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#26 2002-09-09 14:47:08

From: USA
Registered: 2002-05-30
Posts: 9,734

Re: Luminaries to contact

Oh, I forgot,
I'll try to get some face time with Borman,
Any ideas on what I should bring and what I should try to accomplish?

*I checked your profile, and see you're "just down the Interstate" from me. 

Good luck in getting personal time with Frank Borman.  He refused to have anything to do with the opening of the Space Murals Museum on Highway 70 outside of Las Cruces, when it opened years ago.  He even refused to contribute a signed autograph and, according to the lady in charge, fussed with them about having any photos of his on display.  The Space Murals Museum contains small exhibits of the Mercury, Apollo, shuttle, etc., missions...including some equipment, memorabilia, historical items, etc. 

Maybe you'll have better luck with him than the museum owners did; I hope so! 


We all know [i]those[/i] Venusians: Doing their hair in shock waves, smoking electrical coronas, wearing Van Allen belts and resting their tiny elbows on a Geiger counter...

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#27 2002-09-09 14:58:18

From: El Paso TX, USA
Registered: 2002-07-09
Posts: 112

Re: Luminaries to contact

Drat, those aren't reasuring facts.
Anywho I'll still give it a try.  I just hope I'm not severely disheartened by being scoffed at and ignored by a former moonwalker.
I wonder what can happen (or failed to happen) to one of the only people to ever walk in a gravity field beyond our own.
Maybe he just declined those other things because he has become bitter over the fact that he is gettin older and NOBODY has set foot anywhere else but here since more than 25 years ago.
Lets hope I, and the rest of us, can revive his hope,
(if that is indeed the problem, he could be just another greedy car-salesman now, he has made an awful lot of money doing it, you should see all the cars here with "Borman" on the back of em, and his dealership is in a nearby town, there is many here but for some reason they go the distance to his lot, in which case I am already disheartened)

Your friendly neighborhood Martian...

"...all matter is merely energy condensed into a slow vibration.  We are all one consiousness experiencing itself subjectively.  There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves."  -Bill Hicks


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#28 2002-09-14 09:52:11

From: London, United Kingdom
Registered: 2001-09-04
Posts: 642

Re: Luminaries to contact

I've sent out another batch of letter and received some more replies - you can see them at the First Words website.

Incidentally, you're pretty much guaranteed to get a reply from your local senator or congressman if you write to them, as long as you say that you are one of their constituents, so I would recommend doing that; the first reply to a letter I sent out came from my local MP.

Editor of [url=]New Mars[/url]


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#29 2002-09-18 05:11:42

From: London, United Kingdom
Registered: 2001-09-04
Posts: 642

Re: Luminaries to contact

Quick post: There are now just over two weeks left before the start of First Words. I've sent letters and emailed pretty much everyone I can think of in the UK - if you are or were going to send out letters in the US, now is the time to do it. Thanks!

Editor of [url=]New Mars[/url]


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