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For a while it appeared Euler and I had decided to play chess. Yet perhaps this is an abuse of NewMars bandwidth.
The thread can be deleted if appropriate.
Otherwise, comments and cheering from everyone else will be okay with me, if my opponent agrees.
1. e4 c5
2. Nf3 d6
3. d4
3. . . . cxd
4. Nxd4
4. . . . Nf6
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Otherwise, comments and cheering from everyone else will be okay with me, if my opponent agrees.
Fine with me.
1. e4 c5
2. Nf3 d6
3. d4 cxd4
4. Nxd4 Nf6
5. Nc3
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Dragon or Najdorf?
Its been so many years since I played any chess.
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Its probably been proven inferior by those pesky Russians yet it remains "Oh so romantic!"
5. . . . g6
= = =
PS - I promise not to use computer aids such as chess software. Obviously its an agreement we cannot verify but using chess software for a game like this would be like cheating at solitaire, why bother? :;):
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PS - I promise not to use computer aids such as chess software. Obviously its an agreement we cannot verify but using chess software for a game like this would be like cheating at solitaire, why bother?
Its probably been proven inferior by those pesky Russians yet it remains "Oh so romantic!"
Black should always be a little inferior, but I think the Dragon variation is theoretically sound.
6. g3
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I was gone over the weekend.
6. . . . Bg7
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Nothing wrong with this thread, chess and other intellectual games are all good on New Mars I just wish I had the ability to be able to follow you guys properly.
Editor of [url=]New Mars[/url]
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For the visually impaired.
Usuall Rules:
It looks very complicated but it's not! Each square on a chessboard has a first name (a letter) and a last name (a number). The letter identifies a file (column) and the number identifies a rank (row). Now, the important part is to know how to identify the pieces you are moving. You just need to use a single capital letter:
K = King Q = Queen R = Rook B = Bishop N = Knight
Note that "P" is not used. Chess players have agreed that a move without a letter — such as e4 — is
understood to be a pawn move.
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Take the knight Euler.
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7. Bg2
Take the knight Euler.
What knight?
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D'oh. My apologies. I transposed the wrong side, I had thought Bill had moved his Queen's knight, not his King's Knight.
Sorry. I've always had a problem playing chess on anything other than an actual board. For some reason, I need to the board in order to play it well. Things like this are the reason.
Lemme catch up.
Bill, e5?
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D'oh. My apologies. I transposed the wrong side, I had thought Bill had moved his Queen's knight, not his King's Knight.
Sorry. I've always had a problem playing chess on anything other than an actual board. For some reason, I need to the board in order to play it well. Things like this are the reason.
Lemme catch up.
Bill, e5?
Mea culpa! I have been busy worrying about strategic nuclear war. So sorry. ???
7. . . . 0-0
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Mea culpa! I have been busy worrying about strategic nuclear war. So sorry.
7. . . . 0-0
Oh, thats all. I thought that you were taking so long because you were preoccupied with something important.
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Here are some more translations of chess-speakL
x = Take or Capture
0-0 = K-side castle
0-0-0 = Q-side castle
+ = check
# = checkmate
! = good move
? = bad move
?? = blunder
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So do you guys mind others (probably just me ) throwing out suggestions? I'll stop if you want.
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8. . . . Bd7
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Sorry again for the slow play. I had been playing on clark's map using magic markers (or in my head) but decided I needed to set up a real board.
Hidden under my desk so no one knows I am playing . . .
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At least I'm not alone! I have resorted to creating a copy of this game in excel. It's working... I think.
I'm still waiting for the action. :laugh:
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Excel ? ! ?
There are some good free shareware chess utilities that would be easier than that! I'm just too lazy and too busy bashing space elevators and the DH-1 to even get that far.
But Excel? Dude you are so 1998.
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Yeah, well, I like my pretty hand made chess board on excel.
All the pieces have letters, and I delete the old positions whenever one of you guys move.
But you go back to hiding your little chess board under your desk. Silly troll.
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I had been playing on clark's map using magic markers
lol, so far I have been using a travel chess set. Rather than using magic markers, you could try downloading something like … ]Chessbase Light and use that to keep track of the game.
9. h3
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You both are waaay too timid.
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Well, I looked at 9.e5, but it clearly wasn't going to work.
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9. . . . Nc6
I could create a livejournal account, I suppose. . .
Post the board. But hey, I am lazy.
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Well, I looked at 9.e5, but it clearly wasn't going to work.
Two knights for a rook? and doubled c pawns?
Fine by me. . .
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