwin, Johnson Space Center
Noel Hinners, Lockheed Martin (retired)
Kent Kresa, Northrop Grumman
Gentry Lee, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Laurie Leshin, Arizona State University
Shannon Lucid, Johnson Space Center
Paul Mahaffy, Goddard Space Flight Center
Christopher McKay, Ames Research Center
Sally Ride, University of California, San Diego
Lawrence Soderblom, U.S. Geological Survey
Steven Squyres, Cornell University
Margaret (Peggy) Whitson, Johnson Space Center


#2 2005-01-05 06:31:10

C M Edwards
From: Lake Charles LA USA
Registered: 2002-04-29
Posts: 1,012

Re: NASA Exploration of Mars Strategic Roadmap Committ - Planning the future.

The NASA Administrator hereby establishes the NASA Robotic and Human Exploration of Mars Strategic Roadmapping Committee (the “Committee”), having determined that it is in the public interest in connection with the performance of Agency duties...

Well, it's about freaking time. 

This looks like a good thing for O'Keefe to allow on his way out.  I hope the next administrator is equally tolerant of this attempt to reintroduce vision to the agency.

"We go big, or we don't go."  - GCNRevenger


#3 2005-01-05 06:54:46

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: NASA Exploration of Mars Strategic Roadmap Committ - Planning the future.

So my question, is there a moon planning committee as well or any other planet or solar system exploration planning effort other than this one?


#4 2005-01-05 11:22:47

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: NASA Exploration of Mars Strategic Roadmap Committ - Planning the future.

This the first direct comments from the Indo-Asian News Service with regards to medical efforts by there nation in cooperation with the US for possible mars mission in the future.
US astronauts to go to Mars after 2020


#5 2005-01-05 18:57:32

From: Germany
Registered: 2004-11-28
Posts: 10

Re: NASA Exploration of Mars Strategic Roadmap Committ - Planning the future.

"So my question, is there a moon planning committee as well or any other planet or solar system exploration planning effort other than this one?"

I suppose you have heard of the Exploration Systems Mission Directorate?]ESMD


#6 2005-01-10 12:15:31

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: NASA Exploration of Mars Strategic Roadmap Committ - Planning the future.

Yes and that is what is disturbing in that the funding needed to carry out the 2008 Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission was cut..

NASA Uses Budgetary Authority To Shift Funds Toward Exploration Vision

NASA intends to forge ahead with its space exploration agenda despite direction from Congress to throttle back on a key part of it to make refurbishing the Hubble Space Telescope a top priority.


#7 2005-01-18 13:13:34

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: NASA Exploration of Mars Strategic Roadmap Committ - Planning the future.

Good question as the editor of NasaWatch put it? ???

Roadmap Committee Membership Remains a Mystery
The following NASA Strategic Roadmap meetings occur in less than a week:

- NASA Robotic and Human Lunar Exploration Strategic Roadmap Committee Meeting (24-25 Jan)
- NASA Universe Exploration Strategic Roadmap Committee Meeting (25-26 Jan)
- NASA Earth Science and Applications From Space Strategic Roadmap Committee Meeting (26-27 Jan)

The following meetings occur in less than two weeks:

- NASA Solar System Exploration Strategic Roadmap Committee Meeting (3-4 Feb)
- NASA Exploration Transportation System Strategic Roadmap Committee Meeting (3-4 Feb)

Yet when you go to the official NASA website for this Roadmap effort the only committee whose membership has been publicly announced is the Exploration of Mars Strategic Roadmap Committee which held its meeting on 4-5 January.

Who is on these committees? You'd think that someone at NASA would know since the attendees have to be making travel plans.


#8 2005-01-20 10:41:55

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: NASA Exploration of Mars Strategic Roadmap Committ - Planning the future.

The above information has been updated with membership list on the NasaWatch site.


#9 2005-01-21 08:02:17

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: NASA Exploration of Mars Strategic Roadmap Committ - Planning the future.

We always seem to come back to how much it cost Nasa to do the good things that it can and why does it cost so much.
Well here is an example of what can be done for less.

Students' satellites win right to space flight

A team of 17 graduate and undergraduate students, and three faculty advisers, were given the challenge of planning and building a satellite, weighing less than 30 kilograms. They were given a budget of $100,000 and two years to complete the task.

The result was the Formation Autonomy Spacecraft with Thrust, Relvav and Crosslink (FASTRAC) - twin satellites in a closed, dust-free environment.

Microdischarge Plasma Thruster
The rocket will use superheated helium to create a thrust only as strong as a light breeze, but with persistent force will propel and maneuver the satellites once they're in orbit.


#10 2005-02-08 15:19:16

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: NASA Exploration of Mars Strategic Roadmap Committ - Planning the future.

NASA Glenn Research Center Our contributions to Exploration Systems

As NASA moves forward to fulfill The Vision for Space Exploration, Glenn is focusing efforts related to Space Exploration Systems in the following areas:

Space Power (Generation, Energy Storage, Power Management and Distribution)
Propulsion (Electric, Nuclear, and Chemical)
Microgravity Science


#11 2005-02-15 11:04:29

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: NASA Exploration of Mars Strategic Roadmap Committ - Planning the future.

Part of the strategic effort must show its self in the form of robotics if we are ever going to go to stay.

NASA Robotic & Human Exploration of Mars Roadmap Committee Meeting 4-5 Jan 2005 Presentation information


#12 2005-03-25 09:45:31

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: NASA Exploration of Mars Strategic Roadmap Committ - Planning the future.

A New Way to Explore the Moon

In late January, the Robotic and Human Lunar Exploration Strategic Roadmap Committee met in Houston for the first time to consider recommendations to NASA on how to send astronauts back to the Moon.

The first option would send astronauts on expeditions to various parts of the Moon, before establishing a base at some appropriate location. The second option would start with a base from the start and concentrate exploration and other activity in the base’s vicinity. The third option would consist of a handful of expeditions, eschewing a permanent base.

These were sort of business as usual.

The fourth option proposes the creation of a Lunar Exploration and Development Authority (LEAD) to fund and build the lunar infrastructure needed. This would include data buys from commercial lunar missions and commercially developed lunar navigation and communication systems. The LEAD would also lease lunar infrastructure, such as habitation modules, from commercial firms. If commercial firms were not available or it was not feasible to develop resources commercially the LEAD would do it and then look at selling it off afterward.

Real infrastrucutre building..


#13 2005-03-25 10:28:09

From: Scotland, Europe
Registered: 2004-06-07
Posts: 1,879

Re: NASA Exploration of Mars Strategic Roadmap Committ - Planning the future.

Sounds like I prefer option 4. It would certainly result in an authority that would give the Moon an infrastructure and development board which can licence out development ideas.

But it is the principle of such an authority that would prove the most benefit and similar organisations almost like port authorities would be made for other parts of the solar system. Especially Mars, And Port authority type organisations can raise there own funds and can be invested in......

Chan eil mi aig a bheil ùidh ann an gleidheadh an status quo; Tha mi airson cur às e.


#14 2005-04-08 12:30:10

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: NASA Exploration of Mars Strategic Roadmap Committ - Planning the future.

What must nasa do to move forward with the vision a
NASA Transformation White Paper Executive Summary.

Transformation Goals
The Vision for Space Exploration calls on NASA to "implement a sustained and affordable human and robotic program to explore the solar system and beyond." Sustainability and affordability require focus, integration, and efficiency of effort, including transformation efforts. Focus is provided by the establishment of three Transformation Goals:

Technical Excellence: NASA safely and consistently meets mission objectives through relentless technical rigor and sound program and project management practices. The Agency also plans strategically, manages resources effectively, and collaborates to ensure the right people have the right resources at the right times to execute the mission.

Organizational Excellence: NASA balances thoroughness with flexibility and innovation in its organizational and business practices to ensure mission success and alignment with Agency core values. It also engages the American people to understand the relevance and value of its work to their general welfare.

People Excellence: NASA employs a high-performing workforce and a cadre of exceptional leaders that are committed to NASA's vision and mission, consistently live Agency core values, and remain adaptable to an ever-changing environment. NASA also fosters an inclusive culture in which all members of the NASA Family communicate openly, feel valued, and are empowered to ensure mission success.



#15 2005-04-12 09:04:02

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: NASA Exploration of Mars Strategic Roadmap Committ - Planning the future.

The road map for Nasa can take on at this time three distinctive directions.

Earth defense agency : to protect us all

Space business incubator : a means to get the startups going

Space science agency : the means to gain scientific knowledge but not colonization

3 alternate visions for NASA's future


#16 2005-04-28 12:11:51

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: NASA Exploration of Mars Strategic Roadmap Committ - Planning the future.

As noted before that without funds for Buck there is no buck rogers in space. Well the same may be thought of the road map. Without a destination there is no reason for us to try to get there.

From spacepolitics:

Roadmaps folded, or not
NASA Watch reports that new administrator Mike Griffin has terminated the agency's "roadmapping" effort, an agency-wide project to help chart the future of the agency. As the report notes, Griffin said earlier this month that he was disappointed with the pace of the roadmap efforts.

However, according to another source, the roadmapping effort is not being shut down immediately, but instead is being accelerated so that it can be wrapped up within the next month or so, perhaps by the shuttle's return to flight. This may not be that different from termination—a lot of corners will doubtlessly have to be cut to finish the work in that short a timeframe—but it does suggest that NASA will try and salvage some of the work that has been done on the roadmaps to date.


#17 2005-04-29 20:26:41

Visionary Explorer
From: Ohio
Registered: 2005-04-19
Posts: 31

Re: NASA Exploration of Mars Strategic Roadmap Committ - Planning the future.

I like Griffin more and more.

These roadmaps are useless.  More money that could be going to the VSE (Bush's or modified) wasted on silly little planning sessions that have to be redone every month (it seems).


#18 2005-05-26 10:31:02

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: NASA Exploration of Mars Strategic Roadmap Committ - Planning the future.

While road mapping the future goals one sometimes gets lost in the we are not give mile markers so we will not do anything at this time mode of following the map.
Then we had the statements that the maps were not a priority for Nasa and that was that or was it?

[url=] Advance Planning & intergration office:
Science Strategic Roadmaps [/url]

Are these all the great questions of exploration for the future?
Universe Exploration: From the Big Bang to Life
Exploring our Planet for the Benefit of Society
The Solar System Exploration Strategic Roadmap
Strategic Roadmap #4, "The Search for Earth-like Planets"
Strategic Roadmap #4, Executive Summary
A Roadmap for the Robotic and Human Exploration of Mars
Sun-Solar System Connection Strategtic Roadmap

Each has links so read all...


#19 2016-02-13 21:32:16

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,418

Re: NASA Exploration of Mars Strategic Roadmap Committ - Planning the future.

Artifacts and shifting fixed...

Wow topic with more forks in the road with lots or wonder we need a new Mars....


#20 2024-03-23 04:24:10

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,775

Re: NASA Exploration of Mars Strategic Roadmap Committ - Planning the future.

Mars Sample Return (MSR) remains a major uncertainty in the budget. The 2025 budget proposal includes more than $2.7 billion for planetary science overall but lists only “TBD” for MSR as the agency awaits the results of an architecture review for the program. That review is scheduled to be completed by the end of March, Nelson said in the call.

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2024-03-23 04:24:52)


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