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#151 2004-08-17 10:53:39

John Creighton
From: Nova Scotia, Canada
Registered: 2001-09-04
Posts: 2,401

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.

.         In individual
            An ilsland
Once voice to fill the silence
Separated from the collective
           A Network
    An ecosystem of ideas
    A tapestry of thoughts
            One mind

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#152 2004-08-20 14:21:47

John Creighton
From: Nova Scotia, Canada
Registered: 2001-09-04
Posts: 2,401

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.

Mountain Biking On … ld]Olympus Mon

Poised ontop of ancient fire,
Wrapped in elastics tighter then I desire.
I lift my bike with my hand,
I Prepare to descend down extraterrestrial land,
Down I go with barley any grade,
No wind but no oil on my chain.
Thou sand and gravel bellow my feet
My bike is light and barley sinks,
My legs are strong, the gears are high,
When I hit a lip a really fly,
Riding faster I begin to see the,
a cloud of red ahead of me.
Blazing dust burns my face,
Well, boulders appear in front
Of me with little trace.
Fearless I continue my decent
In the face of wind that wont relent,
The dust begins to thicken and my
Bike begins to slow, I don’t know
How much further I can really go.
My speed begins to drop as the wind
Begins to push, my legs begin to
Burn from my calf up to my touch.
I check me gear and it says I can take
A right if I need a warm place to
Stay the night. Not much further,
And I can rest Althogh it is not the
Bottom I know that this is best,
Off my bike I step into the hab
I good nights sleep, will really
Make me glad.

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#153 2004-08-20 15:03:51

John Creighton
From: Nova Scotia, Canada
Registered: 2001-09-04
Posts: 2,401

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.

Across red sands two fighters are born
The meet in a ring surrounding by there fans
Unnaturally strong for there weight,
They square of to decide there fate.
The floor of the ring is made to grip
To help the fighters unleash the power of there fist.
In these land strength is not enough,
One must be cleaver and not just tough.
Each mans fist is so fast that one
Big miss could send them flying past.
Chains on the ceiling provide an escape
For a kick that flew to far past the face.
As each man enters the crowed begins
To roaw, in mars, sport is like never seen before.

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#154 2004-08-24 08:36:51

From: Houston, Texas
Registered: 2004-04-07
Posts: 555

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.

More Rush

Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres

I. Prelude

When our weary world was young
The struggle of the ancients first began.
The gods of Love and Reason
Sought alone to rule the fate of Man.

They battled through the ages,
But still neither force would yield.
The people were divided,
Every soul a battlefield.

II. Apollo/Dionysus

Apollo: Bringer of Wisdom
"I bring truth and understanding,
I bring wit and wisdom fair,
Precious gifts beyond compare.
We can build a world of wonder,
I can make you all aware.
I will find you food and shelter,
Show you fire to keep you warm
Through the endless winter storm.
You can live in grace and comfort
In the world that you transform."

The people were delighted
Coming forth to claim their prize
They ran to build their cities
And converse among the wise.
But one day the streets fell silent,
Yet they knew not what was wrong.
The urge to build these fine things
Seemed not to be so strong.
The wise men were consulted,
And the Bridge of Death was crossed
In quest of Dionysus
To find out what they had lost.

Dionysus: Bringer of Love
"I bring love to give you solace
In the darkness of the night,
In the Heart's eternal light.
You need only trust your feelings;
Only love can steer you right.
I bring laughter, I bring music,
I bring joy and I bring tears.
I will soothe your primal fears.
Throw off those chains of reason
And your prison disappears."

The cities were abandoned,
And the forests echoed song.
They danced and lived as brothers;
They knew love could not be wrong.
Food and wine they had aplenty
And they slept beneath the stars.
The people were contented
And the gods watched from afar.
But the winter fell upon them
And it caught them unprepared,
Bringing wolves and cold starvation,
And the hearts of men despaired.

III. Armageddon: The Battle of Heart and Mind

The universe divided
As the Heart and Mind collided,
With the people left unguided
For so many troubled years.
In a cloud of doubts and fears,
Their world was torn asunder into hollow

Some fought themselves, some fought each other,
Most just followed one another
Lost and aimless like their brothers
For their hearts were so unclear
And the truth could not appear
Their spirits were divided into blinded

Some who did not fight
Brought tales of old to light.
"My Rocinante sailed by night
On her final flight."
To the heart of Cygnus' fearsome force
We set our course
Spiralled through that timeless space
To this immortal place.

IV. Cygnus: Bringer of Balance

I have memory and awareness,
But I have no shape or form.
As a disembodied spirit,
I am dead and yet unborn.
I have passed into Olympus
As was told in tales of old,
To the city of Immortals,
Marble white and purest gold...

I see the gods in battle rage on high...
Thunderbolts across the sky...
I cannot move, I cannot hide...
I feel a silent scream begin inside...

Then all at once the chaos ceased
A stillness fell, a sudden peace
The warriors felt my silent cry
And stayed their struggle, mystified.

Apollo was atonished;
Dionysus thought me mad.
But they heard my story further
And they wondered, and were sad.

Looking down from Olympus
On a world of doubt and fear,
Its surface splintered
Into sorry Hemispheres.

They sat a while in silence,
Then they turned at last to me:
"We will call you Cygnus,
The god of Balance you shall be."

V.The Sphere: A Kind of Dream

We can walk our road together
If our goals are all the same.
We can run alone and free
If we pursue a different aim.
Let the Truth of Love be lighted,
Let the Love of Truth shine clear. Sensibility,
Armed with sense and liberty,
With the Heart and Mind united in a single

"Run for it? Running's not a plan! Running's what you do, once a plan fails!"  -Earl Bassett


#155 2004-08-24 08:46:01

From: Houston, Texas
Registered: 2004-04-07
Posts: 555

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.

Here is part one.

Cygnus X-1, Book One: The Voyage

In the constellation of Cygnus, there lurks a mysterious, invisible force: the black hole of Cygnus X-1....

Six Stars of the Northern Cross
In mourning for their sister's loss
In a final flash of glory
Nevermore to grace the night...

Invisible to telescopic eye
Infinity, the star that would not die

All who dare to cross her course
Are swallowed by her fearsome force

Through the void
To be destroyed
Or is there something more? the core?
Or through the Astral Door?
To soar...

I set a course just east of Lyra
And northwest of Pegasus
Flew into the light of Deneb
Sailed across the Milky Way
On my ship, the "Rocinante"
Wheeling through the galaxies,
Headed for the heart of Cygnus
Headlong into mystery

The x-ray is her siren song
My ship cannot resist her long
Nearer to my deadly goal
Until the black hole
Gains control...

Spinning, whirling,
Still descending
Like a spiral sea,

Sound and fury
Drown my heart
Every nerve
Is torn apart...

To be continued...

"Run for it? Running's not a plan! Running's what you do, once a plan fails!"  -Earl Bassett


#156 2004-08-27 15:42:30

John Creighton
From: Nova Scotia, Canada
Registered: 2001-09-04
Posts: 2,401

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.

In a simple time
Of hunger and passion
A thin man sat upon
A rock with his chin to his hand
He spoke, Imagine I can tame the beast
I then need not hunt.
His neighbor slapped him, called him a lazy fool
And told him to go pick some barriers.
The man raked the berries with his fingers
And said imagine I had many more fingers.

Today people build upon simple ideas
With logic and plenty
They lean back fat in a chair and scratch there collective mind
They stare into the computer and
Imagine they had more resources from which to build
Their neighbors ignore their enterprise
And enjoy the fruits of their endeavors
Well more fingers are imagined
And more fruit will shall be scooped.

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#157 2004-08-28 14:18:19

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.

Chicago in summer, ain't it grand?  big_smile


#158 2004-08-28 15:29:53

John Creighton
From: Nova Scotia, Canada
Registered: 2001-09-04
Posts: 2,401

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.

Random muses from a ranting fool,
Drivel spilt by a doodling tool,
Shouts and songs with no direction
Keys pressed without any conception
A monkey forced to type by a shakespeare junky
Boy isn’t creativity funky?

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#159 2004-08-28 19:15:47

From: Chicago, Illinois
Registered: 2004-06-16
Posts: 2,635

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.

Chicago in summer, ain't it grand?  big_smile


Yup, lots of it.

A cool, wet summer. Cooler and wetter than usual.

Give someone a sufficient [b][i]why[/i][/b] and they can endure just about any [b][i]how[/i][/b]


#160 2004-09-17 17:45:40

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.

They called me the wild man
Out past where all waters broke
Where safe harbors are left far behind
In a sea set swift by zephyr’s sweet kiss
Blown by drowning sun
Islands adrift float languid among rippled currents
As brown skinned shining smiles wave
With sweet honeyed flowers adorning
Leathered hands and feet
In strange words with consonants and vowels jumbled
from tooth eared grin like a children’s song
I am caught in welcomed nets cast wide
No stranger among them than I
Beyond where horizons end and those before
Never returned
Come I, insubstantial visitor with no past
And words as incomprehensible as their own
To laughter and pantomime a thousand leagues recounted
As unknown fragrant liquor burns chapped lips
The days are nothing but passing clouds
while nights linger long in flickering firelight
until the sea has sung the last star to sleep.


#161 2004-09-17 18:37:55

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.

Come silently softly my Martian muse
She does entreat I may not refuse
These whispered words to my ear
bringing this far off world ever near
To behold in lonely dreaming eye
Binding with ropes in every sigh
That passes these lips that do adore
Desolate Mars with untouched shore
Oh, follow not this course I tread
Behind the shadow of star so red
Turn your gaze and close your heart
For she will consume every part
That is you, as I am now consumed
My soul be damned, my fate is doomed-
Yet shed no tears for me my friend
For while Mars does take, she does lend
A hope that burns far brighter than any sun
With sweet songs of all left to be done
Where hands and feet have yet to fall
Until that day, she will forever call
To those, like I, who wish upon one star
Come closer, come farther, I am not so far.


#162 2004-09-20 10:08:04

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.

In twilight comes the soft caress
Of daybreaks gray ending dream
And the fog of sleep to little slept
Dulls even shining sun’s first gleam

Morning brought on hurried wing
From lark that meets first ray
In sky once blackened by starry night
Its sweet song entreats the sun to stay

A moment passes in a pause
As chilled air does fill the lung
Unseen bird in morning sky
Flies off with the song it sung

In silence then with dawn and day
No dreams that I may recall
I greet the sun as bird before
With a song hoped to enthrall.


#163 2004-09-21 09:41:40

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.

Shall we sit among the cherry trees
When blossom’s bloom in June
With a scent of intoxicating sweetness
Causing hearts to swoon?

In merriment of summer days
Thick spring has come and fled
No worries of the winter here,
Such trouble lies ahead.

With leisure let us rest and play
Among the green’s and blue’s
Of laughing life and empty sky
Awaiting sunsets hues.

What trouble must we fear
In days so far ahead
What cares must we attend to
Than food, or drink, or bed.

Yet how the summer slides away,
All seasons must come and pass,
The autumn leaves greet once more,
As color fades from grass.

Even now among the falling leaves
I fear no coming cold,
Autumn crisp keeps me warm
Ensconced in firesides fold.

By a hearth of warmth and heat
With cider, song and dance,
The last leaf does tremble forth
As winter takes its chance.

The frozen cold has come at last
That day ahead is here,
My stores are emptied of their goods
And I shall starve I fear.

Such woe to me as I recall
Those carefree summer days
I forgot the lesson learned,
No season ever stays.


#164 2004-09-21 12:19:49

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.

Beyond this pale pull of blue
Where stars do shine like the dew
And moonbeams hide in sunshine’s glow
Which holds all worlds in its tow
While comets race among the stars
And dreamers dream of distant Mars
The universe spins on, ever on
As this earth moves towards a dawn
Where these words are but a thought
For mankind reached and finally sought
To bring the heavens beneath its feet
Where our wishes longed to meet
The worlds and stars that fill the sky
From idle imagination we learned to fly
For no other reason than because we could,
As every child knows, because we should.


#165 2004-09-21 13:16:07

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.

Maddening reddening lonely land
With your canyons deep and chasms grand
Mountains that climb ever higher yet
And dusty seas that are never wet
A desert-scape of rocks colored brown
With nary a sight of road or town
No life does purchase upon your skin
Yet life does dream in the hearts of men
Craving to come be that missing piece
Giving your cold voice another lease
To sing soft upon your unseen air
With promises of hope to ensnare
Those who have yet to hear sirens call
Those who have yet to hear love and fall
For the madness that colors your shores
Until then Mars, alone, I am yours.


#166 2004-09-21 14:51:22

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.

When Martian men with eyes of gold
Came with drink and stories untold
I welcomed them in to my humble home
Wondering what might pause their roam
For their people be fabled nomads
Every man, woman, even girls and lads
For they are of a differing breed
Unaccustomed to want or need
Of a singular place which owned
For all lands they walk are freely loaned
Amongst any and all who may pass by
Even us humans who came from the sky
These men of bronzed skin and musical voice
Bade me to sit and make a choice
To remain as I long have been
One man among the many throngs of men
Or to join in their company of Mars
And walk forever beneath the stars
With them as they have always done
Wandering prophets in the Martian sun
To become as if I was a child
Man of earth in the Martian Wild
I understood not this curse or praise
And could not break free from their golden gaze
They spoke on and on of the deep red fold
Where it was safe from any cold
Promising delights colored emerald green
Sights that men have longed for still unseen
And scents no perfume ever caught
With fabled music never taught
To any outside the Martian Wild-
So I replied, and smiled.


#167 2004-09-22 07:08:26

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.

Your opinion is sought...  smile The previous poem is an unstructured narrative that follows little rules other than a baisc rhyming scheme.

I've altered the preceeding poem to fit within an 8 syllable count, grammaticaly correct narrative, with the same rhyming scheme. This caused some slight changes as I am a bit more constrained due to the rules of the structure. I am unsure which I prefer, so any opinions on what you think will be appreciated. I am toying with the idea of continuing the poem and building upon it into a longer poem.

Tennatively titled, Man of Earth in the Martian Wild

When men of Mars with eyes of gold
Offered me drink story untold,
I knew not then what lay in store,
I knew not then of Martian lore,
Nor anything but earthly sights,
I yet to taste Martian delights.

I welcomed them to humble home
Wondering of their pause in roam,
For they all be fabled nomads,
All men, women, their girls and lads,
No man of Earth had spoke one word,
As Martian men were never heard,
A mystery to each we were,
Only of rumors were we sure,

They are a strange differing breed,
Unaccustomed to want or need
Of a single place which owned
All lands they walk be freely loaned
Amongst any who come to pass by,
Even we humans from the sky.

These men of bronzed skin, pleasing voice,
Bade me to sit and make a choice,
To remain as I long have been,
One man among the throngs of men
Or join their fellowship of Mars,
Walking forever under stars
With them as they have always done,
Wandering seers in Martian sun,
To be once more as if a child,
Man of earth in the Martian Wild.

I questioned not this curse or praise
For I did succumb to their golden gaze
Which spoke of the deepest red fold,
Where warmth is found from any cold
Promising delights painted green,
Of sights that men have longed, unseen,
And scents no perfume ever caught
With sounds of music never taught
To those outside the Martian Wild-
So in swift reply, I smiled.


#168 2004-09-22 08:14:42

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.

Part II... should I continue?  smile

No answers were given to me
Making way to a Martian sea,
Why I was the chosen full of worth
Silence, their reply, Man of Earth,
Quiet along the road we hemmed
My Terran roots to be condemned ,
On shores emptied of water free
At the edge of a Martian sea

With the dust and air cold as ice
I was baptized by Martians twice,
Once to shear me of Earthly thorn
Once again to be Martian born
Then kiss upon my crown received
My soul to Mars was now achieved
Man of Earth in the Martian Wild
Now reborn as a Martian child.

In great clamor they spoke as one,
No blessing here can be undone,
Your heart belonged to you alone
Now it is shared with every stone,
This bond will guide you through our Mars
As you wander beneath the stars.

With tears now wet upon my eyes
I saw new colors in the skies,
The land did breathe as none before,
The sea did pound upon the shore,
I smelled life that has ever been
Lying asleep beneath red skin,
Long in wait for those who might be
The Martian true to set it free.


#169 2004-09-22 12:01:17

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.

Part III...

We set out from my place of birth
The solemn men now filled with mirth,
For our company was complete
We all of Mars were fleet of feet,
Laughing on trails to Man unknown
Holy temples to me were shown,
Towering high to sky above
Marble white as a turtle dove,
Such sweeping grandeur graced the dome,
While flowers bloomed in colors chrome
Beneath the shadowed shaded trees
As silver leaves sung on the breeze,
Mirrored windows were set ablaze
As sun did cast eternal gaze
On the temples spires of white,
Such is this first Martian delight.

To riverbeds we soon did run
For my lessons had now begun,
Of the ways of our Martian creed:
That Mars is life, and life does bleed.

For miles beneath the sun we went
Down chasms deep we did descent,
Up hills and mountains ever steep
Across boulder valleys in a leap,
Until we came to dark black fountain
Placed upon volcano mountain,
From here we did drink dark green wine
Giving us visions so divine,
Of Martian paradise returned,
Upon my soul it seared and burned-
I begged them for but one more draught,
They counseled me that I could not,
For the delight bequeathed to me
From last waters of ancient sea,
Was but a fleeting whispered spell
Only in my dreams would it dwell.

Such sadness in my eyes they saw,
Reflecting hunger for the awe
Brought to me by this Martian wine
Pouring forth from this Martian shrine.

So they prayed to help ease my pain,
Yet even now desire does reign,
Such is the power and the might,
Of this second Martian delight.


#170 2004-09-22 14:25:08

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.

Part IV...

With sorrow I soon did depart
Where flows the blood of Martian heart,
Following my guides leading trail
They soon recounted ancient tale-

When Mars was new and ever young
The waters heaved and oceans sung,
Air was thick with glistening dew
And all that was red bathed in blue,
Forests grew in deep shades of green
While leaves did dance on wind unseen,
Flowers bloomed upon each first light
The days were long and feared no night,
Twin moons did fly with birds in sky
Storms did rain in a gentle cry,
Life grew wild upon this new shore,
Thus beginning our Martian lore.

The first man of our Martian blood
Formed from pieces of rock and mud,
Part red, part blue his beating heart
Flesh of Mars with a missing part,
For this first Martian was alone
Heart he held had no place for stone,
It was filled with the green of life,
Filled with the thirst of greed and strife,
In hunger he consumed the land
Undoing what stone once made grand,
The flowers soon did wilt away
And frigid night took the day,
Twin moons above alone now flew
As green trees before never grew,
Then the last leaf of life did fall,
Only then did he heed Mars’ call.

He wailed a long and sad lament
The life of his land now was spent,
And he in dust and cold despair
Bled his green heart completely bare,
Until it filled the empty seas
Then emerald deep roared his pleas,
And Mars itself was moved by wail
Showing him to redemptions trail,
It bade him drink his blood one time
Yet never more drink for his crime,
And make the paths upon the stone
Until the Martian Wild has grown.

To this and all he did agree,
He drank but once from Martian sea,
Then walked first upon red stones,
Among the Martian Wild’s first bones.

Thus ends the story of our start
And comes to where we play our part,
Thus I learned of the Martian plight,
Tasting of third Martian delight.


#171 2004-09-23 06:29:53

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.

Part V...

On unknown path they led my way
From setting sun to coming day,
In silence none did meet my gaze
Soon anger filled me with a craze,
My brothers now would answer not
As if words themselves they forgot,

To my fury they sung reply
Like sunshine in a salmon sky,
No verses did I comprehend
Yet a peace to me they did lend,
Wisdom was but a song to them
A flower from which beauty stem,
In melodies of silver-gold
Their haunting drifting notes took hold,
And I shed tears upon that path
Spilling all rage, spilling all wrath,
Without instrument they played on
With lyrics full as any dawn,

A heart that loves stone full of life
Upon them comes peace ever rife,
And when the soul does quiet down
Liquid harmony will come to drown,
Revealing all these words we sing
And beauty on your ears shall ring.

I joined them now in crystal song
Our voice as one grew ever strong,
Now I had heard the Martian light,
Music of fourth Martian delight.


#172 2004-09-24 20:55:40

John Creighton
From: Nova Scotia, Canada
Registered: 2001-09-04
Posts: 2,401

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.

Inspired by the discussion: by the discussion:]Can mars stay terreformed
I don't know if this is more of a poam or part of a heavy metal song but anyway.

Big booms,
Sudden doom
Terreform or ruin
Primal power
Future majic
In our hands is it trajic
Giant fields
Mankind wields
Ripping electrons
Through the dirt
Spouting moons
With rocket fumes
We can steer to our doom
Bending curst
Unleashing fire
Molten rock
Repluntished watter
Energy spent for
Mans content
Our children
Must understand
For were power bent
And uncontent

Dig into the [url=]political grab bag[/url] at [url=]Child Civilization[/url]


#173 2004-09-26 21:58:34

John Creighton
From: Nova Scotia, Canada
Registered: 2001-09-04
Posts: 2,401

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.

Breath taking beauty
Of chasms, mountains
Valleys, the ghost of past
Ever present in
Dead geology, life surviving
In freeze dried irradiant soil
Wrapped in spandex covered by warm
Cloths and a jacket, teeth chattering
On the edge of cliffs dwarfing earthly scenery.
On man stands triumphant

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#174 2004-09-27 10:15:58

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.


We traveled then where none have gone
And I followed them ever on,
To where the cliffs of Mars are formed,
Where grains of sand become transformed
Into new passing shapes or sights
Marveling all through days and nights,
Until at last we came to rest
And I was given Martian test,

All is barren of life you see
Yet what Mars would you have it be,

Recounting tale of Martian part
I recalled dream of Martian heart,
And sung sorrow of empty Mars
Where no life grew beneath the stars,
And spoke long of an Earthly rule
That dreamed all red into green jewel,
Where stone did grow with life’s new seed
Claiming this as my Martian creed,

With saddened hearts they listened on
Through the night and through rising dawn,
Until my final plea was done,
They replied beneath distant sun,

Of all you speak is truly good,
Of all you dream is understood,
Yet still this world is not your own
For none may rule upon its throne,
And call to it as it should be,
Hear our wisdom to set you free,
They then sung praise of empty Mars
As we sat beneath waiting stars,

Such splendor great to you was shown
Yet treasures more remain unknown,
For vast timeless eternity
Carved with wind serenity,
Upon the cliffs and etched in stone
Making of rock a living throne,
That no man dares to ever claim
For none can fill its endless frame,
And hope to rule where absence dwells
Restraining all that soon rebels,
Against the hand and mortal will
Which longs by dream to come fulfill,
Selfish desires on men and land
Placing all beneath their command,

For endless times’ immortal pace
Comes with sand filled wind to erase,
And bury bones of those before
Undoing all it will restore,
Any peace once pulled asunder
Mars returned to awe and wonder,
For stone and rock will never give
To any flesh that dies or live,
Such is the rule of holy land,
All that is, shall return to sand.

Silent then upon Martian throne
I banished my dreams to atone,
For all the earthly sins of greed
That sought to flower Mars from seed,
Replacing Martian Wild of stone
With Martian Wild completely grown,
For this dreaming philosophy
Was far deeper than any sea,
And no sky could match this height-
Wisdom is fifth Martian delight.


#175 2004-09-28 11:33:35

Registered: 2001-09-20
Posts: 6,374

Re: Any poets? - Comments, CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas.

A little break from the previous... any comments, or is this thread the domain of John and I?  yikes  big_smile

When Mars does rise
In morning skies,
I shall call to her;
And if she call
I will not stall,
As I fly to her.


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