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#1 2004-03-21 20:59:58

From: USA
Registered: 2004-03-21
Posts: 1

Re: Life... if there is or was, what was it like?

I'm voting for the fourth.


#2 2004-03-22 11:32:39

From: the Netherlands
Registered: 2004-03-22
Posts: 8

Re: Life... if there is or was, what was it like?

I'm quite sure for myself that there was life, and might even been intelligent life on mars, i have read a book from Walter Hain, which beleived the faces on mars are not naturally, it even has symmetrics. also allot of mythicall gods in the past where all flying down from the sky on earth, Erich von Danicken beleived these gods where astronauts from Mars, because all these mythicall gods where connected to Mars, even the cultures allready knew about planets that where discovered 100 years aggo or so, those cultures didn't have telescopes.

I beleive, those gods where astronauts like Erich von Danicken beleives, and that they first terraformed this planet that we call the earth, some even beleive we as humans are from Mars.

What i also like to say is that those gods that where painted on walls where 6 m big, and is quite logically because if they are form mars, everything that grows on Mars will be big because of the gravity, everything will be 3 times or 2 times bigger.

I cannot say this is all true but really has some weird connection..there are way more proofs..

thx for your attention wink


#3 2004-03-24 01:14:48

From: Orlando, FL
Registered: 2004-03-21
Posts: 37

Re: Life... if there is or was, what was it like?

If the Gods of ancient civilizations were actually visitors from Mars, why is there no evidence of past civilization on Mars?  It would be likely that a civilization advanced enough to send interplanetary travelers would leave some sort of evidence (city ruins, etc...). And by your claims it could not be because it was so long ago that no reminance exists, for we have many artifacts from ancient civilizations here on Earth, (such as the paintings you mention) and according to your claims this Martian civilization existed at the same time.

I do not disagree that there could have once been life on Mars, maybe even intelligent life. But if so it was most likely long before humans (or maybe even long before Earh had live-able conditions for that matter). And if there was life on Mars it would not be too unthinkable that somehow a hint of that life made it to earth (aboard a meteor, etc...) and spawned the life that we now know. I guess we'll never know, but the possibilities are quite endless, not to mention great food for thought.

"here are we, on this starry night staring into space, and I must say, I feel as small as dust, lying down here"-dmb


#4 2004-03-24 05:59:42

From: the Netherlands
Registered: 2004-03-22
Posts: 8

Re: Life... if there is or was, what was it like?

If the Gods of ancient civilizations were actually visitors from Mars, why is there no evidence of past civilization on Mars?  It would be likely that a civilization advanced enough to send interplanetary travelers would leave some sort of evidence (city ruins, etc...). And by your claims it could not be because it was so long ago that no reminance exists, for we have many artifacts from ancient civilizations here on Earth, (such as the paintings you mention) and according to your claims this Martian civilization existed at the same time.

I do not disagree that there could have once been life on Mars, maybe even intelligent life. But if so it was most likely long before humans (or maybe even long before Earh had live-able conditions for that matter). And if there was life on Mars it would not be too unthinkable that somehow a hint of that life made it to earth (aboard a meteor, etc...) and spawned the life that we now know. I guess we'll never know, but the possibilities are quite endless, not to mention great food for thought.

We still have not been on the right spots on mars, and i cannot say when and which earth age they have been living.
And it is not my claim, many researchers have been researching on this subject, and found quite allot.
i'm getting my book by now :;):

as example:


this photograph has been taken in the cydonia region, near the face as you can see, these objects are standing in the middle of a flat landscape, the objects are solid rock and have been declared unnaturally to the computers when they where scanning the area, i never have seen a mountain with both sides  exactly the same, while they where scanning they even found teeth and pupils.

Why are these objects all standing together and even in straigts mathematical lines?

About the acient cultures living on this planet.
They found wall paintings inside mountians, the founder called them 'les grand martien' (the great martanian) this wall painting was 6 m high.
Also the sumerian culture had some connection with mars.
1000 and 1000 of years aggo. And i am not sure whenever they lived (these mars civilizations)
These objects need more attention, and more researches need to be based on it. about then we could speak about facts.


#5 2004-03-24 09:52:05

From: USA
Registered: 2002-05-30
Posts: 9,734

Re: Life... if there is or was, what was it like?

this photograph has been taken in the cydonia region, near the face as you can see, ... while they where scanning they even found teeth and pupils.

*I've read that previously as well, a long time ago, shortly after the original image was released (I was a child then).

What is the -source- of the claim that teeth and pupils were also found?  If I heard/read of -the source- myself, back in the 1970s, I do not remember.

Do you know the source of these claims (teeth, pupils)?


A fav:

[ … oe%3DUTF-8]Smile

We all know [i]those[/i] Venusians: Doing their hair in shock waves, smoking electrical coronas, wearing Van Allen belts and resting their tiny elbows on a Geiger counter...

--John Sladek (The New Apocrypha)


#6 2004-03-24 10:05:40

From: the Netherlands
Registered: 2004-03-22
Posts: 8

Re: Life... if there is or was, what was it like?

this photograph has been taken in the cydonia region, near the face as you can see, ... while they where scanning they even found teeth and pupils.

*I've read that previously as well, a long time ago, shortly after the original image was released (I was a child then).

What is the -source- of the claim that teeth and pupils were also found?  If I heard/read of -the source- myself, back in the 1970s, I do not remember.

Do you know the source of these claims (teeth, pupils)?


A fav:

[ … oe%3DUTF-8]Smile

I have read it in the book of Walter Hain which has been studying the objects for years. I have the source from that book, it was also in another book about the mysteries of mars.
The book i'm reading now is from Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval and John Grigsby.

I'll search for more information related with the teeth and pupils if you're interested.  :;):


#7 2004-03-24 10:13:16

From: USA
Registered: 2002-05-30
Posts: 9,734

Re: Life... if there is or was, what was it like?

I'll search for more information related with the teeth and pupils if you're interested.  :;):

*Hi Norden:  If it is not too much trouble, I would appreciate it.  smile  Thank you.


We all know [i]those[/i] Venusians: Doing their hair in shock waves, smoking electrical coronas, wearing Van Allen belts and resting their tiny elbows on a Geiger counter...

--John Sladek (The New Apocrypha)


#8 2004-03-24 12:37:23

Registered: 2004-03-10
Posts: 490

Re: Life... if there is or was, what was it like?

The teeth and pupils of the Cydonia face were from image artifacts that were magnified by the image enhancement software NASA used.  The old Viking images are really quite useless ofr analysis, the image quality is just too low and the lighting is not very good.  If you look at more recent pictures of the face, it's clear that it is a purely geological formation.  It still looks vaugely like a face but it's obviously just a mesa.

Even Hougland these days has stopped talking about the face.


#9 2004-04-15 16:03:25

Registered: 2003-09-25
Posts: 211

Re: Life... if there is or was, what was it like?

Degenerate plants got started, along with microbes.

^Cyanobacteria formed 3.8 billion years ago on Earth, why not Mars too?

The MiniTruth passed its first act #001, comname: PATRIOT ACT on  October 26, 2001.


#10 2004-04-16 01:49:48

From: London, United Kingdom
Registered: 2001-09-04
Posts: 642

Re: Life... if there is or was, what was it like?

If this is going to turn into a thread about Cydonia, then it's going to get moved to the Intelligent Alien Life forum. Please make up your minds whether you want to continue this thread in that way.

Editor of [url=]New Mars[/url]


#11 2004-04-19 16:12:58

From: NC
Registered: 2004-04-11
Posts: 27

Re: Life... if there is or was, what was it like?

My ideas about this subject are not well defined, meaning I have not thought in great detail about it, however, I would say that it would be entirely possible for microbes to evolve on Mars, but little else.

I can't see how there would be enough time for evolution to progress to the point where sentient life could arise, simply because of the fact that most of the history of life on Earth was dominanted by bacteria.

I am not sure that there was time enough for higher lifeforms to evolve. But the only data we have is from Earth, and I try not to let my Earth-centric bias to influence my thinking. So what happened here may not be true for Mars...

About the images from understanding on this matter are that MGS took high res images of this area, and the face was shown to clearly be a result of the limitation of the Viking imaging system and the lighting. I will try to find a link to verify this...


#12 2004-04-19 17:16:30

From: NC
Registered: 2004-04-11
Posts: 27

Re: Life... if there is or was, what was it like?


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