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This is the end
Hold your breath and count to ten
Feel the Earth move and then
Hear my heart burst again
For this is the end
I've drowned and dreamt this moment
So overdue, I owe them
Swept away, I'm stolen
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together
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Siberia's growing 'gate to hell' crater sparks climate fears
"gate to hell,"
1. Batagaika crater, Siberian
2. Pluto's gateT, urkey
3. Hellam Township in Pennsylvania, US
4. Turkmenistan (Darvaza crater), China
5. Fengdu, the so-called "ghost city"
6. Kenya, where a "gate to hell" can be found in one of the local national parks (Hells Gate National Park)
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Is there anything at all that doesn't "spark fears" amongst our climate death cult membership?
Will they ever figure out that people who hate other people are dripping poison into their minds?
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All though my life there seems to have been scare warnings of some kind. It used to be a up and coming ice age.
Then it was acid raid, pollution.
Climate crisis, change, terror.
I actually think that climate is warming, but that we may catch the problem in time, without having to kill the human race and its technology off.
But, lets roll back to 1989: … 1&hsmssg=0
I am not recommending you watch the movie for free.
The woman from 1000 years in the future has to smoke cigarettes because she is so adapted to pollution.
So, a different fear.
We need to be careful as it appears to me that there is a group of people who want to destroy the industrial system and replace if with poverty stricken surfs ruled by royalty. I as an American am not in favor of that.
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Last edited by Void (2025-02-03 13:31:51)
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Nuke the Ocean:
The Haverly Plan: Nuclear Explosions for Large Scale Carbon Sequestration
25.6K subscribers
I suppose if things get really bad.
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Last edited by Void (2025-02-06 09:23:47)
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