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The Potholes run for 226001-227000 revealed only two missing posts. That is excellent performance. The most likely cause of a pothole is deletion by the creator of the post.
The two posts deleted were: 226056 and 226148
I'll run the next series from 227001 - 228000 today.
There were no potholes at all. I don't remember this ever happening before.
I ran the check twice to be sure.
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The potholes run for 228001 to 229000 showed 9 ID's missing.
That is a surprisingly high number, after the previous report no missing id's at all.,
ID: 228052
ID: 228296
ID: 228303
ID: 228305
ID: 228308
ID: 228448
ID: 228451
ID: 228782
ID: 228884
The run itself went smoothly:
Summary for Web Automation Report for 01-11-2025 at 11:23:46
Average time of Loop from Main form: 00:00:29
Total time of Processing: 08:09:10
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For SpaceNut ...
It's been a couple of weeks since you last checked in with us.
I hope your home remodel is going well despite the winter weather there in New Hampshire.
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For SpaceNut ...
As cold beats down on all of us, it must be putting particular stress on our friends in New Hampshire.
Best wishes for getting through this somehow.
The last news you gave us was that your roof was covered with tarps, and that was just before heavy rains and strong winds reached New Hampshire.
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For kbd512....
In the absence of SpaceNut, you are the Admin ....
In the midst of reading a book about small business operations today, I ran across a section about services offered to customers...
Recently GW Johnson has provided a tool (a spreadsheet) that can be used by anyone to compute various scenarios for rotating ships of various designs.
During last Sunday's Google Meeting, we remembered your JavaScript program to do something similar.
The text in the book I was reading gave me a chance to think about the difference. GW's tool is a spreadsheet, and the user has to download the spreadsheet and learn how to use it before it is helpful.
The javaScript program you wrote might be served right from the NewMars server. If you are interested in offering that program as a service, let's think about how it might be done. There are countless examples of such programs on the Internet right now. They run from the web but may well be running inside the browser using JavaScript. That would be a convenient way to offer tools like the rotation calculator, if we can figure out how to do it.
In addition, we would need to figure out where to put the service.
One option is to create a topic for "Tools" or perhaps even a category for Tools.
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For SpaceNut ....
Calliban's recent observation about membership in this forum inspired me to do a bit of investigating...;
Topic launched by SpaceNut 2020-03-01 12:52:20 1789 days Post #1520 on 2025/01/23
Daily reports started 2020/01/03 at post #51 1480 days elapsed. Post #51 > #1520 >> 1469 posts (not all were daily updates)
The "open for business message" first appeared 2021-05-11 in Post #172 1351 days ago 1349 posts
We have posted the Recruiting message every day since May 11, 2021. Apparently we only missed two days.
The days elapsed is 1351 and the posts count is 1349.
In that time we received inquiries from several folks, and of those, five completed the application process.
Of those, none are currently active, but PhotonBytes has returned recently.
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I am still here peeking in now and them. The home has finally started to take shape in that the what was a frame now has walls, windows and door plus a roof all in a waiting state for the metal roof and vynil siding.
All rebuild was forced to use current construction codes. Hence upgrade from 2x4 walls to 2x6 of which the code will soon change to 2x8 which is over kill to get insulating value in the walls.
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For SpaceNut .... thanks for stopping by and posting about Submarines ...
I hope your home remodel is proceeding despite the challenges of working in the middle of a New Hampshire winter!
If a nuclear submarine were magically transported to Mars, it would require a volume of water in which to immerse itself.
It would use that water bath for cooling and as a source of oxygen.
I assume ??? it would also discharge waste into the water but that might not be done on Earth for tactical reasons.
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For SpaceNut ...
The link in this story no longer works. Any chance you can find a replacement link? The story itself looks interesting. … 96#p216296
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For SpaceNut .... your memory is often astonishing!
The paper you remembered is from 2008, and at first glance, it seems to be doing exactly what kbd512 is talking about.
The references you provided are to the top level of the institute web site.
If anyone would like to see the paper, here is a direct link: … ra4011.pdf
Update 2025/02/04 .... For SpaceNut .... the article at the link below is about poverty and how it is harder to break out in America than in peer nations. … wtab-en-us
One result that I found surprising is that it doesn't make any difference of the poor person is black or white.
There are more black kids who fail to break out of poverty, but the study found that if a black and a white grow up in the same poverty, both will fail to succeed later in life, and not because they fail to work hard.
Working hard isn't the issue, as far as I can tell. The difference appears to be the quality of the support mechanisms that rich kids enjoy that are not available to poor kids.
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Hold up again for roof change for overhang and back deck upgrades causing more delay not to mention snow caused as well.
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For SpaceNut re #3711 and other posts...
Thanks for checking in!
Best wishes for speedy resolution of the delays! At least we are halfway through winter! Chances of favorable weather are improving, if the tarps can hold out that long.
The question I am asking is how the two methods of acceleration using water compare.
To note that energy is required to accelerate water (either as is or ionized) is a great start.
Let's see some numbers.
I don't know how the competition is going to turn out.
It takes energy to give water molecules the acceleration needed to provide thrust for a space vessel.
It takes energy to split water and then to separately accelerate the hydrogen and oxygen ions.
If we decide up front to compare the two methods, we can set the conditions for the study:
1) Mass of water 1 kg
2) Mass of vessel 1 metric ton
The amount of energy needed is going to be the same. The amount is up to the investigator.
The two methods operate over time periods that differ.
The kinds of acceleration provided differ.
However, the ** total ** acceleration imparted to the vessel should be knowable.
I doubt that the results will be the same, after all the calculations are done.
My question is: Which of these two methods are going to deliver the greater acceleration to the space vessel.
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For SpaceNut re upcoming Google Meeting ....
I'm hoping you'll be able to check in with us Sunday evening, if you can spare the time.
We are past the midpoint of winter, and better weather will be coming eventually.
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My phone that had my Google account needs my desktop to move it to My new cellphone.
House is still in stalled mode awaiting permits and winter to end snowing conditions.
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For SpaceNut re #3714
I am surprised by your report of difficulty moving Google from one phone to another.
I just moved Google to a new computer and the process was seamless. Google remembered everything and set it up on the new computer.
I think that I may have chosen synchronize devices somewhere along the line.
You should be able to log into Google on your new phone. I'd be interested in what happened when you tried that.
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For SpaceNut and all... really bogged down just now .... It was responding normally an hour ago, but it is timing out now, at 14:30 UTC.
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Computer has account info and is not powered or active at this time.
There is a huge guest viewing of 171 which means old user are attempting to deny service from spammers most likely.
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For SpaceNut re #3717
I think you'll discover that all your account info is saved by Google. Just log into Google with the new phone.
There is a caveat ... I think this is possible if (and only if) you have activated synchronization, which you may not have done.
In any case, please just log into Google using the new phone and see what's there.
The spammer count is always around 171.
The spammer count is a measure of the spammer systems that are beating on the door of every web site around the world. The number of spammer systems beating on the door seems to be variable based upon activity of the regular members.
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Having continued bad luck as car engine is toast along with more stuff. Looking like a week plus before I will have it back.
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For SpaceNut re #3719
Thanks for taking time to check in.
Best wishes for improved fortune! At least the weather is going to improve.
Hope the repairs for the car are good for an extended period.
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For SpacdNut
Today's Pothole scan ran smoothly ...
was greeted with a Green Screen this morning when I checked the overnight run.
Onlythree potholes showed up:
That's a good showing.
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For SpaceNut...
Just FYI .... we have three topics in the Terraformation category for Titan...
A special case for Titan by Void
Terraformation 1 Today 21:04:44 by tahanson43206
Titan, with modest efforts by Void [ 1 2 ]
Terraformation 31 2024-06-26 11:57:11 by Void
The Case for Titan by Tom Kalbfus
Terraformation 8 2013-11-14 15:07:40 by karov
I am wondering what need there might be for another topic about Titan in this category.
Is there something missing from the existing topics?
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For SpaceNut ...
We have a number of topics with the word "iron" in the title.
In light of Calliban's recent work on how to collect iron on Mars, I am wondering if we need a topic dedicated to the processes that would be involved in the specific environment of Mars.
It seems to me the best fit for a topic about engineering systems to process raw material on Mars would be the Science Category.
Iron Cycle on Mars and other worlds.(Materials Extraction) by Void
Life support systems 15 Today 08:14:24 by tahanson43206Iron and Steel on Mars by JoshNH4H [ 1 2 3 4 5 ]
Life support systems 111 2025-03-10 10:41:08 by VoidCreated/Simulated Undersea Bogs for Bog Iron by Void
Science, Technology, and Astronomy 0 2024-09-14 20:49:56 by VoidIron - the natural fuel for Mars? by louis
Life support systems 19 2024-06-12 20:00:38 by SpaceNutCast Iron / Cast Steel Architecture by Calliban
Science, Technology, and Astronomy 8 2024-04-14 21:42:15 by tahanson43206Iron Air Battery by SpaceNut [ 1 2 ]
Science, Technology, and Astronomy 25 2022-12-22 23:38:17 by tahanson43206Nickel Iron battery units by Calliban
Science, Technology, and Astronomy 2 2020-02-10 11:03:36 by TerraformerIron fuel energy storage (to support renewables) by louis [ 1 2 ]
Science, Technology, and Astronomy 40 2020-01-27 10:20:14 by SpaceNutIron Ion Cutting Tool by tahanson43206
Science, Technology, and Astronomy 3 2020-01-07 20:00:01 by SpaceNut
As I look over the list above, I don't see a good fit for a topic that would be read by an engineer or engineering student, wanting to build a plant on Mars to meet some commercial objective.
It seems to me that such a topic would include posts that a person could read and follow to set up a plant on Mars, or perhaps even to plan an entire infrastructure, from mining all the way through delivery of finished product to a paying customer.
This forum has plenty of space for speculation and visionary writing, but a small corner might be reserved for serious writing about how to go about setting up shop on Mars.
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For SpaceNut ....
This post is about how we might organize the forum ....
In a recent post, GW Johnson has pointed out the phases of exploration that would precede the stage at which a stable self-sustaining settlement exists.
I have created a topic for engineering practitioners to create documentation for those who will be planning shipments to build facilities of various kinds.
GW Johnson has reminded us there are activities that will occur before settlements can sustain themselves.
There are 3 options for going to Mars (or anywhere else). Those are (1) a flags-and-footprints mission (or missions) for geopolitical reasons, (2) to establish a scientific base only for research purposes, and (3) to establish a scientific and engineering research presence with an eye to permanent settlements. The hardware requirements, and the science objectives, are quite different for those 3 options.
Accordingly, one has to figure out which of those 3 overall objectives one is going to presume. No one has really done that since the voyages of exploration 500 years ago, and they generally didn't do it very well then.
The purpose of ** this ** post is to ask for your help in reviewing the 20+ year history of the forum to see if we already have topics that address the three phases as defined by GW Johnson.
I suspect that we have many topics, and quite possibly hundreds of posts about the three phases as described by Dr. Johnson.
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For SpaceNut ....
Hoping all is going well with the home remodeling project there in New Hampshire!
Spring has Spring! so better weather is on it's way.
This post is FYI regarding topics that contain the word "mining" in the title.
Venus Exploration/Mining Equipment and Procedures by tahanson43206
Projects 17 2024-12-28 15:51:30 by kbd512
Asteroid mining: Icicle Capture - tahanson43206 by tahanson43206
Projects 1 2024-10-11 10:10:09 by tahanson43206
Asteroid mining: Ring/Jaws/Bag - Calliban by tahanson43206
Projects 1 2024-10-11 10:02:31 by tahanson43206
Asteroid mining / Mass for propulsion & structures. by Void
Interplanetary transportation 8 2024-10-09 08:07:04 by tahanson43206
Asteroid, Centaur, Comet and small moon Mining by Void
Life support systems 9 2024-10-09 08:06:42 by tahanson43206
Asteroid/off-Earth mining by louis
Science, Technology, and Astronomy 23 2024-10-09 08:06:21 by tahanson43206
Business Opportunity Asteroid Defense Redirected to Asteroid mining by tahanson43206
Business Proposals 2 2024-10-09 08:06:04 by tahanson43206
Lunar Nickel Mining by Terraformer [ 1 2 ]
Martian Politics and Economy 43 2024-07-10 19:58:16 by tahanson43206
Mining Water Ice on Mars by louis [ 1 2 ]
Human missions 48 2024-02-16 19:23:03 by SpaceNut
Volcanic Mining by RobertDyck
Science, Technology, and Astronomy 1 2024-02-05 10:28:22 by tahanson43206
Mining - Gold vs Rare Earths - Planning and Execution by tahanson43206
Science, Technology, and Astronomy 6 2024-01-06 12:25:31 by Void
Lithobraking Harnessed for Excavation and Mining by tahanson43206
Terraformation 2 2023-10-06 11:32:11 by Void
Robotic Mining by Adaptation
Science, Technology, and Astronomy 5 2023-09-23 06:38:34 by Mars_B4_Moon
Mining - Biological (Bacteria, etc) by tahanson43206
Science, Technology, and Astronomy 1 2021-07-21 00:14:25 by SpaceNut
Mining oxygen from Europa? by dunwich
Terraformation 5 2013-01-01 18:34:04 by Terraformer
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