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#1 2020-11-25 16:23:59

From: New Hampshire
Registered: 2004-07-22
Posts: 29,451

Mars analog field simulation in the Dhofar region, Oman.


'Conscientiousness' key to team success during space missions


NASA is working towards sending humans to Mars by 2030. If all goes according to plan, the flight crew's return trip to the red planet will take about two-and-half years.

The study found that 'conscientiousness' is a key requirement for a crew to achieve its extraterrestrial tasks, outdistancing other potential traits like 'honesty,' 'humility,' 'emotionality,' 'extraversion,' 'openness' and 'agreeableness.'

"Conscientiousness, an individual personality trait, can be thought of as a pooled team-resource,"

Four-week AMADEE-18 analog space mission, which simulated a Mars environment featuring isolated and extreme conditions, the analog astronauts completed surveys assessing team conflict, team performance and stress levels.



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#2 2025-02-04 20:48:54

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,342

Re: Mars analog field simulation in the Dhofar region, Oman.

This topic was created by SpaceNut .... for whatever reason, no one posted a comment.

I tested the link to the report today (early 2025) and it still works.

The expedition was organized by folks from Austria.

The web site seems professionally done, and the evidence I see on the site is that the expedition was well funded and carried out.

I'm wondering if the buildings constructed to simulate a Mars campsite might still be there.

If anyone is curious, here is the link to the site:



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#3 2025-02-05 19:14:26

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,342

Re: Mars analog field simulation in the Dhofar region, Oman.

To my complete surprise, the web site that SpaceNut found years ago is not only still active, it is reporting on current research...

05. December 2024: Telomeres can change within days

Surprising Outcome of Mars Analog Mission AMADEE-24 Scientists are uncovering new insights into how isolation in simulated space environments can affect human cellular health. In a recent study conducted as part of the Austrian Space Forum’s (OeWF) AMADEE-24 Mars mission […]
29. August 2024: ESA’s first Ground Based Facility in Austria

Austrian Space Forum will operate ESA’s Vertical Treadmill Facility to simulate different gravity levels on Earth On August 29th, 2024, the Austrian Space Forum (OeWF) together with ESA reserve-astronaut Dr. Carmen Possnig, who represented ESA, introduced the Vertical Treadmill Facility […]

The Vertical Treadmill Facility is another surprise.



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