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#1 2025-01-15 11:11:44

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,223

Mars Economy: Build SPS and ship to Earth for Rent income

In the formal SPS topic, Calliban added a post with a suggestion for earning substantial income for the Mars enterprise. … 20#p229120

As Calliban develops his ideas, the advantage of LMO for manufacture of SPS systems seems attractive, compared to the Lunar equivalent.

In his post, Calliban refers to the competition between Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos.

I asked Google about this, and found a thoughtful analysis of why Jeff Bezos fell so far behind Musk.

Apparently it has to do with organizing the activity of the company... The methods that worked well at Amazon were not successful at Blue Origin. The author of the piece suggested that the difference is in part due to the differences between computer coding and rocket science.

In any case, Bezos has revised his thinking, hired a real CEO, and the company is doing a bit better.



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#2 2025-01-15 11:44:37

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,223

Re: Mars Economy: Build SPS and ship to Earth for Rent income

This post is reserved for an index to posts that may be contributed by NewMars members over time.

The economic potential of Calliban's idea seems significant.  There are a ** lot ** of details to be worked out.

The customer on Earth needs to supply a rectenna field if microwaves are used, and other technology if higher wavelengths are used.



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