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#1 2022-04-17 09:41:35

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,206

Drill Technology - Microwave - Traditional - Others

For SpaceNut .... there were no topics containing the word "microwave"

This new topic is offered for those who might wish to contribute knowledge, experience or links to articles or videos about use of microwaves to drill material.

Update 2024/03/25 - Expanded topic to include all technologies for drilling

This is ** NOT ** a topic for discussion of laser drilling.

If a topic for laser drilling is needed, then one should be created.

Laser devices operate (as a general rule) in the optical wavelengths.

By definition, microwave devices (eg, masers) operate in the longer microwave spectrum.

This topic was inspired by a comment posted below a "Let's Have A Think" video presentation.

The comment reported that microwaves may be able to excavate material from a drill site.

This topic is offered for posts that might support or falsify that notion.



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#2 2022-04-17 09:42:40

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,206

Re: Drill Technology - Microwave - Traditional - Others

Index: … 94#p227694
Post by Terraformer on drilling through soil vs rock

For SpaceNut (and all who might be interested)...

Here is a preliminary Google Search ...

The Microwave Drill implementation may utilize a conventional 2.45GHz magnetron, to form a portable and relatively simple drilling tool. The drilling head consists of a coaxial guide and a near-field concentrator. The latter focuses the microwave radiation into a small volume under the drilled material surface.

Drilling into Hard Non-Conductive Materials by Localized Microwave ... › viewdoc › download

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Is Quaise for real?
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What is drilling technology?

Rock, drill bit, microwave: Paul Woskov explores a new path through ... › News
Apr 13, 2016 · The high-temperature pressures of microwaves could be used to break apart rocks for mining, or excavate rock to create tunnels and canals. It ...

Disruptive drilling technology to help geothermal power the world › disruptive-drilling-technology-to-help-geother...
Jun 18, 2021 · U.S. based technology startup Quaise Energy is looking at disrupting the geothermal sector with a completely unique drilling technology that ...

Microwave Drilling System Melts Rock to Unleash Limitless ... › news › 162400-Microwave-Drilling-System-Melts-Roc...
Feb 21, 2020 · A new drilling technology using millimeter electromagnetic waves could open up virtually limitless stores of geothermal energy from beneath the ...

[PDF] Microwave drilling - European Space Agency › gsp › ACT › doc › ARI › ARI_study_14-9301
Such low power levels can be achieved by more compact solid-state generators [3]. Miniaturized versions of a drill using this technology have in fact already ...

You Can Have Geothermal Power Everywhere If You Drill Deep ... › News › Treehugger Voices
Feb 23, 2022 · Learn more about a new technology that drills with microwaves and can go down 12 miles to where the real heat is.

The mechanism of microwave rock breaking and its potential ... › science › article › pii
Jan 10, 2022 · Original Paper. The mechanism of microwave rock breaking and its potential application to rock-breaking technology in drilling.

New Drill Uses Microwaves To Make Holes - Scientific American › article › new-drill-uses-microwaves
Oct 21, 2002 · Researchers have fashioned a microwave drill using parts found in common kitchen appliances. According to a report published in the current ...

Energy from the earth, for the earth | MIT Technology Review › 2021/12/17 › energy-from-the-earth-for-the...
Dec 17, 2021 · But drilling so deep—two to 12 miles underground—is expensive and ... “It's like the magnetron in your microwave oven, but much more ...

Microwave-Drill Technology - Impact Lab › 2006/02/12 › microwave-drill-technology
Feb 12, 2006 · laser drilling is too expensive for many routine engineering jobs, whereas the microwave drill costs little more than a mechanical one.

Micro Hole Drilling - Potomac Laser
Trust The Experts, ISO Certified. Call Potomac for Your Next Project! Fast Turnaround. Small Hole Drilling. 30+ Years Of Experience. Unmatched Capabilities.
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If anyone has the time and energy to investigate further, I'd sure like to see what might be possible using microwaves to liberate atoms from hard material.

The specific case of the terrain near McGregor., Texas, is of particular interest.

Microwave (or laser for that matter) drilling involves liberating of individual atoms, as compared to hardended blade excavation, which attempts to remove batches of material at a time.



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#3 2022-04-17 10:02:36

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Drill Technology - Microwave - Traditional - Others

I believe a while back some people at the ESA looked at the drill and people at NASA or linked to the US Space Agency looked at Microwaves in regard to drilling through the Surface of Europa. I forget what the news article or paper was but I remember some far out fringe ideas have been discussed for possible use in exploration of Europa, Titan and Enceladus. The scientific culture at MIT comes up with concepts all the time, I  will try find the ESA link.

Microwaves have been looked at as a form of propulsion and analysis of whether the EM Drive with a cavity resonating at microwave frequencies reported "thrust force" and whether it is a real propulsion effect that can be used for space applications,

some old websites are now 404 or missing links, perhaps some kind of copyright thing or patent is a type of intellectual property claim might be happening?

'The Microwave Drill' … index.html

if you go to some of these websites today you get a blank page

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"The Future of Geothermal Energy – Impact of Enhanced Geothermal Systems importance of developing an economical deep geothermal boring technology. With current boring technologies, bore price rises exponentially with depth. Thus, finding a boring technology with which the bore price rise would be approximately linear with increasing bore depth is an important challenge.'

We present a drilling method that is based on the phenomenon of local hot spot generation by near-field microwave radiation. The microwave drill is implemented by a coaxial near-field radiator fed by a conventional microwave source.

and … 950331.pdf

If any of our peeps at Tel Aviv University have been noticing some suspicious holes around the campus lately, here's your culprit. It seems some researchers at the university have created a microwave drill that can easily bore holes through concrete, glass and other materials without leaving so much as a trace of dust left behind. It works by heating up the material to a toasty 2,000 degrees Celsius (over 5,400 degrees Fahrenheit), which softens the material enough for a metal rod to be pushed through it. Like any good death ray, however, the microwave drill has its weaknesses. For starters, the beam is unable to penetrate steel or sapphire, and there's also the small issue of microwave radiation, which could have some nasty consequences for the poor soul stuck operating the drill. … h-ray.html

The Europeans studied Microwave drills in the new era of creating variety of new robotic explorers NASA Curiosity, ExoMars, Rosette/Philae and JAXA robots ... ExoMars however seems in trouble because of the sanctions against the War in Ukraine and it was a joint mission with the Russians

ESA found


The main benefits of a microwave-assisted drill are:
- Lowered risk of a jammed drill
- Compact (conventional 2.45GHz Magnetron or solid state)
- Cheaper than high-energy lasers
- Dust free
- Quiet operation


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ESA study in PDF

An alternative method that has been proposed is drilling by localized microwave energy . The principle of a microwave (MW) drill is to concentrate microwave radiation (e.g. 2.45GHz) into hard non-conductive materials (see figure 1). … 4-9301.pdf

Experiments on basalt rocks, which are similar in composition as what is expected from rocks on the Mars/Moon surface, show that it is possible to melt surrounding materials when the power density is sufficiently high

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2022-04-17 10:08:58)


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#4 2022-04-17 10:09:36

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,206

Re: Drill Technology - Microwave - Traditional - Others

For Mars_B4_Moon re #3

Thanks ** very ** much for giving this new topic a strong boost!

I would ** really ** like to be able to show GW Johnson (who still uses a slide rule) that modern drilling technology can deal with Texas regolith, from squiggly clay through tooth breaking rock.

The key (as your post reports) is adequacy of the power supplied to the drill head.

However, a means of removing liberated material must be part of the technology, so I'm hoping our members will be able to investigate ** that ** part of the operation.



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#5 2023-12-21 08:53:23

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,206

Re: Drill Technology - Microwave - Traditional - Others

This topic has been quiet for a while.  A member of the Knowledge forum recently wrote a simple explanation of the benefits of microwave drilling compared to traditional rotating-drill-head mechanical drilling.  I've invited the writer to prepare a version of the explanation for NewMars. 

This topic is available for members to add contributions to help to explain the advantages and disadvantages of microwave drilling vs traditional drilling.



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#6 2023-12-21 09:16:40

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,206

Re: Drill Technology - Microwave - Traditional - Others

I decided to try Microsoft's CoPilot to see if it can find out the status of microwave drilling .... The result seems to show how the system is designed to work, but updates seem to be limited.


Microsoft Copilot is powered by AI, so surprises and mistakes are possible. Please share feedback so we can improve!
what is status of microwave drilling developed by mit

Searching for: microwave drilling MIT

Generating answers for you…

Quaise Energy, a spinoff from MIT, is pioneering a groundbreaking technology that harnesses microwaves instead of conventional drilling equipment to delve deep into the Earth’s surface and unlock geothermal potential worldwide. Their innovative approach involves creating geothermal wells by vaporizing rock to form the world’s deepest holes. These wells could potentially provide carbon-free energy for millions of years, significantly reducing our reliance on fossil fuels12.

Here’s how it works:

Quaise Energy employs a microwave-emitting device called a gyrotron, which has been used in research and manufacturing for decades.
The company aims to retrofit existing coal and gas power plants into deep geothermal wells using this technology.
By directing high-powered microwave beams at rock, they create holes that can tap into the Earth’s heat.
Quaise Energy’s ambitious timeline aims to begin harvesting energy from a pilot well by 2026.
While there are still engineering challenges to overcome, the underlying technology is commercially available and holds promise for a sustainable energy future1.
Imagine a future where abandoned power plants are revitalized, operating carbon-free, and powered by the very rocks beneath our feet. It’s a vision that combines scientific ingenuity with environmental stewardship, and it’s one we can be optimistic about1.

Learn more


please find a technical presentation that explains how the system works, suitable for a mechanical engineer.
Searching for: technical presentation microwave drilling geothermal system mechanical engineer

Generating answers for you…

Certainly! Here’s a technical presentation that delves into the fascinating world of millimeter wave technology for deep geothermal drilling. As a mechanical engineer, you’ll appreciate the innovative approach and scientific rigor behind this groundbreaking system:

Title: Deep Geothermal Drilling Using Millimeter Wave Technology
Date: Presented on April 24, 2013
Objective: To further develop millimeter wave (MMW) radiation technology for drilling and lining/casing wellbores by melting and ablation/vaporization of rocks.
Challenges Addressed:
New technology for a difficult application.
MMW never used on reflective materials (e.g., rocks).
Understanding transmission fluids above ambient conditions.
MMW-generated rock melt as a sealing liner.
Water impact on MMW power.
Drilling systems needed for MMW drilling.
MMW can potentially reduce Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) well costs by:
Efficiently drilling (at 3X rates) and lining the wellbore simultaneously.
Creating mono-bore primary wells from surface to EGS depth.
Offering directional and microbore capabilities for improved heat mining.
MMW has greater cost savings potential than microwave, lasers, and conventional systems for EGS/geothermal.
Scientific/Technical Approach:
Build and bench test a full MMW system (including isolators, wave guides, and mode converters) that can melt rocks.
Compression test MMW rock melts to study their strength and properties in forming a sealing liner.
Evaluate the above tests and compare to theoretical predictions.
Consider other key elements of MMW drilling/lining as full systems, not just components.
Design and test key components of an MMW system.
Accomplishments and Progress:
Designed, built, and tested a 10-kilowatt, 28 GHz gyrotron, waveguide assembly, reflected power isolator, and measurement system.
Developed a new isolator for reflected power protection.
Brainstorming produced preliminary findings for an MMW drilling/lining system with a goal of 1 megawatt for commercial systems.
Casing/lining while MMW drilling or post-drilling lining may be performed.
Vision: Imagine a future where abandoned power plants are revitalized, operating carbon-free, and powered by the very rocks beneath our feet1.
Feel free to explore the presentation for detailed insights into this cutting-edge technology! ???

Learn more


Remember to give credit to the original source (the technical presentation) by including the link provided. Happy posting! ??

There are links provided in case a NewMars member has the time (and the energy) to investigate further.



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#7 2023-12-21 09:25:49

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,206

Re: Drill Technology - Microwave - Traditional - Others

I went back for an update since 2013:

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A few moments ago you kindly provided an overview of microwave drilling that was current in 2013.  I have posted that result for readers of a technical forum, and I am back to ask for updates since 2013.  Has the technology been used at all since 2013? It is a dead end?
Searching for: microwave drilling technology updates since 2013

Generating answers for you…

Certainly! Since 2013, there have been notable developments in microwave drilling technology. Let’s explore the progress:

Quaise Energy’s Microwave Drilling Technique:

Quaise Energy has been working on a groundbreaking approach to geothermal energy using microwave drilling. Their goal is to produce steam hot enough to power electric generators originally designed for fossil fuels.
The technique involves injecting water down to depths of 10–20 kilometers (6.2–12.4 miles) where the rock temperature reaches 400 to 500°C.
The motivation behind drilling into extremely hard basement rock is to make geothermal electric power more affordable by producing high-quality steam.
Geothermal power has been underutilized due to the scarcity of locations with the right combination of hot rock, water, and permeability. Quaise aims to change that by creating steam for repowering older plants connected to major power grids.
The microwave beam can handle small amounts of water encountered during drilling, vaporizing it effectively. However, drilling into large water-filled faults with high permeability is unlikely in deep basement rock1.
MIT’s Research on Millimeter-Wave Energy:

Quaise is replacing conventional drill bits with millimeter-wave energy, which can melt and vaporize rock to create deeper holes.
Scientists at MIT demonstrated that millimeter waves could drill holes in basalt, a type of volcanic rock2.
Gyrotron Technology:

Quaise’s drilling systems center around a microwave-emitting device called a gyrotron, which has been used in research and manufacturing for decades3.
In summary, microwave drilling has evolved beyond science fiction. While challenges remain, the technology continues to be explored and refined, offering promising avenues for sustainable energy production. It is certainly not a dead end, but rather an area of ongoing research and innovation4.

Your answer seems to be entirely composed of marketing hype. Where has the technology been used in actual sites? What are the results?
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I apologize if my previous response came across as overly optimistic. Let’s delve into the practical applications and results of microwave drilling technology:

Pilot Projects and Field Trials:

While microwave drilling is still in the experimental phase, there have been some pilot projects and field trials.
One notable example is the Quaise Energy’s project in Iceland. They have been testing microwave drilling for geothermal energy extraction. Iceland, with its abundant geothermal resources, provides an ideal testing ground.
In this project, they drilled into hard rock formations using microwave technology to create steam for electricity generation. The results are promising, but it’s essential to note that this is still a relatively small-scale endeavor.
Challenges and Limitations:

Microwave drilling faces several challenges:
Energy Efficiency: Generating microwaves requires significant energy input, which affects overall efficiency.
Rock Properties: The effectiveness of microwave drilling depends on the specific rock type. Some rocks absorb microwaves better than others.
Depth: As we go deeper, the microwave energy dissipates, limiting its penetration.
Cost: Developing and implementing microwave drilling systems can be expensive.
These challenges need to be addressed for widespread adoption.
Research and Ongoing Efforts:

Research institutions, including MIT, continue to explore microwave drilling. Their focus is on improving efficiency, safety, and scalability.
The goal is to make microwave drilling a viable alternative to conventional methods.
Commercial Viability:

As of now, microwave drilling has not been widely adopted in commercial drilling operations. However, the potential benefits (such as reduced environmental impact and faster drilling) continue to drive interest.
The industry is closely monitoring developments, and we may see more real-world applications in the future.
In summary, while microwave drilling is not yet commonplace, it remains an area of active research and experimentation. Practical implementation faces technical and economic challenges, but progress is being made toward making it a viable option for energy and resource extraction .

Thank you! This assessment is much more realistic. How many years do you think it will take before the technology is ready for large scale deployment?
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Predicting the exact timeline for large-scale deployment of microwave drilling technology is challenging. However, I can offer some insights based on current trends and ongoing research:

Short-Term (1–5 years):

In the next few years, we can expect further advancements in microwave drilling efficiency, safety, and reliability.
Pilot projects and field trials will continue, providing valuable data and feedback.
Research institutions and industry players will collaborate to address technical challenges.
Medium-Term (5–10 years):

If progress continues, we may see more widespread adoption in specific geothermal-rich regions.
Companies will invest in refining microwave drilling systems and making them economically viable.
Regulatory approvals and environmental assessments will play a crucial role in determining deployment feasibility.
Long-Term (10+ years):

Large-scale deployment will depend on overcoming remaining hurdles:
Energy Efficiency: Innovations to reduce energy consumption during microwave drilling.
Cost-Effectiveness: Achieving competitive costs compared to conventional methods.
Infrastructure: Developing robust drilling rigs and associated equipment.
If these challenges are successfully addressed, microwave drilling could become a mainstream technique.
Remember that technological adoption is influenced by various factors, including funding, policy support, and market demand. While I cannot provide an exact timeline, continued research and collaboration will shape the future of microwave drilling.

Thank you for your sober assessment.
Generating answers for you…

You’re welcome! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Have a great day! ?



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#8 2023-12-21 09:29:04

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,206

Re: Drill Technology - Microwave - Traditional - Others

This article is from 2022 ... it includes images showing holes in rocks

MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Enter keywords to search for news articles:
Tapping into the million-year energy source below our feet
MIT spinout Quaise Energy is working to create geothermal wells made from the deepest holes in the world.
Zach Winn | MIT News Office
Publication Date:June 28, 2022



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#9 2024-03-25 11:13:54

Registered: 2018-04-27
Posts: 20,206

Re: Drill Technology - Microwave - Traditional - Others

The article at the topic below reports on advances in drilling technology for Mars ... … 17551.html

The equipment (apparently) tries to deal with ice frozen regolith .... That is likely to be the nature of the problem at Mars.

Drilling for water ice on Mars: How close are we to making it happen?
Leonard David
Sun, March 24, 2024 at 11:00 AM EDT·6 min read

A yellow tinted four-wheeled rover with to blue cylindrical tanks stands on a rusted red surface.

Things are looking up for digging deep on Mars. Progress is palpable on how best to extract subsurface ice to generate drinkable water, rocket fuel and other useful resources on the Red Planet.

But boring down from the topside of Mars to reach available icy reservoirs is no slam dunk.

Tackling that challenge is the company Honeybee Robotics, which calls its approach the RedWater concept.

Related: Mars ice deposits could pave the way for human exploration

Dual purposes
a yellow hexogonal box with grey trimming and a handle on the side. a grey drill stretches down from the bottom.

a yellow hexogonal box with grey trimming and a handle on the side. a grey drill stretches down from the bottom.

RedWater has proven to be the right architecture for deep drilling on Mars," said Kris Zacny, vice president of the exploration technology group at Honeybee Robotics in Altadena, California.

Zacny said that RedWater can serve dual purposes, drilling for scientific exploration and water mining. "It's a win-win. We are at a position where this technology can be infused into [the] next Mars missions," he told

Recent revelations about subsurface water ice on the Red Planet mesh well with RedWater.

Glacier ice
Over the years, data gathered by Mars orbiters has revealed that a third of the Martian surface contains ice near the surface, as well as more deeply buried ice sheets.

For example, earlier this year, observations by the European Space Agency's Mars Express probe suggested that layers of water ice stretch several miles below ground in some places on the planet.

Adding to the Mars ice story is this month's report at the 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference of a previously unseen volcano.

The new research speculates that, beneath that greatly eroded feature, glacier ice is likely still present, preserved near the surface in a relatively warm equatorial region on Mars.

Related: The search for water on Mars (photos)

End-to-end testing
inside a chrome enclosure with blue piping and a tall water tank at one end.

Meanwhile, Honeybee technologists have recently completed end-to-end testing of a RedWater system in the company's cold chamber, said Joey Palmowski, a systems engineer at the company.

That work was undertaken through a NASA Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships (NextSTEP-2) grant, Palmowski told

The RedWater system utilizes two proven terrestrial technologies, already put into action in support of polar operations in both Greenland and Antarctica. They are coiled tubing that unspools from the surface into underlying ice, and what's termed the Rodriguez Well, or "RodWell" concept.

RodWell is a method of melting a well in subsurface ice and pumping the liquid water to the surface.

To cut to the chase: Water ice in the form of debris-covered glaciers or ice sheets, perhaps hundreds of meters thick, has been detected and mapped in the mid-latitudes of Mars. That's a favorable spot for a future human expeditionary outpost.

Nathaniel Putzig is associate director and senior scientist at the Planetary Science Institute's office in Lakewood, Colorado.

As co-lead of the Subsurface Water Ice Mapping (SWIM) on Mars project team, Putzig and colleagues are busy charting the location and depth of mid-latitude ice on Mars.

They're now wrapping up a third phase of the SWIM work, which explicitly aimed to help establish targeting priorities for the prospective International Mars Ice Mapper (I-MIM) mission concept.

a grey landscape is marked with a semi-round geographical phenomenon.

A radar-carrying orbiter, the I-MIM is a projected NASA undertaking in partnership with the Italian space agency, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), and the Canadian Space Agency to develop an ice-scouting Mars orbiter.

I-MIM's key goal is to characterize the extent and volume of water ice in the mid- and low-latitude regions of the planet.

Putzig said he senses that NASA and the other international partners are anxious to pursue the I-MIM mission.

Nevertheless, there has been significant budget uncertainty regarding the endeavor, Putzig observed, certainly on the NASA side and perhaps with other agencies as well.

"This makes it difficult for the international partners to finalize their agreements and begin actively designing and building the mission hardware and instruments," Putzig noted.

Wanted: lateral and vertical data
There are uncertainties within present-day datasets, Putzig said, so more research — and especially new orbital radar sounding capabilities — are needed at Mars.

Once in hand, that information can definitively identify and characterize buried ice at landing-site scales for broad regions across the mid-latitudes of Mars, Putzig added.

"That said, one could in principle send landed missions to higher latitudes or to locations where fresh impacts have exposed ice and be assured of encountering ice in the subsurface using a drill without first acquiring that additional data," said Putzig. "However, even for such locations, the lateral and vertical extent and concentration of the ice will remain poorly constrained without new instruments."

Hard facts
a skinny silhouette of a mars lander with a slender arm raised and bent to the right. a dim sun sets behind a rusted horizon.

Drilling even 1 meter (3.3 feet) into ice can be difficult, explained Isaac Smith, an associate professor at York University in Toronto, Ontario. He's also a senior scientist at the Planetary Science Institute, headquartered in Tucson, Arizona.

Such drilling on Earth requires loads of thermal or electrical power and a lot of human power. "It's especially hard when the ice is much colder than minus 40 degrees Celsius (minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit), like all ice on Mars," Smith said.

That was found to be the case with the NASA Phoenix Mars lander mission in 2008, said Smith. The legged stationary spacecraft plopped down on the planet farther north than any previous mission, at a latitude equivalent to that of northern Alaska, then scooped up Martian soil and checked for — and found — water ice.

"That ice-cemented soil [at the Phoenix lander locale] is really hard to dig in, but anyone who lives in Canada during winter knows not to go digging in a backyard when the ground is frozen," Smith pointed out.

Frozen in time

— Water ice buried at Mars' equator is over 2 miles thick

—  Strange underground polygons on Mars hint at Red Planet's wet past

— Mars Express orbiter suggests evidence of ancient microbial life, water and volcanism on Red Planet

Carefully sampling any ice on Mars would yield a bonanza of science returns, Smith said.

"Polar ice can give you a detailed record of climate history; mid-latitude ice can become a resource for future space exploration and is the next frontier for seeking life on Mars," Smith advised. "Just as getting rock samples can provide clues to Mars' early history, ice will give us clues to Mars' recent history."

All good news, but reaching depths of tens of meters or more is a big task, Smith said. Doing so is very energy intensive, he said, and requires a lot of human intervention, even on Earth.

"For the foreseeable future, it will have to be done by robots on Mars, probably over long periods, requiring extra levels of robustness, which adds cost, and some power source that we don't have yet," Smith said. "It's feasible in the long term, and Honeybee Robotics is probably the company to build it."



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#10 2024-04-20 02:12:44

Registered: 2006-03-23
Posts: 9,776

Re: Drill Technology - Microwave - Traditional - Others

Analyses of Low-Power Microwave Drilling of Stainless Steel … 23-08470-8

and in other news and articles
the Microwave electrothermal thruster … sions/1358

maybe it can be improved but MET has relatively low thrust and MET ranks lower than most electrostatic thrusters such as ion thrusters

China unveils ‘world’s first’ Stirling engine-cooled microwave weapon … ave-weapon
Chinese researchers have reportedly developed a high-powered microwave weapon cooled by a Stirling engine.

The science of US Naval powers

Navy to test microwave weapon on vessel by the end of 2026: report … 026-report

Advances in Microwave Energy Transmission, Conversion and Applications … plications

Microwave-powered rocket propulsion gets a boost … 105540.htm
Researchers explore the possibility of launching rockets using a high-power beam of microwave radiation

the Microwave-Powered Rocket Propulsion Gets a Boost … 40100.html
Tsukuba, Japan—Sending a rocket into space typically requires about 90% of the rocket's initial weight to be fuel. This limitation could be overcome by wirelessly transmitting the needed power to the rocket through a beam of microwave radiation. A research team from Japan has investigated the viability of using such microwave-powered propulsion for real-world applications.
In a study published this month in the Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, researchers led by the University of Tsukuba have demonstrated wireless power transmission via microwaves for a free-flying drone and determined the efficiency of this process.
Previous analyses of this kind were carried out decades ago and mostly considered microwaves of a low frequency (a few gigahertz; GHz). Given that the power transmission efficiency increases as the operating frequency is raised, the team behind this latest research used microwaves with a relatively high frequency (28 GHz). The team's drone weighed roughly 0.4 kilograms and hovered for 30 seconds at a height of 0.8 meters above the source of the microwave beam.

is any of it free? the Microwave that background noise of the Universe is very weak but if it could be collected and beamed it's present even where all other power sources would be unavailable, you would have to cool down your machinery and then you may only get one single Watt of 'free' energy?

Different definition on true Microwave, some say the range between 1 and 100 GHz wavelengths between 30 cm and 3 mm or between 1 and 3000 GHz,  boundaries between far infrared, and ultra-high-frequency radio (UHF) somewhat foggy, it depends on what science subject you stand on and look out from the definition of Microwave somewhat 'arbitrary'


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#11 2024-11-05 05:26:21

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,943

Re: Drill Technology - Microwave - Traditional - Others

The Op is about drilling (well, partly blasting) through rock. But many places where we would like to tunnel, both on and off earth, involve building tunnels in soil, which requires supports to be built either as we go or before hand. I haven't found anything about the application of microwaves in this case, even though they've been considered as a way to sinter lunar souls to produce infrastructure.

If sufficient heat could be applied in the right location, a temporary structure could be sintered through the soil, which could then be excavated. Most applicable in clay soils, where the temperature requirements are lower and the brick produced AFAIK is stronger, but potentially doable in sand and gravel soils too, such as those found south of the Thames. Heat could be delivered via microwaves, but also direct heating elements - - bricks are fired at a temperature comfortably below the melting point of steel, so steel rods could perhaps be rammed through the soil before running high currents through them to heat the surrounding clay. Sand and gravel would be harder, but even then it might be an option - - perhaps graphite? The heating elements would be sacrificial, so they have to be cheap and disposable. With microwaves, a combination with a tunnelling shield could work. Sinter the tunnel a metre or so ahead, excavate it, move forward, and repeat.

I don't expect the tunnels produced to be used as is, but it would make the installation or construction of a permanent structure far easier.

Use what is abundant and build to last


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#12 2024-11-05 11:24:48

Registered: 2015-01-02
Posts: 7,999

Re: Drill Technology - Microwave - Traditional - Others


Can this tech be used to case drilled sections of wells without having to bring in concrete?

For example, can you "melt" the previously excavated materials, sort of like "man made magma", to form a hard glassy "casing" to support the well bore?


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#13 2024-11-05 15:36:51

From: The Fortunate Isles
Registered: 2007-08-27
Posts: 3,943

Re: Drill Technology - Microwave - Traditional - Others

Perhaps? I don't think anyone has tried it yet, I haven't found anything to suggest that (a fair amount about using heat to break rock though). Probably wouldn't need to go so far as melting; as I said, there are proposals to use microwaves to sinter lunar dust for structures, so I expect that would be enough here. If its clay its just firing, something we've done for at least tens of thousands of years.

I think clay brick has enough strength to go down 100m as a tunnel lining? It's at least as strong as concrete.

Boreholes would be the adjacent possibility for this technique. Smaller scale projects, less damage if things go wrong, strong enough demand for 100m ground source heat pumps to drive innovation. And a lot more demand if it can bring the costs down dramatically.

Use what is abundant and build to last


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