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#126 2025-02-04 10:40:49

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,344

Re: Void Postings

For Void re Jupiter's Realms topic...

First, thanks for bringing this topic of yours back into view...

I went back and reread the first set of 25 posts, and noted the generally good quality of contributions...

At one point, you said something about axial tilt, and I find the subject to be of interest in the context of a tidally locked object.

I said (at the time) that I thought the axial tilt of a moon that is tidally locked to a planet (like Jupiter) would be the same as Jupiter.

Today, I realized that my idea was incorrect, for the simple reason that the orbiting moon moves around the planet, and the axis of rotation remains 90 degrees perpendicular to a line to the center of the planet.

I found something that may come from quora, which means it may be wrong, or it might be right.

No! By definition, a tidally locked body always faces one spot at the body it is tidally locked to. The planet in this case rotates around the same axis as the orbit. There can be no axial tilt because that's the definition of being tidally locked.

Dec 26, 2023

How does axial tilt affect a tide-locked planet? - Quora › How-does-axial-tilt-affect-a-tide-locked-planet
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If there is a NewMars member who can shed light on this question, it would be helpful.

I see some room for an axial tilt in the case of a tidally locked object.  A science fiction writer is reported to have used this possibility to imagine a world whose inhabitants see the Sun rise and fall on the horizon. 

If a NewMars member can find examples of tidally locked objects with an axial tilt that would be helpful.

A good place for something like that might be the Orbital Mechanics topic.



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#127 2025-02-04 12:09:12

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 8,059

Re: Void Postings

Try this: … ed-worlds/

We could probably purposely tidally lock a shell of the type that Calliban might promote.

Ending Pending smile

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#128 2025-02-04 12:45:11

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,344

Re: Void Postings

For Void re #127

Thanks for providing the link to that study by IsaacArthur!

As usual, the animation is terrific.

The Sun bobbing up and down was presented in the context of an elliptical orbit with eccentricity.

That's a bit different from axial tilt, but I think the appearance would be similar.



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#129 2025-02-06 22:10:37

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,344

Re: Void Postings

For Void re topic title suggestion....

This is to let you know your suggestion of a change to the title of the new topic on salt is received.

The title can certainly be changed, at any time.

If you are willing to engage with me, I'd like to explore how we might proceed.

It is possible we have different objectives, and perhaps the different objectives might be achieved with a new topic.

Here are the two opening versions:

Salt Deposits on Mars within Water on Mars


Salt and Water resources on Mars and other worlds.

My intention in creating a new topic about salt was NOT to stimulate discussion, but instead, to inspire members to collect actual knowledge so that a future reader might benefit from the collection.

There might well be a greater need and demand for a new topic to stimulate discussion that is not limited to Mars, but instead considered the entire Solar system.

A reader of such a topic might be looking for entertainment?   I'm not sure what would draw a reader into that title, but perhaps there is something?

However, it seems to me such a topic needs to be placed outside of a category called "Water on Mars".

Do we need a new category for the Solar System?  Now that we "own" the forum software, we might be able to create such a category, if it could be justified.

We would need to convince the Admins of the need for a new category.   A sound argument might help to ease that process.



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#130 2025-02-07 09:50:23

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 8,059

Re: Void Postings

You can do what you want.  I have move the post to: … 56#p229656

Have a good day.

Last edited by Void (2025-02-07 10:02:41)

End smile


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#131 2025-02-13 13:05:39

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,344

Re: Void Postings

For Void re self-driving cleaning machine... … 69#p229769

Thanks for this report!   I hope other NewMars members will report similar observations!

I'm glad to know that the machine was able to detect your presence.

Here's a (somewhat related) item from science fiction ... an author imagined stepping in front of a self-driving car as a way of calling the police.

I think that makes sense, although I don't know if that capability yet exists.



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