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I was so wrong.
and BGD was the first to spell it.
Is your ISP really BGD ?
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I'm really disappointed that Germany doesn't have a stronger presence in space, considering the way that German engineers and visionaries acclerated the development of rocketry in the 30's and 40's. To an American observer, it would seem that western European space efforts are being dominated by France.
Isn't that because all *ze real smart rocket scientists* there got away to either USA or USSR after the fall of Germany?
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Earthfirst: You should change your name to Mefirst. Shame on you!
Gennaro: What I meant by "British-isms" is that British space terminology is used in their program to reach and settle Moon, in place of "American-isms," since there was no U.S. presence in space when Clarke wrote the story (1947). The use of Australia for the take-off site is a nice change from what we read now, too. Clark, while not in favour of a nuclear power today, makes a good case in the story for a flyback booster--something I believe we should have proceeded to develop, after Apollo, instead of the Space Shuttle which was pretty much imposed by congress against NASA's better judgement. If you can locate the book, you'll find it a breath of fresh air.
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To dickbill the the runaway frenchman from cannada, I am not from the south but the southwest. You are right in one respect that we dont chose winners. For example Berry M Goldwater would of won that vietnam war thing but the liberals picture as a trigger happy guy. I dint see lindon johnson stop any war but rather made it deadler. Also John Mc Cain lost to bush.
But Arizona is a better place then new york will ever be, why you got suckered in by that carpet baging Hilary Clinton.
If new york is such a great place why are people moving out to the west and south? Because the south rules and the yankee carpet baggers want to leech of us like the rats you are. Why dont you folks just surrender to cannada, they got everything you want, free health care, free drugs, and all the maple surup you want.
You new englanders dont like us anyways think your better than with your 6th grade education.
You anit got a chance against Bush so give up now and fill like a victom, thats what you like feeling sorry for yours.
Ohh the big bad Bush blew down my house of straw, disposed a great leader of irag which like the arbic street just hated America because of big bad bush. Get real he disearved it and I could care less about wmd.
If Bush was the president in 1942 you be mad at him for getting ride of hitler and japan and say the poeple were better off before. You liberals will lose if you dont let this war thing go, most americans dont care what France or Germany thinks of us, well except for you dickbill the frenchman from cannda A!
Canndian beer sucks, cannda has no power, maple surup is over rated.
How many french Cannadian does it take to screw in light blub, answer 12 but the all got drunk on wine and got the government to do it for them. :laugh:
I love plants!
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4. Kerry wins the democratic nomination as a darkhorse canidate to the very end. Howard Dean seperates from the Democratic Party with his diehard supporters and is forgotten evermore.
Proves that even a pig with no nose finds a truffle once and a while. Then again, hindsight is 20:20. That Kerry prediciton and my "Opportuntiy survives landing" prediction are just about the only ones that seem to have happened.
In all seriousness, I was just kinda bumping this topic up so I could find it again. Sorry if it inconvienences anyone.
A mind is like a parachute- it works best when open.
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Posted on July 30 2004, 19:48
Quote (prometheusunbound @ Jan. 26 2004, 09:16)
4. Kerry wins the democratic nomination as a darkhorse canidate to the very end. Howard Dean seperates from the Democratic Party with his diehard supporters and is forgotten evermore.
Proves that even a pig with no nose finds a truffle once and a while. Then again, hindsight is 20:20. That Kerry prediciton and my "Opportuntiy survives landing" prediction are just about the only ones that seem to have happened.
In all seriousness, I was just kinda bumping this topic up so I could find it again. Sorry if it inconvienences anyone.
The year is still not out. Some other predictions still might happen. . . . . . .might as well play clarks numbers. . .
Oh and I think I got two right-
10. The "Jobless Recovery" in the USA will continue, with lower-paying job brackets increasing and higher pay decreasing.
"I am the spritual son of Abraham, I fear no man and no man controls my destiny"
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I predict that if Bush is re-elected I'll move to Canada, if that has been restricted by then, or if Canada still exist at all
*Starts preparing to lie to the American Gestapo and say 'Hail Caeser Bush'*
The MiniTruth passed its first act #001, comname: PATRIOT ACT on October 26, 2001.
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I predict that if Bush is re-elected I'll move to Canada, if that has been restricted by then, or if Canada still exist at all
try switzerland. Good place for Emirges and exiles. Good Skiing too.
"I am the spritual son of Abraham, I fear no man and no man controls my destiny"
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I fearlessly predict that Kerry's supporters will annoy the undecideds into Bush's hands with their insanely hyperbolic rhetoric about Bush. Nothing says "Vote Bush" like someone freely and without opposition talking about the 'American Gestapo' on a message board for the whole world to see.
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Nothing says "Vote Bush" like someone freely and without opposition talking about the 'American Gestapo' on a message board for the whole world to see.
Hmm... I'd have thought it said "Forget the polls and emigrate"...
Hmm... Predictions for 2004:
World oil production will plateau. Prices will continue to rise with only minor, intermittent relief.
No oil will be teleported out of either Antarctica or the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge to alleviate the situation.
Bush will not win the US Presidential election, but the outcome will be disputed, with the hooplah again centering around some battleground state where "the electoral college wronged us!" (Ohio...) This time, smelling blood, the Republicans will actually have the gall to bring the dispute before Congress, with no resolution before January 2005.
Clark's presidency will thus not be decided this year.
Kerry will finally take a true stand on space exploration, courageously facing down opposition to his plan. We'll hate it.
Alaska will not secede from the United States of America, but more people will begin to hope they would and leave us alone.
There will be another out-of-season hurricane.
There will be more mysterious noises on the ISS, followed shortly by NASA's mission control.
and last but not least...
I will play Clark's Lotto Numbers.
What can I say, I have a psychic affinity for disasters. :;):
P.S> How can I alter the timestamp on this post to make it look like I posted it in January?
"We go big, or we don't go." - GCNRevenger
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