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#1 2024-12-24 08:08:06

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 8,002

Transportation systems on Mars, including canals.

The moderators can ask me to redo this some other way, but I stumbled upon something that seems to validate some of the wilder ideas I have previously considered.

Canals: … &FORM=VIRE

The Lost Underground Freight Canal | Exploring 131 Feet Below Ground by Boat
6 days ago

In general, I consider that canals could be created between the regolith of Mars and slabs of ice above it.

The thing about this is you could transport water, below the water line and air, above the water line.  You then also could float boats on it, and if it were your desire you could farm in the water.  That could be the use of lights, or chemicals.

I know that the idea of canals is sort of associated with bizarre thinking as per Mars due to very old astronomical claims of canals on Mars:

But the Video indicates that moving freight on water on Mars is not necessarily a foolish idea.

Such canals might link various settlements, if those were on some of the giant slabs of ice.

Ending Pending  smile

Canoes would probably be a good watercraft, as such may be portaged with machines between water filled lengths of tunnels.  Image Quote: 450px-Shooting_the_Rapids_1879.jpg

So, as big as that, but maybe smaller as well. … y-mro.html

"It extends down to latitudes of 38 degrees. This would be like someone in Kansas digging in their backyard and finding ice as thick as a 13-story building that covers an area the size of Texas and California combined," Bramson said.

So, that is pretty big.

And there is ice the size of Holland in Candor Chaos.  I don't know what the subsurface features of that are though.

Ending Pending smile … d-on-mars/

Massive, deep deposits of ice found on Mars
Researchers studying the eroded edges of ridges on Mars have found that substantial deposits of water ice exist just a few feet below martian surface, reaching over 300 feet thick in some areas.
By Jake Parks | Published: January 11, 2018 | Last updated on May 18, 2023

Image Quote: scarp2.jpg

Last edited by Void (2024-12-24 08:34:39)

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#2 2024-12-24 09:07:30

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,173

Re: Transportation systems on Mars, including canals.

This post is reserved for an index to posts that may be contributed by New Mars Members over time.

The opening video is about a canal tunnel built in Europe in the 1800's.  I was impressed by how much physical labor went into building that set of tunnels.

The economics must have justified the investment, and all that labor.

I scanned through the very similar topic created by Tom Kalfus.  It veered off topic instantly.

The topic title here is so wide ranging that this topic can go off in any direction.

However, if members so choose, this topic could become a repository of knowledge and insight about how an underground tunnel system might work on Mars.

One difference between the 1800's era European venture and the equivalent Mars structure is that all that labor will be performed by robots.

The only technical question that I can see ahead for discussion, is what temperature might be available below the surface on Mars.

My understanding is that we humans do not yet have any direct temperature readings more than some short distance down.

It would actually be advantageous if the water in the tunnel were to freeze, because travel could be much faster by sliding over the ice rather than gliding through the water as was done in the European example.

A consideration is the relative  benefit of moving material above ground, and investing all the effort to make an underground system on Mars.

The advantage of radiation protection is an argument in favor of the underground network.



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#3 2024-12-24 09:20:45

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 8,002

Re: Transportation systems on Mars, including canals.

You have some interesting points (th).  Indeed, I anticipate that for Mars a canal tunnel boat could have sled runners on it.  If we have water though, we can use electric motors to propel the craft.  To slide on ice, the propulsion mechanism might be a bit more tricky.

The temperatures in the tunnels would be lower than freezing or perhaps just a bit above freezing.  If humans were to travel the tunnels, they would likely be in a special boat with heat, and other supportive equipment.

There would probably be battery charging stations on frequent intervals.  Power being ported down from the surface.  Such places would allow a mechanism that could lift a boat out of the water sideways, to allow a boat traveling in a different direction to pass.

But yes, I would allow for the boat sleds to travel in water or on manicured ice.

When thinking of lift mechanisms, it is important to remember that Mars only has a .38 gravity.

Boat lifts are a thing that was worked out in the past: … boat-lifts

I think it is important to downsize our methods to similar to the earlier industrial age method, while allowing for our current technological library of tricks.  Trying to do industry at the scale we do in 2024, is probably too large a scale.

We have to have an early more miniature plan, to start the industrial engines on Mars.

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Last edited by Void (2024-12-24 09:29:31)

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#4 2024-12-24 11:59:39

Registered: 2011-12-29
Posts: 8,002

Re: Transportation systems on Mars, including canals.

Spur tunnels might be only ice that might be melted, perhaps by a laser.  But main tunnels might be having water in them as it would serve as aqueduct to the settled areas.

Of course the "Wet" tunnels would be much higher maintenance.

But the spur tunnels might be dug in hopes of encountering an ore body.  If one were found then the tunnel might be upgraded.

Avoiding the need for wheels all the time could well be worth it for bulk cargo.

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Last edited by Void (2024-12-24 12:01:11)

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