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What needs doing - and progress so far
Template letter and email
- in final draft stages
List of prominent world figures
- quite long, but could always do with more
Topics for articles for the First Words (FW) website will be needed, five or so ideal
- have at least one, dealing with SF and other fictional 'first words'.
FW website and backend
- absolutely nothing done so far, I'll start work on this this weekend
Competition categories
- five good categories found, but I'm open to better suggestions
Artwork and logo
- I made a logo which seems to work fine, nothing on the artwork so far
Ideas how to publicise FW
- not much done here yet apart from the whole 'viral marketing' idea, submitting articles to weblogs like Kuro5hin and release a press release on the newswires.
If you can think of anything else that needs doing, reply to this thread.
Edited By Adrian on Aug. 23 2002 at 22:26
Editor of [url=]New Mars[/url]
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Adrain -
Give me an assignment. . .
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Something that the project definitely needs is a US representative - I'm imagining that most of our publicity and contacts will be in the US and while the Internet makes it easy for some things to be done internationally, other things are better done locally. For example, if we get any media coverage (newspaper, radio, TV) then it'd be nice for them to have someone in the US to talk to. Perhaps we should also have a US address for luminaries to send their letters to as well - just makes things easier.
So if you think you have the time Bill, it'd be great if you could be the US representative.
More immediately, the template letter needs looking over and the list of luminaries needs to be stocked. This message applies to everyone, not just Bill - there's a lot to be done but I think we could make First Words a huge event, and it will be amplified by World Space Week. I say this because practically every newspaper and media outlet will be aware of WSW and they'll be looking for interesting space stuff to cover.
Editor of [url=]New Mars[/url]
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Pages: 1