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Recently we have heard of plans by many nations after the announcement of the Presidential vision. From this Nation and others of already in the works probes, explorers and of manned flight as well not only into orbit for the first time but more aggressive plans to land man again on the Moon. There have also been the statement to go beyond an to explore Mars someday.
It was not to long ago that many would have thought that a manned flight from China was impossible. Or that developing nations of india would even have a space program.
Gone are the days when the big two some of the Russian space agency and Nasa being the only games in town.
Space is not easy and not only is it filled with risk but it directly influenced by politics and of policies when it comes to funding.
Bowing to the later is India which is to Rethink Plans to Send Man to Moon. Indian Space Research Organization Reconsiders Its Plan to Send Man to Moon by 2015.
On the note of China Calls For Cooperation With US, Japan In Space Program. This is a very good thing in that it will defuse the military tension of a new space race.
"A top Chinese space official said China is willing to cooperate with the United States and Japan in space programs on exploration and finding resources.
During a briefing on China's geospace exploration program in cooperation with Europe, Sun Laiyan, director of the China National Space Administration, said China hopes to cooperate with nations who have space exploration programs."
As you all are aware of it is time to change How Nasa does space and at what cost. We are all involved in such conversations daily here on these forums and on many others. Talking to space friends near and far on how to achieve the goal of not only going to the Moon but as well to Mars.
Lets all keep it up, we are being heard.
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India's space agency
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China to launch 1st moon probe in 2 years … 764687.htm
China National space agency
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Space race could prove interesting
China sent its first astronaut into space. With Yang Liwei's 14 orbits around Earth, China became only the third country in the world to have sent a man into space.
In what U.S. officials claim was an unconnected move, four months later, President George W. Bush announced a new U.S. space policy; its goals include putting a man on the moon.
End snipet
So did Bush get scared of what the event of placing a Chinese astronaut into space had done?
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Nasa News Release : The Marshall Center has been selected as the site of NASA's Discovery and New Frontiers Program Office. … 4-214.html
What impact will this change of operations for Marshall Center have in the long run?
NASA Issues Additional Requests for Information
in Response to U.S. Space Exploration Policy Report,in response to the final report from the President's Commission on Implementation of U.S. Space Exploration Policy.
Recommendation 5-1 asks NASA to aggressively use its contractual authority to reach broadly into the commercial and nonprofit communities. Recommendation 3-1 suggests that the agency recognize and implement a far larger presence of private industry in space operations. … _rfis.html
I guess a little more detail would help poor old Nasa but do we really want Nasa leading us back into space if the can not under stand what is meant in the sections of the report.
Now I see where Nasa is really going with the change of venue for Marshall Center.
Marshall gets planet probe assignment
Center will manage, send missions for robotic explorations.
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India To Launch Recoverable Spacecraft In 2005
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'Beagle 3' looks to American ride
But even if they do not get to do another follow up mission to the failed attempt. The European Space Agency is planning its own lander mission, called ExoMars, to look for traces of life on the Red Planet. This might also launch in 2009.
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The Ansari X Prize hopes to do the same for space tourism. Scaled Composites’ chief engineer, Burt Rutan, believes that eventually passengers could experience a brief space voyage at a cost of $30,000 to $50,000 per person, with prices dropping in the long run to $10,000 to $12,000 each.
It is unclear what effect the popularity of the Ansari X Prize will have on U.S. government space spending.
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• Aug. 17, 2004 | 6 p.m. ET
Space-race updates on the World Wide Web:
• Flight International: Could SpaceShipOne go orbital?
• X Prize Foundation: Argentine rocketeers test escape tower
• Masten Space Systems: New entrant in suborbital market
• The Guardian: Space travel goes sailing … 27,00.html
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India News: India conducts space capsule recovery test
The module test, at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota, was the third and last one conducted by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) using a helicopter.
News release by Indian Space research organization
Includes capsule and parachute photo
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Boeing delays first launch of Delta 4 Heavy rocket … delta4.htm
India designs next generation launch vehicle GSLV-MkIII, a heavier lift launcher that would meet the four tonne class communication satellite requirements, the new generation vehicle which would be developed by ISRO by 2007-2008.,0008.htm
ISRO draws up road map for launch of Reusable vehicles, India is aiming at a technology demonstrator for Reusable Launch Vehicle in the 2015 time frame and gear itself up for planetary explorations using air breathing engines with Two Stage To Orbit (TSTO) launchers by 2025.
ISRO to establish Rs 300 crore solid propellants plant … 040005.htm
Funding blunder doomed Beagle … 56,00.html
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NASA Issues Additional Requests for Information
in Response to U.S. Space Exploration Policy Report
Responses to NASA Special Notice: Transforming the Private Sector Role in Space Operations
Very lengthy report.
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Just another one of those changing landscape items.
Dancing on eggs: US space cooperation with China
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The Indian team topped the contest entitled Space Settlement Competition. The team assigned Request for Proposal (RFP) with an assumption that they were contractors in the year 2029, applying for a contract to build a settlement on Moon.
This is what US space agency NASA’s plan is. And to make it a reality our own Indian students from Patiala (Punjab) have given a plan to NASA, which has been selected during a world level competition held at Kennedy Space Centre, Florida from July 16 to 19, 2004.
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That is a lot of money 277 billion dollars but it is quite interesting when compared to the little accomplished by the 90 day report and at the cost of a substantially increased amount. Interesting to see a cost unit analysis I wonder how they can make this design as cheap as that and at that amount of personel located on the moon.
Of course this plan probably relies on some super cheap launcher but the Indian space Industry already has plans to develop a two stage to orbit launch vehicle. This could be how they reduce the costs.
Of course it could be as simple as by 2029 we will have invented something cheaper and launched by something cheaper. In that case its a piece of science fiction until it is linked directly with how they got that amount of mass up there.
Chan eil mi aig a bheil ùidh ann an gleidheadh an status quo; Tha mi airson cur às e.
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What I find most interesting is the two stage to orbit that I had posted earlier. Can they really pull off a new design before the US CEV.
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Beagle 2 Scientist Wants NASA 'Piggy-Back' to Mars
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Two stage to orbit is a dificult thing to do especially as they do not have much experience in the design and development of supersonic aircraft. Problems are that the actual seperation must be accomplished at speeds of at least mach 4 and above. This is dangerous. Also the rocket plane going to orbit must have some superior heat shielding. But can they do it the answer is a definite Yes if they really want to do it the answer is a very definite yes.
Chan eil mi aig a bheil ùidh ann an gleidheadh an status quo; Tha mi airson cur às e.
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Japan Plans to Launch Spy Satellites
Report Says Japanese Space Panel Approves Plan to Launch Spy Satellites in 2005-2006
A Japanese government panel has approved plans to send two spy satellites into Earth's orbit beginning next year, a media report said Wednesday.
If confirmed, the missions would be the first since late 2003 for Japan's ailing space program, which has suffered a slew of launch and mission failures.
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The results of the Aldrigde Commissions report to Nasa and to the President for the Space Exploration Vision is still progressing with internal and external changes that effect America's space programs.
Mission may be lure at Marshall
Chief hopes planet probe attracts more research, scientists
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Ball Aerospace needs room
Company eyes more space in Boulder in coming years
One example of how times have changed: In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Ball Aerospace helped build solar observation crafts that stood about 5 feet tall. By comparison, NASA's James Webb Space Telescope — to which Ball Aerospace will add an optical subsystem before it launches in 2010 — towers five times that height.
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I just do not get how we can keep awarding contracts this way. The money paid must be for pre paid storage of the 4 delta's.
Boeing wins rocket contract despite suspension
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While very unique in that it is an alternative fuel for power generation. Australian engineers have created an electricity generator fuelled by decomposing bananas, and hope to build a full size fruit-fired power station.
Bananas could power Aussie homes
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Lack of funds blocking Brazil's space program … 917110.htm
Nasa is not alone with this problem.
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For lack of a better place to post news.
Firm may help fight bacteria in space
Special fabric undergoes NASA tests
Definitely needed for the long journey to Mars and on the ISS
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