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#2651 2025-01-29 14:21:44

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0038/03/20 Friday Days of the week offset 5 with Earth.  (count from Mars to Earth )
Sol 76 Business Month 3
Today on Earth: 2024/01/29 Wednesday Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Aphelion occurred May 30, 2023 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html also see: for opposition/perigee/aphelion

Martian Year: 38  Martian Astronomical Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical  month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 036.6 Sol Number: 076  Change in degrees is +.5 Julian date is: J0038076
Solar Longitude: 036.1 Sol Number: 075  Change in degrees is +.4 Julian date is: J0038075
Solar Longitude: 035.7 Sol Number: 074  Change in degrees is +.5 Julian date is: J0038074

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.  Ls 0 is the moment when the Sun appears to transit from one hemisphere to the other.  Update from (The Sun crosses the equator of Mars (Vernal Equinox)). The transition itself is a function of the tilt of an object with respect to the Solar plane. Per, Hipparchus created the celestial coordinate system we use today.

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars as seen from Earth
Todo: At next Aphelion/Perihelion record the Mars data J00##### (and set Search term)
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 – Earth Date 2024/05/08 Next: (estimated) 2026/03/06
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2022/06/21 Next: (actual) 2024/05/08
Aphelion occurred at--- Ls 071 on Sol 152.  Aphelion Earth Dates: Earlier: 2017/10/07, 2015/11/20
Aphelion occurred near Ls 070 on Sol 153 (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Note on data below: The figure quoted after distance is a rate of progress along the orbital path [exact meaning to be determined]
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun.
The figure computed to the right of "Difference" is the rate of change of the distance to Sun. Increasing to Aphelion/Decreasing to Perihelion.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   244,877,147 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +110630 <= +4609 km/hour at 12 on 01/29 (time 12:00) (24 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   244,766,517 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +?????? <= +4662 km/hour at 12 on 01/28 (time 12:00) (24 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   244,654,617 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +113166 <= +4715 km/hour at 12 on 01/27 (time 12:00) (24 hours)

Observation: The sky view is ** filled ** with objects and some have been recorded and given identification by humans or their robot assistants
And! ** All ** the location assignments are from the perspective of Earth.  The entire catalog needs to be adjusted when inter-stellar travel begins
The work that lies ahead for the astronomical community is daunting - there is work ahead for centuries
2022/01/19 - All current (existing) stellar catalogs are computed with reference to the Earth.  Another civilization would use it's planet as reference.
Perhaps a Milky Way frame of reference will become necessary at some point. The Earth is as good a Zero point as any, for humans.

Note: Mars will go retrograde starting December 6, 2024 and continue through February 23, 2025.

=== Mars is in Retrograde movement as seen from Earth.
Next up: Galaxy above path: PGC 1768326 RA 07h 31m 20.4s – Day 0 -
HIP 36725 RA 07h 33m 12.7s – Day 0 – Day 1 just past Mars 
PGC 1766144 RA 07h 34m 38.3s Day 0 – Day 1 above Mars  - Day 2 20+ hours past – last day for 144

Zoom Out Capability As a general observation ... I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view (Zoom out)
Update 2022/12/08 provides a large view of selected objects: Select [Major Bodies] Then select [Information] in the body of interest
Update 2022/12/08 Scroll down to (body) Position and Finder Charts. Field of view is 50x30 degrees.

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line heading left at a downward angle.
As of 2023/01/11, the curve of the path has returned to regular movement to the left border

Light travel time today is between 5 and 6 minutes. Communications delay would be 10+ minutes round trip.

Earth Distance in km: 2025/01/29 101,014,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/01/28 100,394,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/01/27 100,039,000 (increasing)

Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers. Estimated light times:
1:18, 2:36, 3:54, 4:72, 5:90, 6:108, 7:126, 8:144,9:162,10:180,11:198,12:216,13:234,14:252,15:270,16:288,17:306,18:324,19:342,20:360,21:378,22:396

Maximum Earth-Mars distance is estimated to be 401 million kilometers (both at apogee and opposite vs Sun) Minimum is about 56 million kilometers
Mars and Earth were in Opposition (Earth center)  in December of 2022.  The date coincided with a (very rare) occultation of Mars by the Moon.
Mars and Earth were in Conjunction (Sun center) in November of 2023.
Mars and Earth appear to have been as close as they will get in this cycle. 81,454,323 kilometers on J0036644 Time: 4.53 minutes - 9 minutes round trip

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Regular movement of Mars as seen from Earth resumed as of 2023/01/13. RA is once again increasing.
According to, Retrograde movement began October 30, 2022.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars movement will occur in months ahead.

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1. Viewed 2022/10/13: Opposition will occur some time in December of 2022.  Per, the date is December 8, 2022.

This web site offers an online orrery view of the Solar System:

Sol 76 is in Month 3 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month  3 extends from Sol 57 through 84. <<== There are 28 days in Month 21. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details.
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 76 is Friday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.   Sol 49 was a Skip Day on Mars. Next is near 86 of Year 38

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 37
Per Year 36 started 2021/02/07 on Earth. Mars Year 37 began 2022/12/27 on Earth.

Days of the Week Alignment:
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they also change when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
The next cycle began on the first Sol of the period of coincidence. The  alignment of weekdays interval is in the range: (310 - 337)
To find the first day of a period of coincidence: Set up: SearchTerm(colon) and (colon)Alignment and J0036* or J0037*
The most recent End-Of-Quarter change occurred: … The search specified above gave 11 pages of results.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insight's weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl*** <<-- Insight's mission is over (2022)

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Standard Month in Mars Business Calendar Copyright ® 2023 Mars Society
Su    Mo    Tu    We    Th    Fr    Sa
1       2      3      4      5      6      7
8       9    10     11    12    13    14
15    16    17     18    19    20    21
22    23    24     25    26    27    28

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 3 of 24  Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 3-6] (This month has 28 Sols)


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#2652 2025-01-30 07:01:34

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Place holder for today's Calendar update:

Greenwich, UK 01/30/2025, 13:00:01 Europe/London
Object: Mars   (open sky map)
RA 07h 33m 17.6s Dec +26° 01' 57.5" Appar J2000
Mag: -1.16 (Estimated: JPL)  Const: Gemini
Sun Dist: 244,986,497 km [22.4 km/s]
Earth Dist: 101,412,917 km [9.3 km/s]

Martian Year:   
Martian Astronomical Month:   
Solar longitude Ls:   
Sol number:   


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#2653 2025-01-30 08:32:34

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0038/03/21 Saturday Days of the week offset 5 with Earth.  (count from Mars to Earth )
Sol 77 Business Month 3
Today on Earth: 2024/01/30 Thursday Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Aphelion occurred May 30, 2023 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html also see: for opposition/perigee/aphelion

Martian Year: 38  Martian Astronomical Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical  month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 037.0 Sol Number: 077  Change in degrees is +.4 Julian date is: J0038077
Solar Longitude: 036.6 Sol Number: 076  Change in degrees is +.5 Julian date is: J0038076
Solar Longitude: 036.1 Sol Number: 075  Change in degrees is +.4 Julian date is: J0038075

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.  Ls 0 is the moment when the Sun appears to transit from one hemisphere to the other.  Update from (The Sun crosses the equator of Mars (Vernal Equinox)). The transition itself is a function of the tilt of an object with respect to the Solar plane. Per, Hipparchus created the celestial coordinate system we use today.

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars as seen from Earth
Todo: At next Aphelion/Perihelion record the Mars data J00##### (and set Search term)
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 – Earth Date 2024/05/08 Next: (estimated) 2026/03/06
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2022/06/21 Next: (actual) 2024/05/08
Aphelion occurred at--- Ls 071 on Sol 152.  Aphelion Earth Dates: Earlier: 2017/10/07, 2015/11/20
Aphelion occurred near Ls 070 on Sol 153 (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Note on data below: The figure quoted after distance is a rate of progress along the orbital path [exact meaning to be determined]
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun.
The figure computed to the right of "Difference" is the rate of change of the distance to Sun. Increasing to Aphelion/Decreasing to Perihelion.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   244,986,497 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +109350 <= +4556 km/hour at 12 on 01/30 (time 12:00) (24 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   244,877,147 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +110630 <= +4609 km/hour at 12 on 01/29 (time 12:00) (24 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   244,766,517 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +??????? <= +4662 km/hour at 12 on 01/28 (time 12:00) (24 hours)

Observation: The sky view is ** filled ** with objects and some have been recorded and given identification by humans or their robot assistants
And! ** All ** the location assignments are from the perspective of Earth.  The entire catalog needs to be adjusted when inter-stellar travel begins
The work that lies ahead for the astronomical community is daunting - there is work ahead for centuries
2022/01/19 - All current (existing) stellar catalogs are computed with reference to the Earth.  Another civilization would use it's planet as reference.
Perhaps a Milky Way frame of reference will become necessary at some point. The Earth is as good a Zero point as any, for humans.

Note: Mars will go retrograde starting December 6, 2024 and continue through February 23, 2025.

=== Mars is in Retrograde movement as seen from Earth.
PGC 1768326 RA 07h 31m 20.4s – Day 0 – Day 1 10 hours ahead
HIP 36725 RA 07h 33m 12.7s – Day 0 – Day 1 just past Mars  - Day 2 20 hours past – last day for 725

Zoom Out Capability As a general observation ... I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view (Zoom out)
Update 2022/12/08 provides a large view of selected objects: Select [Major Bodies] Then select [Information] in the body of interest
Update 2022/12/08 Scroll down to (body) Position and Finder Charts. Field of view is 50x30 degrees.

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line heading left at a downward angle.
As of 2023/01/11, the curve of the path has returned to regular movement to the left border

Light travel time today is between 5 and 6 minutes. Communications delay would be 10+ minutes round trip.

Earth Distance in km: 2025/01/30 101,447,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/01/29 101,014,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/01/28 100,394,000 (increasing)

Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers. Estimated light times:
1:18, 2:36, 3:54, 4:72, 5:90, 6:108, 7:126, 8:144,9:162,10:180,11:198,12:216,13:234,14:252,15:270,16:288,17:306,18:324,19:342,20:360,21:378,22:396

Maximum Earth-Mars distance is estimated to be 401 million kilometers (both at apogee and opposite vs Sun) Minimum is about 56 million kilometers
Mars and Earth were in Opposition (Earth center)  in December of 2022.  The date coincided with a (very rare) occultation of Mars by the Moon.
Mars and Earth were in Conjunction (Sun center) in November of 2023.
Mars and Earth appear to have been as close as they will get in this cycle. 81,454,323 kilometers on J0036644 Time: 4.53 minutes - 9 minutes round trip

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Regular movement of Mars as seen from Earth resumed as of 2023/01/13. RA is once again increasing.
According to, Retrograde movement began October 30, 2022.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars movement will occur in months ahead.

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1. Viewed 2022/10/13: Opposition will occur some time in December of 2022.  Per, the date is December 8, 2022.

This web site offers an online orrery view of the Solar System:

Sol 77 is in Month 3 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month  3 extends from Sol 57 through 84. <<== There are 28 days in Month 21. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details.
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 77 is Saturday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.   Sol 49 was a Skip Day on Mars. Next is near 86 of Year 38

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 37
Per Year 36 started 2021/02/07 on Earth. Mars Year 37 began 2022/12/27 on Earth.

Days of the Week Alignment:
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they also change when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
The next cycle began on the first Sol of the period of coincidence. The  alignment of weekdays interval is in the range: (310 - 337)
To find the first day of a period of coincidence: Set up: SearchTerm(colon) and (colon)Alignment and J0036* or J0037*
The most recent End-Of-Quarter change occurred: … The search specified above gave 11 pages of results.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insight's weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl*** <<-- Insight's mission is over (2022)

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Standard Month in Mars Business Calendar Copyright ® 2023 Mars Society
Su    Mo    Tu    We    Th    Fr    Sa
1       2      3      4      5      6      7
8       9    10     11    12    13    14
15    16    17     18    19    20    21
22    23    24     25    26    27    28

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 3 of 24  Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 3-6] (This month has 28 Sols)


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#2654 2025-01-31 07:03:29

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Place holder for today's Calendar update

Greenwich, UK 01/31/2025, 12:59:54 Europe/London
Object: Mars   (open sky map)
RA 07h 31m 56.8s Dec +26° 04' 03.2" Appar J2000
Mag: -1.14 (Estimated: JPL)  Const: Gemini
Sun Dist: 245,094,557 km [22.4 km/s]
Earth Dist: 102,011,007 km [9.4 km/s]

Martian Year:   
Martian Astronomical Month:   
Solar longitude Ls:   
Sol number:   


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#2655 2025-01-31 09:50:06

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0038/03/22 Sunday Days of the week offset 5 with Earth.  (count from Mars to Earth )
Sol 78 Business Month 3
Today on Earth: 2024/01/31 Friday Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Aphelion occurred May 30, 2023 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html also see: for opposition/perigee/aphelion

Martian Year: 38  Martian Astronomical Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical  month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 037.5 Sol Number: 078  Change in degrees is +.5 Julian date is: J0038078
Solar Longitude: 037.0 Sol Number: 077  Change in degrees is +.4 Julian date is: J0038077
Solar Longitude: 036.6 Sol Number: 076  Change in degrees is +.5 Julian date is: J0038076

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.  Ls 0 is the moment when the Sun appears to transit from one hemisphere to the other.  Update from (The Sun crosses the equator of Mars (Vernal Equinox)). The transition itself is a function of the tilt of an object with respect to the Solar plane. Per, Hipparchus created the celestial coordinate system we use today.

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars as seen from Earth
Todo: At next Aphelion/Perihelion record the Mars data J00##### (and set Search term)
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 – Earth Date 2024/05/08 Next: (estimated) 2026/03/06
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2022/06/21 Next: (actual) 2024/05/08
Aphelion occurred at--- Ls 071 on Sol 152.  Aphelion Earth Dates: Earlier: 2017/10/07, 2015/11/20
Aphelion occurred near Ls 070 on Sol 153 (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Note on data below: The figure quoted after distance is a rate of progress along the orbital path [exact meaning to be determined]
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun.
The figure computed to the right of "Difference" is the rate of change of the distance to Sun. Increasing to Aphelion/Decreasing to Perihelion.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,094,557 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +108060 <= +4502 km/hour at 12 on 01/31 (time 12:00) (24 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   244,986,497 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +109350 <= +4556 km/hour at 12 on 01/30 (time 12:00) (24 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   244,877,147 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +110630 <= +4609 km/hour at 12 on 01/29 (time 12:00) (24 hours)

Observation: The sky view is ** filled ** with objects and some have been recorded and given identification by humans or their robot assistants
And! ** All ** the location assignments are from the perspective of Earth.  The entire catalog needs to be adjusted when inter-stellar travel begins
The work that lies ahead for the astronomical community is daunting - there is work ahead for centuries
2022/01/19 - All current (existing) stellar catalogs are computed with reference to the Earth.  Another civilization would use it's planet as reference.
Perhaps a Milky Way frame of reference will become necessary at some point. The Earth is as good a Zero point as any, for humans.

Note: Mars will go retrograde starting December 6, 2024 and continue through February 23, 2025.

=== Mars is in Retrograde movement as seen from Earth.
Next up: Star above path: TYC 1914-94-1 07h 28m 34.3s – Day 0 -
PGC 1768326 RA 07h 31m 20.4s – Day 0 – Day 1 10 hours ahead – Day 2 just past Mars

Zoom Out Capability As a general observation ... I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view (Zoom out)
Update 2022/12/08 provides a large view of selected objects: Select [Major Bodies] Then select [Information] in the body of interest
Update 2022/12/08 Scroll down to (body) Position and Finder Charts. Field of view is 50x30 degrees.

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line heading left at a downward angle.
As of 2023/01/11, the curve of the path has returned to regular movement to the left border

Light travel time today is between 5 and 6 minutes. Communications delay would be 10+ minutes round trip.

Earth Distance in km: 2025/01/31 102,080,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/01/30 101,447,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/01/29 101,014,000 (increasing)

Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers. Estimated light times:
1:18, 2:36, 3:54, 4:72, 5:90, 6:108, 7:126, 8:144,9:162,10:180,11:198,12:216,13:234,14:252,15:270,16:288,17:306,18:324,19:342,20:360,21:378,22:396

Maximum Earth-Mars distance is estimated to be 401 million kilometers (both at apogee and opposite vs Sun) Minimum is about 56 million kilometers
Mars and Earth were in Opposition (Earth center)  in December of 2022.  The date coincided with a (very rare) occultation of Mars by the Moon.
Mars and Earth were in Conjunction (Sun center) in November of 2023.
Mars and Earth appear to have been as close as they will get in this cycle. 81,454,323 kilometers on J0036644 Time: 4.53 minutes - 9 minutes round trip

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Regular movement of Mars as seen from Earth resumed as of 2023/01/13. RA is once again increasing.
According to, Retrograde movement began October 30, 2022.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars movement will occur in months ahead.

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1. Viewed 2022/10/13: Opposition will occur some time in December of 2022.  Per, the date is December 8, 2022.

This web site offers an online orrery view of the Solar System:

Sol 78 is in Month 3 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month  3 extends from Sol 57 through 84. <<== There are 28 days in Month 21. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details.
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 78 is Sunday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.   Sol 49 was a Skip Day on Mars. Next is near 86 of Year 38

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 37
Per Year 36 started 2021/02/07 on Earth. Mars Year 37 began 2022/12/27 on Earth.

Days of the Week Alignment:
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they also change when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
The next cycle began on the first Sol of the period of coincidence. The  alignment of weekdays interval is in the range: (310 - 337)
To find the first day of a period of coincidence: Set up: SearchTerm(colon) and (colon)Alignment and J0036* or J0037*
The most recent End-Of-Quarter change occurred: … The search specified above gave 11 pages of results.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insight's weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl*** <<-- Insight's mission is over (2022)

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Standard Month in Mars Business Calendar Copyright ® 2023 Mars Society
Su    Mo    Tu    We    Th    Fr    Sa
1       2      3      4      5      6      7
8       9    10     11    12    13    14
15    16    17     18    19    20    21
22    23    24     25    26    27    28

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 3 of 24  Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 3-6] (This month has 28 Sols)


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#2656 2025-02-01 07:01:51

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Place holder for today's Calendar update:

Greenwich, UK 02/01/2025, 13:00:00 Europe/London
Object: Mars   (open sky map)
RA 07h 30m 38.4s Dec +26° 05' 55.8" Appar J2000
Mag: -1.11 (Estimated: JPL)  Const: Gemini
Sun Dist: 245,201,343 km [22.4 km/s]
Earth Dist: 102,638,449 km [9.5 km/s]

Martian Year:   
Martian Astronomical Month:   
Solar longitude Ls:   
Sol number:   


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#2657 2025-02-01 09:00:53

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0038/03/23 Monday Days of the week offset 5 with Earth.  (count from Mars to Earth )
Sol 79 Business Month 3
Today on Earth: 2024/02/01 Saturday Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Aphelion occurred May 30, 2023 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html also see: for opposition/perigee/aphelion

Martian Year: 38  Martian Astronomical Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical  month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 038.0 Sol Number: 079  Change in degrees is +.5 Julian date is: J0038079
Solar Longitude: 037.5 Sol Number: 078  Change in degrees is +.5 Julian date is: J0038078
Solar Longitude: 037.0 Sol Number: 077  Change in degrees is +.4 Julian date is: J0038077

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.  Ls 0 is the moment when the Sun appears to transit from one hemisphere to the other.  Update from (The Sun crosses the equator of Mars (Vernal Equinox)). The transition itself is a function of the tilt of an object with respect to the Solar plane. Per, Hipparchus created the celestial coordinate system we use today.

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars as seen from Earth
Todo: At next Aphelion/Perihelion record the Mars data J00##### (and set Search term)
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 – Earth Date 2024/05/08 Next: (estimated) 2026/03/06
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2022/06/21 Next: (actual) 2024/05/08
Aphelion occurred at--- Ls 071 on Sol 152.  Aphelion Earth Dates: Earlier: 2017/10/07, 2015/11/20
Aphelion occurred near Ls 070 on Sol 153 (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Note on data below: The figure quoted after distance is a rate of progress along the orbital path [exact meaning to be determined]
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun.
The figure computed to the right of "Difference" is the rate of change of the distance to Sun. Increasing to Aphelion/Decreasing to Perihelion.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,201,343 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +106786 <= +4449 km/hour at 12 on 02/01 (time 12:00) (24 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,094,557 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +108060 <= +4502 km/hour at 12 on 01/31 (time 12:00) (24 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   244,986,497 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +109350 <= +4556 km/hour at 12 on 01/30 (time 12:00) (24 hours)

Observation: The sky view is ** filled ** with objects and some have been recorded and given identification by humans or their robot assistants
And! ** All ** the location assignments are from the perspective of Earth.  The entire catalog needs to be adjusted when inter-stellar travel begins
The work that lies ahead for the astronomical community is daunting - there is work ahead for centuries
2022/01/19 - All current (existing) stellar catalogs are computed with reference to the Earth.  Another civilization would use it's planet as reference.
Perhaps a Milky Way frame of reference will become necessary at some point. The Earth is as good a Zero point as any, for humans.

Note: Mars will go retrograde starting December 6, 2024 and continue through February 23, 2025.

=== Mars is in Retrograde movement as seen from Earth.
Next up: HIP 36262 20 hours ahead on Day 0 -
TYC 1914-94-1 07h 28m 34.3s – Day 0 – Day 1 11 hours ahead

Zoom Out Capability As a general observation ... I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view (Zoom out)
Update 2022/12/08 provides a large view of selected objects: Select [Major Bodies] Then select [Information] in the body of interest
Update 2022/12/08 Scroll down to (body) Position and Finder Charts. Field of view is 50x30 degrees.

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line heading left at a downward angle.
As of 2023/01/11, the curve of the path has returned to regular movement to the left border

Light travel time today is between 5 and 6 minutes. Communications delay would be 10+ minutes round trip.

Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/01 102,689,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/01/31 102,080,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/01/30 101,447,000 (increasing)

Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers. Estimated light times:
1:18, 2:36, 3:54, 4:72, 5:90, 6:108, 7:126, 8:144,9:162,10:180,11:198,12:216,13:234,14:252,15:270,16:288,17:306,18:324,19:342,20:360,21:378,22:396

Maximum Earth-Mars distance is estimated to be 401 million kilometers (both at apogee and opposite vs Sun) Minimum is about 56 million kilometers
Mars and Earth were in Opposition (Earth center)  in December of 2022.  The date coincided with a (very rare) occultation of Mars by the Moon.
Mars and Earth were in Conjunction (Sun center) in November of 2023.
Mars and Earth appear to have been as close as they will get in this cycle. 81,454,323 kilometers on J0036644 Time: 4.53 minutes - 9 minutes round trip

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Regular movement of Mars as seen from Earth resumed as of 2023/01/13. RA is once again increasing.
According to, Retrograde movement began October 30, 2022.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars movement will occur in months ahead.

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1. Viewed 2022/10/13: Opposition will occur some time in December of 2022.  Per, the date is December 8, 2022.

This web site offers an online orrery view of the Solar System:

Sol 79 is in Month 3 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month  3 extends from Sol 57 through 84. <<== There are 28 days in Month 21. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details.
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 79 is Monday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.   Sol 49 was a Skip Day on Mars. Next is near 86 of Year 38

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 37
Per Year 36 started 2021/02/07 on Earth. Mars Year 37 began 2022/12/27 on Earth.

Days of the Week Alignment:
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they also change when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
The next cycle began on the first Sol of the period of coincidence. The  alignment of weekdays interval is in the range: (310 - 337)
To find the first day of a period of coincidence: Set up: SearchTerm(colon) and (colon)Alignment and J0036* or J0037*
The most recent End-Of-Quarter change occurred: … The search specified above gave 11 pages of results.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insight's weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl*** <<-- Insight's mission is over (2022)

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Standard Month in Mars Business Calendar Copyright ® 2023 Mars Society
Su    Mo    Tu    We    Th    Fr    Sa
1       2      3      4      5      6      7
8       9    10     11    12    13    14
15    16    17     18    19    20    21
22    23    24     25    26    27    28

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 3 of 24  Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 3-6] (This month has 28 Sols)


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#2658 2025-02-02 07:03:46

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Place holder for today's Calendar update:

Greenwich, UK 02/02/2025, 13:00:03 Europe/London
Object: Mars   (open sky map)
RA 07h 29m 22.7s Dec +26° 07' 36.2" Appar J2000
Mag: -1.09 (Estimated: JPL)  Const: Gemini
Sun Dist: 245,306,832 km [22.4 km/s]
Earth Dist: 103,294,556 km [9.7 km/s]

Martian Year:   
Martian Astronomical Month:   
Solar longitude Ls:   
Sol number:   


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#2659 2025-02-03 07:01:15

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0038/03/24 Tuesday Days of the week offset 5 with Earth.  (count from Mars to Earth )
Sol 80 Business Month 3
Today on Earth: 2024/02/02 Sunday Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Aphelion occurred May 30, 2023 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html also see: for opposition/perigee/aphelion

Martian Year: 38  Martian Astronomical Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical  month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 038.4 Sol Number: 080  Change in degrees is +.4 Julian date is: J0038080
Solar Longitude: 038.0 Sol Number: 079  Change in degrees is +.5 Julian date is: J0038079
Solar Longitude: 037.5 Sol Number: 078  Change in degrees is +.5 Julian date is: J0038078

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.  Ls 0 is the moment when the Sun appears to transit from one hemisphere to the other.  Update from (The Sun crosses the equator of Mars (Vernal Equinox)). The transition itself is a function of the tilt of an object with respect to the Solar plane. Per, Hipparchus created the celestial coordinate system we use today.

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars as seen from Earth
Todo: At next Aphelion/Perihelion record the Mars data J00##### (and set Search term)
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 – Earth Date 2024/05/08 Next: (estimated) 2026/03/06
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2022/06/21 Next: (actual) 2024/05/08
Aphelion occurred at--- Ls 071 on Sol 152.  Aphelion Earth Dates: Earlier: 2017/10/07, 2015/11/20
Aphelion occurred near Ls 070 on Sol 153 (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Note on data below: The figure quoted after distance is a rate of progress along the orbital path [exact meaning to be determined]
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun.
The figure computed to the right of "Difference" is the rate of change of the distance to Sun. Increasing to Aphelion/Decreasing to Perihelion.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,306,832 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +105489 <= +4395 km/hour at 12 on 02/02 (time 12:00) (24 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,201,343 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +106786 <= +4449 km/hour at 12 on 02/01 (time 12:00) (24 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,094,557 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +108060 <= +4502 km/hour at 12 on 01/31 (time 12:00) (24 hours)

Observation: The sky view is ** filled ** with objects and some have been recorded and given identification by humans or their robot assistants
And! ** All ** the location assignments are from the perspective of Earth.  The entire catalog needs to be adjusted when inter-stellar travel begins
The work that lies ahead for the astronomical community is daunting - there is work ahead for centuries
2022/01/19 - All current (existing) stellar catalogs are computed with reference to the Earth.  Another civilization would use it's planet as reference.
Perhaps a Milky Way frame of reference will become necessary at some point. The Earth is as good a Zero point as any, for humans.

Note: Mars will go retrograde starting December 6, 2024 and continue through February 23, 2025.

=== Mars is in Retrograde movement as seen from Earth.
Missed update on Sunday
Next up: HIP 36262 20 hours ahead on Day 0 -
TYC 1914-94-1 07h 28m 34.3s – Day 0 – Day 1 11 hours ahead

Zoom Out Capability As a general observation ... I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view (Zoom out)
Update 2022/12/08 provides a large view of selected objects: Select [Major Bodies] Then select [Information] in the body of interest
Update 2022/12/08 Scroll down to (body) Position and Finder Charts. Field of view is 50x30 degrees.

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line heading left at a downward angle.
As of 2023/01/11, the curve of the path has returned to regular movement to the left border

Light travel time today is between 5 and 6 minutes. Communications delay would be 10+ minutes round trip.

Missed update on Sunday
Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/01 102,689,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/01/31 102,080,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/01/30 101,447,000 (increasing)

Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers. Estimated light times:
1:18, 2:36, 3:54, 4:72, 5:90, 6:108, 7:126, 8:144,9:162,10:180,11:198,12:216,13:234,14:252,15:270,16:288,17:306,18:324,19:342,20:360,21:378,22:396

Maximum Earth-Mars distance is estimated to be 401 million kilometers (both at apogee and opposite vs Sun) Minimum is about 56 million kilometers
Mars and Earth were in Opposition (Earth center)  in December of 2022.  The date coincided with a (very rare) occultation of Mars by the Moon.
Mars and Earth were in Conjunction (Sun center) in November of 2023.
Mars and Earth appear to have been as close as they will get in this cycle. 81,454,323 kilometers on J0036644 Time: 4.53 minutes - 9 minutes round trip

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Regular movement of Mars as seen from Earth resumed as of 2023/01/13. RA is once again increasing.
According to, Retrograde movement began October 30, 2022.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars movement will occur in months ahead.

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1. Viewed 2022/10/13: Opposition will occur some time in December of 2022.  Per, the date is December 8, 2022.

This web site offers an online orrery view of the Solar System:

Sol 80 is in Month 3 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month  3 extends from Sol 57 through 84. <<== There are 28 days in Month 21. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details.
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 80 is Tuesday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.   Sol 49 was a Skip Day on Mars. Next is near 86 of Year 38

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 37
Per Year 36 started 2021/02/07 on Earth. Mars Year 37 began 2022/12/27 on Earth.

Days of the Week Alignment:
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they also change when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
The next cycle began on the first Sol of the period of coincidence. The  alignment of weekdays interval is in the range: (310 - 337)
To find the first day of a period of coincidence: Set up: SearchTerm(colon) and (colon)Alignment and J0036* or J0037*
The most recent End-Of-Quarter change occurred: … The search specified above gave 11 pages of results.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insight's weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl*** <<-- Insight's mission is over (2022)

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Standard Month in Mars Business Calendar Copyright ® 2023 Mars Society
Su    Mo    Tu    We    Th    Fr    Sa
1       2      3      4      5      6      7
8       9    10     11    12    13    14
15    16    17     18    19    20    21
22    23    24     25    26    27    28

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 3 of 24  Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 3-6] (This month has 28 Sols)


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#2660 2025-02-03 07:01:47

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Place holder for Monday's Calendar update

Greenwich, UK 02/03/2025, 13:00:07 Europe/London
Object: Mars   (open sky map)
RA 07h 28m 10.4s Dec +26° 09' 02.8" Appar J2000
Mag: -1.06 (Estimated: JPL)  Const: Gemini
Sun Dist: 245,411,021 km [22.3 km/s]
Earth Dist: 103,978,746 km [9.8 km/s]

Martian Year:   
Martian Astronomical Month:   
Solar longitude Ls:   
Sol number:   


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#2661 2025-02-03 10:06:23

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0038/03/25 Wednesday Days of the week offset 5 with Earth.  (count from Mars to Earth )
Sol 81 Business Month 3
Today on Earth: 2024/02/03 Monday Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Aphelion occurred May 30, 2023 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html also see: for opposition/perigee/aphelion

Martian Year: 38  Martian Astronomical Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical  month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 038.9 Sol Number: 081  Change in degrees is +.5 Julian date is: J0038081
Solar Longitude: 038.4 Sol Number: 080  Change in degrees is +.4 Julian date is: J0038080
Solar Longitude: 038.0 Sol Number: 079  Change in degrees is +.5 Julian date is: J0038079

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.  Ls 0 is the moment when the Sun appears to transit from one hemisphere to the other.  Update from (The Sun crosses the equator of Mars (Vernal Equinox)). The transition itself is a function of the tilt of an object with respect to the Solar plane. Per, Hipparchus created the celestial coordinate system we use today.

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars as seen from Earth
Todo: At next Aphelion/Perihelion record the Mars data J00##### (and set Search term)
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 – Earth Date 2024/05/08 Next: (estimated) 2026/03/06
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2022/06/21 Next: (actual) 2024/05/08
Aphelion occurred at--- Ls 071 on Sol 152.  Aphelion Earth Dates: Earlier: 2017/10/07, 2015/11/20
Aphelion occurred near Ls 070 on Sol 153 (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Note on data below: The figure quoted after distance is a rate of progress along the orbital path [exact meaning to be determined]
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun.
The figure computed to the right of "Difference" is the rate of change of the distance to Sun. Increasing to Aphelion/Decreasing to Perihelion.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,411,021 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +104189 <= +4341 km/hour at 12 on 02/03 (time 12:00) (24 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,306,832 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +105489 <= +4395 km/hour at 12 on 02/02 (time 12:00) (24 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,201,343 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +106786 <= +4449 km/hour at 12 on 02/01 (time 12:00) (24 hours)

Observation: The sky view is ** filled ** with objects and some have been recorded and given identification by humans or their robot assistants
And! ** All ** the location assignments are from the perspective of Earth.  The entire catalog needs to be adjusted when inter-stellar travel begins
The work that lies ahead for the astronomical community is daunting - there is work ahead for centuries
2022/01/19 - All current (existing) stellar catalogs are computed with reference to the Earth.  Another civilization would use it's planet as reference.
Perhaps a Milky Way frame of reference will become necessary at some point. The Earth is as good a Zero point as any, for humans.

Note: Mars will go retrograde starting December 6, 2024 and continue through February 23, 2025.

=== Mars is in Retrograde movement as seen from Earth.
Next up: (path is nearing horizontal) PGC 1768439 near TYC 1914-160-1 Day 0
HIP 36262 20 hours ahead on Day 0 - - Day 2 24 hours past

Zoom Out Capability As a general observation ... I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view (Zoom out)
Update 2022/12/08 provides a large view of selected objects: Select [Major Bodies] Then select [Information] in the body of interest
Update 2022/12/08 Scroll down to (body) Position and Finder Charts. Field of view is 50x30 degrees.

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line heading left at a downward angle.
As of 2023/01/11, the curve of the path has returned to regular movement to the left border

Light travel time today is between 5 and 6 minutes. Communications delay would be 10+ minutes round trip.

Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/03 104,054,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/01 102,689,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/01/31 102,080,000 (increasing)

Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers. Estimated light times:
1:18, 2:36, 3:54, 4:72, 5:90, 6:108, 7:126, 8:144,9:162,10:180,11:198,12:216,13:234,14:252,15:270,16:288,17:306,18:324,19:342,20:360,21:378,22:396

Maximum Earth-Mars distance is estimated to be 401 million kilometers (both at apogee and opposite vs Sun) Minimum is about 56 million kilometers
Mars and Earth were in Opposition (Earth center)  in December of 2022.  The date coincided with a (very rare) occultation of Mars by the Moon.
Mars and Earth were in Conjunction (Sun center) in November of 2023.
Mars and Earth appear to have been as close as they will get in this cycle. 81,454,323 kilometers on J0036644 Time: 4.53 minutes - 9 minutes round trip

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Regular movement of Mars as seen from Earth resumed as of 2023/01/13. RA is once again increasing.
According to, Retrograde movement began October 30, 2022.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars movement will occur in months ahead.

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1. Viewed 2022/10/13: Opposition will occur some time in December of 2022.  Per, the date is December 8, 2022.

This web site offers an online orrery view of the Solar System:

Sol 81 is in Month 3 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month  3 extends from Sol 57 through 84. <<== There are 28 days in Month 21. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details.
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 81 is Wednesday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.   Sol 49 was a Skip Day on Mars. Next is near 86 of Year 38

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 37
Per Year 36 started 2021/02/07 on Earth. Mars Year 37 began 2022/12/27 on Earth.

Days of the Week Alignment:
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they also change when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
The next cycle began on the first Sol of the period of coincidence. The  alignment of weekdays interval is in the range: (310 - 337)
To find the first day of a period of coincidence: Set up: SearchTerm(colon) and (colon)Alignment and J0036* or J0037*
The most recent End-Of-Quarter change occurred: … The search specified above gave 11 pages of results.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insight's weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl*** <<-- Insight's mission is over (2022)

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Standard Month in Mars Business Calendar Copyright ® 2023 Mars Society
Su    Mo    Tu    We    Th    Fr    Sa
1       2      3      4      5      6      7
8       9    10     11    12    13    14
15    16    17     18    19    20    21
22    23    24     25    26    27    28

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 3 of 24  Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 3-6] (This month has 28 Sols)


Like button can go here

#2662 2025-02-04 07:02:14

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Place holder for today's calendar update:

Greenwich, UK 02/04/2025, 13:00:27 Europe/London
Object: Mars   (open sky map)
RA 07h 27m 01.6s Dec +26° 10' 17.6" Appar J2000
Mag: -1.06 (Estimated: JPL)  Const: Gemini
Sun Dist: 245,513,924 km [22.3 km/s]
Earth Dist: 104,690,519 km [10.0 km/s]

Martian Year:   
Martian Astronomical Month:   
Solar longitude Ls:   
Sol number:   


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#2663 2025-02-04 13:56:22

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0038/03/26 Thursday Days of the week offset 5 with Earth.  (count from Mars to Earth )
Sol 82 Business Month 3
Today on Earth: 2024/02/04 Tuesday Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Aphelion occurred May 30, 2023 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html also see: for opposition/perigee/aphelion

Martian Year: 38  Martian Astronomical Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical  month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 039.3 Sol Number: 082  Change in degrees is +.4 Julian date is: J0038082
Solar Longitude: 038.9 Sol Number: 081  Change in degrees is +.5 Julian date is: J0038081
Solar Longitude: 038.4 Sol Number: 080  Change in degrees is +.4 Julian date is: J0038080

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.  Ls 0 is the moment when the Sun appears to transit from one hemisphere to the other.  Update from (The Sun crosses the equator of Mars (Vernal Equinox)). The transition itself is a function of the tilt of an object with respect to the Solar plane. Per, Hipparchus created the celestial coordinate system we use today.

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars as seen from Earth
Todo: At next Aphelion/Perihelion record the Mars data J00##### (and set Search term)
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 – Earth Date 2024/05/08 Next: (estimated) 2026/03/06
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2022/06/21 Next: (actual) 2024/05/08
Aphelion occurred at--- Ls 071 on Sol 152.  Aphelion Earth Dates: Earlier: 2017/10/07, 2015/11/20
Aphelion occurred near Ls 070 on Sol 153 (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Note on data below: The figure quoted after distance is a rate of progress along the orbital path [exact meaning to be determined]
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun.
The figure computed to the right of "Difference" is the rate of change of the distance to Sun. Increasing to Aphelion/Decreasing to Perihelion.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,513,924 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +102903 <= +4288 km/hour at 12 on 02/04 (time 12:00) (24 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,411,021 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +104189 <= +4341 km/hour at 12 on 02/03 (time 12:00) (24 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,306,832 km [22.4 km/s] Difference is +105489 <= +4395 km/hour at 12 on 02/02 (time 12:00) (24 hours)

Observation: The sky view is ** filled ** with objects and some have been recorded and given identification by humans or their robot assistants
And! ** All ** the location assignments are from the perspective of Earth.  The entire catalog needs to be adjusted when inter-stellar travel begins
The work that lies ahead for the astronomical community is daunting - there is work ahead for centuries
2022/01/19 - All current (existing) stellar catalogs are computed with reference to the Earth.  Another civilization would use it's planet as reference.
Perhaps a Milky Way frame of reference will become necessary at some point. The Earth is as good a Zero point as any, for humans.

Note: Mars will go retrograde starting December 6, 2024 and continue through February 23, 2025.

=== Mars is in Retrograde movement as seen from Earth.
PGC 1768439 near TYC 1914-160-1 Day 0 – Day 1 25 hours ahead
Mars RA 07h 26m 43.4s – Retrograde movement will end near February 23rd

Zoom Out Capability As a general observation ... I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view (Zoom out)
Update 2022/12/08 provides a large view of selected objects: Select [Major Bodies] Then select [Information] in the body of interest
Update 2022/12/08 Scroll down to (body) Position and Finder Charts. Field of view is 50x30 degrees.

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line heading left at a downward angle.
As of 2023/01/11, the curve of the path has returned to regular movement to the left border

Light travel time today is between 5 and 6 minutes. Communications delay would be 10+ minutes round trip.

Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/04 104,891,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/03 104,054,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/01 102,689,000 (increasing)

Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers. Estimated light times:
1:18, 2:36, 3:54, 4:72, 5:90, 6:108, 7:126, 8:144,9:162,10:180,11:198,12:216,13:234,14:252,15:270,16:288,17:306,18:324,19:342,20:360,21:378,22:396

Maximum Earth-Mars distance is estimated to be 401 million kilometers (both at apogee and opposite vs Sun) Minimum is about 56 million kilometers
Mars and Earth were in Opposition (Earth center)  in December of 2022.  The date coincided with a (very rare) occultation of Mars by the Moon.
Mars and Earth were in Conjunction (Sun center) in November of 2023.
Mars and Earth appear to have been as close as they will get in this cycle. 81,454,323 kilometers on J0036644 Time: 4.53 minutes - 9 minutes round trip

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Regular movement of Mars as seen from Earth resumed as of 2023/01/13. RA is once again increasing.
According to, Retrograde movement began October 30, 2022.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars movement will occur in months ahead.

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1. Viewed 2022/10/13: Opposition will occur some time in December of 2022.  Per, the date is December 8, 2022.

This web site offers an online orrery view of the Solar System:

Sol 82 is in Month 3 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month  3 extends from Sol 57 through 84. <<== There are 28 days in Month 21. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details.
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 82 is Thursday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.   Sol 49 was a Skip Day on Mars. Next is near 86 of Year 38

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 37
Per Year 36 started 2021/02/07 on Earth. Mars Year 37 began 2022/12/27 on Earth.

Days of the Week Alignment:
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they also change when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
The next cycle began on the first Sol of the period of coincidence. The  alignment of weekdays interval is in the range: (310 - 337)
To find the first day of a period of coincidence: Set up: SearchTerm(colon) and (colon)Alignment and J0036* or J0037*
The most recent End-Of-Quarter change occurred: … The search specified above gave 11 pages of results.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insight's weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl*** <<-- Insight's mission is over (2022)

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Standard Month in Mars Business Calendar Copyright ® 2023 Mars Society
Su    Mo    Tu    We    Th    Fr    Sa
1       2      3      4      5      6      7
8       9    10     11    12    13    14
15    16    17     18    19    20    21
22    23    24     25    26    27    28

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 3 of 24  Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 3-6] (This month has 28 Sols)


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#2664 2025-02-05 06:52:51

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Place holder for today's Calendar update:

39.9622N, 83.0017E] 02/05/2025, 19:06:38 Asia/Urumqi
Object: Mars   (open sky map)
RA 07h 25m 55.6s Dec +26° 11' 26.5" Appar J2000
Mag: -1.02 (Estimated: JPL)  Const: Gemini
Sun Dist: 245,615,927 km [22.3 km/s]
Earth Dist: 105,432,177 km [10.1 km/s]

102003 / 4250.125 using 24
102003 / 4233 using 24.1 >> 55

Greenwich, UK 02/05/2025, 13:10:12 Europe/London
Object: Mars   (open sky map)
RA 07h 25m 55.3s Dec +26° 11' 20.1" Appar J2000
Mag: -1.04 (Estimated: JPL)  Const: Gemini
Sun Dist: 245,616,177 km [22.3 km/s]
Earth Dist: 105,434,040 km [10.1 km/s]

Martian Year:   
Martian Astronomical Month:   
Solar longitude Ls:   
Sol number:   


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#2665 2025-02-05 08:14:01

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0038/03/27 Friday Days of the week offset 5 with Earth.  (count from Mars to Earth )
Sol 83 Business Month 3
Today on Earth: 2024/02/05 Wednesday Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Aphelion occurred May 30, 2023 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html also see: for opposition/perigee/aphelion

Martian Year: 38  Martian Astronomical Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical  month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 039.8 Sol Number: 083  Change in degrees is +.5 Julian date is: J0038083
Solar Longitude: 039.3 Sol Number: 082  Change in degrees is +.4 Julian date is: J0038082
Solar Longitude: 038.9 Sol Number: 081  Change in degrees is +.5 Julian date is: J0038081

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.  Ls 0 is the moment when the Sun appears to transit from one hemisphere to the other.  Update from (The Sun crosses the equator of Mars (Vernal Equinox)). The transition itself is a function of the tilt of an object with respect to the Solar plane. Per, Hipparchus created the celestial coordinate system we use today.

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars as seen from Earth
Todo: At next Aphelion/Perihelion record the Mars data J00##### (and set Search term)
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 – Earth Date 2024/05/08 Next: (estimated) 2026/03/06
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2022/06/21 Next: (actual) 2024/05/08
Aphelion occurred at--- Ls 071 on Sol 152.  Aphelion Earth Dates: Earlier: 2017/10/07, 2015/11/20
Aphelion occurred near Ls 070 on Sol 153 (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Note on data below: The figure quoted after distance is a rate of progress along the orbital path [exact meaning to be determined]
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun.
The figure computed to the right of "Difference" is the rate of change of the distance to Sun. Increasing to Aphelion/Decreasing to Perihelion.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,615,927 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +102003 <= +4233 km/hour at 12.1 on 02/05 (time 12:06) (24.1 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,513,924 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +102903 <= +4288 km/hour at 12 on 02/04 (time 12:00) (24 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,411,021 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +104189 <= +4341 km/hour at 12 on 02/03 (time 12:00) (24 hours)

Observation: The sky view is ** filled ** with objects and some have been recorded and given identification by humans or their robot assistants
And! ** All ** the location assignments are from the perspective of Earth.  The entire catalog needs to be adjusted when inter-stellar travel begins
The work that lies ahead for the astronomical community is daunting - there is work ahead for centuries
2022/01/19 - All current (existing) stellar catalogs are computed with reference to the Earth.  Another civilization would use it's planet as reference.
Perhaps a Milky Way frame of reference will become necessary at some point. The Earth is as good a Zero point as any, for humans.

Note: Mars will go retrograde starting December 6, 2024 and continue through February 23, 2025.

=== Mars is in Retrograde movement as seen from Earth.
PGC 1768439 near TYC 1914-160-1 Day 0 – Day 1 25 hours ahead – Day 2 just ahead of Mars
Mars RA 07h 25m 54.0s – still moving West
Mars RA 07h 26m 43.4s – Retrograde movement will end near February 23rd

Zoom Out Capability As a general observation ... I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view (Zoom out)
Update 2022/12/08 provides a large view of selected objects: Select [Major Bodies] Then select [Information] in the body of interest
Update 2022/12/08 Scroll down to (body) Position and Finder Charts. Field of view is 50x30 degrees.

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line heading left at a downward angle.
As of 2023/01/11, the curve of the path has returned to regular movement to the left border

Light travel time today is between 5 and 6 minutes. Communications delay would be 10+ minutes round trip.

Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/05 105,462,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/04 104,891,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/03 104,054,000 (increasing)

Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers. Estimated light times:
1:18, 2:36, 3:54, 4:72, 5:90, 6:108, 7:126, 8:144,9:162,10:180,11:198,12:216,13:234,14:252,15:270,16:288,17:306,18:324,19:342,20:360,21:378,22:396

Maximum Earth-Mars distance is estimated to be 401 million kilometers (both at apogee and opposite vs Sun) Minimum is about 56 million kilometers
Mars and Earth were in Opposition (Earth center)  in December of 2022.  The date coincided with a (very rare) occultation of Mars by the Moon.
Mars and Earth were in Conjunction (Sun center) in November of 2023.
Mars and Earth appear to have been as close as they will get in this cycle. 81,454,323 kilometers on J0036644 Time: 4.53 minutes - 9 minutes round trip

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Regular movement of Mars as seen from Earth resumed as of 2023/01/13. RA is once again increasing.
According to, Retrograde movement began October 30, 2022.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars movement will occur in months ahead.

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1. Viewed 2022/10/13: Opposition will occur some time in December of 2022.  Per, the date is December 8, 2022.

This web site offers an online orrery view of the Solar System:

Sol 83 is in Month 3 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month  3 extends from Sol 57 through 84. <<== There are 28 days in Month 21. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details.
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 83 is Friday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.   Sol 49 was a Skip Day on Mars. Next is near 86 of Year 38

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 37
Per Year 36 started 2021/02/07 on Earth. Mars Year 37 began 2022/12/27 on Earth.

Days of the Week Alignment:
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they also change when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
The next cycle began on the first Sol of the period of coincidence. The  alignment of weekdays interval is in the range: (310 - 337)
To find the first day of a period of coincidence: Set up: SearchTerm(colon) and (colon)Alignment and J0036* or J0037*
The most recent End-Of-Quarter change occurred: … The search specified above gave 11 pages of results.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insight's weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl*** <<-- Insight's mission is over (2022)

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Standard Month in Mars Business Calendar Copyright ® 2023 Mars Society
Su    Mo    Tu    We    Th    Fr    Sa
1       2      3      4      5      6      7
8       9    10     11    12    13    14
15    16    17     18    19    20    21
22    23    24     25    26    27    28

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 3 of 24  Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 3-6] (This month has 28 Sols)


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#2666 2025-02-06 07:04:16

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Place holder for today's Calendar update:

Greenwich, UK 02/06/2025, 13:00:00 Europe/London
Object: Mars   (open sky map)
RA 07h 24m 52.9s Dec +26° 12' 09.9" Appar J2000
Mag: -1.04 (Estimated: JPL)  Const: Gemini
Sun Dist: 245,715,718 km [22.3 km/s]
Earth Dist: 106,193,309 km [10.2 km/s]

Martian Year:   
Martian Astronomical Month:   
Solar longitude Ls:   
Sol number:   


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#2667 2025-02-06 08:04:44

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0038/03/28 Saturday Days of the week offset 5 with Earth.  (count from Mars to Earth )
Sol 84 Business Month 3
Today on Earth: 2024/02/06 Thursday Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Aphelion occurred May 30, 2023 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html also see: for opposition/perigee/aphelion

Martian Year: 38  Martian Astronomical Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical  month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 040.2 Sol Number: 084  Change in degrees is +.4 Julian date is: J0038084
Solar Longitude: 039.8 Sol Number: 083  Change in degrees is +.5 Julian date is: J0038083
Solar Longitude: 039.3 Sol Number: 082  Change in degrees is +.4 Julian date is: J0038082

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.  Ls 0 is the moment when the Sun appears to transit from one hemisphere to the other.  Update from (The Sun crosses the equator of Mars (Vernal Equinox)). The transition itself is a function of the tilt of an object with respect to the Solar plane. Per, Hipparchus created the celestial coordinate system we use today.

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars as seen from Earth
Todo: At next Aphelion/Perihelion record the Mars data J00##### (and set Search term)
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 – Earth Date 2024/05/08 Next: (estimated) 2026/03/06
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2022/06/21 Next: (actual) 2024/05/08
Aphelion occurred at--- Ls 071 on Sol 152.  Aphelion Earth Dates: Earlier: 2017/10/07, 2015/11/20
Aphelion occurred near Ls 070 on Sol 153 (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Note on data below: The figure quoted after distance is a rate of progress along the orbital path [exact meaning to be determined]
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun.
The figure computed to the right of "Difference" is the rate of change of the distance to Sun. Increasing to Aphelion/Decreasing to Perihelion.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,715,718 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +099791 <= +4175 km/hour at 12 on 02/06 (time 12:00) (23.9 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,615,927 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +102003 <= +4233 km/hour at 12.1 on 02/05 (time 12:06) (24.1 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,513,924 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +102903 <= +4288 km/hour at 12 on 02/04 (time 12:00) (24 hours)

Observation: The sky view is ** filled ** with objects and some have been recorded and given identification by humans or their robot assistants
And! ** All ** the location assignments are from the perspective of Earth.  The entire catalog needs to be adjusted when inter-stellar travel begins
The work that lies ahead for the astronomical community is daunting - there is work ahead for centuries
2022/01/19 - All current (existing) stellar catalogs are computed with reference to the Earth.  Another civilization would use it's planet as reference.
Perhaps a Milky Way frame of reference will become necessary at some point. The Earth is as good a Zero point as any, for humans.

Note: Mars will go retrograde starting December 6, 2024 and continue through February 23, 2025.

=== Mars is in Retrograde movement as seen from Earth.
Next up: HIP 35664 below path Day 0 -
PGC 1768439 near TYC 1914-160-1 Day 0 – Day 1 25 hours ahead – Day 2 just ahead of Mars – Day 3 14 hours past
Mars RA 07h 24m 50.5s – still moving West
Mars RA 07h 25m 54.0s – still moving West

Zoom Out Capability As a general observation ... I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view (Zoom out)
Update 2022/12/08 provides a large view of selected objects: Select [Major Bodies] Then select [Information] in the body of interest
Update 2022/12/08 Scroll down to (body) Position and Finder Charts. Field of view is 50x30 degrees.

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line heading left at a downward angle.
As of 2023/01/11, the curve of the path has returned to regular movement to the left border

Light travel time today is between 5 and 6 minutes. Communications delay would be 10+ minutes round trip.

Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/06 106,226,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/05 105,462,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/04 104,891,000 (increasing)

Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers. Estimated light times:
1:18, 2:36, 3:54, 4:72, 5:90, 6:108, 7:126, 8:144,9:162,10:180,11:198,12:216,13:234,14:252,15:270,16:288,17:306,18:324,19:342,20:360,21:378,22:396

Maximum Earth-Mars distance is estimated to be 401 million kilometers (both at apogee and opposite vs Sun) Minimum is about 56 million kilometers
Mars and Earth were in Opposition (Earth center)  in December of 2022.  The date coincided with a (very rare) occultation of Mars by the Moon.
Mars and Earth were in Conjunction (Sun center) in November of 2023.
Mars and Earth appear to have been as close as they will get in this cycle. 81,454,323 kilometers on J0036644 Time: 4.53 minutes - 9 minutes round trip

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Regular movement of Mars as seen from Earth resumed as of 2023/01/13. RA is once again increasing.
According to, Retrograde movement began October 30, 2022.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars movement will occur in months ahead.

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1. Viewed 2022/10/13: Opposition will occur some time in December of 2022.  Per, the date is December 8, 2022.

This web site offers an online orrery view of the Solar System:

Sol 84 is in Month 3 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month  3 extends from Sol 57 through 84. <<== There are 28 days in Month 21. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details.
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 84 is Saturday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.   Sol 49 was a Skip Day on Mars. Next is near 86 of Year 38

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 37
Per Year 36 started 2021/02/07 on Earth. Mars Year 37 began 2022/12/27 on Earth.

Days of the Week Alignment:
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they also change when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
The next cycle began on the first Sol of the period of coincidence. The  alignment of weekdays interval is in the range: (310 - 337)
To find the first day of a period of coincidence: Set up: SearchTerm(colon) and (colon)Alignment and J0036* or J0037*
The most recent End-Of-Quarter change occurred: … The search specified above gave 11 pages of results.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insight's weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl*** <<-- Insight's mission is over (2022)

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Standard Month in Mars Business Calendar Copyright ® 2023 Mars Society
Su    Mo    Tu    We    Th    Fr    Sa
1       2      3      4      5      6      7
8       9    10     11    12    13    14
15    16    17     18    19    20    21
22    23    24     25    26    27    28

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 3 of 24  Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 3-6] (This month has 28 Sols)


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#2668 2025-02-07 06:57:20

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Place holder for today's Calendar update:
Greenwich, UK 02/07/2025, 13:00:07 Europe/London
Object: Mars   (open sky map)
RA 07h 23m 53.6s Dec +26° 12' 49.2" Appar J2000
Mag: -0.97 (Estimated: JPL)  Const: Gemini
Sun Dist: 245,814,658 km [22.3 km/s]
Earth Dist: 106,983,492 km [10.4 km/s]

Martian Year:   
Martian Astronomical Month:   
Solar longitude Ls:   
Sol number:   


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#2669 2025-02-07 10:36:06

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0038/04/01 Sunday Days of the week offset 5 with Earth.  (count from Mars to Earth )
Sol 85 Business Month 4
Today on Earth: 2025/02/07 Friday Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Aphelion occurred May 30, 2023 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html also see: for opposition/perigee/aphelion

Martian Year: 38  Martian Astronomical Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical  month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 040.7 Sol Number: 085  Change in degrees is +.5 Julian date is: J0038085
Solar Longitude: 040.2 Sol Number: 084  Change in degrees is +.4 Julian date is: J0038084
Solar Longitude: 039.8 Sol Number: 083  Change in degrees is +.5 Julian date is: J0038083

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.  Ls 0 is the moment when the Sun appears to transit from one hemisphere to the other.  Update from (The Sun crosses the equator of Mars (Vernal Equinox)). The transition itself is a function of the tilt of an object with respect to the Solar plane. Per, Hipparchus created the celestial coordinate system we use today.

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars as seen from Earth
Todo: At next Aphelion/Perihelion record the Mars data J00##### (and set Search term)
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 – Earth Date 2024/05/08 Next: (estimated) 2026/03/06
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2022/06/21 Next: (actual) 2024/05/08
Aphelion occurred at--- Ls 071 on Sol 152.  Aphelion Earth Dates: Earlier: 2017/10/07, 2015/11/20
Aphelion occurred near Ls 070 on Sol 153 (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Note on data below: The figure quoted after distance is a rate of progress along the orbital path [exact meaning to be determined]
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun.
The figure computed to the right of "Difference" is the rate of change of the distance to Sun. Increasing to Aphelion/Decreasing to Perihelion.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,814,658 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +098940 <= +4123 km/hour at 12 on 02/06 (time 12:00) (24 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,715,718 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +099791 <= +4175 km/hour at 12 on 02/06 (time 12:00) (23.9 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,615,927 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +102003 <= +4233 km/hour at 12.1 on 02/05 (time 12:06) (24.1 hours)

Observation: The sky view is ** filled ** with objects and some have been recorded and given identification by humans or their robot assistants
And! ** All ** the location assignments are from the perspective of Earth.  The entire catalog needs to be adjusted when inter-stellar travel begins
The work that lies ahead for the astronomical community is daunting - there is work ahead for centuries
2022/01/19 - All current (existing) stellar catalogs are computed with reference to the Earth.  Another civilization would use it's planet as reference.
Perhaps a Milky Way frame of reference will become necessary at some point. The Earth is as good a Zero point as any, for humans.

Note: Mars will go retrograde starting December 6, 2024 and continue through February 23, 2025.

=== Mars is in Retrograde movement as seen from Earth.
HIP 35664 below path Day 0 – Day 1 14 hours ahead
PGC 1768439 near TYC 1914-160-1 Day 0 – Day 1 25 hours ahead – Day 2 just ahead of Mars – Day 3 14 hours past Day 4 last day
Mars RA 07h 23m 45.7s – still moving West
Mars RA 07h 24m 50.5s – still moving West

Zoom Out Capability As a general observation ... I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view (Zoom out)
Update 2022/12/08 provides a large view of selected objects: Select [Major Bodies] Then select [Information] in the body of interest
Update 2022/12/08 Scroll down to (body) Position and Finder Charts. Field of view is 50x30 degrees.

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line heading left at a downward angle.
As of 2023/01/11, the curve of the path has returned to regular movement to the left border

Light travel time today is between 5 and 6 minutes. Communications delay would be 10+ minutes round trip.

Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/07 107,100,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/06 106,226,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/05 105,462,000 (increasing)

Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers. Estimated light times:
1:18, 2:36, 3:54, 4:72, 5:90, 6:108, 7:126, 8:144,9:162,10:180,11:198,12:216,13:234,14:252,15:270,16:288,17:306,18:324,19:342,20:360,21:378,22:396

Maximum Earth-Mars distance is estimated to be 401 million kilometers (both at apogee and opposite vs Sun) Minimum is about 56 million kilometers
Mars and Earth were in Opposition (Earth center)  in December of 2022.  The date coincided with a (very rare) occultation of Mars by the Moon.
Mars and Earth were in Conjunction (Sun center) in November of 2023.
Mars and Earth appear to have been as close as they will get in this cycle. 81,454,323 kilometers on J0036644 Time: 4.53 minutes - 9 minutes round trip

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Regular movement of Mars as seen from Earth resumed as of 2023/01/13. RA is once again increasing.
According to, Retrograde movement began October 30, 2022.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars movement will occur in months ahead.

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1. Viewed 2022/10/13: Opposition will occur some time in December of 2022.  Per, the date is December 8, 2022.

This web site offers an online orrery view of the Solar System:

Sol 85 is in Month 4 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month  4 extends from Sol 85 through 112. <<== There are 28 days in Month 4. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details.
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 85 is Sunday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.   Sol 49 was a Skip Day on Mars. Next is near 86 of Year 38

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 37
Per Year 36 started 2021/02/07 on Earth. Mars Year 37 began 2022/12/27 on Earth.

Days of the Week Alignment:
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they also change when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
The next cycle began on the first Sol of the period of coincidence. The  alignment of weekdays interval is in the range: (310 - 337)
To find the first day of a period of coincidence: Set up: SearchTerm(colon) and (colon)Alignment and J0036* or J0037*
The most recent End-Of-Quarter change occurred: … The search specified above gave 11 pages of results.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insight's weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl*** <<-- Insight's mission is over (2022)

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Standard Month in Mars Business Calendar Copyright ® 2023 Mars Society
Su    Mo    Tu    We    Th    Fr    Sa
1       2      3      4      5      6      7
8       9    10     11    12    13    14
15    16    17     18    19    20    21
22    23    24     25    26    27    28

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 4 of 24 Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 4-6] (This month has 28 Sols)


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#2670 2025-02-08 07:02:51

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Place holder for today's Calendar update
Greenwich, UK 02/08/2025, 13:01:18 Europe/London
Object: Mars   (open sky map)
RA 07h 22m 57.2s Dec +26° 13' 16.6" Appar J2000
Mag: -0.97 (Estimated: JPL)  Const: Gemini
Sun Dist: 245,912,346 km [22.3 km/s]
Earth Dist: 107,799,198 km [10.5 km/s]

Martian Year:   
Martian Astronomical Month:   
Solar longitude Ls:   
Sol number:   


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#2671 2025-02-09 07:08:37

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0038/04/01 Sunday Days of the week offset 6 with Earth.  (count from Mars to Earth )
Sol 85 Business Month 4 << Skipdayonmars
Today on Earth: 2025/02/08 Saturday Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Aphelion occurred May 30, 2023 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html also see: for opposition/perigee/aphelion

Martian Year: 38  Martian Astronomical Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical  month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 041.1 Sol Number: 085  Change in degrees is +.4 Julian date is: J0038085 << Skipdayonmars
Solar Longitude: 040.7 Sol Number: 085  Change in degrees is +.5 Julian date is: J0038085
Solar Longitude: 040.2 Sol Number: 084  Change in degrees is +.4 Julian date is: J0038084

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.  Ls 0 is the moment when the Sun appears to transit from one hemisphere to the other.  Update from (The Sun crosses the equator of Mars (Vernal Equinox)). The transition itself is a function of the tilt of an object with respect to the Solar plane. Per, Hipparchus created the celestial coordinate system we use today.

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars as seen from Earth
Todo: At next Aphelion/Perihelion record the Mars data J00##### (and set Search term)
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 – Earth Date 2024/05/08 Next: (estimated) 2026/03/06
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2022/06/21 Next: (actual) 2024/05/08
Aphelion occurred at--- Ls 071 on Sol 152.  Aphelion Earth Dates: Earlier: 2017/10/07, 2015/11/20
Aphelion occurred near Ls 070 on Sol 153 (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Note on data below: The figure quoted after distance is a rate of progress along the orbital path [exact meaning to be determined]
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun.
The figure computed to the right of "Difference" is the rate of change of the distance to Sun. Increasing to Aphelion/Decreasing to Perihelion.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,912,346 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +097688 <= +4070 km/hour at 12 on 02/08 (time 12:00) (24 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,814,658 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +098940 <= +4123 km/hour at 12 on 02/07 (time 12:00) (24 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,715,718 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +099791 <= +4175 km/hour at 12 on 02/06 (time 12:00) (23.9 hours)

Observation: The sky view is ** filled ** with objects and some have been recorded and given identification by humans or their robot assistants
And! ** All ** the location assignments are from the perspective of Earth.  The entire catalog needs to be adjusted when inter-stellar travel begins
The work that lies ahead for the astronomical community is daunting - there is work ahead for centuries
2022/01/19 - All current (existing) stellar catalogs are computed with reference to the Earth.  Another civilization would use it's planet as reference.
Perhaps a Milky Way frame of reference will become necessary at some point. The Earth is as good a Zero point as any, for humans.

Note: Mars will go retrograde starting December 6, 2024 and continue through February 23, 2025.

=== Mars is in Retrograde movement as seen from Earth.
Next up: mini-Boomer above Mars HIP 35639 RA 07h 21m 15.6s – may remain in view for some time as retrograde movement slows and reverses
HIP 35664 below path Day 0 – Day 1 14 hours ahead – Day 2 past Mars -
Mars RA 07h 22m 52.5s – still moving West
Mars RA 07h 23m 45.7s – still moving West

Zoom Out Capability As a general observation ... I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view (Zoom out)
Update 2022/12/08 provides a large view of selected objects: Select [Major Bodies] Then select [Information] in the body of interest
Update 2022/12/08 Scroll down to (body) Position and Finder Charts. Field of view is 50x30 degrees.

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line heading left at a downward angle.
As of 2023/01/11, the curve of the path has returned to regular movement to the left border

Light travel time today is between 5 and 6 minutes. Communications delay would be 10+ minutes round trip.

Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/06 107,876,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/07 107,100,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/06 106,226,000 (increasing)

Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers. Estimated light times:
1:18, 2:36, 3:54, 4:72, 5:90, 6:108, 7:126, 8:144,9:162,10:180,11:198,12:216,13:234,14:252,15:270,16:288,17:306,18:324,19:342,20:360,21:378,22:396

Maximum Earth-Mars distance is estimated to be 401 million kilometers (both at apogee and opposite vs Sun) Minimum is about 56 million kilometers
Mars and Earth were in Opposition (Earth center)  in December of 2022.  The date coincided with a (very rare) occultation of Mars by the Moon.
Mars and Earth were in Conjunction (Sun center) in November of 2023.
Mars and Earth appear to have been as close as they will get in this cycle. 81,454,323 kilometers on J0036644 Time: 4.53 minutes - 9 minutes round trip

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Regular movement of Mars as seen from Earth resumed as of 2023/01/13. RA is once again increasing.
According to, Retrograde movement began October 30, 2022.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars movement will occur in months ahead.

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1. Viewed 2022/10/13: Opposition will occur some time in December of 2022.  Per, the date is December 8, 2022.

This web site offers an online orrery view of the Solar System:

Sol 85 is in Month 4 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month  4 extends from Sol 85 through 112. <<== There are 28 days in Month 4. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details.
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 85 is Sunday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.   Sol 85 was a Skip Day on Mars. Next is near 112 of Year 38

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 37
Per Year 36 started 2021/02/07 on Earth. Mars Year 37 began 2022/12/27 on Earth.

Days of the Week Alignment:
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they also change when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
The next cycle began on the first Sol of the period of coincidence. The  alignment of weekdays interval is in the range: (310 - 337)
To find the first day of a period of coincidence: Set up: SearchTerm(colon) and (colon)Alignment and J0036* or J0037*
The most recent End-Of-Quarter change occurred: … The search specified above gave 11 pages of results.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insight's weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl*** <<-- Insight's mission is over (2022)

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Standard Month in Mars Business Calendar Copyright ® 2023 Mars Society
Su    Mo    Tu    We    Th    Fr    Sa
1       2      3      4      5      6      7
8       9    10     11    12    13    14
15    16    17     18    19    20    21
22    23    24     25    26    27    28

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 4 of 24 Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 4-6] (This month has 28 Sols)


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#2672 2025-02-09 07:09:03

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Place holder for Sunday's Calendar

Greenwich, UK 02/09/2025, 13:00:01 Europe/London
Object: Mars   (open sky map)
RA 07h 22m 04.5s Dec +26° 13' 33.0" Appar J2000
Mag: -0.89 (Estimated: JPL)  Const: Gemini
Sun Dist: 246,008,537 km [22.3 km/s]
Earth Dist: 108,637,755 km [10.7 km/s]

Martian Year:   
Martian  Month:   
Solar longitude Ls:   
Sol number:   


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#2673 2025-02-09 09:01:29

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0038/04/02 Monday Days of the week offset 6 with Earth.  (count from Mars to Earth )
Sol 86 Business Month 4
Today on Earth: 2025/02/09 Sunday Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Aphelion occurred May 30, 2023 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html also see: for opposition/perigee/aphelion

Martian Year: 38  Martian Astronomical Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical  month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 041.5 Sol Number: 086  Change in degrees is +.4 Julian date is: J0038086
Solar Longitude: 041.1 Sol Number: 085  Change in degrees is +.4 Julian date is: J0038085 << Skipdayonmars
Solar Longitude: 040.7 Sol Number: 085  Change in degrees is +.5 Julian date is: J0038085

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.  Ls 0 is the moment when the Sun appears to transit from one hemisphere to the other.  Update from (The Sun crosses the equator of Mars (Vernal Equinox)). The transition itself is a function of the tilt of an object with respect to the Solar plane. Per, Hipparchus created the celestial coordinate system we use today.

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars as seen from Earth
Todo: At next Aphelion/Perihelion record the Mars data J00##### (and set Search term)
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 – Earth Date 2024/05/08 Next: (estimated) 2026/03/06
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2022/06/21 Next: (actual) 2024/05/08
Aphelion occurred at--- Ls 071 on Sol 152.  Aphelion Earth Dates: Earlier: 2017/10/07, 2015/11/20
Aphelion occurred near Ls 070 on Sol 153 (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Note on data below: The figure quoted after distance is a rate of progress along the orbital path [exact meaning to be determined]
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun.
The figure computed to the right of "Difference" is the rate of change of the distance to Sun. Increasing to Aphelion/Decreasing to Perihelion.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   246,008,537 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +096191 <= +4008 km/hour at 12 on 02/09 (time 12:00) (24 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,912,346 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +097688 <= +4070 km/hour at 12 on 02/08 (time 12:00) (24 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,814,658 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +098940 <= +4123 km/hour at 12 on 02/07 (time 12:00) (24 hours)

Observation: The sky view is ** filled ** with objects and some have been recorded and given identification by humans or their robot assistants
And! ** All ** the location assignments are from the perspective of Earth.  The entire catalog needs to be adjusted when inter-stellar travel begins
The work that lies ahead for the astronomical community is daunting - there is work ahead for centuries
2022/01/19 - All current (existing) stellar catalogs are computed with reference to the Earth.  Another civilization would use it's planet as reference.
Perhaps a Milky Way frame of reference will become necessary at some point. The Earth is as good a Zero point as any, for humans.

Note: Mars will go retrograde starting December 6, 2024 and continue through February 23, 2025.

=== Mars is in Retrograde movement as seen from Earth.
Next up: Star below path and 33 hours ahead: TYC 1913-93-1 RA 07h 19m 18.3s -
HIP 35639 RA 07h 21m 15.6s – Day 0 – Day 1 20 hours past
HIP 35664 below path Day 0 – Day 1 14 hours ahead – Day 2 past Mars – Day 3 – 30 hours past
Mars RA 07h 22m 00.6s – still moving West
Mars RA 07h 22m 52.5s – still moving West

Zoom Out Capability As a general observation ... I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view (Zoom out)
Update 2022/12/08 provides a large view of selected objects: Select [Major Bodies] Then select [Information] in the body of interest
Update 2022/12/08 Scroll down to (body) Position and Finder Charts. Field of view is 50x30 degrees.

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line heading left at a downward angle.
As of 2023/01/11, the curve of the path has returned to regular movement to the left border

Light travel time today is between 5 and 6 minutes. Communications delay would be 10+ minutes round trip.

Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/09 108,708,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/08 107,876,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/07 107,100,000 (increasing)

Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers. Estimated light times:
1:18, 2:36, 3:54, 4:72, 5:90, 6:108, 7:126, 8:144,9:162,10:180,11:198,12:216,13:234,14:252,15:270,16:288,17:306,18:324,19:342,20:360,21:378,22:396

Maximum Earth-Mars distance is estimated to be 401 million kilometers (both at apogee and opposite vs Sun) Minimum is about 56 million kilometers
Mars and Earth were in Opposition (Earth center)  in December of 2022.  The date coincided with a (very rare) occultation of Mars by the Moon.
Mars and Earth were in Conjunction (Sun center) in November of 2023.
Mars and Earth appear to have been as close as they will get in this cycle. 81,454,323 kilometers on J0036644 Time: 4.53 minutes - 9 minutes round trip

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Regular movement of Mars as seen from Earth resumed as of 2023/01/13. RA is once again increasing.
According to, Retrograde movement began October 30, 2022.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars movement will occur in months ahead.

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1. Viewed 2022/10/13: Opposition will occur some time in December of 2022.  Per, the date is December 8, 2022.

This web site offers an online orrery view of the Solar System:

Sol 86 is in Month 4 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month  4 extends from Sol 85 through 112. <<== There are 28 days in Month 4. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details.
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 86 is Monday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.   Sol 85 was a Skip Day on Mars. Next is near 112 of Year 38

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 37
Per Year 36 started 2021/02/07 on Earth. Mars Year 37 began 2022/12/27 on Earth.

Days of the Week Alignment:
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they also change when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
The next cycle began on the first Sol of the period of coincidence. The  alignment of weekdays interval is in the range: (310 - 337)
To find the first day of a period of coincidence: Set up: SearchTerm(colon) and (colon)Alignment and J0036* or J0037*
The most recent End-Of-Quarter change occurred: … The search specified above gave 11 pages of results.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insight's weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl*** <<-- Insight's mission is over (2022)

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Standard Month in Mars Business Calendar Copyright ® 2023 Mars Society
Su    Mo    Tu    We    Th    Fr    Sa
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15    16    17     18    19    20    21
22    23    24     25    26    27    28

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 4 of 24 Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 4-6] (This month has 28 Sols)


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#2674 2025-02-10 07:01:08

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Place holder for today's Calendar update

Greenwich, UK 02/10/2025, 13:00:01 Europe/London
Object: Mars   (open sky map)
RA 07h 21m 15.2s Dec +26° 13' 39.3" Appar J2000
Mag: -0.85 (Estimated: JPL)  Const: Gemini
Sun Dist: 246,103,479 km [22.3 km/s]
Earth Dist: 109,500,710 km [10.9 km/s]

Martian Year:   
Martian Astronomical Month:   
Solar longitude Ls:   
Sol number:   


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#2675 2025-02-10 13:46:00

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,592

Re: Martian Calender - I have created a martian calender...

Today on Mars: 0038/04/03 Tuesday Days of the week offset 6 with Earth.  (count from Mars to Earth )
Sol 87 Business Month 4
Today on Earth: 2025/02/10 Monday Earth Date) Post Title: Today on Mars   [Aphelion occurred May 30, 2023 Earth Calendar]

Per … _time.html also see: for opposition/perigee/aphelion

Martian Year: 38  Martian Astronomical Month in 12 month format: 2 <<== The Astronomical  month will increment when longitude reaches 60 degrees

Solar Longitude: 042.0 Sol Number: 087  Change in degrees is +.5 Julian date is: J0038087
Solar Longitude: 041.5 Sol Number: 086  Change in degrees is +.4 Julian date is: J0038086
Solar Longitude: 041.1 Sol Number: 085  Change in degrees is +.4 Julian date is: J0038085 << Skipdayonmars

Note that Solar Longitude measurement varies as a function of location in orbit.  Ls 0 is the moment when the Sun appears to transit from one hemisphere to the other.  Update from (The Sun crosses the equator of Mars (Vernal Equinox)). The transition itself is a function of the tilt of an object with respect to the Solar plane. Per, Hipparchus created the celestial coordinate system we use today.

Note#2:  This web site shows the astronomical position of Mars as seen from Earth
Todo: At next Aphelion/Perihelion record the Mars data J00##### (and set Search term)
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 – Earth Date 2024/05/08 Next: (estimated) 2026/03/06
Perihelion occurred at Ls 251 on Sol 485 - Earth Date 2022/06/21 Next: (actual) 2024/05/08
Aphelion occurred at--- Ls 071 on Sol 152.  Aphelion Earth Dates: Earlier: 2017/10/07, 2015/11/20
Aphelion occurred near Ls 070 on Sol 153 (per

Note#3: The computations below are dependent upon both the computations provided by the reference web site and by accuracy of recording of the time of observations.  The calculations use tenths of hours.  The Sun Distance needs to be captured at the moment the time increments to a given tenth.

Note on data below: The figure quoted after distance is a rate of progress along the orbital path [exact meaning to be determined]
Minus prefix means Mars is approaching the Sun.  Plus prefix means Mars is moving away from the Sun.
The figure computed to the right of "Difference" is the rate of change of the distance to Sun. Increasing to Aphelion/Decreasing to Perihelion.

Distance: Mars >> Sun per   246,103,479 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +094942 <= +3956 km/hour at 12 on 02/10 (time 12:00) (24 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   246,008,537 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +096191 <= +4008 km/hour at 12 on 02/09 (time 12:00) (24 hours)
Distance: Mars >> Sun per   245,912,346 km [22.3 km/s] Difference is +097688 <= +4070 km/hour at 12 on 02/08 (time 12:00) (24 hours)

Observation: The sky view is ** filled ** with objects and some have been recorded and given identification by humans or their robot assistants
And! ** All ** the location assignments are from the perspective of Earth.  The entire catalog needs to be adjusted when inter-stellar travel begins
The work that lies ahead for the astronomical community is daunting - there is work ahead for centuries
2022/01/19 - All current (existing) stellar catalogs are computed with reference to the Earth.  Another civilization would use it's planet as reference.
Perhaps a Milky Way frame of reference will become necessary at some point. The Earth is as good a Zero point as any, for humans.

Note: Mars will go retrograde starting December 6, 2024 and continue through February 23, 2025.

=== Mars is in Retrograde movement as seen from Earth.
Next up: Two mini-boomers HIP 35333 and HIP 35273 – Day 0 -
TYC 1913-93-1 RA 07h 19m 18.3s -  Day 1 just ahead of Mars
Mars RA 07h 21m 01.9s – still moving West
Mars RA 07h 22m 00.6s – still moving West

Zoom Out Capability As a general observation ... I've become increasingly interested in knowing what the larger view of the sky might be like.
The site: does a terrific job of matching the view from Earth towards Mars, against a background of actual astronomical plates.
I wish there were a way (or rather, I wish I ** knew ** about a way that may exist) to enlarge the view until the entire galaxy is in view (Zoom out)
Update 2022/12/08 provides a large view of selected objects: Select [Major Bodies] Then select [Information] in the body of interest
Update 2022/12/08 Scroll down to (body) Position and Finder Charts. Field of view is 50x30 degrees.

Note: The curve of the path of Mars as seen against the background of stars is now a line heading left at a downward angle.
As of 2023/01/11, the curve of the path has returned to regular movement to the left border

Light travel time today is between 5 and 6 minutes. Communications delay would be 10+ minutes round trip.

Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/10 109,743,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/09 108,708,000 (increasing)
Earth Distance in km: 2025/02/08 107,876,000 (increasing)

Light travel in one second is (about) 300,000 kilometers. The distance covered in one minute is about 18,000,000 kilometers. Estimated light times:
1:18, 2:36, 3:54, 4:72, 5:90, 6:108, 7:126, 8:144,9:162,10:180,11:198,12:216,13:234,14:252,15:270,16:288,17:306,18:324,19:342,20:360,21:378,22:396

Maximum Earth-Mars distance is estimated to be 401 million kilometers (both at apogee and opposite vs Sun) Minimum is about 56 million kilometers
Mars and Earth were in Opposition (Earth center)  in December of 2022.  The date coincided with a (very rare) occultation of Mars by the Moon.
Mars and Earth were in Conjunction (Sun center) in November of 2023.
Mars and Earth appear to have been as close as they will get in this cycle. 81,454,323 kilometers on J0036644 Time: 4.53 minutes - 9 minutes round trip

In his online interview with Dr. Zubrin at the 2020 Mars Conference, Elon Musk reminded the audience that communications with Mars will necessarily include an intermediary station to handle traffic when the Sun is between Mars and Earth.  Communications delays in that circumstance will increase due to the extra distance to be covered.  Mr. Musk indicated he expects such communication will be handled by laser.  Location would be optimum at poles of solar plane.

Regular movement of Mars as seen from Earth resumed as of 2023/01/13. RA is once again increasing.
According to, Retrograde movement began October 30, 2022.
The online solar system display at the link below shows clearly how the Mars movement will occur in months ahead.

This web site offers an online model of the solar system:  It requires Chrome 57, Firefox 52 or Safari 10.1. Viewed 2022/10/13: Opposition will occur some time in December of 2022.  Per, the date is December 8, 2022.

This web site offers an online orrery view of the Solar System:

Sol 87 is in Month 4 of a Proposed 24 month calendar. See Post 19 of Holidays topic for a summary.
Month  4 extends from Sol 85 through 112. <<== There are 28 days in Month 4. See post 82 of Holidays topic for current details.
Direct path to source: … 57#p154257
Sol 87 is Tuesday in the Proposed Business calendar for Mars.   Sol 85 was a Skip Day on Mars. Next is near 112 of Year 38

The Next New Year's on Mars will occur when Solar Longitude reaches 360 degrees. <<== The current year on Mars is 37
Per Year 36 started 2021/02/07 on Earth. Mars Year 37 began 2022/12/27 on Earth.

Days of the Week Alignment:
Days of the week fall behind Earth due to the longer Sol, but they also change when Friday is omitted at the end of a Quarter
337 Earth days were observed to elapse in the 2020 weekday cycle. There were 7 week day transitions and 2 Quarter ends.
The next cycle began on the first Sol of the period of coincidence. The  alignment of weekdays interval is in the range: (310 - 337)
To find the first day of a period of coincidence: Set up: SearchTerm(colon) and (colon)Alignment and J0036* or J0037*
The most recent End-Of-Quarter change occurred: … The search specified above gave 11 pages of results.

For current weather on Mars see:

   ***Insight's weather info has been suspended and now is directing to msl*** <<-- Insight's mission is over (2022)

Per SpaceNut: Here is another web page by NASA containing the latest news releases … ope=Latest

All forum members are invited to post significant events for this day.
Events of interest will be ON Mars, or relate to Mars. Examples are launches, landings, discoveries

Standard Month in Mars Business Calendar Copyright ® 2023 Mars Society
Su    Mo    Tu    We    Th    Fr    Sa
1       2      3      4      5      6      7
8       9    10     11    12    13    14
15    16    17     18    19    20    21
22    23    24     25    26    27    28

Recruiting text may be found at the bottom of this post: … 57#p154257

Month 4 of 24 Quarter 1 of 4 [Month 4-6] (This month has 28 Sols)


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