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Release the carbon and get cooked.
Hide the CO2 and become frozen.
We are producing CO2 at a high rate, and when we run out of fossil fuels, the greenhouse effect will decrease, producing iceball earth, like 10,000 years ago ?
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The amount of CO2 in any atmosphere could be straitforwardly regulated by industrial shortcut system.
Don`t stick to the natural on earth carbo-silicate cycle. On Mars and Venus we can not use it, even after earth-like atmosphere (+ hydrosphere) is established. Simply, because there earth-style plate tectonics is not present. On Earth if our activity destroyes the fine geological CO2 homeostatic regulator , than we either would need industrial measures. In the most direct way this means that the excess amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is pumped underground for later use. We here already have such plans which simultaneously decrease the amount of free CO2 and increase the presure in the carbohydrates deposits -- allowing bigger quantities to be extracted. If the captured in this artificial CO2 cycle quantity of such gass is not enough, than everytime we could decide to free some from the rocks. On Mars comperativelly quickly the CO2 from the atmosphere will dissolve in the waters and will be fixed in limestone -- than biological (rock chewing bacteria) or industrial (burning the rocks) means should be used to sustain the necessary level. Here on Earth having in mind the million years slowliness of the natural cycle -- deffinitelly we`ll be obligated to regulate artificially the greenhouse gasses in brutal industial manner, as well as the ways of the water onto the planetary surface -- plumbing, induced increase in the evaporation rate and so on.
VERY BIG delusion is that without our intervention, the natural conditions would remain the same for long period. Trying to avoid the consequences of our own activity, indeed we`ll have methods which will allow us to preserve the present conditions LONGER than naturally is possible. Saving us, we`ll save the other present day species, which naturally are DOOMED.
THe future is entirelly "artificial". The "artificiality" is the major denominator and attribute of the mankind.
Remember that in the old legends about the humanity`s roots never the desired heaven environment is not HEAVENLY forrest , swamp or else, but GARDEN. Garden is derived from GUARDED.
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Remember that in the old legends about the humanity`s roots never the desired heaven environment is not HEAVENLY forrest , swamp or else, but GARDEN. Garden is derived from GUARDED.
And we continue from the Garden of Eden,
eventually Garden Earth, Garden Moon, Garden Mars.
Something so true, seems so funny.
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Yes, we can not live in any nonchanged environment, here on Earth aswell. During the whole history of mankind we adapt the environment in usefull one for us: houses/huts, boats, clothes, igloos, scuba-ecuipment, agriculture, channels...
There is new emerging combinatorical space of decisions concerning the possibility the human body itself to be adapted to non-earthlike environments, but the old style human colonization will continue without end, too. This is another dimension of progress possessing its own infinities.
Gardens` building.
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