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Spent the day, journeying up north to see the grandson from Texas as he is here for another 5 days before leaving to go back home.
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Welcome back from your journey Up North!
The forum is perking along nicely.
Calliban just added an interesting new topic about machinery on the Moon.
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For SpaceNut
Just a reminder... the Mars Society server went down » Fri Jul 14, 2023 3:22 pm
We are still running with old software. We have completed steps toward upgrading to current software, but the work is not yet complete.
It is now well over a year since the outage that took the Mars Society and NewMars offline.
I am hoping we can complete the upgrade from FluxBB 1.5.11 to 1.5.12 soon.
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Post from cellphone as computer is dead until the weekend when I have time
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OK SpaceNut ... the weekend has arrived.
Hoping you are able to bring your computer back online.
I'm looking forward to more news of the pallet construction project you've undertaken.
I visited my local hardware yesterday, and noticed they have a stack of pallets outside from previous bulk deliveries.
It is possible those are still there from planting season, or perhaps they are new for the fall/winter stock.
Update a bit later: Just for fun, I asked Google about pallet recycling, which is the business you are venture into...
In the area where I live there are two (possibly three) companies large enough to either have their own web site or rate a post in Yelp.
As you make your rounds collecting pallets for your project, you are also making contacts for a possible business venture.
There may already be a pallet recycling business in your area, but it might tend to be located near larger metro areas.
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For SpaceNut ...
Hopefully you'll be back online today, if time permits.
I'm looking forward to more news of your pallet project, and whatever else is going on that can be shared with the world wide audience.
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Finally got a few minutes before it got dark and a bit of part swapping, I am back and online.
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For SpaceNut re #3657
Glad to hear the good news, and am looking forward to more news of the pallet project.
It is possible you received the emails regarding the FluxBB upgrade, so (I'm hoping) you are up to date on our improved situation.
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For SpaceNut ...
It's good to see your computer is back online, and that you are posting again...
Today is a fine fall day in our region, and hopefully the same is true up your way. I'll be watching for news of your efforts to make usable wood pieces out of the pallets you have collected.
I am still hoping you will like the idea of making pillars out of the 4x4x4 blocks that are used to separate the layers of pallets. You can make strong pillars for a larger building with a heavy roof, by nailing short side boards to a stack of blocks. The blocks can hold up against any compression load you may decide to impose, and the side boards will provide lateral strength to the extent wind loads on the side of the structure require it.
If you have 9 4x4x4 blocks per pallet, then the stack of those 9 should total 36 inches, and three pallets would give you 9 feet of post elevation.
If you decide to make a post just for fun, I'd definitely be interested to see what your handiwork looks like.
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For SpaceNut re Potholes Scan...
The last potholes scan ws performed 2024/06/03. Stopping point was 224000
The pothole scanning machine is back up today, 2024/09/13.
The most recent post is this one. I'll schedule today's scan to cover 224001=225000.
This post is 226497.
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For SpaceNut re potholes scan ... the pothole scanning machine had it's own dedicated Ethernet connection.
The run was uneventful. The Internet was smooth as glass.
Four potholes showed up:
I'll schedule the run from 225001 through 226000 tomorrow.
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For SpaceNut re potholes scan ... A scan of 225001-226000 is under way.
Update after the run ended... This was another successful scan.
The Internet was smooth as glass this evening, and all day long while the scan program looked at 1000 posts.
Once again we had four potholes out of 1000 posts:
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For SpaceNut re Azure keep-alive script....
Just FYI .... the pothole scan script appears to have caused damage to the posts table. I'll have to research what his failure is, what caused it, and how to deal with it.
In the mean time, the rest of the FluxBB software and tables appear to be OK, so I've adapted the potholes scan to perform a ping on the Azure web site every 30 seconds. This version should be very low overhead, since all it does is to call up the Rules page and then returns to the index page.
I set it to run for 2880 cycles, so it should be running tomorrow morning.
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For SpaceNut re Azure keep-Alive script. The script reached 288 cycles of the 24 hour request for 2880 cycles.
The system seems to be handling the pings as intended, and the Azure applications seem to be responding in a "normal" fashion.
I'm planning to investigate the damaged postings table later today.
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For SpaceNut re Azure environment
Things seem to be operating more smoothly now that the swap file is permanent. The ping script was chugging along and had reached 1405 cycles when I rebooted the Linux kernel, after performing system updates manually, instead of letting the automated process do the work.
Interesting (from my perspective) is that rebooting the kernel did not knock out the connection from the ping script, but it did cause MySQL to go offline, and ** that ** caused the ping script to fail. The ping script is back running and it should be good for another full day.
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I have sad news to let all on the forum that know of my wife's conditions as she has passed today with her 3 sons that live still at home while I was away at work.
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For SpaceNut re #3666
I am saddened to learn of the loss of your wife and life companion of so many years!
My sympathy goes to all the members of your family who treasure her memory.
I hope that family and friends will gather to provide the support you need to deal with this difficult time!
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My condolences on the loss of your wife.
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My sincere condolences for your loss of your wife. I know what you are feeling, as I lost mine 7 years ago and it still seems like yesterday.
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My condolences on the loss of your wife.
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Very sorry to hear that, Harold. Anything I can do?
GW Johnson
McGregor, Texas
"There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew, especially one dead from a bad management decision"
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For all .... SpaceNut joined over 20 years ago: 29,417 posts 2004-07-22 Registered
I'm wondering if we might dedicate this upcoming Google Meeting to a listening session, for whatever SpaceNut might want to share with us, as he prepares for the events of coming days.
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For SpaceNut and RobertDyck ... thanks again for stopping by during the weekly Google Meeting!
For SpaceNut .... As I understand your plans, Monday was set aside for official events.
When you get a free moment, please let us know how things went.
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For SpaceNut ....
As the weekend has arrived, and before the hurricane reaches New Hampshire, I'm hoping you can find time to report a little bit about recent events in your household.
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Bought burial plots Monday which didn't include opening and closing which happened today. I am quite tired but I think she would have been happy. They didn't find out full term baby girl but moved her headstone next to her grave. Son from Texas got here late last night due to change in connector flight redirect. Spent time yesterday in the rain continuing the shed build with son that came down from Littleton.
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